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Recruitment of the Danubian Legions: XIV Gemina

dc.creatorFerjančić, Snežana
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad je zamišljen kao četvrti u nizu članaka posvećenih regrutaciji podunavskih legija u doba principata. Legija XIV Gemina je od poslednje decenije I veka bila stacionirana u Panoniji. U njoj su, na početku boravka na srednjem toku Dunava, u najvećem broju posvedočeni vojnici iz severne Italije i Narbonske Galije. Ovi podaci uklapaju se u opštu sliku sastava legije XIV Gemina tokom druge polovine I veka. Kada je reč o II i III veku, epigrafski izvori ukazuju da je glavni izvor novih legionara bila Gornja Panonija, te da je legija popunjavana i regrutima iz susednih provincija (Dalmacija, Norik).sr
dc.description.abstractProvinces on the middle and lower Danube were garrisoned by numerous legions from the time of their establishment. The continuous presence of soldiers hailing from various parts of the Roman Empire on the border and in the interior accelerated considerably the acculturation and romanisation of the indigenous population. The legion XIV Gemina was brought to Pannonia at the end of the first century AD. The site of its earliest fortress remains to be determined. From 100/101 AD to 118/119 AD it garrisoned Vindobona, and then Carnuntum, having replaced the XV Apollinaris. Epigraphic evidence from Panonnia and other parts of the Roman Empire provides basic data concerning the recruitment of the legion XIV Gemina and the origins of its soldiers. Men from northern Italy (from the regions of Liguria, Transpadana, Venetia and Histria) and Gallia Narbonensis prevail at the beginning of the unit’s sojourn on the middle Danube, roughly until its relocation to Carnuntum. This picture fits perfectly with the data on its recruitment during the second half of the first century AD. Prior to its transfer to Pannonia, the legion XIV Gemina was primarily enlisted in Italy and Gallia Narbonensis. Epigraphic evidence from the second and third century AD reveals new major areas of recruitment for the XIV Gemina. It appears that the bulk of fresh conscripts came from various parts of Pannonia Superior. Legionaries were conscripted in the civil settlements in the vicinity of the legion’s fortress of Carnuntum. It is impossible, however, to determine whether they were drafted in the canabae or in the Hadrianic municipium/Severan colony. Pannonian towns (or their territories) in the interior of the province, such as the Claudian colony of Savaria or the Flavian municipium of Scarbantia, should be considered as important sources of new recruits as well. Onomastic evidence implies that some of the recruits from Pannonia Superior actually belonged to the native population. It appears that Tartonius Finitianus and Aemilius Venator, both hailing from Savaria or its territory, were enlisted among the celtic tribe of Boii. Their parents bear Gaulish persоnal names: Tartonius (Finitianus’ father), Valagenta (Finitianus’ mother) and Sisiata (Venator’s mother). Epigraphic evidence suggests that the legion XIV Gemina was replenished by conscripts from the provinces in the neighbourhood of Pannonia Superior. Several soldiers were born in the Dalmatian colonies of Salona and Aequum, established at the end of the republican period and under Claudius respectively. One man came to Carnuntum from the territory of the Flavian municipium of Solva in Noricum. Judging by onomastic evidence, i. e. by the Greek cognomina (Alcides, Anteros, Asmenus, Diogenes, Trophmas), the origin of some soldiers of the legion XIV Gemina or their families should be traced back to the hellenophonic or eastern provinces of the Roman Empire.sr
dc.publisherNovi Sad: Matica srpskasr
dc.sourceZbornik Matice srpske za klasične studijesr
dc.subjectlegija XIV Geminasr
dc.subjectGornja Panonijasr
dc.titleRegrutacija podunavskih legija: XIV Geminasr
dc.titleRecruitment of the Danubian Legions: XIV Geminasr
dc.rights.holderMatica srpska, Novi Sadsr



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