Приказ резултата 1092-1111 од 1660

      REKBT i telesna dismorfija [1]
      Relacije između etnocentrizma i nacionalne vezanosti [1]
      Relacije seksualnog ponašanja i osobina ličnosti u kontekstu polnog dimorfizma [1]
      Relating Rational and Experiential Thinking Styles With Trait Emotional Intelligence in Broader Personality Space [1]
      Relation between intelligence and processing speed of words in Serbian [1]
      Relations between ethnocentrism and national attachment [1]
      Relations Between Lexical and Biological Perspectives on Personality: New Evidence Based on HEXACO and Affective Neuroscience Theory [1]
      Relationship between electrocardiogram-based features and personality traits: Machine learning approach [1]
      Relationship between emotional reactivity to visual stimuli and basic personality traits [1]
      Relationship between epistemological beliefs and motivational orientation among high school students [1]
      Relationship between online and offline civic participation [1]
      Relationship between pain-coping strategies, catastrophizing to pain and severity of depression [1]
      Relationship between secularly defined spiritual experiences and two different measures of religiousness [1]
      Relationship of motivation for motherhood with some sociodemographic variables and gender identity [1]
      Relationships between sexual behavior and personality in the context of sexual dimorphism [1]
      Relativism: A demon roaming through science [1]
      Relativizam: bauk koji kruži naukom [1]
      Reliability, construct and criterion-related validity of the Serbian adaptation of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) [1]
      Religijske kompetencije psihologa koji se bave psihoterapijom u Srbiji [1]
      Religious competencies of psychologists who practice psychotherapy in Serbia [1]