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School type and academic attainment as factors of acceptance of personal and social aims of highschoolers in Serbia

dc.creatorPetrović, Nebojša
dc.creatorKuzmanović, Bora
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje koje se prikazuje u ovom članku imalo je za cilj da proveri kolika je uloga škole, konkretnije, vrste škole i školskog uspeha, u prihvatanju određenih ličnih i društvenih vrednosti današnjih srednjoškolaca. Pored toga, provereno je i koliko srednjoškolci generalno prihvataju ove vrednosti, operacionalizovane preko 18 ličnih i 18 društvenih ciljeva. Uzorak je činilo 2.426 učenika iz cele Srbije. Od ličnih ciljeva najviše se prihvata prijateljstvo (prosečna vrednost je 4,42 na petostepenoj skali), ljubav (4,37), materijalni standard (4,32) i samostalnost (4,28). Od društvenih ciljeva najznačajnija je zaposlenost (4,42), a potom i socijalna prava (4,31), životni standard građana (4,24) i ekološki ciljevi (4,23). Učenici različitih vrsta škola se statistički značajno razlikuju u važnosti koju pridaju najvećem broju i ličnih i društvenih ciljeva, mada te razlike generalno nisu velike. Školski uspeh je, takođe, u statistički značajnoj korelaciji sa prihvatanjem najvećeg broja kako ličnih, tako i društvenih ciljeva. Ali i ovde su koeficijenti niski. Školski uspeh se obično tretira ne samo kao dobar pokazatelj ostvarivanja obrazovne funkcije škole, nego i vaspitne, socijalizacijske. Pretpostavlja se da bolji učenici ne samo bolje prepoznaju, nego i usvajaju društveno poželjne vrednosti, u prvom redu one koje su izraz vaspitnih ciljeva škole. Naše rezultate ne treba videti kao znak da škola nedovoljno uspešno ostvaruje svoje vaspitne ciljeve, već pre kao prilog tezi da u školi nisu jasno definisani ciljevi vaspitanja, osobito ako je reč o sferi
dc.description.abstractThe research presented in this article was aimed at assessing the role of school, particularly type of school, and academic attainment in accepting personal and social values among contemporary high-school students. The extent of general acceptance of these values was tested by offering respondents 18 personal and 18 social aims. The sample included 2.426 students across Serbia. Among personal values the most widely accepted was friendship (mean value 4.42 on the five-grade scale, love (4.37), welfare (4.32), and independence (4.28). Among social aims the most important was employment (4.42), followed by social rights (4.31), living standard (4.24) and ecological aims (4.23). Students from different types of schools differ statistically significantly in the positioning of most personal and social aims, although the differences are not huge. Academic attainment is also in statistically significant correlation with the acceptance of the majority of both personal and social aims. Yet, here also, the coefficients are low. Academic attainment is usually taken not only as a valid indicator of the educational function of school but also of its upbringing and socialization function. It is assumed that more successful students not only recognize but also accept socially desirable values readily, primarily those expressed in the particular educational aims of their school. Our results should not be interpreted as a signal that school, in general, does not realize its educational aims successfully but more as a contribution to the thesis that educational aims are not clearly defined, regarding particularly the area of values.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectškolski uspehsr
dc.subjectlični ciljevisr
dc.subjectdruštveni ciljevisr
dc.subjectacademic attainmenten
dc.titleVrsta škole i školski uspeh kao činioci prihvatanja ličnih i društvenih ciljeva srednjoškolaca u Srbijisr
dc.titleSchool type and academic attainment as factors of acceptance of personal and social aims of highschoolers in Serbiaen
dc.citation.other59(3): 454-470



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