Now showing items 517-536 of 823

      Racial Science and Marrism: Controversial Ideas in Yugoslavian Archaeology [1]
      Radiocarbon chronology of Middle and Upper Paleolithic sites in Serbia, Central Balkans [1]
      Radiocarbon test for demographic events in written and oral history [1]
      Rame uz rame: zajednice vatinske kulture u Banatu [1]
      Rani neolit u Srbiji - kulturno hronološki odnosi [1]
      Ranosrednjovekovna sahrana žene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u istočnoj Srbiji [1]
      Ranosrednjovekovni nalazi iz Prilipca kod Požege [1]
      Ranovizantijski kandelabr iz Viminacijuma - 100 godina kasnije [1]
      Razvoj keramike u srednjem neolitu i hronološki sistemi starčevačke kulture [1]
      Re-evaluating Old Archeological Evidence to Yield Exciting New Potential: the Medieval Castle of Petrus (Central Serbia) [1]
      Recepcija prošlosti u helenističkom periodu: ugledanje, kopiranje i kolekcionarstvo [1]
      Reception of the Past during the Hellenistic Period: Models, Copies and Collections [1]
      Reconstruction of palaeoenvironment and ancient human activities at Obrovac-type settlements (Serbia) using a geochemical approach [1]
      Reconstruction of two mother-infant dyads and obstetrical consequences of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition: A case study from Lepenski vir and Vlasac (Serbia) [1]
      Rediscovering Old Finds? Notes on the Bronze Age Graves with Amber in Western Serbia [1]
      Refleksivna priroda arheološkog zaključivanja : studija slučaja korpusa helenističkih nalaza u Srbiji [1]
      Refleksivno mišljenje - zamena za analogiju? - primer debate o antičkoj ekonomiji [1]
      Reflexive thinking: A substitute for analogy?: An example of a debate on ancient economy [1]
      Relationship between health and social status in Bronze Age culture Maros: necropolises Mokrin and Ostojićevo [1]
      Remarks on Funerary Practice of Late Hallstatt Srem/Syrmia Group, Northern Serbia [1]