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dc.contributorКустурица, Емир
dc.contributorВранеш, Александра
dc.creatorСавић, Александар М.
dc.description.abstractХатишерифима из 1830. и 1833. године Кнежевина Србија је стекла аутономни статус у Османском царству. Одредбама истих хатишерифа под ингеренцијом османске власти остало је шест утврђених градова у Кнежевини Србији: Београд, Шабац, Ужице, Соко, Смедерево и Фетислам (Кладово), и муслиманско/турско становништво које је живело у тим градовима и њиховој околини. Несугласице и сукоби између Срба и муслимана били су чести. Посебно у Београду, Ужицу и око Сокола. Ситуација је стабилизована 1862, односно 1867. године, када су турски гарнизони напустили Србију.sr
dc.description.abstractHatt-i Sharifs of 1830 and 1833 regulated the relations between the Principality of Serbia and the Ottoman Empire. Serbia received its autonomy, but it was still considered part of the Empire.Ottoman rule was reduced to Six Empire Cities: Belgrade, Šabac, Užice, Soko, Smederevo and Fetislam (Kladovo). The Muslim population that was settled outside the cities had to move out of Serbia within a year. The Hatt-i Sharif of 1833 extended their term to five years, except for Muslims in the town of Belgrade whose emigration was not foreseen. The five-year deadline was not respected, which became a permanent cause of the Serbo-Turkish conflicts. Incidents began to happen from 1830 to become a frequent occurrence after 1839. The culmination was reached in 1862, when the town of Belgrade was bombed by the orders of the Belgrade muhafiz Aşir Paşa. The bombing of the Serbian capital has raised the issue of the continued stay of Muslims and Ottoman garrisons in Serbia. Following the decisions of the Kanlıca Conference, in the autumn of 1862, the Muslim population was moved out of Belgrade, Šabac, Užice, Soko, Smederevo and Fetislam, while in early 1863 the fortifications in Soko and Užice were destroyed.The Ottoman garrisons remained in Belgrade, Šabac, Smederevo and Fetislam. The Serbian government took advantage of the changes on the international scene in the summer of 1866, which resulted in the Sultan’s Firman from April 10, 1867, which handed over the remaining four Empire Cities (Belgrade, Šabac, Smederevo and Fetislam) to the Serbian Prince Mihailo Obrenović. The last part of the Ottoman garrison left Serbia on May 6th. With the departure of the Ottoman garrisons from Serbia, Serbian autonomy was strengthened, and the Serbian Principality embarked on the path of independence, which came in 1878.sr
dc.publisherАндрићев Институт, Андрићградsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177014/RS//sr
dc.sourceСан о граду III, зборник радова са научног скупа одржаног од 6. до 8. септембра 2019. у Андрићевом институту, ур. А. Вранеш, Вишеградsr
dc.subjectОсманско царствоsr
dc.subjectКнежевина Србијаsr
dc.subjectцарски градовиsr
dc.subjectмуслиманско/ турско становништвоsr
dc.subjectOttoman Empiresr
dc.subjectPrincipality of Serbiasr
dc.subjectimperial citiessr
dc.subjectMuslim / Turkish populationsr
dc.titleШест царских градова (1830–1867)sr



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