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To Flee as a pedagogical challenge: emancipatory potential of play in education

dc.contributorVelinov, Marija
dc.contributorMevorah, Vera
dc.contributorKrstić, Predrag
dc.creatorMitranić, Nevena
dc.description.abstractNe bi bilo pošteno početi nikako drugačije: Autorka ovog rada je pedagoškinja koja se u svom istraživačkom radu bavi problematikom dečje igre. Kako to obično biva, po prijemu poziva za konferenciju zapitala se kako njena tema može pomoći da se odgovori na zadati izazov. Činilo se jednostavno - ako krenemo od teze, zastupljene među naučnicima i laicima jednako, da je jedna od osnovnih odlika igre sloboda, aktuelni trend zastupanja dečje igre kroz obrazovne politike i programe već se ukazuje kao potencijal emancipacije - pokazatelj da i formalno organizovano vaspitanje i obrazovanje vapi za otvorenošću, fleksibilnošću i transformativnošću, da prepoznaje specifičnost detinjstva, uvažava dete i igru kao detetu smislen način bivstvovanja, te igrom otvara prilike unutar obrazovnog sistema da deca budu slobodna i samostalna. Međutim, priča se zakomplikovala. Kroz dublje preispitivanje položaja igre u obrazovanju i dominantnih retorika kojima se ona u politike i prakse uvodi, te preispitivanje prirode i funkcije slobode koja se takvom igrom promoviše, sama sloboda i samostalnost postale su upitne i počele da se čine ne kao kvaliteti kojima treba težiti, već kao opasna fatamorgana. U perfidnom mehanizmu društva kontrole, ideje slobode i samostalnosti mogu funkcionisati kao pokretač mehanizma koji „obrazovane“ ne čini osnaženim, samostalnim i slobodnim igračima, već igračkama. Ne radi se o mehanizmima disciplinovanja koje smo kao istraživači obrazovne politike i prakse navikli da sagledavamo i kritikujemo, već o drugačijem mehanizmu potčinjavanja, koji zahteva angažovanje alternativnih naučnih paradigmi kako bi se razumela njegova kompleksnost i razmotrila perspektiva otpora. Ako je čitalac pomislio da time dolazimo do srećnog kraja ovog rada, prevario se. Alternativne paradigme nameću nam pitanje šta uopšte sloboda i samostalnost znače, i vode zaključku da niti je igra slobodna i samostalna, niti smo mi slobodni i samostalni, ali i da to nije nužno loše. Oslanjajući se na Gatarijev koncept linije bega, autorka ovog rada pokušaće da argumentuje mogućnost za drugačije razumevanje igre i slobode koju ona nosi, te da nas dovede ako ne do srećnog kraja - makar do srećnog početka, podsticajem da emancipatorski potencijal potražimo u drugoj, nadaleko poznatoj i osporavanoj tezi: da je igra beg od stvarnosti (...ali sa jednom malom izmenom - da je igra beg od stvarnosti). Od čega, ka čemu i kome u ovoj priči valja bežati, pitanja su kojima ćemo u zaključku pokušati da iznova dovedemo u odnos igru, emancipaciju i obrazovanje - nadajući se da smo time na tragu nužne misli.sr
dc.description.abstractIt wouldn’t be fair to start in any other way: The author of this paper is a pedagogist, whose research concerns a child’s play. As is usually the case, upon receiving a conference call, she wondered if her topic could help answer the given challenge. It seemed simple – if we start from the thesis, widely spread amongst both laics and scientists, that one of the main characteristics of play is freedom, current trend of promoting child’s play through educational policies and programs already seems as an emancipatory potential – indicator that even formal education craves openness, flexibility and transformability, recognizes specificity of childhood, respects child and respects play as modality of being meaningful to children, using it to open up spaces inside educational system for children to be free and independent. However, the story got complicated. Rethinking position of play in education, dominant rhetorics through which it has been established in educational policies, and nature and function of freedom promoted through so established position of play, the very freedom and independence started to seem questionable – more like a dangerous fata morgana than qualities to strive for. In a perfidious mechanism of a society of control, the ideas of freedom and independence might function as gear wheels which make the “educated man” not an empowered, independent and free player, but a toy. It’s not about mechanisms of discipline which we, as the researchers of educational policies and practice, are used to criticising, but about different mechanism of subjugation, which requires us to engage with the alternative scientific paradigms if we wish to understand its complexity and consider perspectives for resistance. If the reader thought that with this we came to the happy ending of this paper, he was wrong. Alternative paradigms force us to rethink what even freedom and independence mean and lead us to the conclusion that neither is play free and independent, nor are we, but this is not necessarily an issue. Relying on Guattari’s concept lines of flight, the author of this paper will try to argue the possibility for different understanding of play and freedom that it brings, leading us, if not to a happy ending – at least towards a happy beginning, with an impulse to search for an emancipatory potential in another well known and widely disputed thesis: that the play is flight from reality (but with a little twist – that the play is flight of reality). From what, who, or toward whom should we fly away, those are the questions which will guide us through the conclusion in reconceptualising relation of play, emancipation and education – and, hopefully, further towards the necessary thought.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju / University of Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theorysr
dc.sourceČEMU JOŠ OBRAZOVANJE? Emancipacija i/ili obrazovanje: putevi i raspućasr
dc.subjectdruštvo kontrolesr
dc.subjectlinije begasr
dc.subjectsociety of controlsr
dc.subjectlines of flightsr
dc.titlePobeći kao pedagoški izazov: Emancipatorski potencijal igre u obrazovanjusr
dc.titleTo Flee as a pedagogical challenge: emancipatory potential of play in educationsr



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