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Secret Transborder Activities of the Serbian Government in the Ottoman Empire in 1901.

dc.creatorШешум, Урош
dc.description.abstractУ раду је приказана тајна загранична делатност шефа Просветно- политичког одељења Министарства иностраних дела Краљевине Србије Светислава Симића током 1901. године. По до сада непознатој српској архивској грађи приказано је планирање или извођење убистава муслиманских првака у пограничном појасу Србије и Османског царства. Покушано је довођење у везу ових атентата са планирањем и припремом српске четничке акције ширих размера. Рад је написан углавном на основу необјављене српске архивске грађе, а у мањој мери објављене архивске грађе српског и британског порекла, те наративних извора и литературе.sr
dc.description.abstractDuring the late 19th and in the early years of the 20th century, the Albanians and Muslims in general carried out numerous acts of violence against the Serbian population of Old Serbia. The authorities of the Ottoman Empire would rarely pursue, arrest or prosecute crimes against the Serbs, which resulted in an increase in the homicide rates and the migration and exodus of Serbs to the Kingdom of Serbia. Serbian Consul in Pristina, Svetislav Simic, was a vocal advocate of a plan for the Serbian diplomats and border authorities to organize the killings of unconvicted murderes in order to make Muslims and Albanians in the Ottoman Empire aware that their harassment against the Serbs would not remain unpunished. Simic’s idea was eventually rejected by the head of the Serbian government, Vladan Djordjevic. Following the change of government in the Kingdom of Serbia and the arrival of Simic as the head of the most important department of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1901, Simic’s plan was now supported by the new Prime Minister Mihailo Vujic. Since May 1901, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had planned, and in December of the same year executed the murder of Kadri Zaim, a coterminous Muslim landowner who had harassed local Serbs and obstructed Serbian secret actions at the borders of the Ottoman Empire. The beginning of the Serbian Chetniks campaign shortly after the murder suggests that Simić had planned this murder as the first step towards intensification and planning out the Serbian guerrilla action of wider proportions in the Ottoman Empire. This written work is based on unpublished archival material of Serbian origin and to a lesser extent published Serbian and British contemporary documents, memoirs and literature.sr
dc.publisherЦентар за српске студије, Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Београдуsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177014/RS//sr
dc.sourceСрпске Студијеsr
dc.subjectОсманско царствоsr
dc.subjectсрпска четничка акцијаsr
dc.subjectСветислав Симићsr
dc.subjectМицко Ристићsr
dc.subjectСтара Србијаsr
dc.titleТајне заграничне активности српске владе у Османском царству 1901. годинеsr
dc.titleSecret Transborder Activities of the Serbian Government in the Ottoman Empire in 1901.sr



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