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The internet use in adult education: Historical and organisational perspectives

dc.creatorLjujić, Bojan
dc.description.abstractIako u svojim začecima internet nije bio primarno obrazovna kompjuterska mreža (ne nastaje sa namerom da se sistematski primenjuje u obrazovanju), vrlo brzo nakon što se pojavio prepoznate su mogućnosti njegove upotrebe u obrazovnoj delatnosti. Ovaj rad posvećen je analizi bitnih hronoloških momenata (prevashodno tehnoloških i socijalnih) koji su bili ključni sa aspekta sveobuhvatnog stavljanja interneta u funkciju obrazovanja generalno, pa i u funkciju obrazovanja odraslih. U tom smislu, u nešto više detalja, analizirali smo nastanak i razvoj interneta kao obrazovne kompjuterske mreže u kontekstu opšteg razvoja informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija. Sprovodeći pomenutu analizu, primarno smo bili fokusirani na četiri ključna istorijska perioda u razvoju kompjuterskih tehnologija u funkciji obrazovanja. Takođe, namera nam je bila da ukažemo na delatnost međunarodnih institucija koje su pratile, podsticale i podržavale razvoj primene interneta i ostalih informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija u sferi obrazovanja. U skladu sa tim, istakli smo ključne momente koji se tiču delatnosti ovih organizacija i koji najbolje opisuju njihove zasluge za rastuću upotrebu interneta u sferi obrazovanja generalno i u tom kontekstu obrazovanja odraslih.sr
dc.description.abstractBeside the fact that the Internet was not primarily educational network (it didn’t emerge from the intention to be systematically used in the field of education), shortly after it emerged, possibilities of its application in education were recognised. This paper is dedicated to analysis of the most important chronological moments (technological and social in the first place) that were crucial in sense of comprehensive application of the Internet in service of education in general, but also in service of adult education. Having all mentioned in focus, in more details, we analysed emergence and development of the Internet observed as educational computer network in frame of general development of information and communication technologies. While realising mentioned analysis, our focus was on four historical periods of educational computer technologies. We also intended to emphasize the activities of international institutions that followed, encouraged and supported the development of the Internet use and the use of other information and communication technologies in the field of education. According to that, we distinguished the main moments referring activities of these organisations which describe in the best manner their contributions to growing application of the Internet in education in general, but also in adult education.sr
dc.publisherJU Centar za kulturu Kantona Sarajevo OJ Bosanski kulturni centar Sarajevo i Institut za međunarodnu saradnju Njemačkog saveza visokih narodnih škola (dvv International) Ured za Bosnu i Hercegovinusr
dc.relationModeli procenjivanja i strategije unapređenja kvaliteta obrazovanja u Srbiji (broj: 179060)sr
dc.sourceObrazovanje odraslih - Časopis za obrazovanje odraslih i kulturusr
dc.subjectrazvoj internetasr
dc.subjectobrazovanje odraslihsr
dc.subjectinformaciono-komunikacione tehnologijesr
dc.subjectTehnički komitet za obrazovanje – TC3sr
dc.subjectdevelopment of the Internetsr
dc.subjectadult educationsr
dc.subjectinformation and communication technologiessr
dc.subjectTechnical Committee for Education – TC3sr
dc.titleUpotreba interneta u obrazovanju odraslih: istorijsko-organizaciona perspektivasr
dc.titleThe internet use in adult education: Historical and organisational perspectivessr
dc.description.otherUDK 374.7 - za časopis UDK: 374.7:004.738.5(091) - za konkretan članaksr



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