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A propos du concept de l'oubli de Lévi-Strauss. Structure de communication perturbée et styles de pensée dans la Serbie en transition

dc.creatorAntonijević, Dragana
dc.description.abstractU izlaganju se polazi od Levi-Strosovog koncepta semantike zaborava koji čine zaborav, nesporazum, indiskrecija i nostalgija. Analizirajući indijanske i grčke mitove, Levi-Stros dolazi do zaključka da 'semantičko polje zaborava' ima važno značenje koje se, pre svega, tiče normativne funkcije i uspostavljanja društveno-kulturnih pravila i rituala. Kroz uvođenje nove sintagme poremećena komunikacija i termina nedoređenost, autorka nudi korekciju Levi-Strosovog koncepta i razmatra semantičke i kognitivne implikacije pojmova uključenih u sistem poremećene komunikacije, tačke gledišta koje se stvaraju spram različitih diskursa i pitanje njihove verodostojnosti. u radu se, dalje, razmatra period tranzicije koji predstavlja nestabilno vreme u kome društvo pregovara o značenjima i u kome se nadmeću različiti stilovi mišljenja u nameri da utiču na kolektivne procese zaborava i sećanja. Polje njihove komunikacije može se posmatrati kao polje 'poremećene komunikacije' koje, u krajnjoj konsekvenci, ima funkciju da utemelji i normira stavove i predstave koji se tiču kolektivnog identiteta i nacionalne prošlosti i budućnosti. Konvergencijom dvaju modela - poremećene komunikacije i Gremasove strukture modaliteta istinitosti, razmatraju se ilustrativni primeri poremećene komunikacije u tranzicijskoj Srbiji s ciljem da se odredi njihova strukturalna, kognitivna i komunikacijska pozicija u kreiranju mape sećanja građana, kao i njihov potencijal da nametnu svoja gledišta u javnosti.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper starts with Levi-Strauss's semantic concept that consists of oblivion, misunderstanding, indiscretion and nostalgia. Through his analysis of North American and Greek myths, Levi-Strauss concluded that 'semantic filed of oblivion' has an important meaning especially in the construction of particular rules and rituals; or, in other words, it has an important part in the introduction of culture to the nature of cognitive and social processes. After the introduction of concept Structure of disturbed communication and some corrections to the Levi-Strauss's concept, I start with the proposition that the period of transition represents unstable and 'slippery' time in which society negotiates different meanings. That is the time when different styles of thoughts, represented by different and powerful groups that have an impact on current social, political and ideological processes, compete with each other fighting for supremacy. Their field of communication can be seen as a field of 'disturbed communication', which in the final instance has a normative function: to reinforce and regulate certain attitudes, ideas and knowledge. This is achieved through the narratives which symbolise a community of newly established order in the moment of its supposed socio-historical stabilization. Finally, combining two different theoretical models - Levi-Strauss's one described above with Greimas's ideas about structures of modes of verification, this paper predicts chances of particular paradigmatic forms of thought in transitory Serbia to became dominant modes of thought, despite of their current low visibility in the public sphere. In mythical terms, it seems though that their domineering efforts are predetermined to success or fail, since they position themselves according to the laws immanent to these structures themselves, which on their part a priori position these structures as powerful or powerless, influential or non-influential communities of thought.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd
dc.sourceEtnoantropološki problemi
dc.subjectstilovi i zajednice mišljenjasr
dc.subjectporemećena komunikacijasr
dc.subjectLevi-Strosovov koncept zaboravasr
dc.subjectdruštevno-normativna funkcija semantike zaboravasr
dc.subjectstyles and communities of thoughtsen
dc.subjectstructure of disturbed communicationen
dc.subjectsocio-normative function of the semantics of the oblivionen
dc.subjectmodes of verificationen
dc.subjectLevi-Strauss's 'motive of oblivion'en
dc.titlePovodom Levi-Strosovog koncepta zaborava - struktura poremećene komunikacije i stilovi mišljenja u tranzicijskoj Srbijisr
dc.titleA propos du concept de l'oubli de Lévi-Strauss. Structure de communication perturbée et styles de pensée dans la Serbie en transitionfr
dc.titleIn regard to Levi-Strauss's 'motive of oblivion': Structure of disturbed communication and styles of thoughts in transitory Serbiaen
dc.citation.other4(2): 167-197



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