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Demarcation Between The Principality Of Serbia And The Ottoman Empire 1830–1834

dc.creatorИлић, Жарко Д.
dc.description.abstractУ раду је приказан процес разграничења између Кнежевине Србије и Османског царства у периоду од 1830. до 1834. Детаљно су приказани сви радови који су имали за циљ испитивање и премеравање земљишта, у сврху тачног одређивања будуће граничне линије, која је требало да буде заснована на граничној линији коју су држали српски устаници 1812. године. Осветљена је улога руских официра у процесу разграничења, као и рад комисије из 1834. године која је повукла коначну српско-турску границу. Последњи део рада бави се одређивањем граница нахија које су биле део тзв. отргнутих предела, а које су после разграничења ушле у састав Кнежевине Србије. Поред тога, дати су и статистички подаци о броју становника у нахијама које су припале Кнежевини Србији.sr
dc.description.abstractThe borders of the semi-autonomous Principality of Serbia after 1815 separated the provinces within the Ottoman Empire. The request for defining a precise borderline was one of the basic Serbian requests, closely related to the question of return of the “torn-off” nahiyes. The Peace of Edirne, signed on September 14, 1829, after the Russian-Turkish War of 1828/9, allowed the High Porte one month to fulfil its obligation to Serbia. This obligation was clearly defined on the basis of previous agreements between Russia and Turkey. The issue of the First Hatt-i sharif (1829) was followed by a diplomatic struggle of the Serbian nation, with great support of Russia, to define relations with the High Porte. Demarcation was one of the questions of these relations. The appointment of the Russian-Turkish commission and arrival of the Russian officers to Serbia in the middle of 1830, followed by Captain Paul von Kotzebue by the end of the same year, as well as the work of the commission in the field, defined what were the territories to belong to Serbia, and thus to a large extent, the direction of the future borderline. After the uprising in the Nahiye of Kruševac in early December 1832, which spread to the area of Ražanj, Paraćin and Aleksinac, with participation of the Serbian authorities, and deployment of the Serbian guards to Veliki and Mali Jastrebac and Supovac on the South Morava, the direction of the borderline was de facto solved. The same situation occurred in May 1833 in the region of Eastern Serbia. However, the precise definition of the borderline was still necessary. After the issue of the third Hatt-i sharif (1833), this was the task of the Serbian-Turkish commission. It marked the Serbian-Turkish borderline by the end of 1833 and the beginning of 1834. From the region of the so-called “torn-off nahiyes”, a total of 14 nahiyes, a greater part of Novi Pazar and Stari Vlah nahiyes and several villages from another five nahiyes along the newly marked border, became parts of the Principality of Serbia. This area comprised 686 villages, 29,253 households and the population of 184,274.sr
dc.publisherИсторијски институтsr
dc.sourceИсторијски часописsr
dc.subjectКнежевина Србијаsr
dc.subjectОсманско царствоsr
dc.subjectруски официриsr
dc.subjectотргнути пределиsr
dc.subjectисторијска географијаsr
dc.subjectисторијска демографијаsr
dc.subjectPrincipality of Serbiasr
dc.subjectOttoman Empiresr
dc.subjectRussian officerssr
dc.subject“torn-off lands”sr
dc.subjecthistorical geographysr
dc.subjecthistorical demographysr
dc.titleРазграничење Кнежевине Србије и Османског царства 1830–1834sr
dc.titleDemarcation Between The Principality Of Serbia And The Ottoman Empire 1830–1834sr



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