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Wealth in transition - conceptualization of wealth in case of two new entrepreneurs in Knjaževac Region

dc.contributorКовач, Сенка
dc.creatorЕрдеи, Илдико
dc.description.abstractУ раду су представљени концепти богатства два књажевачка нова предузетника као илустрација концептуалне промене која је део сложеног транзицијског кретања у коме се налазе србијанско друштво и култура. Грађа је прикупљена теренским истраживањем, у два наврата, током 2002. и 2003. године. Циљ рада је да укаже на потребу критичког односа према изучавању процеса транзиције, који се показује као много сложенији процес него што су то претпостављале прве генерације теоретичара као и да обезбеди емпиријску грађу за такву критику.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper explores concepts of property and wealth in the case of two new entrepreneurs in Knjaževac region in Southern Serbia, with an emphasis on their definitions of the ways property and wealth are best accumulated and distributed, as well as on their consumption practices. The research attempts to illustrate conceptual change as part of the complex transitional trajectory Serbian society and culture are going through. The material used in this analysis was collected during fieldwork conducted in 2002. and 2003. in Knjaževac and surrounding villages. The aim of this paper is to point to the need for articulation of a more scrupulous and critical approach to the study of transitional processes, which turned out to be a more complex and more dynamical process than previously suggested. Furthermore, this paper should provide empirical data for the grounding of such a critique. In the first part of the paper, some critical notions of the concept of transition are outlined, and the main points of theoretical and methodological alternatives in anthropology presented. Biographical accounts of the entrepreneurs follow, focusing on the issues of accumulation of initial capital, new business and family relations, and relations with the community. Analysis is directed towards differences between the entrepreneurs as functions of their different social, cultural, economic and political positions in the society. In concluding remarks, it is suggested that conceptualisation of wealth could be used as means of reflection on important cultural and social issues, such as humanity, reciprocity, family relations, solidarity and faith. Particular attention is paid to the attitudes towards materialism as one of the indicators of profound social change.sr
dc.publisherFilozofski fakultet u Beogradusr
dc.relationПроблеми културног идентитета становништва савремене Србије“, број 1644, који је у целости финансирало МНТР РСНsr
dc.sourceПроблеми културног идентитета становништва савремене Србијеsr
dc.subjectконцепт богатстваsr
dc.subjectнови предузетнициsr
dc.titleБогатство у транзицији - концептуализација богатства на примеру два књажевачка предузетникаsr
dc.titleWealth in transition - conceptualization of wealth in case of two new entrepreneurs in Knjaževac Regionsr
dc.rights.holderFilozofski fakultet u Beogradusr



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