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Documenting the learning process by mapping the meaning of the work with preschool children in Serbia

dc.contributorDevjak, Tatjana
dc.contributorBatistic Zorec, Marcela
dc.creatorMiškeljin, Lidija
dc.description.abstractZainimoz idcjo.daje pripovednaainizra2aijamisli (Rruner,2000:54)od lrenuika seTgodiizvennassmih in pri kaLerensno uspesDi. kajli reltcksija fonreni.da lporabinio pristop,ki ga lahko vpeljemor izobrazevatni proces,ki prdvtcva, da jc fornalni prog.amsicc. 'isk nje ponena', in',ustvejanjercarnosri,, ipny nm: 23. 33).vende kot Lakni konid. rcnveastuzikor izrjv in je.,,2ivahcr Dogoyor o predmetu. ki sa ni mogoCedotoiiti',(pravtanr r25)rmdatjeercza skupno oblikoranjcb osmiiljanjevlose.ciljev.vsebinc. merodin postoptoup.ogima. Sodobnd znusNenaspoznanja o nzvojuor.oka!r o nornostihnjesolcsaizobrarcyeja $ spremenila podobootrok!, kijo nrnogiznanslvcDiki inenujcjonola pdadigda 'nrck D ver psNo proi?vodsocializacr.le. tenrea aktilen soudelezseclashega f.zvoja,nkortekstarcrgmditeljlastnckalrure. potrebno je bistvenospreneniri kontcGt. \ kd(qcn seLobrazcuje sooiaz osnowim!"ra!aijcN, ki senanasana ustlar.jmje ,ranesa ololja innainsrilucionalno i?obfazevanjc 'Ponenskidiskuzsenanasa narazumelanjeuicnja,pn kalcremseuacnjelrer)ouakot rr.@csBrad'hcdruZbein kotpomenskosporoaanje v odnosudodrugih.NaosnoviLega d 'l'r/" ,c \ Ind(l.r p pJ( .te \/S.i( porrebnnu.r\ar..,fugut-.^i r^Jprrdjo d.rt.gdIn rrrh.\dnir. .ar\drr.a In nrF.btr^ordta,,uoto\eSo lasheeaokolja.vkljuino s pouacvanjenin uaenjen! prediolskidobiin ! lrcu ii pogoji vkljuau.leFnasledDte: siruaciiskoiznroic menja kitiano rsa'sljanje jn rneksiio,probtenaliziranje in rckonslrukcijo. Vzposra!it'iepoL.ebno srupinskldialos kr uJ)!iLr\.irl ri, r {rl iar "' li,'r.r ( r. tt1l.rr\1,) t,,ILl krniacnpreglcdinrLlruirlcvdnrgihvt(,rfstrr!r(i!i,rll(r.\'r("li)rrl,' r ii l'ence, -10{Jl: 106ll)ll ,Nara\a uanihprocesovin snatcgii.kilih ufo.ahljljo oL.oci. N(ane !id,,r. osebiiitrr medoscbni prcccsi Da$ y skuiJni dotneni: btarje,pregledin occnaiasai'r ptustoru: !\! 'r aer\ni^ri .o, re<rdl oc prn\c\atr',hl rtdr'td,nI r'iRi_. dr.\n4n.h8 r ( \ oaehotrokzaTnamo, ddjc ro. kxrpotnemo.viedno, je ro poaettcsnisclno.'CcpE! \c morda lamib 'to'nanasalana neinenova!in ncvidcnprcstor,raje sto,nanje,dajc iuazdje otrok,njjho\oposluianjeir sliidnjeponenbnoz. lzgojllelje,risto,k' osmillja faia i/lajmja." (tfu! tami70) v srbiji upo,abljaloyzsojltelji v vrlcih ruiiane snatcsiicdokumentira.jr.alanet predstavljamelododokulrentiranjauincga proccsaz uporabopodrobneopredelille lomcnadclaTotrotiy de\eLih!flcih v Beogradu Oprcdclrtc! ! kurikul$ruje sisrenr. kilenatskopoleate oceno, kurikulumif navod'la, je lehnikazaprouaevanje osnouihelcnicntovlunkulum!:kajseNutuje in kakopoleka d!i.[ic nalodi]iDadaljejeptuceszbnanjapodatto!.ki dolo.aosnovrovscbino. !rccesc i,roccnjcldnje. ki seLporabljaza\ sakopos.mezropodrciickurikulund,z namenom. da seizboljsata konunikacijaii dajanjcnalodilnr vseh[uiikulan'ihpodroajib oznaaevanje pomcnaz dokumefti.anjenr je koristno. sajpomasruiileljelr razuncti.kai scpouauiein kddjtpnv lakopomagaudiieljenpri povezovanju inlcrdisoiplifanihenol, ki spodbujEootro[olo ruumev.njekoNcpto!. idci in dejlwodir pomdgaoLrokon.da naideiorskupncnili" tcga.uumewjdr ponae. uiltellempri refleksli!r prilaeajanju Naii Takljutkire2uhatov uporabedokurncntimnja sonaslcdnji: ,Nai vasspomnimnd definicijoprogranar proeramjeobsczcnsislcmoilc! in nabs ! delolniorganizaci.ti. M osnolikarcfcealahtodelqcmo7otokiid neodvisen. aklivennl uslvdjalefnatin Kdo sorisri,ki usrvarjajo komplelensislctn, ki lscbujevsanavedend narela. lsebinskapriporoaila.p.osrorskoorgani,ec,lo,sodelolanje, druzinadri, dnrzbenDokolicm.litcraturo, itd.?sahagoLolosodinDednje.. Todateganepoircm kot nelajkontnega. zakljuieneea. nespremenliilcga tcmvcami slu;l zgoljkol ni dajesvobodo, da usrva.jan, urejanr, prenrilljujefro te'n.kajje prnrernoza otok. sledena njihoveinrerese, potuebe, sposobnostj ... In ,munrobautek.dd se'n dobila inslrumenl, ki mi omogoialajc. ust!a.jalnejiein uainkovitej!e prislopek naaftovdjL'. \alo scnrusobvild.d6ldhkodokunentiranje uporabimzadeloz otroki.Naborbesed, ki sosljih olrocizapomili,.icncvcficlcnin sedaj bljih telelanaatetit sananekaterihnebi niogla polczaii z juha. nl'r.'opelo. toda orroci so raili povczavo.Dcjanskoje najpomenbnejse usrvariri atmoslerolzrenjave,mrctcnja,razprav, itd. vtasih sen se poautilaskomiizkljuaeno, kajtiot.ocisohnrodojelipomenin lredsebojtro sodclovali. da bi nalli karnajlei
dc.description.abstractLet us star/ from the idea the narralive accounl is the mode of thought (Bnmer. 2000: 54) from the moment it is recorded, outside of us, and thal it is 11//m tl,11,/1 /,,, ,111\i th, , , //,·,111111 11 t u I"" " ' u u r rlw 111111r r ,,wh 1h01 .1/w 11/d h e 11111/1111 i/11· 1u ·11r ,•n 11/ , .111, , 11/un 1/i, 1/ ,,1 w 1111'' ' Iha/ 1h11 j i nw al 1 1ro gra111, "!he search /r>r 111,•w 1i111<« 11111I ''1·11• 11/11111 11/ re11!1z1•11 (/h id.: 23, 33). is nu/ an em/ in i1seif. bu/ serves as a 111, ,· 111·.1 lo <'hu l/ 1·11 c. "0 11 a11ima 1e d conversation about a subject that can not lw deji11e d 11(//m /.: 125). ji,rther the join/ construction and !he creation o_lmeaning given to the role, objectives, content, methodv and procedures of a program. Tire cu nt e mporaryscientific knowledge about the child development and the possibilities (!/' ifs educationchanged the image of the child that most scientists called the new paradigm- the child is not a passive product of socializalion, hut an active participant in its own development, conte.xt and is the builder of ils uwn culture. The crucial changesof the context in ·which educa/ion is confronted with the basic queslion, related to the creation of the environment for learning and education in institutions, are 0 - The discourse o.l meaning refers to the understanding of learning, whereby learning is seen as the process o_f community building and the conveyance of meaning in relation to others. Based upon this discourse in the con/ext of preschool educalion it is necessary to develop conditions that support the interac1ive process of dialogueand understanding, of constructiun and reconstructionof 1he child's own settings, including teaching and learning in the preschool age and in preschuul. They consist of- the situationalconveyance of meaning, critical and reflective thinking, prohlematisingand reconstruction; of the group dialogue that considers dijferenl viewpoints and per pectives,the pedagogical documentation /hat serves as a basis/or 1he critical review and involvement of others in the process o_lreview and reflection (Dahlberg, Moss and Pence, 2007: 106-/07). »II makes visible the nalureof learning processes and strategies used by each child, and makes subjective and inter-su iective processes common property; to read, review andassess time and space, and these actions arean integral part of the process of building up knowledge.<<(Rinaldi, 2006: 68) If the eyes of children indicate that what we do has value, ii makes sense. >>Thus, '!here' and 'thal' may come from an unnamed and invisible space, but the recognition that children's expressions, their listening and hearing are important to the teachers, makes it worth doing.« (Ibid.: 70) In Serbia preschool teachers use different strategies lo draft their own documentation. The paper presents the method of documenting the learning process by applying the discourse <if mapping the meaning of work with children in 10 preschools in Belgrade. The curriculum mapping is a system that thematically links together assessment, curriculum, and instruction, a technique for e.xploring the primary elements <if the curriculum: what is taught and how instruction occurs; fiirther, a process .for data collection that identifies the core content, processes, and the assessment used in the curriculum for each subject area, in order to improve communication and instruction across all areasof 1he curri culu m. The curriculum map is usefi./l to help teachers understand what is taught and when; to assist teachers in creating unified interdisciplina,y units that foster children' s understanding of concepts, ideas, and activities; to assist children in finding 'common thready' of understanding; to assist teachers in rejlec/ing upon and aqjusting their uwn lessons. Our conclusions regarding /he result of mapping are, as follows: J>Le t 111 e rc•111111tl you r,f the 1h:fi11itio11 ,,f u p1·01,:rw 111111:·. II pro}.!,ra 1111111·. Iv 1,1 ·,1111p 1··,/w 1·1.,1· 1e prakticno kot 1ud1, h:o riJi prcdstavlja reprezenlacijo, idealno konstrukcijo 1. ys t e 111 u f goa/., am/ wsk., 111 a work org11111za11011. 011 th e basis of w/11ch 11,v· w1 '"" ..-11/i c hi ldre n in , 111 i11de pende111, a c tiv e and creatil'e manner. Who are the ones that mslitute t eh co mplete system containing all the above mentioned principles, suggestions to the content, the organization of spa,ce cooperation with families, social environment, literature, and so on? I certainly amt But I do not do it as something final, complete. fixed, but as the framework, that gives me the freedom to create, edit, and deliberate on what is appropriate for children, depending on their interests, needs and abilities... I had a feeling that I got an instrument allowing /<Jr easier, more creative and more effective approaches 10 planning Then I noticed that the mapping can be used for working with children. The number of words that the children remembered is amazing, and now I would like lo mention them. hut 1 certainly would not be able lo connect some of the me ntioned words with 'soup•. for example 'brick·. but the children found the connection. in fact the most important is to create the atmosphere of exchange, networking. discussion1.·, and so on. Sometimes I felt almost excluded, because children quickly grasped the meaning and connected lo each other, competing to find as many connections as posl·ihle.«sr
dc.publisherPedagoska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljanisr
dc.sourceMednarodni posvet: Pristop reggio emilia - izziv za slovenske vrtcesr
dc.subjectoznacevajc pomenasr
dc.subjectkriticna refleksijasr
dc.subjectcritical reflectionsr
dc.titleDokumentiranje učnega procesa skozi označevanje pomena v delu s predšolskimi otroki v Srbijisr
dc.titleDocumenting the learning process by mapping the meaning of the work with preschool children in Serbiasr
dc.description.otherРад са конференције објављен у целиниsr

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