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The role of peer interaction in cognitive development: Piagetian and Vygotskyan perspective

dc.creatorStepanović Ilić, Ivana
dc.description.abstractČlanak se bavi pristupima Pijažea i Vigotskog, tj. načinom na koji je u okviru tih pristupa definisana vršnjačka interakcija i istraživana njena uloga u intelektualnom razvoju. Prikazani su i upoređeni oni aspekti izvornih učenja Pijažea i Vigotskog koji se bave vršnjačkom interakcijom i njenim značajem za nastanak novih kognitivnih kompetencija. Pored toga, razmatrane su konceptualne i metodološke novine koje su donela istraživanja nastavljača pomenuta dva učenja. Konstatovano je približavanje pijažetanske i vigotskijanske paradigme u pogledu razumevanja vršnjačke interakcije i načina na koji ona oblikuje kognitivni razvoj. Na kraju su opisane studije koje kombinuju te pristupe u proučavanju fenomena kojim se ovaj rad bavi. Diskutovane su prednosti integrativnog pristupa i nova saznanja do kojih se došlo, a naznačeni su i potencijalni problemi sa kojima treba da se suoče autori budućih istraživanja. .sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper deals with the role of peer interaction in cognitive development from the perspective of Piaget's and socio-cultural approach. The description of original Piagetian and Vygotskian ideas regarding the mentioned phenomenon and their comparison is given in the first part of the paper. Research studies of Piaget's and Vygotsky's followers brought theoretical and methodological innovations in the examination of peer interaction influence on cognitive development. At the beginning they were devoted to different aspects of social interaction. Piaget's followers recognized the importance of peer interaction for cognitive development and created a rich corpus of empirical data. The authors from socio-cultural perspective, following Vygotskian ideas, thoroughly investigated adult-child interaction and the consequences of difference in partners' competences on cognitive development in the process of adult's assistance within the child's ZPD. In the meantime, those two perspectives got closer and made the understanding of the phenomenon of peer interaction and its role in thinking development broader and more profound. Namely, Piagetians diverted attention to the importance of peer interaction for cognitive development and Vygotskians emphasized the relevance of asymmetry in peers' cognitive competences. The last part of the paper deals with studies of peer interaction which combine Piagetian and Vygotskian perspectives. The advantages of integrative approach and new discoveries are discussed. In addition to this, potential problems for future research are considered. .en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju, Beograd
dc.sourcePsihološka istraživanja
dc.subjectvršnjačka interakcijasr
dc.subjectsocio-kulturni pristupsr
dc.subjectPijažeov pristupsr
dc.subjectkognitivni razvojsr
dc.subjectsocio-cultural perspectiveen
dc.subjectPiaget's perspectiveen
dc.subjectpeer interactionen
dc.subjectcognitive developmenten
dc.titleOdređenje vršnjačke interakcije i istraživanje njene uloge u kognitivnom razvoju u kontekstu Pijažeovog i socio-kulturnog pristupasr
dc.titleThe role of peer interaction in cognitive development: Piagetian and Vygotskyan perspectiveen
dc.citation.other13(2): 219-240



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