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Perceptual dimensions of style in paintings

dc.creatorMarković, Slobodan
dc.creatorJelić, Ana
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj istraživanja bio je otkrivanje bazičnih perceptivnih dimenzija stila u slikarstvu, onih koje stoje u osnovi procena različitih fizičkih svojstava preko kojih se mogu definisati stilske specifičnosti. Drugi cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju veze između ovih perceptivnih dimenzija i dimenzija subjektivnog doživljaja slike. U preliminarnom istraživanju empirijski je definisan skup od 25 elementarnih perceptivnih deskriptora stila i na osnovu njih je napravljeno 25 skala sa parovima deskriptora suprotnog značenja na polovima. U eksperimentu je procenjivano 24 slike na ovim skalama. Faktorska analiza je pokazala da u osnovi procena stoje četiri interpretabilna faktora: oblik, boja, prostor i kompleksnost. Dobijeni faktori u dobroj meri odražavaju prirodu fenomenološke odvojivosti, ali i specijalizacije vizuelnog sistema za obradu informacija o formi, boji i dubini, a delimično i za obradu kompleksnosti (npr. procesiranje spacijalne frekvence). Korelacione analize prosečnih procena slika na ova četiri faktora sa prosečnim procenama istih slika na faktorima subjektivnog doživljaja slike regularnost, atraktivnost i pobuđenost pokazale su postojanje značajnih korelacija (a) regularnosti sa oblikom i prostorom, (b) atraktivnosti sa oblikom, (c) pobuđenosti sa kompleksnošću (negativna korelacija). Negativna korelacija između pobuđenosti i kompleksnosti nije bila očekivana.sr
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study is to specify the basic perceptual dimensions underlying the judgments of the physical features which define the style in paintings (e.g. salient form, colorful surface, oval contours etc.). The other aim of the study is to correlate these dimensions with the subjective (affective) dimensions of the experience of paintings. In the preliminary study a set of 25 pairs of elementary perceptual descriptors were empirically specified, and a set of 25 bipolar scales were made (e.g. uncolored-multicolored). In the experiment 30 subjects judged 24 paintings (paintings were taken from the study of Radonjić and Marković, 2004) on 25 scales. Factor analysis revealed the four factors: form (scales: precise, neat, salient form etc.), color (color contrast, lightness contrast, vivid colors), space (voluminosity, depth and oval contours) and complexity (multicolored, ornate, detailed). Obtained factors reflected the nature of the phenomenological and neural segregation of form, color, depth processing, and partially of complexity processing (e.g. spatial frequency processing within both the form and color subsystem). The aim of the next step of analysis was to specify the correlations between two groups of judgments: (a) mean judgments of 24 paintings on perceptual factors and (b) mean judgments of the same set of 24 paintings on subjective (affective) experience factors, i.e. regularity, attraction, arousal and relaxation (judgments taken from Radonjić and Marković, 2005). The following significant correlations were obtained: regularity-form, regularity-space, attraction-form and arousal-complexity (negative correlation). The reasons for the unexpected negative correlation between arousal and complexity should be specified in further studies.en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectumetničke slikesr
dc.subjectsubjektivni doživljajsr
dc.subjectperceptivne dimenzijesr
dc.subjectfaktorska analizasr
dc.subjectsubjective experienceen
dc.subjectperceptual dimensionsen
dc.subjectfactor analysisen
dc.titlePerceptivne dimenzije stila u slikarstvusr
dc.titlePerceptual dimensions of style in paintingsen
dc.citation.other40(1): 57-74



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