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Criterion referenced knowledge tests in the function of external evaluation and self-evaluation of the school performance

dc.creatorBlagdanić, Sanja
dc.creatorKartal, Vesna
dc.description.abstractU radu se analizira i obrazlaže uloga kriterijumskih testova znanja, odnosno standardizovanih procena učeničkih postignuća, u ostvarivanju konstruktivne interakcije između spoljašnjeg vrednovanja i samovrednovanja rada škole, kao i sumativne i formativne funkcije vrednovanja. U prvom delu smo pokušali da problemski sagledamo ulogu kriterijumskih testova u potvrđivanju validnosti samovrednovanja, motivisanju škola za sprovođenje samovrednovanja i podržavanju samovrednovanja u funkciji unapređivanja kvaliteta obrazovnog rada. U drugom delu rada su moguće primene kriterijumskih testova razrađene i ilustrovane na primeru projekta 'Izrada godišnjeg testa za ispitivanje učeničkih postignuća na kraju četvrtog razreda osnovne škole za predmet Priroda i društvo' Zavoda za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja. Nastojali smo da pokažemo kako se analize obrazovnih postignuća učenika, zasnovane na nastavnim sadržajima, nivoima postignuća ili vrsti kompetencija mogu koristiti kao polazna osnova za školsko razvojno planiranje i kontinuirano unapređivanje svakodnevne nastavne prakse u gotovo svim područjima (samo)
dc.description.abstractThe focus of the article is on the role of criterion referenced knowledge tests (CRKT), i.e. standardized evaluation of students' attainments, in creating constructive interaction between external evaluation and school performance self-evaluation, as well as on summative and formative functions of evaluation. In the first part we tried to critically analyze the roles of CRKT in the confirmation of the validity of self-evaluation, in enhancing the motivation of the school to conduct self-evaluation and in supporting self-evaluation in the function of enhancing the quality of educational work. The second part of the article offers possible applications of CRTK-s elaborated and illustrated by an example of the project 'Development of final annual tests for evaluating the students' achievements in the subject Nature and Society at the end of the fourth year of elementary school' of the Institute for Quality Education. We tried to show how the analyses of the students' educational achievements, based on curricular contents, levels of attainment or types of competencies can be used as a starting point for the school's developmental planning and continual enhancing of everyday teaching practice in almost all areas of (self)-evaluation.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179020/RS//
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectspoljašnje vrednovanjesr
dc.subjectpriroda i društvosr
dc.subjectkriterijumski testovisr
dc.subjectnature and societyen
dc.subjectexternal evaluationen
dc.subjectcriterion referenced testsen
dc.titleKriterijumski testovi znanja u funkciji spoljašnjeg vrednovanja i samovrednovanja rada školesr
dc.titleCriterion referenced knowledge tests in the function of external evaluation and self-evaluation of the school performanceen
dc.citation.other61(3): 520-533



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