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The manuscripts of the monastery of the Holy Trinity of Rusinica in the village of Mušutište near Prizren

dc.contributorБлашковић, Ласло
dc.contributorСуботин-Голубовић, Татјана
dc.creatorСуботин-Голубовић, Татјана
dc.description.abstractНије тачно познато када је основан манастир Свете Тројице Русинице у селу Мушутишту недалеко од Призрена, а свакако се зна да је постојао пре 1465. године, када се по први пут спомиње у манастирском поменику. Први подаци о преписивачкој активности у овом манастиру потичу из времена по обнови Пећке патријаршије; јеромонах Пахомије преписао је овде неколико рукописа током последње четвртине XVI века. Рукописи који су некад припадали овом манастиру били су пренети у београдску Народну библиотеку, где су страдали приликом немачког бомбардовања Београда 6. априла 1941. године. У раду су прикупљени подаци о оним рукописима за које се поуздано могло утврдити да су се некад налазили у Русиници, без обзира на то да ли су писани у самом манастиру или су били донети са стране.sr
dc.description.abstractThe village of Mušutište near Prizren is mentioned for the first time in a historical source from 1307 – more specifically, the reference pertains to the church of St. Simeon in that village. The exact date when the monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity of Rusinica was founded is unknown, but the earliest evidence of its existence is the monastery’s beadroll, whose list of names begins in 1465. Written sources show that the monastery was active in the second half of the 16th century when monk Pahomije copied several books there. The monastery was abandoned in the 18th century and was repopulated as late as 1837, at the initiative of Aksentije Andrejević, the hegoumenos of the nearby monastery of St. Marko of Koriša. The fate of the monastery’s manuscripts from the earlier period remains unknown, but in the 19th century, it acquired a number of manuscripts. The first reliable data about them comes from Ivan Stepanovich Yastrebov, the Russian consul in Prizren. Some of those manuscripts were brought to Belgrade and incorporated into the collection of the National Library. All were destroyed in the bombing of Belgrade on 6 April 1941. This paper is a contribution to our knowledge of the manuscripts copied at the monastery or donated to it at some point and could hence be said to represent an attempt to reconstruct the monastery’s former manuscript collection. The data presented here has been collated from older literature. Only two manuscripts that once belonged to the Holy Trinity are known today: 1. Euchologion (Trebnik) and synaxarion from the last quarter of the 15th century (Museum of the SOC, Grujić Collection З I 67); 2. Panegyrikon from the 16th century, NBKM (Sofia) 443.sr
dc.publisherБеоград: Народна библиотека Србијеsr
dc.sourceАрхеографски прилозиsr
dc.subjectМанастир Свете Тројице Русиницеsr
dc.subjectПризренски крајsr
dc.subjectмонах Пахомијеsr
dc.subjectНародна библиотекаsr
dc.subjectMonastery of the Holy Trinity of Rusinicasr
dc.subjectPrizren areasr
dc.subjectmonk Pahomijesr
dc.subjectNational Librarysr
dc.titleРукописи манастира Свете Тројице Русинице у селу Мушутишту код Призренаsr
dc.titleThe manuscripts of the monastery of the Holy Trinity of Rusinica in the village of Mušutište near Prizrensr



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