Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

dc.creatorKoprivica, Marija
dc.description.abstractДоносимо ново критичко издање документа који представ- ља попис имања Хтетовског манастира Свете Богородице. Овај документ је јединствен међу српском средњовековном грађом и спада у групу вревија. Поред основних структурних елемената који су уобичајени у издавању ис- права у Старом српском архиву, у раду је изнета анализа унутрашње струк- туре документа и указано је на изворе које је састваљач вревиа имао пред собом. Хтетовски вревио је веома важан извор за праћење топономастике Полога, за сагледавање баштинских и имовинских права, као и за разумевање микростуктуре манастирског властелинства. Надамо се да ће његово поновно објављивање, уз превод на савремени српски језик, омогућити већем броју истраживача да користи податке из овог документа.sr
dc.description.abstractThe document is kept in the archive of Hilandar monastery. Most probably, it is the genuine document that was created in the middle of the 14th century in the very monastery of Htetovo. The document is classified as belonging to the group of monastery brevion and it is the only preserved paper of this kind among the Serbian Medieval sources. The text was written on a parchment in two wide columns. The first line represents the title and it is derived in red ink on a green background. The initial cross was made in the same colour, as well. The text was written in black ink with a few red signs at the beginning of the sentences or a paragraph. The analysis of the document structure reveals that the form of the document is a complilation. What may be noticed in the catalogue of the Htetovo estate is as follows: abstracts from a few sales agreements, the last wills in which the assets were being left to the church, court verdicts and similar documents as well. The sources used by the catalogue author were in the monastery archive. He summarized the property data for the purpose of showing the economic state in which the monastery found itself in the middle of the 14th century. Stefan Dušan issued a charter to the monastery of the Holy Mother of God in Htetovo in 1343., and the very monastery with the whole manor was subordinated to the monastery of Hilandar before 1348. The time of creating the catalogue is mainly related to the visit of king Dušan to Polog and very Htetovo (in 1343). However, the date of catalogue writting and the identity of the author remain unknown. The document represents quite a precious testemony of the Polog toponymy, about the microstructure of the monastery manors and about the minor donations of the believers to the
dc.publisherФилозофски факултет у Београдуsr
dc.publisherФилозофски факултет у Бањој Луциsr
dc.publisherФилозофски факултет у Српском Сарајевуsr
dc.publisherИсторијски институт у Бањој Луциsr
dc.publisherМеђуопштински историјски архив у Ваљевуsr
dc.publisherИсторијски архив у Чачкуsr
dc.sourceStari srpski arhivsr
dc.subjectpopis imanjasr
dc.subjectsrednji veksr
dc.titlePopis imanja Htetovskog manastirasr



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