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Risky behaviour young people are faced with on the internet: gender differences

dc.creatorStojković, Jelena N.
dc.creatorStojković, Nenad R.
dc.description.abstractIako je ovladavanje dece i mladih tehnologijama i internetom brže i efekti njihovog delovanja snažniji, briga za njihovu sigurnost sve je izraženija. Na to je, verovatno, uticao brz i nepredvidiv razvoj tehnologija i brojnih platformi na internetu kojima imaju pristup. Između ostalog, razlog tome je i nedovoljan rad na razvijanju kritičkog pristupa onome što, putem novih tehnologija, do mladih dolazi. Rizici na internetu postaju brojniji i složeniji, a načini zaštite ne prate dati razvoj. Istraživanje koje smo sproveli imalo je za cilj ispitivanje mišljenja učenika trećeg razreda srednjih škola o oblicima rizičnog ponašanja na internetu. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 120 učenika. U ovom radu, akcenat će biti stavljen na polne razlike koje postoje među učenicima u pogledu njihovog mišljenja o rizicima na internetu. Rezultati ovog i drugih, stranih istraživanja pokazali su da postoji razlika u stepenu izloženosti određenim rizicima na internetu kod učenika ženskog i muškog
dc.description.abstractAlthough children and the young use IT and the Inrernet without difficulites, and they do it fast and the effects of thier actions are stronger, the adults care about their safety more and more. Fast and unpredictiable developemnt of technolpogies and numerous platforms on the Internet they had access to had, most problably the greatest influence. The reason for this is inuffiecient work at developing criticral approach to what the young are facing. Risks at the Internet are are becoming more complex and the ways of protection are not following the development. The research we have done had the aim of studying the beliefs of students of the third grade of vocational schools about the forms of risky behavour on the Internet. The sample included 120 students. In the paper, we are going to stress gender differences which exist mong the students considering thier thoughts about the risks on the Inernet. Results of this and other, foreign reserch showed that there is the differnece in the degree of exposure to certain risks on thte Internet among students of male and feamle
dc.publisherSavez pedagoških društava Jugoslavije, Beogradsr
dc.subjectrizična ponašanja na internetusr
dc.subjectučenici srednjih školasr
dc.subjectpolne razlikesr
dc.subjectdigitalne tehnologijesr
dc.subjectdigitalno nasiljesr
dc.subjectrisky behavour at the Internetsr
dc.subjecthigh school studentssr
dc.subjectgender differencessr
dc.subjectdigital technologiessr
dc.subjectdigital violencesr
dc.titleRizična ponašanja kojima su mladi izloženi na internetu: polne razlikesr
dc.titleRisky behaviour young people are faced with on the internet: gender differencessr

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