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dc.creatorKocić, Marija
dc.creatorSamardžić, Nikola
dc.description.abstractKonstantinopolj - Istanbul zauzima važno mesto u istoriji pandemija kuge. Njegova lokacija na istorijskoj mapi pandemija stoji u vezi sa njegovom geografskom pozicijom i složenim sanitarnim uslovima. Istanbul je jedan od najvećih evropskih gradova, koji delimično leži i na azijskoj obali, dok ga sa Afrikom vežu snažne ekonomske veze. Međutim, epidemije kuge koje su sredinom XVIII veka izbijale u Osmanskom carstvu nisu dovoljno istražene. Stav vlasti i društva prema epidemijama i bolesti je generalno bio takav da ih je smatrao Božijom kaznom, koju je potrebno mirno i trpeljivo izdržati. Shodno tome, lekari u Osmanskom carstvu nisu posmatrali kugu ko medicinski fenomen, tako da nisu ostavili dovoljno zapisa o njoj. U ovom radu se služimo izvorima evropske provenijencije, pre svega pismima doktora Mordaha Mekenzija (1712-1797), koji je u prepisci sa svojim kolegama u Londonu izneo zapažanja u vezi sa kugom u Istanbulu 1848-1762. U tim pismima se nalaze vredne informacije o njegovoj lekarskoj praksi, kao i uvid u manifestacije i lečenje kuge u Istanbulu sredinom XVIII veka.SR
dc.description.abstractConstantinople - Istanbul has taken an important place in the history of the pandemic of the plague. The city's location on the historical map of the pandemic is linked to its geographical position and complex sanitary conditions. Istanbul is one of the largest European cities, also located on the Asian side, and related to Africa with strong economic ties. The city is an important destination for Mediterranean navigation and trade. However, the epidemics of plague affecting the Ottoman Empire, including the mid-18th century epidemics, have not yet been sufficiently explored. Sources are mainly testimonies of foreign origin. The attitude of the Ottoman government and the Ottoman society towards the plague and epidemics in general were under strong influence of religious beliefs. The epidemics were considered a divine punishment, supposed to remain suffered calmly and obediently. Therefore, the Ottoman doctors showed a lack of interest towards s the plague as a medical phenomenon, thus leaving insufficient testimonies. That is why researchers are referred to the sources of European provenance. In the letters from Istanbul to his English colleagues in London, doctor Mordach Mackenzie (1712-1797) communicated his observations about the plague in Istanbul 1748-1762. The letters contain valuable information from his medical practice, pointing to the medical peculiarities of the epidemic and contributing to a more complete insight into the manifestations and treatment of the plague in Istanbul in the mid-18th century. This study took into account as well the great epidemic that hit the city in 1788, using an anonymous treatise. The authorship of the treatise is also revealed in this study. Opinions and attitudes in the treatise from 1788 do not fully comply to those found in the reports of doctor Mackenzie.EN
dc.publisherSavez naučnih društava za istoriju zdravstvene kulture Jugoslavije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177009/RS//
dc.sourceActa historiae medicinae, stomatologiae, pharmaciae, medicinae veterinariae
dc.subjectosmanska medicinaSR
dc.subjectMordah MekenziSR
dc.subjectDomeniko SestiniSR
dc.titleKuga u Istanbulu sredinom XVIII veka prema izveštajima evropskih savremenikaSR
dc.citation.other38(1-2): 30-80



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