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Relationship between health and social status in Bronze Age culture Maros: necropolises Mokrin and Ostojićevo

dc.contributor.advisorPorčić Marko
dc.contributor.otherStefanović Sofija
dc.contributor.otherLjuština Marija
dc.contributor.otherPetrović Bojan
dc.creatorKrečković Gаvrilović, Mаrijа
dc.description.abstractFilozofski fakultetsr
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja ove disertacije su skeletni i arheološki markeri zdravstvenog i društvenog statusa osoba sahranjenih na nekropolama Mokrin i Ostojićevo. Analizirani su skeleti odraslih individua pronađeni u moriškim grobovima, a posebna pažnja posvećena je analizi hipoplastičnih defekata gleđi, te markerima nespecifičnog stresa (cribra orbitalia, porotična hiperostoza i periostoza). Istraživan je odnos između preživljenih epizoda stresa u detinjstvu (praćenih kroz prisustvo hipoplazije gleđi) i zdravstvenih ishoda i dužine životnog veka. U analizu su uključeni podaci o polu/rodu i socijalnom statusu. Cilj istraživanja je da kroz analizu zdravstvenog statusa odgovorimo na pitanja o individualnom i populacionom zdravlju, vezi preživljenog stresa u detinjstvu sa kasnijim zdravstvenim ishodima, ali i odnosu zdravlja i društvenog uređenja moriške kulturne grupe. Pretpostavili smo da će individue koje su preživele epizodu stresa u detinjstvu imati više šanse da razviju patološke promene kasnije u životu, da će živeti kraće, te da će biti nižeg rasta. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da, merene na ovaj način, epizode stresa preživljene u detinjstvu nisu uticale na ostvarivanje potencijala telesnog rasta, a da postoje naznake negativnog uticaja na dužinu životnog veka kod muškaraca i ograničenog negativnog uticaja na zdravstveni status. Analize odnosa zdravstvenih i društvenih markera upućuju nas na tumačenje društvenog uređenja moriške kulturne grupe kroz model rangiranih društava po kome razlilke u pristupu osnovnim resursima koji mogu uticati na zdravstvene ishode ne postoje među pripadnicima različitog pola/roda i društvenih kategorija.
dc.description.abstractThe subjects of research of this dissertation are skeletal and archaeological markers of health and social status of individuals buried in the necropolises of Mokrin and Ostojićevo. Skeletons of adult individuals found in Maros graves were analyzed, and special attention was paid to the analysis of hypoplastic defects of enamel, and markers of non-specific stress (cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis and periostosis). The relationship between survival of stress episodes in childhood (monitored through the presence of enamel hypoplasia) and health outcomes and life expectancy was investigated. Sex/gender and social status data are included in the analysis. The aim of the research is to answer questions about individual and population health, the connection between surviving childhood stress and later health outcomes, but also the relationship between health and social organization of the Maros cultural group. We hypothesized that individuals who survived an episode of childhood stress would be more likely to develop pathological changes later in life, to have shorter life expectancy, and to be of shorter stature. The results of the research showed that, measured in this way, episodes of stress experienced in childhood did not affect the realization of physical growth potential, and that there are indications of negative impact on life expectancy in men and limited negative impact on health status. Analyses of the relationship between health and social markers lead us to interpret the social organization of Maros cultural group using the model of ranked societies, which posits that differences in access to basic resources that may affect health outcomes do not exist among members of different sexes/genders and social categories.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultetsr
dc.subjectdentalna antropologija
dc.subjectzdravstveni status
dc.subjectdruštveni status
dc.subjectmoriška kultura
dc.subjectrano bronzano doba
dc.subjectdental anthropology
dc.subjecthealth status
dc.subjectsocial status
dc.subjectMaros culture
dc.subjectEarly Bronze Age
dc.titleOdnos zdrаvstvenog stаtusа i društvenog položаjа u bronzаnodopskoj kulturi Moriš: nekropole Mokrin i Ostojićevosr
dc.titleRelationship between health and social status in Bronze Age culture Maros: necropolises Mokrin and Ostojićevo



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