Now showing items 2680-2699 of 9431

      Huserlovo shvatanje temporalnosti kao aktivnosti subjekta [1]
      Hussain Pasha Kavanoszâde, Belgrade Muhafiz And Mutessarif оf the Smederevo Sanjak (1827–1833) [1]
      Husserl’s Understanding of Temporality as a Reflection of Active Subject [1]
      Hygiene and uncertainty in qualitative accounts of hepatitis C transmission among drug injectors in Serbia [1]
      Hygienic and sanitary conditions in the prisons of the Principality and Kingdom of Serbia: a historical overview [1]
      Hylomorphic Interpretation of Descartes’s Notion of the Union of Mind and Body [1]
      Hyperborea in Serbian Archaeology [1]
      Hypothetical conflict situations with friends and peers [1]
      I enjoy hurting my classmates: On the relation of boredom and sadism in schools [1]
      I know, therefore I do: Knowledge about HPV and willingness to vaccinate [1]
      I performed well? I must be the cause! The effect of feedback quality on self-serving biases [1]
      I trust my immunity more than your vaccines: “Appeal to nature” bias strongly predicts questionable health behaviors in the COVID-19 pandemic [1]
      I. M. Djordjević, Studije srpske srednjovekovne umetnosti, Belgrade 2008 [1]
      Icon of the Holy Mandylion and representation of multi-layered visual identity of Bozidar Vukovic [1]
      Iconographic program of the oldest wall paintings in the church of the Virgin Peribleptos at Ohrid. A list of frescoes and notes on certain program particularities [1]
      Iconographic program of the oldest wall paintings in the church of the virgin Peribleptos at Ohrid: A list of frescoes and notes on certain program particularities [1]
      Iconostasis of the Synod Church in Sremski Karlovci [1]
      Icons Of Maria Angelina Doukaina Palailologina [1]
      Icons of Maria Angelina Doukaina Palailologina [1]
      Idea of freedom in Hegel and Schopenhauer [1]