Приказ резултата 8160-8179 од 9404

      Walking on Sunshine-Anisotropy of Egocentric Distances Perceived by Walking [1]
      Wall Paintings in the alter of the Holy Trinity Church in Gabrovac [1]
      Wall paintings of the church of the Virgin Hodegetria in Peć [1]
      Wall paintings of the Davidovica monastery. Additions to the thematical programme and dating [1]
      Wall-painting in the salon of Brajković-Martinović palace [1]
      Wandering ethos and romantic spirit: Reflections following the trail of Max Weber's sociology [1]
      Warrior saints at Nerezi – the selection of figures and other remarks on their iconography [1]
      Was Faust a member of ′Otpor′? On subjectivistic objectivism and objectivistic subjectivism in the interpretation of (post)modern social and political movements [1]
      Was the Dog Locally Domesticated in the Danube Gorges? Morphometric Study of Dog Cranial Remains From Four Mesolithic-Early Neolithic Archaeological Sites by Comparison With Contemporary Wolves [1]
      Wasted skill: the chunk phenomenon [1]
      Water supply of Naissus in Antiquity [1]
      Wavering in relations between port and Europe since Edirne event (1703) until establishment of stabile rule of Ahmed III (1706) [1]
      Ways and Sideways of Emancipation: Dewey’s Reception in Different Political Eras of an Other-Than-Western Context [1]
      Ways of Appearing: Experience and Its Phenomenology [1]
      Ways of conceptualizing class dialogue [1]
      Ways of spending free time by alcohol addicts during periods of drinking and rehabilitation [1]
      We act together, we learn together: Activity theory as a framework for exploring school as learning community [1]
      We all live in the anisotropic submarine - differences in perceived distance anisotropy trough senses [1]
      We are all indigenous now: Culture versus nature in representations of the balkans [1]
      We are all mothers [1]