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Testing one model of family role in the development of formal operations

dc.creatorStepanović Ilić, Ivana
dc.creatorBaucal, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractSavremeni autori naglašavaju važnost sagledavanja porodice kao specifičnog obrazovnog konteksta i izučavanja njene uloge u kognitivnom razvoju. U radu je testiran model kojim se postulira način na koji različiti vidovi roditeljskog posredovanja i razna porodična kulturno-potporna sredstva deluju na razvoj formalnih operacija. Pretpostavili smo da obrazovanje roditelja i materijalni status porodice čine širi kontekst koji utiče na generalne dimenzije porodične interakcije (emocionalna razmena i demokratičnost), ali i na kulturno-pedagoški status porodice, te da je njihova veza sa formalnim operacijama posredovana pomenutim varijablama. Očekivali smo da obrazovanje roditelja i generalne dimenzije porodične interakcije utiču na roditeljsku medijaciju specifičnu za razvoj formalnih operacija, operacionalizovanu KPS skalom, i da preko ove varijable posreduju razvoj tog oblika mišljenja. Direktna veza s formalnim operacijama postulirana je u slučaju varijabli kulturno-pedagoškog statusa i KPS skale. Uzorak čini 305 učenika od 15 do 19 godina. Za testiranje postuliranog modela korišćen je metod strukturalnih jednačina. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji direktan uticaj kulturno-pedagoškog statusa i KPS skale na formalne operacije, ali i obrazovanja majke. Neki odnosi ostalih prediktora su potvrđeni a neki ne, što sugeriše da predloženi eksplanatorni model mora biti donekle
dc.description.abstractContemporary authors emphasise the importance of viewing the family as a specific educational context and of studying its role in the cognitive development. In this paper, we tested the model that postulates the way in which the different ways of parental mediation and various means of the family cultural-supportive system affect the development of formal operations. We assumed that the education of parents and financial status of the family form a wider context that influences the general dimensions of family interaction (emotional exchange and democratism), but also the cultural-pedagogical status of the family, and that their connection with formal operations is mediated by the above-mentioned variables. We expected the education of parents and general dimensions of family interaction to influence the parental mediation characteristic for the development of formal operations, operationalised by CSS scale, and to mediate, via this variable, the development of that form of thinking. The direct link with formal operations is postulated in the case of variables of cultural-pedagogical status and CSS scale. The sample consists of 305 pupils aged 15 to 19. The Structural Equation Modeling was used for testing the postulated model. The results show that there is a direct influence of cultural-pedagogical status and CSS scale on formal operations, but of mother's education as well. Some relations between other predictors were confirmed, and some not, which suggests that the proposed explanatory model must be revised to some degree.en
dc.publisherInstitut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
dc.subjectposredovanje (medijacija)sr
dc.subjectkulturno-potporna sredstvasr
dc.subjectformalne operacijesr
dc.subjectformal operationsen
dc.subjectcultural-supportive systemen
dc.titleTestiranje jednog modela uloge porodice u razvoju formalnih operacijasr
dc.titleTesting one model of family role in the development of formal operationsen
dc.citation.other40(1): 70-83

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