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“Blok Bro, Brooklyn Bro” A Contribution to the Study of the Correlation between Music and the Place on the Example of an Anthropological Research Study of the Hip-hop Culture of New Belgrade

dc.creatorAjduk, Marija
dc.creatorPišev, Marko
dc.description.abstractNovi Beograd je beogradska opština koja je od „starog dela grada” odvojena rekom Savom i za koju je poslednjih desetak godina karakterističan izrazit rast, kako ekonomski (veliki broj kompanija, tržnih centara), tako i demografski (kontinuirana izgradnja novih stambenih blokova i popunjavanje istih). Ipak, prve asocijacije na Novi Beograd su njegova karakteristična soc-realistička arhitektura (betonski soliteri), visoka gustina naseljenosti, zbunjujuća podeljenost na blokove što asocira na koncept američkog „geta”. Istraživanje koje u radu izlažemo fokusira se na ispitivanje predstava o Novom Beogradu koje je moguće pronaći u pesmama novobeogradskih hip-hop muzičara. Osnovna teza od koje polazimo jeste da muzika konstruiše identitet određenog prostora ili mesta, te joj stoga pristupamo kroz njeno osnovno svojstvo – komunikativnost i ne posmatramo je u muzikološkom ili estetskom pogledu. Istraživački metod na koji se oslanjamo jeste kvalitativni i zasniva se na analizi odabranih tekstova hip-hop pesama u kojima se pominje i prezentuje Novi Beograd, na osnovu čega nastojimo da apstrahujemo korpus značenja koja se pripisuju ovom delu Beograda.sr
dc.description.abstractNew Belgrade is the Belgrade City municipality separated from the “Old City” of Belgrade by the Sava River, and is one of the parts of the city characterized by a pronounced growth both economically (a large number of companies, shopping malls) and demographically (the continuous growth of new residential blocks and inhabiting of the same) in the last ten years or so. Yet, the first associations with New Belgrade are its characteristic social-realistic architecture (concrete buildings), a high population density, and a confusing subdivision into city blocks similar to the concept of American ghetto-like neighborhoods. The focus of our research presented herein is the analysis of the images of New Belgrade which are possible to find in the songs of hip-hop musicians from New Belgrade. Our basic starting thesis implies that music constructs the identity of a specific space or place, for which reason, in our approach, we are emphasizing its fundamental feature – communicativeness, and therefore it is not perceived from a musicological or aesthetical perspective. The primary research method we are relying on is the qualitative one, based on the analysis of the selected texts of the hiphop songs in which a mention is made of New Belgrade and which New Belgrade in presented in, based on which we endeavor to abstract a corpus of the meanings that are attributed to this part of Belgrade.sr
dc.publisherFilozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologijusr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177017/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177018/RS//
dc.subjectNovi Beogradsr
dc.subjectNew Belgradesr
dc.title"Blok brate, Bruklin brate". Prilog proučavanju odnosa muzike i mesta na primeru antropološkog istraživanja novobeogradske hip-hop kulturesr
dc.title“Blok Bro, Brooklyn Bro” A Contribution to the Study of the Correlation between Music and the Place on the Example of an Anthropological Research Study of the Hip-hop Culture of New Belgradesr
dc.description.otherRad je prezentovan je na međunarodnom skupu u organizaciji InASEA (Međunarodna asocijacija za antropologiju jugoistočne Evrope) pod nazivom “Emotions, Senses and Affects in the Context of Southeast Europe” održanom od 27–30. septembra 2018. godine u Zadru.sr



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