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The Exploratory Status of Postconnectionist Models

dc.creatorSubotić, Vanja
dc.creatorMilojević, Miljana
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je da pruži novo viđenje uloge konekcionističkih modela u istraživanju ljudske kognicije kroz konceptualizaciju istorije konekcionizma – od najjednostavnijih perceptrona do savremenih dubokih konvolucionih neuronskih mreža, kao i kritika poteklih iz domena rivalske simboličke kognitivne nauke. Naime, konekcionistički pristup u kognitivnoj nauci bio je meta oštrih kritika simbolista koje su u više navrata uzrokovale njegovu marginalizaciju i skoro potpuno napuštanje njegovih pretpostavki u izučavanju kognicije. Kritike su uglavnom ukazivale na njegovu eksplanatornu neadekvatnost kao teorije kognicije ili na njegovu biološku neplauzibilnost kao teorije implemetacije, a od konkretnih nedostataka nekih konekcionističkih modela napredovalo se do zaključaka o nedostacima konekcionizma uopšte. U ovom radu želimo da pokažemo da obe vrste kritike počivaju na pretpostavci da su jedina prava objašnjenja u kognitivnoj nauci instance homunkularnog funkcionalizma i da uklanjajući ovu pretpostavku i usvajajući alternativnu metodologiju – eksplorativno mehanicističku strategiju, možemo da uklonimo i većinu prigovora konekcionizmu kao irelevantne, da objasnimo napredak konekcionističkih modela uprkos njihovim nedostacima i da skiciramo putanju njihovog budućeg razvoja. Usvajanjem mehanicizma i kritikom funkcionalizma odbacićemo prigovore eksplanatorne neadekvatnosti, karakterisanjem konekcionističkih modela kao skica generičkih mehanizama odbacićemo prigovore biološke neplauzibilnosti, dok ćemo pripisivanjem eksplorativnog karaktera takvim modelima pokazati manjkavost prakse generalizovanja od trenutnih ka opštim neuspesima konekcionizma.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to offer a new view of the role of connectionist models in the study of human cognition through the conceptualization of the history of connectionism – from the simplest perceptrons to convolutional neural nets based on deep learning techniques, as well as through the interpretation of criticism coming from symbolic cognitive science. Namely, the connectionist approach in cognitive science was the target of sharp criticism from the symbolists, which on several occasions caused its marginalization and almost complete abandonment of its assumptions in the study of cognition. Criticisms have mostly pointed to its explanatory inadequacy as a theory of cognition or to its biological implausibility as a theory of implementation, and critics often focused on specific shortcomings of some connectionist models and argued that they apply on connectionism in general. In this paper we want to show that both types of critique are based on the assumption that the only valid explanations in cognitive science are instances of homuncular functionalism and that by removing this assumption and by adopting an alternative methodology – exploratory mechanistic strategy, we can reject most objections to connectionism as irrelevant, explain the progress of connectionist models despite their shortcomings and sketch the trajectory of their future development. By adopting mechanistic explanations and by criticizing functionalism, we will reject the objections of explanatory inadequacy, by characterizing connectionist models as generic rather than concrete mechanisms, we will reject the objections of biological implausibility, and by attributing the exploratory character to connectionist models we will show that practice of generalizing current to general failures of connectionism is unjustified.sr
dc.publisherSrpsko filozofsko društvosr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179041/RS//sr
dc.subjectduboko učenjesr
dc.subjectmehanicistička objašnjenjasr
dc.subjecttradicionalna simbolička kognitivna naukasr
dc.subjectdeep learningsr
dc.subjectmechanistic explanationsr
dc.subjecttraditional symbolic cognitive sciencesr
dc.titleEksplorativni status postkonekcionističkih modelasr
dc.titleThe Exploratory Status of Postconnectionist Modelssr



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