Now showing items 51-70 of 1002

      Answer to the Milićian neo-bolshevist school [1]
      Answer to Vladimir Vuletić [1]
      Antidemocratism in our contemporary social science [1]
      Antidemokratizam u našoj savremenoj društvenoj nauci [1]
      Antropologija prava, individualna i socijalna patologija i devijacije [1]
      Architecture of Moderna and its function in promotion of Belgrade [1]
      Are we someone's? Perception and reception of trauma narratives from the listener's perspective [1]
      Arhitektura Moderne u funkciji promocije Beograda [1]
      Arrangements, semiotic links and evaluations: purifying familiar environments of covid-19 among Serbia’s young professionals [1]
      Articulation of Resistance in the Discourse of the 1996/97 Serbian Protests: Political Struggle through Culture and Symbolic Geography [1]
      Ascetic religiosity in the gospel of Thomas [1]
      Asketska religioznost u jevanđelju po Tomi [1]
      Attempted suicide of elderly: An addition to reflections on social and family negligence [1]
      Attitudes and experiences of women on abortion (results from the qualitative research from the territory of Belgrade) [1]
      Attitudes and value orientations of high school students in Serbia [1]
      Attitudes of the Citizens of the Central Part of Serbia towards the Influence of Immigrants on Local Culture and Tradition [1]
      Attitudes of the ethnic elites members in Vojvodina to minority rights and to interethnic relations [1]
      Attitudes on transition to adulthood among young people in Serbia [1]
      Avangarda - od ratovanja, preko revolucionarne politike, do umetnosti [1]
      Avant-garde: Making war, revolutionary politics and art [1]