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Statistics of the population of manastr/Bitola Sanjak around the year 1897

dc.creatorУрош, Шешум
dc.creatorНино, Делић
dc.description.abstractРад представља анализу статистичких података о становништву Битољског санџака које су око 1897. саставили руски, аустроугарски и британски дипломатски представник у Битољу. Будући да је анализа показала да су подаци руског конзула Александра Аркадјевича Ростковског најмеродавнији и у најмању руку основа за настанак друге две, његови резултати су упоређени са демографским изворима османског порекла, те је на основу резултата успоредбе пружен приближни приказ слике укупне популације Битољског санџака, њеног верског и етничког састава и опредељености ка верским заједницама – милетима.sr
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, a detailed analysis of statistical data on the population of the Sanjak of Monastir /Bitola, created around 1897, was performed. The statistical data presented by the diplomatic representatives of Russia, Austria-Hungary and Great Britain in Bitola – consul Aleksandar Arkadjevič Rostkovski, vice consul August Kral and vice consul George Strafford Blunt – were analyzed. A comparative analysis of the statistics of Rostkovski, Kral and Blunt showed that the statistical tables of the Russian diplomat are full and contain more accurate aggregate numbers than the statistics of the Austro-Hungarian and British diplomatic representatives in Bitola. In the case of several nahiye, it was established that Kral copied Rostkovski’s aggregate numbers, and that the differences between the data that the two men bring in most cases stem from Kral’s omissions in downloading data from Rostkovski’s tables or sources that both used. The data of the British vice consul Blunt differ to a greater extent from the data of Kral and Rostkovski, than the statistics of the first two differ from each other. It was determined that Rostkovski’s data on the population of the Sanjak of Monastir are more complete than those of Kral and Blunt and that they should be compared with sources of Ottoman origin when trying to reconstruct the population, religious and ethnic origin, and commitment to religious communities – millets. А comparison of the data provided by Rostkovsky with Turkish statistical data from the 1881–1891/92 census (1893) shows a decline in the number of Slavs who recognized the religious authority of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in favour of the Bulgarian Exarchate. The reverse process can be observed only in the kaza of Kichevo. A comparison of the two statistics also shows a certain decrease in the total number of Muslims in the Sanjak.sr
dc.publisherЦентар за српске студијеsr
dc.sourceСрпске Студијеsr
dc.subjectОсманско царствоsr
dc.subjectБитољски вилајетsr
dc.subjectБитољски санџакsr
dc.subjectБугарска егзархијаsr
dc.subjectисторијска демографијаsr
dc.titleСтатистике становништва Битољског санџака око 1897. годинеsr
dc.titleStatistics of the population of manastr/Bitola Sanjak around the year 1897sr



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