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Remembering death in the introductory miniatures of Serbian Psalter in Munich

dc.contributorРакоција, Миша
dc.contributorЋирић, Јасмина
dc.contributorМишић, Ана
dc.creatorМилорадовић, Кристина
dc.description.abstractThis paper deals with the introductory miniatures of Serbian psalter in Munich (Cod. Slav. 4), most richly illuminated Serbian medieval manuscripts from the second half of the XIV century. Three compositions, Cup of death, Parable of the man and the unicorn and Bare bones (fol. 1v-2r) are based on the same ideas of the transience of human life and the inevitability of death and make a separate ideological and artistic unity of the Psalter. Detailed analysis of iconographic elements of these miniatures confirmed their relationship with the Byzantine cultural and artistic circle. Representation of the Cup of death is enriched with a unique motif in the entire Serbian medieval painting, figure of aerial toll house (whose literary origin lies in the Life of Saint Basil the Younger). As for the miniature of Bare bones, despite numerous parallels in the Russian illustrated synodics, enigmatic portrait of prophet Isaiah remains unclear. „Opening“ character of these miniatures is even more evident when they are part of the church portal decoration. Taking into account the role of the psalter in personal prayer and funerar services, it is clear that the illustrations of highlighted eschatological content are in full accordance with the nature of the manuscript. Featured idea of individual judgement reflects the late medieval phenomenon of personal piety that emphasizes the intimate relationship of the individual with God. Personal dimension of Serbian psalter in Munich certainly influenced the selection of miniatures on its first pages and their moralizing and didactic role can be seen only through the function of the psalter as a book for private prayer. Transformation into a book for private use has also changed the character of the psalter illustrations that have grown from the text and got the role of icons. In the light of these findings, maybe we can go a step further and say that these miniatures were symbols not only of individual judgment, but also of παρουσια. Behind the dramatization of death and seemingly gloomy iconography, introductory miniatures of Cod. Slav. 4 contain significant eschatological-soteriological message that can also be found in psalm verses. Pictoral shaping of these themes can be linked to the migration of ideas from funerar poetry into the sphere of
dc.publisherНиш : Град Нишsr
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Нишуsr
dc.publisherПравославна епархија нишкаsr
dc.publisherНишки културни центарsr
dc.sourceНиш и Византијаsr
dc.titleСећање на смрт у уводним минијатурама српског Минхенског псалтираsr
dc.titleRemembering death in the introductory miniatures of Serbian Psalter in Munichsr
dc.description.otherОдлуком Матичног одбора за историју, археологију и етнологију, од 28. јануара 2013. године зборник "Ниш и Византија" категорише се као рад у тематском зборнику међународног значаја, М14, с тим што му се додељују 3 бода.sr



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