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Bellini’s Mother of God with Infant Christ in Dobrota

dc.creatorБрајовић, Саша
dc.description.abstractIn the parochial church of Saint Matthew in Dobrota, there is a preserved painting by Giovanni Bellini and his workshop, he Mother of God with the Infant Christ. In the iconographic sense it is customary: a bust of Mary with the little Christ in her arms, a parapet in the foreground, green drapery and a landscape in the background. he motif of the parapet indicates the separation of the holy igures from the earthly world. However, this border is not strong: the emotional closeness between the Mother and the Child is transferred into the everyday world of mortals. he parapet is also an association with the Holy Altar. It expresses the Eucharistic, sacramental role of Christ and the Mother of God. he idea about the Mother as the tabernacle of God is underscored by the motif of the curtain. he landscape in the background makes the painting especially valuable. he sotness and transparency that characterise it point to a possibility that Bellini created this painting at the end of the XV or the beginning of the XVI century, at the time when he was under the inluence of the Arcadian circle from Asolo. he landscape on the painting is paysage moralisé, because all the elements - the tower, the garden, the spring, goats, swans - are clearly symbols of the Mother of God. his altar painting, purchased by an unknown native of the Boka Kotorska Bay, and brought back to his birthplace, proves that the spirit of the renaissance also touched the southeastern coast of the Adriatic.sr
dc.description.abstractНа слици Богородицe са Христом дететом Ђованија Белинија у жупној цркви Светог Матеја у Доброти неразлучиво се исказују иконографска и ликовна слојевитост. Нарочито је истакнут литургијски и сакраментални значај светих ликова, у који су уткани и архитектонско-пејзажни елементи слике. Мекота и прозрачност пејзажа указују на утицај аркадијског поетског круга који је прожео венецијанску уметност почетком XVI века.sr
dc.publisherФилозофски факултет Универзитета у Београду. Институт за историју уметностиsr
dc.sourceЗограф: часопис за средњовековну уметностsr
dc.titleБелинијева Богородица са Христом дететом у Добротиsr
dc.titleBellini’s Mother of God with Infant Christ in Dobrotasr
dc.rights.holderФилозофски факултет Универзитета у Београду. Институт за историју уметностиsr



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