Приказ резултата 1264-1283 од 1654

      Students' opinions on online classes of English: Possibilities and limitations [1]
      Studije novinarstva [1]
      Stvaralačke aktivnosti adolescenata [1]
      Subjective experience of architectural objects: A cross-cultural study [1]
      Subjective experience of poetry: Latent structure and differences between experts and non-experts [1]
      Subjektivni doživljaj slika koje pripadaju različitim slikarskim pravcima XX veka [1]
      Subtypes of homicide offenders based on psychopathic traits [1]
      SUnStAR IO1: Literature Review and Conceptualization [1]
      Supplementary data for article: Radanović, A.; Micić, I.; Pavlović, S.; Krstić, K. Don’t Think That Kids Aren’t Noticing: Indirect Pathways to Children’s Fear of COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology 2021, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.635952. [1]
      Support for collective action against refugees: The role of national, European, and global identifications, and autochthony beliefs [1]
      Support for the measures in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of political ideology [1]
      Survey of the approaches to authoritarianism and similar phenomena [1]
      Sve/i smo mi majke - Ana Vilenica (ur.): Postajanje majkom u vreme neoliberalnog kapitalizma, uz)bu))na))), Beograd, 2013 [1]
      Svetsko javno mnjenje o svetskoj ekonomskoj krizi [1]
      Svetsko javno mnjenje – koncept i empirijska provera [1]
      Symmetrical social relation as a factor in conservation tasks [1]
      Symmetry, complexity and perceptual economy: Effects of minimum and maximum simplicity conditions [1]
      Širina geopolitičkih identifikacija i evroskepticizam u Evropi i na Balkanu [1]
      Školski faktori povezani sa osipanjem iz osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja u Srbiji - kvalitativno istraživanje [1]
      Šta figuriše u shvatanju figurativnog - individualne razlike u razumevanju književnih metafora [1]