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Pashas from the Ginoli Dzinoli (dzin-ogli) Family in the 18th and the first half of the 19th Century

dc.creatorШешум, Урош
dc.creatorСавић М., Александар
dc.description.abstractУ раду је дат историјат деловањa паша из породице Џиноли (Џин-огли) која је готово век и по управљала Вучитрнским санџаком. Паше из ове породице су се од царских постављеника са почетка 18. века до краја поменутог и почетка наредног века уздигле до положаја готово неприкосновених господара и наследних паша санџака којим су управљали. Сајид Мехмед Јашар-паша се тридесетих година 19. века нашао у вртлогу сукоба око спровођења танзиматских реформи. Иако је успео да остане на положају и да га остави у наслеђе сину, овај паша био је заправо последњи представник породице Џиноли који је у Вучитрнском санџаку имао преовлађујућу моћ и утицај. Рад је написан на основу српске и турске литературе, те објављених и необјављених извора пре свега српског, а потом османског порекла.sr
dc.description.abstractThe turning point in the life and career of Dzin Ali Pasha, the ancestor of the Dzinoli family, was brought about by War of the Holy League (1683–1699). At the end of the 17th and during the first years of the 18th century, Dzin Ali Pasha took a lifelong lease of state income of the territory of Vučitrn and Skopje Sanjak and acquired the title of nazir of Skopje and mutesarif of Vučitrn. He created preconditions for his descendants to gain predominant influence in the Vučitrn Sanjak during the 18th century, and for them to be appointed or confirmed as governors for generations. After Dzin Ali Pasha’s death, the most prominent representatives of the Dzinoli family were Malik Pasha and Yashar Pasha. Malik Pasha became the mutesarif of the Vučitrn Sanjak before 1788. In addition to the Vučitrn Sanjak, to Malik Pasha were often adjoined other Sanjaks whom he governed through muselims. Thus, from 1808 to 1823, he was appointed mutesarif of the Skopje Sanjak several times. He distinguished himself in the wars against the Habsburg Monarchies and the Serbian insurgents. After his death in the fall of 1823, his cousin Sajid Mehmed Yashar Pasha became the mutesarif of the Vučitrn Sanjak. Yashar Pasha was, just like his uncle, appointed mutesarif of the Skopje Sanjak. During his rule in Priština, Yashar Pasha crossed the path from an outlaw in 1831 to a faithful executor of Porte’s orders. During most of his rule, the Vučitrn Sanjak was being shaken by the Albanian rebels, opponents of the reform and symphatizers of any foreign influence in their lives. The time of his death and the circumstances under which they occurred remained unclear. His son and heir, Abdurahman Pasha, did not stay in his father’s position for long. During the second half of the 19th century, Malik Pasha and Yashar Pasha Džinoli became an important part of the oral tradition of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo, Lab, Drenica and Kosovsko Pomoravlje. Unlike the two of them, their relatives who managed the Novo Brdo kaza based in Gnjilane remained in a much positive memory. The most prominent representatives of this branch of the family were Mustafa Bey and his son and heir Hurshid Bey.sr
dc.publisherЦентар за српске студијеsr
dc.sourceСрпске Студијеsr
dc.subjectОсманско царствоsr
dc.subjectВучитрнски санџакsr
dc.subjectтанзиматске реформеsr
dc.titleПаше из породице Џиноли (Џин-огли) у 18. и првој половини 19. векаsr
dc.titlePashas from the Ginoli Dzinoli (dzin-ogli) Family in the 18th and the first half of the 19th Centurysr



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