Приказ резултата 244-263 од 1042

      Franz Boas' Postulate of the Warfare Origin of Secret Societies and Myths about the "Culture Hero" and the "Trickster" in North America [1]
      Frederick II and the crisis of legitimacy of the traditional monarchy [1]
      Free trade agreement in South-East Europe and investment funds importance for underdeveloped financial markets [1]
      French revolution in the early works of Ernst Moritz Arndt [1]
      Fridrih II i kriza legitimiteta tradicionalne monarhijske vlasti [1]
      Frncuska revolucija u ranim delima Ernsta Morica Arnta [1]
      From the editor [1]
      Fuller's theory of war and the changes in the concepts of warfare in the second half of XX century: The rise of 'creative' war [1]
      Fullerova teorija rata i promene u konceptima vođenja rata u drugoj polovini XX veka - nastanak 'kreativnog' rata [1]
      Fundamental uncertainty and Keynes' probability theory [1]
      Fundamentalna neizvesnost i Keynesova teorija verovatnoće [1]
      Futile revanchism and democracy on some parallels between French Third republic and post-Milošević Serbia [1]
      Gde se dede treći klasik? Analiza citiranosti Marksovih, Veberovih i Dirkemovih radova u časopisu Sociologija 1959-1996 [1]
      Gender and economic inequalities: trends in feminist economics and sociology at the centre and semi. Periphery of the global knowledge production system [1]
      Gender aspects of public urban space (analysis of the names of Belgrade streets) [1]
      Gender aspects of the access to economic resources within teritorialization processes: Research in the region of Zlatibor [1]
      Gender perspective in migration studies [1]
      Generacija R - iz perspektive mladih [1]
      Generacijski sukob - društvena konstrukcija i/ili stvarnosti [1]
      Generation gap: Social construction and/or reality [1]