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Church policy of Stefan Uroš II Milutin (1282–1321): on the occasion of the anniversary of his death

dc.contributorАтанасов, Дмитар
dc.contributorЈашовић, Голуб
dc.contributorДрагојевић, Предраг
dc.contributorТодоровић, Ивица
dc.contributorРадовановић, Радован
dc.contributorБецић, Иван
dc.contributorВасиљевић, Љубиша
dc.creatorПоповић, Мирослав
dc.description.abstractЦиљ рада је да представи црквену политику за време владавине Стефана Уроша II Милутина (1281–1321), уз осврт на околности настанка, развој и циљ његовог житија, те развој епископија Српске цркве, односе са Римокатоличком црквом и Светом столицом, као и на мрежу православних и римокатоличких сарадника краља Милутина у Приморју и његову активност у црквеној политици у овој области, као и у северној Албанији.sr
dc.description.abstractDuring his reign, King Stefan Uroš II Milutin actively worked on strengthening, expanding and reorganizing the Serbian Church, implementing liturgical reforms and strengthening new national, ruling cults of saints from the Nemanjić dynasty. All of the above is reflected in his very active ktetorial activities, both in the country and abroad. He worked on good relations with the Roman Catholic Church, especially in the Litteral, where he also restored some Roman Catholic places of worship, and had close associates in the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Such a policy was necessary because of the large number of Roman Catholics in the Serbian state, who were important for its economic and administrative strengthening, and also because of the international situation, which dictated good relations with the Papacy and the union’s attempts to get out of the occasional difficult state because of the international political circumstances. ¡e priority has always been tolerance and cooperation, while preserving Serbian state and church interests, in maneuvering between Hungary, the Holy See and Byzantium, as key political factors in the Balkans at that
dc.publisherИсторијски архив Крушевацsr
dc.publisherУдружење за културу и уметност Логос Својновоsr
dc.sourceТемнић: тематски зборникsr
dc.subjectСтефан Урош II Милутинsr
dc.subjectСтефан Драгутинsr
dc.subjectкраљица Јеленаsr
dc.subjectСрпска православна цркваsr
dc.subjectРимокатоличка цркваsr
dc.titleЦрквена политика Стефана Уроша II Милутина (1282– 1321): поводом седамстогодишњице смртиsr
dc.titleChurch policy of Stefan Uroš II Milutin (1282–1321): on the occasion of the anniversary of his deathsr

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