Now showing items 178-197 of 852

      Eros, seksualnost i tanatos [1]
      Eros, sexuality and tanatos [1]
      Erotic freedom in the philosophy of Georges Bataille [1]
      Erotska sloboda u filozofiji Žorža Bataja [1]
      Error theory: How we came to be bamboozled by our own words? [1]
      Estetički pojmovi, objektvnost i vrednovanje : uloga ukusa u Siblijevoj estetici [1]
      Estetska dimenzija i erotski kvalitet - o dometima Markuzeove zamisli [1]
      Esthetic dimension and erotic quality: On the extension of Marcuse's concept [1]
      Etička analiza savremenih teorija kazne : između utilitarističkog i retributivnog opravdanja kazne [1]
      Eudaimonia, Pleasure and the Defeat of Particularity [1]
      Europe is dead on the philosophy of liberation of Enrique Dussel [1]
      Evolucioni model empatije - imaju li ne-ljudski primati gradivne blokove morala? [1]
      Evropa je mrtva - o filozofiji oslobođenja Enrike Dusela [1]
      Experimental Philosophy vs. Standard Philosophical Procedure in Analytic Epistemology [1]
      Experimenter's regress argument, empiricism, and the calibration of the large hadron collider [1]
      Explanation in biology: the synthetic theory of evolution and the evolutionary developmental biology [1]
      Explanations, mechanisms, and developmental models: Why the nativist account of early perceptual learning is not a proper mechanistic model [1]
      Exploring, expounding & ersatzing: a three-level account of deep learning models in cognitive neuroscience. [1]
      Expressivism as normative social functionalism: Wittgenstein and Sellars [1]
      Extended cognition [1]