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Attempted suicide of elderly: An addition to reflections on social and family negligence

dc.creatorDragišić-Labaš, Slađana
dc.description.abstractUvod Stopa pokušaja suicida starijih osoba u Srbiji niža je u odnosu na srednju generaciju i mlade, ali je zato stopa suicida visoka. I pored starenja stanovništva kao jednog od faktora povećanja stope, niz različitih stresogenih životnih događaja predstavljaju visoko rizične faktore za pokušaje i izvršene suicide. Cilj rada je bio da ispita uticaj stresogenih životnih događaja na osobe koje su pokušale suicid. Uzorak je činilo 30 ispitanika, starosti preko 65 godina, koji su hospitalno lečeni u psihijatrijskoj bolnici u periodu 2007-2011. godine. Od instrumenata su korišćeni upitnik o sociodemografskim karakteristikama i Pajkelova (Paykel et al., 1971) skala životnih događaja. Rezultati (po Pajkelovoj skali) su pokazali da su najčešći razlozi za pokušaj suicida: teška organska bolest, smrt bliske osobe, velike finansijske teškoće, penzionisanje, zlostavljanje od strane člana porodice, odlazak dece iz porodice, loši odnosi sa decom, usamljenost. Takođe su značajni: prisustvo psihičkih poremećaja, demencije i zavisnosti od alkohola. Zaključak Pokušaj samoubistva često predstavlja alarm fenomen, međutim osobe koje pokušaju samoubistvo (posebno stariji) uvek su pod rizikom da će ga izvršiti. Tako epidemiološka istraživanja ukazuju da je pokušaj suicida snažan klinički prediktor suicida. Upravo zato bi se društvena briga sastojala u kontinuiranom programu prevencije pokušaja suicida.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction The attempted suicide rate of elderly in Serbia is lower compared to middle aged and young people, however, the suicide rate is high. Even if the aging of population is one of the factors of the increase of suicide rate there is a number of different life events that cause stress that represent a high risk for suicide and suicide attempts. Aim The aim was to examine the influence of stressfull live events on the persons who have had suicide attempts. Sample The sample included 30 individuals aged over 65 years, treated in a psychiatric institution in the period from 2007 to 2011. Research was conducted by socio-demographic questioner and a Paykel's Scale of Life Events (Paykel et al., 1971). Results The results (as per Paykel's Scale) have shown that the most common reasons that lead to suicide attempt are: serious illness, death of a close person, financial difficulties, retirement, molestation by a family member, departure of children, difficult relations with children, dementia and alcohol dependence. Conclusion The suicide attempt often represents an alarm, phenomena, but persons attempting suicide (especially elderly) are risking being successful. Therefore, the epidemiological research have established that suicide attempt is a strong clinical predictor of a suicide. That is the reason why the social care should incorporate a continuous program of prevention of suicide attempts.en
dc.publisherGerontološko društvo Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectstresogeni životni događajisr
dc.subjectstarije osobesr
dc.subjectpokušaj suicidasr
dc.subjectsuicide attempten
dc.subjectstressful life eventsen
dc.titlePokušaji suicida starijih osobasr
dc.titleAttempted suicide of elderly: An addition to reflections on social and family negligenceen
dc.citation.other40(1): 48-63



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