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World public opinion on world economic crisis

dc.contributorVukotić, Veselin
dc.creatorPavlović, Zoran
dc.description.abstractPredmet rada su stavovi građana različitih delova sveta prema nekim aspektima tekuće ekonomske krize. Analizirana je podrška građana iz više desetina država u svetu slobodnom tržištu i tržišnoj privredi, ali i državnim intervencijama u privredi, kao i očekivanja u vezi sa poboljšanjem ili pogoršanjem ekonomskih uslova u njihovoj zemlji, ali i svetu u celini i sl. Pored toga, u kontekstu ekonomske krize, analizirane su promene stavova u vezi sa navedenim temama u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Empirijsku osnovu rada predstavljaju globalna istraživanja (svetskog) javnog mnjenja koja širom sveta redovno sprovodi Gallup International Association i GlobeScan Incorporated. Rezultati pokazuju da većinu svetske populacije karakteriše pesimizam u vezi sa očekivanjima od 2009. godine, predviđa se pogoršanje ekonomske situacije u zemlji i svetu, kao i porast nezaposlenosti. Opada globalna podrška tržišnoj privredi kao sistemu na koji bi svet u budućnosti trebalo da se osloni, kao i prihvatanje državnih intervencija u oblasti privrede, dok, istovremeno, dolazi do izvesnog približavanja značenja ova dva pojma u percepciji običnih građana. Takođe, preovlađuje uverenje da su nužne neke radikalne promene ekonomskog sistema. U završnom delu diskutuju se značaj i implikacije dobijenih rezultatasr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this paper is the analysis of attitudes of citizens of different parts of the world towards some aspects of the ongoing economic crisis. The support of the citizens from various countries around the world for the free market and market economy, as well as for state interventions on the market, their expectations concerning future economic conditions in resident country or in the world as a whole were analysed. In the context of the economic crisis, changes of attitudes towards these issues in past few years were also analysed. The data from global (world) public opinion research which was conducted periodically by Gallup International Association and Globe Scan Incorporated were used as an empirical base for this analysis. The results showed that the majority of world's population holds pessimistic views about the upcoming 2009, predicts that the economic situation in their country as well as in the world as a whole is going to get worse and that the unemployment rate is going to increase. The support for free market system is decreasing, as well as the support for state interventions while, at the same time, the meaning of these becomes similar in the minds of the ordinary people. The belief that some radical changes of world economic system are necessary is widespread. In the concluding part of the paper, the importance and implications of these results are discussed.sr
dc.publisherCentar za ekonomska istraživanja Instituta društvenih naukasr
dc.relationDemokratski modeli unapređivanja društvene kohezije, tolerancije, ljudskih prava i privrednog razvitka u političkim i institucionalnim procesima evropskih integracija Srbije (broj projekta: 149017)sr
dc.sourceKriza i globalizacijasr
dc.subjectsvetsko javno mnjenjesr
dc.subjectekonomska krizasr
dc.subjecttržišna privredasr
dc.subjectworld public opinionsr
dc.subjecteconomic crisissr
dc.subjectmarket economysr
dc.titleSvetsko javno mnjenje o svetskoj ekonomskoj krizisr
dc.titleWorld public opinion on world economic crisissr



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