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Contribution of various factors in establishing connections between the pupils' habits, learning techniques and their school achievement

dc.creatorMirkov, Snežana I.
dc.creatorOpačić, Goran
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se utvrde veze navika i tehnika učenja sa školskim postignućem učenika. Instrumentima sastavljenim posebno za potrebe ovog istraživanja - Inventarom navika i tehnika učenja i testovima znanja iz biologije i matematike, koji mere reprodukciju, razumevanje i primenu stečenih znanja U ispitano je 399 učenika (207 dečaka i 192 devojčice) VIII razreda beogradskih osnovnih škola. U analizu su uključeni i podaci o opštim intelektualnim sposobnostima, polu i školskom uspehu učenika, kao i zanimanju roditelja. Kanonička analiza kovarijanse pokazala je da postoje relativno jake veze između ispitivanih skupova varijabli, koje se ostvaruju putem dva para kvazikanoničkih faktora, jednog globalnog (Kompetentnost U Faktor generalnog školskog postignuća); i jednog specifičnog (Stavovi prema biologiji - Uspeh u biologiji). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da su stavovi prema ispitivanim nastavnim predmetima i opšte intelektualne sposobnosti od primarnog značaja za školsko postignuće. Slede samostalnost u učenju i osećanje kompetentnosti za učenje, a zatim pozitivan odnos prema školi i praćenje
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research was to establish the connection between the pupils' learning habits and techniques and their school achievement. 399 pupils (207 boys and 192 girls) attending 8th grade of Belgrade primary schools were tested by instruments prepared especially for the research: Inventory of Learning Habits and Techniques and Biology and Mathematics Knowledge Tests measuring reproduction, comprehension and usage of the acquired knowledge. The analysis included data on pupils' general intellectual capabilities, sex, school accomplishment and their parents' occupation. Canonic covariance analysis showed relatively strong connection between the tested groups of variables obtained by two pairs of quasicanonic factors, one global factor (Competence - General School Achievement Factor) and one specific factor (Attitudes toward Biology - Accomplishment in Biology). On the basis of the obtained results it can be concluded that the attitudes toward the tested educational subjects and the general intellectual capability are of principal significance for school achievement. They are followed by the independence in learning and the feeling of competence for learning and then by positive attitude toward school, regular attendance to and the attention at the classes.en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectstavovi prema nastavnim predmetimasr
dc.subjectškolsko postignućesr
dc.subjectnavike i tehnike učenjasr
dc.subjectschool achievementen
dc.subjectlearning habits and techniquesen
dc.subjectattitude to educational subjectsen
dc.titleDoprinos različitih faktora u ostvarivanju veza između navika i tehnika učenja i školskog postignuća učenikasr
dc.titleContribution of various factors in establishing connections between the pupils' habits, learning techniques and their school achievementen
dc.citation.other30(3): 181-196



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