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Treasury of the Old Church of St Archangel Michael in Jagodina

dc.contributorCvetković, Branislav
dc.contributorStanojlović, Ninoslav
dc.contributorGajić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorДаутовић, Вук
dc.identifier.isbn978-86-900191-0-6 (брош.)
dc.description.abstractРизница Старе јагодинске цркве, владарске задужбине кнеза Милоша, постепено је формирана током два века. Први забележени инвентари начињени су у деценијама након изградње, док вотивни натписи на потоњим предметима сведоче о пракси сталног приложништва, као одразу побожности верника и култног значаја овог храма. У ризници су сабрани предмети који датирају од последњих деценија XVIII века до прве половине XX века. Разнородна структура и порекло утвари из Старе цркве утицали су на визуелну артикулацију литургијског ритуала, бивајући истовремено сведочанством његовог континуитета у Старој јагодинској цркви током претходна два века.sr
dc.description.abstractThe treasury of the Old Jagodina church, royal endowment of Prince Miloš from 1818, was gradually formed throughout two centuries. he irst complete inventories were made in 1836, ofering an abundance of data. he temple possessed valuable silver objects, crosses and also a complete set of Eucharist utensils (a chalice, diskos, star-cover, spoon, spear and zeon) and a censer, with accompanying textiles intended for liturgy on the Great Feasts.Vessels made of pewter and tin were also listed, as well as less valuable textiles. he abovementioned inventory list is important because it also ofers information about the appearance of the church interior, such as the number of polyeleos chandeliers, the number and characteristics of vigil lamps, followed by diferent ecclesiastical mobiliary. Liturgical textiles were also listed, which used to be made of Ottoman fabrics, such as the silk Basma, during the irst few decades of XIX century. he use of colourful oriental fabrics gave the liturgical ritual more of an Ottoman visual character formulated by the common cultural model shared by Christians from the Balkans with other peoples in the spacious Ottoman Empire. Votive inscriptions on the subsequent objects attest to the practice of permanent votive giving as a relection of the piety of believers and the cult importance of this church for Jagodina. Diferent liturgical objects, received from the second half of XIX century until WWII were preserved. A Gospel printed in the Kiev Pecherska Lavra in 1848 is kept in the church, and the silver ittings of this Gospel was manufactured in workshops of Eastern hrace. Also important are the gold studded chalice, diskos and star-cover made of silver, which certainly arrived to Jagodina ater the construction of the temple was inished, made during the last decades of XVIII century by Greek cratsmen for the Lavra of Saint Athanasius, as an exquisite example of the Levant goldsmith crat. During WWI, a valuable antimension was brought to Jagodina church from the Metropolitanate of Karlovac, manufactured for Patriarch Arsenije IV Jovanović Šakabenta, consecrated by Bishop Mojsej Putnik in 1779. he diverse structure and origin of utensils from the Old church inluenced the visual articulation of the liturgical ritual, at the same time being a testimony to its continuity in the Old Jagodina church throughout the previous two centuries.sr
dc.publisherЈагодина : Црквена општина при храму Светих архангела Михаила и Гаврилаsr
dc.sourceЗборник радова Симпосион Два века Старе цркве у Јагодини (2016 ; Јагодина)sr
dc.subjectСтара црква у Јагодиниsr
dc.subjectбогослужбени предметиsr
dc.subjectцрквена уметностsr
dc.subjectXVIII-XX векsr
dc.subjectOld church in Jagodinasr
dc.subjectreligious objectssr
dc.subjectchurch artsr
dc.subject18-19th centuriessr
dc.titleРизница Старе цркве Светог aрханђела Михаила у Јагодиниsr
dc.titleTreasury of the Old Church of St Archangel Michael in Jagodinasr
dc.rights.holderЈагодина : Црквена општина при храму Светих архангела Михаила и Гаврилаsr



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