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Adult play: Does a computer game educate during leisure?

dc.creatorKačavenda-Radić, Nada
dc.creatorNikolić-Maksić, Tamara
dc.creatorLjujić, Bojan
dc.description.abstractOd njihove pojave sredinom prošlog veka, kompjuterske igre karakteriše stalni rast kako u kvantitativnom tako i u kvalitativnom smislu. Danas se govori o posebnoj industriji sa velikim, pre svega, ekonomskim konsekvencama. Primarni cilj ovog rada je da se osvetli obrazovna dimenzija kompjuterske igre kao aktivnosti slobodnog vremena odraslih. U radu se traga za odgovorima na nekoliko pitanja: Šta je kompjuterska igra odraslih? Specifikacija je zahtevala pozicioniranje u širi kontekst igre odraslih. U čemu su i kakve su njene obrazovne mogućnosti i specifičnosti kao aktivnosti slobodnog vremena? Odgovor je nametnuo potrebu povezivanja obrazovne dimenzije ove igre sa savremenim teorijama slobodnog vremena odraslih. Šta obuhvata širi okvir značaja kompjuterske igre u životu odraslih? Naši nalazi proizilaze iz promišljanja kompjuterske igre kao jedne od osobenih aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu odraslih, ali i kao specifične vrste igre. Pokazalo se da prema mnogim karakteristikama koje poseduje, kompjuterska igra ne samo da ima motivaciono obrazovno dejstvo nego, između ostalog, može da predstavlja pravo obrazovno okruženje za odraslog čoveka. Stoga, kao deo moderne kulture, zaslužuje andragošku pažnju, a naučno pozicioniranje nalazimo u izuzetno aktuelnom pokretu tzv.
dc.description.abstractSince its appearance at the middle of the last century, computer games are characterized by constant growth, both in quantity and in quality. Today, we talk about a separate industry with large economic consequences above all. The primary goal of this article is to shed a light on educational dimension of computer games as part of the activities during leisure time for the adults. What are its educational possibilities and specificities as part of leisure? The answer to this question imposed the need to connect educational dimension of these games with contemporary theories of adult leisure. What is the wider significance of computer games in the life of adults? Our findings are derived from the perspective of a computer game as one of the special activities in adult leisure, but also as a specific kind of a game. The result show that based on many characteristics it has, a computer game can also be motivational, and among other things can represent the real educational environment for an adult person. Therefore, as part of the modern culture, it deserves attention of andragogists, while scientific position is found in exceptionally attractive movement of the so called edutainment.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179060/RS//
dc.sourceAndragoške studije
dc.subjectslobodno vremesr
dc.subjectobrazovanje odraslihsr
dc.subjectkompjuterska igrasr
dc.subjectigra odraslihsr
dc.subjectcomputer gamesen
dc.subjectadult playen
dc.subjectadult educationen
dc.titleIgra odraslih - da li kompjuterska igra obrazuje u slobodnom vremenu?sr
dc.titleAdult play: Does a computer game educate during leisure?en
dc.citation.other(2): 147-169



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