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Kak sredneškol'niki vosprinimajut obrazovatel'nye aktivnosti - kačestvennyj analiz dnevnika vremeni

dc.creatorPešić, Jelena
dc.creatorVidenović, Marina
dc.creatorPlut, Dijana
dc.description.abstractNačin na koji mladi doživljavaju obrazovne aktivnosti važan je ne samo za razumevanje razvojnih procesa koji se dešavaju u kontekstu tih aktivnosti, već i njihovih razvojnih efekata. Zato smo želeli da nalaze o količini vremena koje srednjoškolci provode u obrazovnim aktivnostima dopunimo podacima o tome kako oni doživljavaju rad u školi i učenje kod kuće, i to u pogledu mentalne zahtevnosti, motivacione vrednosti i ciljeva/značaja ovih aktivnosti. Spontani opisi učenika prikupljeni su metodom 24-časovnog vremenskog dnevnika, a obrađeni metodom analize sadržaja. Istraživanje je obavljeno na uzorku od 922 učenika srednjih škola, strukturisanom po regionu, uzrastu i tipu škole. Analiza je pokazala da srednjoškolci uglavnom doživljavaju obrazovne aktivnosti kao mentalno zahtevne i naporne, ali ne i kao izazovne i motivišuće, dok njihove ciljeve i značaj opažaju skoro isključivo instrumentalno. Ne tako mali broj pozitivnih komentara pokazuje da određene teme (predmeti) i nastavne aktivnosti (nastavnici) uspevaju da podstaknu unutrašnju motivaciju učenika, kao i da su školska postignuća značajan izvor njihovog doživljaja kompetentnosti i samovrednovanja. Pedagoške implikacije nalaza razmatrane su iz perspektive pozitivnog razvoja mladih i uticaja učeničkog doživljaja na obrazovna postignuća.sr
dc.description.abstractThe way the young perceive educational activities is important not only for understanding the developmental processes that take place in the context of these activities, but also their developmental effects. That is why we wanted to supplement the findings about the quantity of time that high-schoolers spend in educational activities with the data how they perceive their activities at school and studying at home, considering mental requirements, motivational values and aims/importance of these activities. Spontaneous descriptions of the students, compiled by the method of keeping 24-hour diary were analyzed by the method of content analysis. The research included 922 high school students, divided into groups according to the region, age and the type of the school. The analysis showed that high-schoolers perceive educational activities mainly as mentally demanding and tedious, not as challenging and motivating, while their aims and importance they see exclusively from the instrumental point of view. Not a small number of positive comments indicate that some themes (school subjects) and educational activities (teachers) succeed to stimulate intrinsic motivation, and that academic attainments are significant sources of their sense of competence and self-respect. Pedagogic implications of the findings were considered from the perspective of positive development of the young and the influence of the students' experiences upon academic achievements.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectvremenski dnevniksr
dc.subjectdoživljaj obrazovnih aktivnostisr
dc.subjecttime diaryen
dc.subjectperception of educational activitiesen
dc.titleKako srednjoškolci doživljavaju obrazovne aktivnosti - kvalitativna analiza vremenskog dnevnikasr
dc.titleKak sredneškol'niki vosprinimajut obrazovatel'nye aktivnosti - kačestvennyj analiz dnevnika vremeniru
dc.titleHow high-schoolers perceive educational activities: A qualitative analysis of time recordingsen
dc.citation.other62(3): 407-420



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