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Elderly Education and Safety on the Internet

dc.contributorTodorović, Nataša
dc.contributorPerišić, Natalija
dc.contributorJanković, Brankica
dc.contributorBronwell, Patricia
dc.contributorMarmedal, Wenche
dc.contributorSt. Vizev, Krasimir
dc.contributorRusac, Silvia
dc.contributorPodgorelec, Sonja
dc.contributorQirjako, Gentiana
dc.contributorMackowicz, Jolanta
dc.contributorDespotović, Nebojša
dc.contributorMilićević Kalašić, Aleksandra
dc.contributorStepanović Zaharijevski, Dragana
dc.contributorRašević, Mirjana
dc.contributorDevedžić, Mirjana
dc.contributorDinić, Dragana
dc.contributorDragišić Labaš, Slađana
dc.contributorVračević, Milutin
dc.contributorNešić, Dejan
dc.contributorMazić, Sanja
dc.contributorVukčević Marković, Maša
dc.contributorBoričić, Katarina
dc.contributorStoiljković Gnjatović, Jelena
dc.contributorPavlović, Suzana
dc.creatorMiljković, Jovan
dc.creatorManić, Ljiljana
dc.creatorLjujić, Bojan
dc.description.abstractNačini na koje obavljamo različite delatnosti u savremenom svetu u potpunosti su determinisani primenom novih tehnologija. Tehnologija nudi potporu i olakšanje, ali sa sobom nosi bezbedonosne rizike pred kojima nema nedodirljivih, već samo kategorije ljudi koje su na njih više osetljive. Empirijsko istraživanje koje smo sproveli imalo je za predmet obrazovanje starih osoba kao činioca bezbednosti na Internetu, a osnovni istraživački cilj kojim smo se vodili ticao se ispitivanja odnosa između određenih bio-socio-obrazovnih obeležja starih osoba, sa jedne strane, i njihovih percepcija, navika i iskustava iz domena bezbedne upotrebe Interneta, sa druge. U istraživanju smo primarno bili fokusirani na opštu populaciju starih osoba u Republici Srbiji, iz koje je selektovan prigodan uzorak istraživanja koji su činile osobe stare 65 godina i više. Primenom kvantitativne metodologije istraživanja došli smo do rezultata koji su rasvetlili našu nameru inkorporiranu u definisan predmet i cilj istraživanja. U radu su izloženi rezultati istraživanja koji pokazuju da su korisnici Interneta među starijom populacijom većinom viskoobrazovani muškarci iz gradskih sredina, kao i da korisnici uglavnom pristupaju Internetu svakodnevno više puta, a procenjuju da se dobro snalaze u korišćenju kompjutera. Ovi korisnici Interneta uglavnom nisu imali bezbedonosnih problema prilikom njegovog korišćenja, a od pretnji se ili štite antivirus programima, ili se uopšte ne štite. Oni koji su imali bezbedonosne probleme, uglavnom ističu remećenje rada uređaja usled prodora kopjuterskih virusa i nedozvoljeno preuzimanje ličnih podataka od strane drugih osoba. Među starima koji aktivno koriste Internet podjednako su zastupljene osobe koje nemaju dovoljno ili uopšte nemaju znanja o bezbednom korišćenju Interneta i one koje ova znanja poseduju u određenoj meri, a iskazana je njihova želja da povećaju nivo svojih znanja i veština iz domena bezbednosti na Internetu kroz različite obrazovne intervencije. Ispitanici koji ne koriste Internet, ne koriste ni kompjuter, a prema njihovim izjavama internet uglavnom ne koriste jer ne znaju kako da ga koriste i/ili ne osećaju potrebu za tim. Ovi ispitanici smatraju da upotreba Interneta može biti opasna, najviše zbog mogućnosti nedozvoljenog preuzimanja njihovih ličnih podataka od strane drugih lica. Rezultati do kojih smo došli nesumnjivo upućuju na relevantnost negovanja obrazovne prakse kroz koju bi stare osobe, bilo da su aktivni korisnici Interneta ili to nisu, mogle da probude svest o intenziviranoj potrebi za korišćenjem Interneta u savremenom svetu, a sa time unaprede i njenu faktičku aktualizaciju, uz neizbežno akcentovanje obrazovnog intervenisanja usmerenog ka razvoju znanja i veština iz domena bezbednog korišćenja
dc.description.abstractThe ways in which we perform various activities in the contemporary world are completely determined by the application of new technologies. Technology offers support and relief, but it also carries the security risks that influence everyone, and particular categories of people that are more vulnerable to these risks. The subject of the empirical research we conducted was elderly education as a factor of safety on the Internet, and the main research goal we were guided by was the examination of the relationship between certain bio-socio-educational characteristics of older persons, on one hand, and their perceptions, habits and experiences referring to safe Internet use, on the other. In this research, we were primarily focused on the general population of older persons in the Republic of Serbia, from which an appropriate research sample consisting of persons aged 65 years and older was selected. By applying a quantitative research methodology, we achieved results that shed light on our intention incorporated into the defined subject and goal of the research. Within the paper, we presented research results indicating that majority of elderly Internet users are higher educated men from urban areas, as well as that Internet users generally access the Internet several times a day, perceiving themselves as proficient computer users. Elderly Internet users generally had no security problems when using it, and they either protect themselves from threats by applying antivirus programs, or they don't protect themselves at all. Those who have had security problems, mostly point to disruption of device operation due to computer viruses breakthrough and unauthorized download of personal data by other persons. Among elderly who actively use the Internet, there is an equal distribution concerning people who do not have sufficient knowledge about the safe use of the Internet or possess no knowledge at all, and those who possess this knowledge to a certain extent, and who desire to increase the level of their knowledge and skills in the domain of security on the Internet through various educational interventions. Respondents who do not use the Internet do not use a computer either, and according to their statements, they generally do not use the Internet because they do not know how to use it and/or do not feel the need for it. These respondents believe that using the Internet can be dangerous, mostly due to the possibility of unauthorized downloading of their personal data by other persons. The results we obtained clearly point to the relevance of fostering an educational practice through which older persons, whether they are active Internet users or not, could create awareness of the intensified need for using the Internet in the contemporary world, and thereby improve its actualization, with the inevitable accentuation of educational interventions aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the domain of safe use of the
dc.publisherGerontološko društvo Srbijesr
dc.source11. Međunarodni Gerontološki kongres - GERONTOLOGIJA: MOGUĆNOSTI I PERSPEKTIVE U POST KOVID-19 SVETU/11th International Gerontological Congress - GERONTOLOGY: OPPORTUNITIES AND PERSPECTIVES IN THE POST COVID-19 WORLDsr
dc.subjectstare osobesr
dc.subjectolder personssr
dc.titleObrazovanje starih i bezbednost na Internetusr
dc.titleElderly Education and Safety on the Internetsr



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