Now showing items 256-275 of 1042

      Gde se dede treći klasik? Analiza citiranosti Marksovih, Veberovih i Dirkemovih radova u časopisu Sociologija 1959-1996 [1]
      Gender and economic inequalities: trends in feminist economics and sociology at the centre and semi. Periphery of the global knowledge production system [1]
      Gender aspects of public urban space (analysis of the names of Belgrade streets) [1]
      Gender aspects of the access to economic resources within teritorialization processes: Research in the region of Zlatibor [1]
      Gender perspective in migration studies [1]
      Generacija R - iz perspektive mladih [1]
      Generacijski sukob - društvena konstrukcija i/ili stvarnosti [1]
      Generation gap: Social construction and/or reality [1]
      Generation W: From the young people's perspective [1]
      Gentrification as socio-spatial phenomenon of contemporary city:sociological analysis of the concept [1]
      Global economic crisis: Sociological perspective [1]
      Global financial interests: The role of IMF in starting and fighting a Asian financial fire in 1997 [1]
      Global neoconservative turn [1]
      Global-local knowledge exchange and the emergence of translocal spaces in the city: the case of Belgrade [1]
      Globalizacija - proces i/ili projekat [1]
      Globalizacija i gradovi [1]
      Globalizacija na Balkanu - zona slobodne trgovine i perspektive privlačenja krupnih institucionalnih investitora na domaće tržište kapitala [1]
      Globalization and cities [1]
      Globalization in the Balkans: Free trade agreement and the perspectives of attracting large institutional investors on the domestic capital market [1]
      Globalization: Process and/or project [1]