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Fuller's theory of war and the changes in the concepts of warfare in the second half of XX century: The rise of 'creative' war

dc.creatorSekulić, Nada
dc.description.abstractDiskurs koji se danas smatra stručnim i naučnim razmatranjem o ratu - legitimnim znanjem o ratu, naukom i teorijom o ratu - suzio se na ratnu veštinu i tehnologiju ratovanja, postavši dužnost i privilegija 'zelenih okovratnika', oblast rezervisana za poseban vojno-tehnokratski, visoko stručni, profesionalni i komandujući sloj unutar društva, koji deluje zajedno sa političkim i ekonomskim elitama, tvoreći spregu moći koju Mills naziva triumviratom savremenog kapitalističkog društva. Mogućnost javnog prodora i civilne kritike vojne politike i strategije vođenja rata danas je svedena na minimum, mada se ratovi sve više proširuju na sektor civilnog društva. Proučavanje društvenog konteksta i političke pozadine naizgled usko stručnih vojnih razmatranja koja čine polje specijalnog znanja namenjenog 'epoletama', pruža nam uvide u to kako se ideološki uokviruje i naturalizuje predstava o potrebi vođenja rata danas u funkciji 'demokratizacije' sveta i menja slika o mestu i ulozi čoveka u njemu, kako opada odgovornost za civilne žrtve u ratu i kako se građani pacifikuju za lojalno prihvatanje ratova koji se vode u ime njihovih drž
dc.description.abstractCurrent scientific and scholarly discourse on war, which represents the legitimate knowledge and theory on war today, has been narrowed to the topics and issues related to war doctrine and technology of war. It has become reserved for the privileged 'green collars', highly skilled professionals and officers inside the military structure, which act in cooperation with the political and economic elites, forming the triumvirate of power in contemporary world. The opportunities for civil critique of military politics and strategies of wars have been decreased enormously, in spite of the fact that contemporary wars have spread deeply into the civil sector of society. By looking into the social context and political background of the knowledge reserved for the military experts, we can develop insights into the process of the ideological framing of wars today, marked by naturalization and purposeful interpretations of wars, as if they are fought in the name of democratization of global world. At the same time, the image of the importance of human factor in war has been decreased, as much as responsibility for causalities. Citizens have been pacified for the silent acceptance of military politics promoted in their countries.en
dc.publisherSociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
dc.subjectsistemski pristup ratusr
dc.subjectratna doktrinasr
dc.subjectpostideološki ratovisr
dc.subjectmilitarizacija i globalizacijasr
dc.subjectFullerova teorija ratasr
dc.subjectwar doctrineen
dc.subjectsystem theory of waren
dc.subjectpost-ideological warsen
dc.subjectmilitarization and globalizationen
dc.subjectFuller's theory of waren
dc.titleFullerova teorija rata i promene u konceptima vođenja rata u drugoj polovini XX veka - nastanak 'kreativnog' ratasr
dc.titleFuller's theory of war and the changes in the concepts of warfare in the second half of XX century: The rise of 'creative' waren
dc.citation.other53(2): 129-148



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