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One hundred and seventy years since the establishment of the Chair of Serbian history (1851–2021)

dc.creatorПоповић, Мирослав
dc.description.abstractРад представља историјат развоја Катедре за историју српског народа у новом веку, у оквиру Одељења за историју Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београду. У том смислу, пратићемо њену историју од зачетака у оквиру Лицеја, преко Велике школе, а затим у оквиру Филозофског факултета Београдског универзитета. Пошто катедре у почетку нису биле јасно диференциране, неопходно је осврнути се укратко и на време оснивања катедри из којих ће проистећи данашње Одељење за историју. Посебно ћемо пратити развој предмета и катедри које су биле посвећене историји српског народа и народа Југославије, из којих ће проистећи и сама Катедра за историју српског народа у новом веку, те њихову заступљеност у настави.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the development of the Chair of the History of the Serbian People in the New Age of the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, from its beginnings within the Lyceum and the Great School, through its history within the independent Faculty of the Belgrade University. The contribution of important lecturers and trends of historical education in Serbia, modeled on European ones, are given. The Chair of the History of the Serbian People in the New Age is rooted in the Chair of the History of the Serbs, at the Philosophical Department of the Lyceum and the Great School, which over time split, changed names and fit into the organization of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, especially in the interwar and post-World War II period. Prominent experts, both in the field of scientific research and in the field of teaching, have contributed to the quality of the Faculty of Philosophy, the Department of History and educated generations of historians, and each of them has introduced new researchers and given its scientific contribution. Today, the Chair follows, as in the past, contemporary trends in historiography, and methodologically commits itself to insisting on working with sources and basing scientific results on the conclusions drawn from painstaking archival research. Numerous postgraduate students, associates and colleagues are students of this kind of guild and make their mark on historical science. Thanks to long-time chief prof. Radoš Ljušić, as the subject of its research and teaching, the Chair has defined the history of the Serbian people in the new age, doubled its membership, formed personnel for new research in this narrow scientific field, and given primacy to under-researched topics. The Chair also organized the Association for the Serbian History and the Center for Serbian studies, which contributed to the development of publishing, popularization and expansion of this scientific field in contemporary Serbian society, and selected a scientific youngster, in the form of researchers on projects within the Chair, who are but to open new fields of research. Thus the Chair under prof. Ljusić became one of the two most numerous at the Department of History, reflecting the contemporary trend of primacy of the studies of the history of the Serbian people, as opposed to that of the Lyceum, the Great School and the beginnings of the Faculty of Philosophy within Belgrade University, when great importance was attached to general history.sr
dc.publisherЦентар за српске студије Филозофски факултет Универзитет у Београдуsr
dc.sourceСрпске студијеsr
dc.subjectКатедра за историју српског народа у новом векуsr
dc.subjectОдељење за историјуsr
dc.subjectФилозофски факултетsr
dc.subjectУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectЦентар за српске студијеsr
dc.titleСто седамдесет година од оснивања Катедре за српску историју (1851-2021)sr
dc.titleOne hundred and seventy years since the establishment of the Chair of Serbian history (1851–2021)sr



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