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Comparing the effects of individual construction of formal operations and asymetric peer interaction on their development

dc.creatorStepanović Ilić, Ivana
dc.description.abstractIspitivana je uloga samostalne konstrukcije formalnih operacija i asimetrične vršnjačke interakcije u razvoju tog oblika mišljenja. Kombinovani su Pijažeov pristup i pristup Vigotskog, što je omogućilo bolje sagledavanje ispitivanog problema. Pijaže naglašava ulogu aktivnosti jedinke, ali i vršnjačke interakcije, u razvoju logičkog mišljenja. Vigotski ukazuje na važnost kognitivne asimetrije partnera u interakciji, čime je obogaćeno ispitivanje uloge vršnjačke interakcije u kognitivnom razvoju. Zadatak istraživanja je da odgovori na pet pitanja: 1. Da li je moguće podsticati razvoj formalnih operacija; 2. Kakvi su rezultati poređenja efekata samostalne konstrukcije formalnih operacija i asimetrične vršnjačke interakcije na njen razvoj; 3. Ima li efekata u zoni narednog razvoja (ZNR); 4. Kakvi su efekti na učenike različitih uzrasta; 5. Kakve su implikacije za nastavu. Istraživanje je eksperimentalno i sastojalo se od pretesta, intervencije (rešavanje zadataka u asimetričnim dijadama i samostalno rešavanje) i posttesta. Učestvovali su učenici šestog i osmog razreda iz Beograda. Rezultati pokazuju da asimetrična vršnjačka interakcija utiče na razvoj formalnih operacija, ali da je moguća i samostalna konstrukcija ove forme mišljenja. Oba faktora deluju u ZNR, i to u jednakoj meri. To se dešava samo kod starijih učenika. Diskutovane su implikacije dobijenih nalaza za nastavu koja bi podsticala razvoj formalnih operacija.sr
dc.description.abstractOur research dealt with the role of independent construction of formal operations and asymmetric peer interaction in the development of this form of thinking. We combined Piaget‘s and Vygotsky‘s approaches, which provided a fuller view on the problem under study. Piaget stresses not only the role of the individual but also of peer interactions in the development of logical thinking, while Vygotsky indicates the importance of cognitive asymmetry of partners in interaction, which enriches the study of the role peer interaction plays in cognitive development. Our research focused on five questions: 1. Is it possible to stimulate the development of formal operations? 2. What are the results of the comparison of the effects of independent construction and peer interactions on the development of formal operations? Are there any effects in the zone of subsequent development (ZSD)? 4. What are the effects of each upon students of various age? 5. Are there any implications for teaching? The research had a form of an experiment and included a pre-test, intervention (solving tasks in asymmetric dyads and individually), and a post-test. The examinees were students of the sixth and eighth grades of an elementary school in Belgrade. The results show that asymmetric peer interaction affects the development of formal operations, but also that individual construction of this type of thinking is possible. Both factors acted in the ZSD with equal strength but only in senior students. The paper also discusses some implications for teaching that can be derived from the research results and which can stimulate the development of formal operations.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectsamostalna konstrukcijasr
dc.subjectformalno-operacionalno mišljenjesr
dc.subjectasimetrična vršnjačka interakcijasr
dc.subjectindependent constructionen
dc.subjectformal-operational thinkingen
dc.subjectasymmetric peer interactionen
dc.titlePoređenje efekata samostalne konstrukcije formalnih operacija i asimetrične vršnjačke interakcije na njihov razvojsr
dc.titleComparing the effects of individual construction of formal operations and asymetric peer interaction on their developmenten
dc.citation.other61(1): 141-155



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