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On the meaning and the reasons of depicting Christ on the epigonation of Saint Sava of Serbia on the icon of this saint in the Chilandar's parecclesion of the same name

dc.creatorГавриловић, Анђела
dc.description.abstractЦрква Светог Саве Српског у Хиландару на Светој Гори представља један од бројних параклиса у саставу манастирског комлекса, а њен иконостас је настао 1779. године (сл. 1,3). У овом раду се анализира један детаљ престоне иконе Светог Саве Српског на овом иконостасу - надбедреник (сл. 2); разматрају се његова иконографија и значење. Заговара се мишљење да Христос лик који краси надбедреник првог српског архиепископа није искључиво пуки орнамент архијерејских одежди, већ да он представи Светог Саве Српског даје посебну тежину и специфичну нијансу значења.sr
dc.description.abstractThe church of Saint Sava of Serbia in the monastery of Chilandar on Holy Mount Athos represents one of the parecclesia in the scope оf the monastery complex. It was painted in 1779, when the iconostasis of this church was executed. This paper deals with the iconography and the meaning of the representation of Christ on the epigonation of Saint Sava of Serbia on one of the main icons on the iconostasis that depicts Saint Sava of Serbia as an archpriest. The paper investigates the meaning of epigonation as part of archpriest attire, as well as connotations of the depicted Christ figure on it. Although at this time much more frequent than in the Middle Ages, this detail has not been noticed and covered by previous scholars; it is a rarity and it points out to the refinement and knowledge of the artist who executed this icon of Saint Sava of Serbia in the Chilandar’s parecclesion, as well as the even more important fact that he relied on the medieval orthodox tradition of displaying this detail. In the paper we indicate that the depicted portrait of Christ does not represent a pure ornament, but that it gives a special connotation to the portrait of Saint Sava of Serbia, particular weight and nuance to its meaning.sr
dc.publisherБеоград: Друштвo Свети Саваsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177036/RS//sr
dc.sourceБратство: Часопис Друштва Свети Сава 22sr
dc.titleО значењу и разлозима сликања представе Христа на надбедренику Светог Саве Српског на икони овог светитеља на иконостасу у истоименом хиландарском параклису (1779)sr
dc.titleOn the meaning and the reasons of depicting Christ on the epigonation of Saint Sava of Serbia on the icon of this saint in the Chilandar's parecclesion of the same namesr



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