Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Podgotovka pedagogov v sfere reformy Universiteta

dc.creatorVujisić-Živković, Nataša
dc.description.abstractU okviru reforme univerziteta mnogo radova napisano je o obrazovanju osnovnih pedagoških profila (nastavnika, vaspitača) ali vrlo malo o obrazovanju naučnoistraživačkih pedagoških profila. Predmet našeg članka jeste reforma obrazovanja pedagoga na vodećim evropskim univerzitetima, i to na svim nivoima studija - osnovnim, master i doktorskim. Ukazuje se na delikatnost procesa reforme obrazovanja pedagoga i formiranja njihovih teorijsko-metodoloških kompetencija. Naročito se ističe značaj objedinjavanja nacionalnih istraživačko-naučnih kapaciteta u funkciji usavršavanja vrhunskih istraživača u oblasti obrazovanja. U analizi se pošlo od trenutnog stanja u oblasti obrazovanja pedagoga na sto najprestižnijih evropskih univerziteta, povlače se paralele sa reformom obrazovanja pedagoga kod nas, i ukazuje na tendencije budućeg razvoja. U meri u kojoj je to bilo neophodno prikazuju se i najnoviji programi obrazovanja nastavnika za različite stupnjeve školskog sistema. Sve promene sagledane su u kontekstu reforme univerziteta, njegove autonomije i uloge u unapređivanju celokupnog obrazovnog
dc.description.abstractWithin the University reform, there are many papers written about education of the basic pedagogical profiles (primary school teachers, pre-school teachers) but not much about education of scientific-research pedagogical profiles. The subject of the paper is the reform of education of pedagogues at the leading European Universities, and this is at all the levels of studies - undergraduate, master and doctoral studies. We are pointing at the delicacy of the process of the reform of education of pedagogues and forming their theoretical-methodological competencies. Particularly, we are stressing the significance of enhancing national research-scientific capacities functioning in mastering the best researchers in the field of education. The analysis started from the present state in the field of educating pedagogues at one hundred most prestigious Universities, and there are parallels with the reform of education of pedagogues in our country, and tendencies for future development are shown. In the necessary measure, there are the most recent programmes shown of the teachers at different levels of the school system. All the changes are shown in the context of the University reform, its autonomy and role in improvement of the whole educational system.en
dc.publisherForum pedagoga Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179060/RS//
dc.subjectreforma univerzitetasr
dc.subjectobrazovanje pedagogasr
dc.subjectobrazovanje nastavnikasr
dc.subjectUniversity reformen
dc.subjecteducation of teachersen
dc.subjecteducation of pedagoguesen
dc.titleObrazovanje pedagoga u svetlu reforme univerziteta - I deo - od Berna do Luvenasr
dc.titlePodgotovka pedagogov v sfere reformy Universitetaru
dc.titleEducation of pedagogues in the light of the University reformen
dc.citation.other68(1): 22-36



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