Jošić, Smiljana

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  • Jošić, Smiljana (12)

Author's Bibliography

Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović-Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Друштво психолога Србије, 2023)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Овај рад представља први приказ садржаја и резултата евалуације једног програма за подстицање вештина сарадње и тимског решавања проблема код младих. Реч је о тренингу који је осмишљен у оквиру пројекта PEERSolvers (, а заснован на PEER моделу успешне сарадње, који је већ представљен нашој научној и стручној јавности. Сходно поставкама тог модела, истоимени (PEER) тренинг има четири основна сегмента. Први сегмент посвећен је формулисању и утврђивању правила конструктивног дијалога и размене идеје; други подразумева рад на препознавању и уважавању особина личности односно индивидуалних разлика у тимском раду; трећи сегмент тиче се вештина из области емоционалне интелигенције и подстиче правилно уочавање, разумевање и регулисање емоција током сарадње; најзад, четврти део тренинга бави се умешношћу чланова тима да користе спољне ресурсе – превасходно дигиталне изворе података – који су од помоћи у решавању проблема с којим се тим суочава. Сваком сегменту посвећен је по један трочасовни блок, с тим што првом сегменту претходи и кратка уводна сесија (која служи узајамном упознавању и упознавању учесника са програмом рада), док се последњи улива у завршну рекапитулацију и евалуацију тренинга. Целокупан тренинг одвија се у четири дана и састоји од низа групних вежби и интерактивних задатака. Тренинг је први пут реализован у марту текуће године, а полазници су били ученици другог разреда из шест београдских средњих школа (три гимназије, три средње стручне школе), при чему је у свакој школи тренингом обухваћена по једна група величине N = 21. Искуства тренера потврђују да тренинг може успешно да се изведе према предвиђеном сценарију; истовремено, евалуације учесника указују на то да је садржај тренинга за њих релевантан (просечне оцене релевантности четирију сегмената износе 3,39–3,58, на скали од 1 до 4) и да су њиме стекли одговарајуће вештине (просечне оцене самоопажене компетентности су у распону 3,61–3,80). Ипак, уочен је и простор за даље унапређивање тренинга, пре свега у смислу диференцијације материјала и начина рада с обзиром на образовни профил, те на ниво зрелости и заинтересованости ученика.
PB  - Друштво психолога Србије
PB  - Центар за примењену психологију
C3  - Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić
T1  - Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији
SP  - 92
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Овај рад представља први приказ садржаја и резултата евалуације једног програма за подстицање вештина сарадње и тимског решавања проблема код младих. Реч је о тренингу који је осмишљен у оквиру пројекта PEERSolvers (, а заснован на PEER моделу успешне сарадње, који је већ представљен нашој научној и стручној јавности. Сходно поставкама тог модела, истоимени (PEER) тренинг има четири основна сегмента. Први сегмент посвећен је формулисању и утврђивању правила конструктивног дијалога и размене идеје; други подразумева рад на препознавању и уважавању особина личности односно индивидуалних разлика у тимском раду; трећи сегмент тиче се вештина из области емоционалне интелигенције и подстиче правилно уочавање, разумевање и регулисање емоција током сарадње; најзад, четврти део тренинга бави се умешношћу чланова тима да користе спољне ресурсе – превасходно дигиталне изворе података – који су од помоћи у решавању проблема с којим се тим суочава. Сваком сегменту посвећен је по један трочасовни блок, с тим што првом сегменту претходи и кратка уводна сесија (која служи узајамном упознавању и упознавању учесника са програмом рада), док се последњи улива у завршну рекапитулацију и евалуацију тренинга. Целокупан тренинг одвија се у четири дана и састоји од низа групних вежби и интерактивних задатака. Тренинг је први пут реализован у марту текуће године, а полазници су били ученици другог разреда из шест београдских средњих школа (три гимназије, три средње стручне школе), при чему је у свакој школи тренингом обухваћена по једна група величине N = 21. Искуства тренера потврђују да тренинг може успешно да се изведе према предвиђеном сценарију; истовремено, евалуације учесника указују на то да је садржај тренинга за њих релевантан (просечне оцене релевантности четирију сегмената износе 3,39–3,58, на скали од 1 до 4) и да су њиме стекли одговарајуће вештине (просечне оцене самоопажене компетентности су у распону 3,61–3,80). Ипак, уочен је и простор за даље унапређивање тренинга, пре свега у смислу диференцијације материјала и начина рада с обзиром на образовни профил, те на ниво зрелости и заинтересованости ученика.",
publisher = "Друштво психолога Србије, Центар за примењену психологију",
journal = "Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić",
title = "Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији",
pages = "92",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Pavlović-Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2023). Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији. in Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić
Друштво психолога Србије., 92.
Baucal A, Pavlović-Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији. in Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić. 2023;:92. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији" in Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić (2023):92, .

Интернет као ресурс у сарадничком решавању проблема: приказ тренинга

Nikitović, Tijana; Jošić, Smiljana; Mojović, Kristina; Krstić, Ksenija; Pavlović-Babić, Dragica

(Друштво психолога Србије, 2023)

AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Mojović, Kristina
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - У овом раду, изложићемо један аспект тренинга креираног у оквиру пројекта „Сарадњом до решења: PEER модел оснаживања младих за конструктивни дијалог и тимски рад” који се реализује у оквиру програма Идеје, Фонда за науку Републике Србије. Циљ рада је представљање тренинга намењеног унапређењу вештина младих у коришћењу интернета као ресурса у сарадничком решавању проблема. С обзиром на то да су дигиталне компетенције препознате као вештине од изузетне важности у будућности, наше интересовање је било усмерено на оснаживање ове вештине код средњошколаца. Тренинг је имао неколико циљева: а) подстаћи коришћење дигиталних ресурса за решавање проблема, пре свега у виду трагања за информацијама; б) упознати учеснике са могућностима које пружа интернет као метаизвор информација; ц) развити критички однос учесника према доступним информацијама, пре свега у погледу њихове поузданости. Тренинг је реализован током марта 2023. године у шест средњих школа из Београда (три гимназије и три средње стручне школе). Укупно 126 ученика другог разреда средње школе је завршило тренинг у целости (55% женског пола). Део тренинга усмерен ка дигиталним компетенцијама реализован је у оквиру једног дана, у трајању од три сата. У првом делу тренинга учесници су, кроз вођене групне активности, дошли до заједничког одређења појма ресурса и њихове улоге у сарадничком решавању проблема. Уз то, кроз обуку и заједнички рад упознати су са адекватним стратегијама претраживања информација на интернету. У другом делу, учесници су обучени за примену критеријума процене релеватности и тачности информација добијених путем заједничке интернет претраге. Потом, учеснике смо упознали са популарном алатком за интернет претрагу – ChatGPT, уз наглашавање његове предности у односу на уобичајене претраживаче, али и ограничења која се тичу праћења извора информација. Завршна активност тицала се примене наученог, кроз тимски рад, на друштвено и научно релевантном проблему. Резултати евалуације учесника о квалитету обуке о дигиталним ресурсима биће искоришћени као важан извор података за даље унапређење тренинга. Такође, ефекте тренинга проценићемо накнадним анализама квалитета сарадње и продуката групног рада ученика укључених у пројекат.
PB  - Друштво психолога Србије
PB  - Центар за примењену психологију
C3  - Књига резимеа - Конгрес психолога Србије Нови хоризонти (сајбер)психологије, Палић
T1  - Интернет као ресурс у сарадничком решавању проблема: приказ тренинга
EP  - 91
SP  - 90
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikitović, Tijana and Jošić, Smiljana and Mojović, Kristina and Krstić, Ksenija and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "У овом раду, изложићемо један аспект тренинга креираног у оквиру пројекта „Сарадњом до решења: PEER модел оснаживања младих за конструктивни дијалог и тимски рад” који се реализује у оквиру програма Идеје, Фонда за науку Републике Србије. Циљ рада је представљање тренинга намењеног унапређењу вештина младих у коришћењу интернета као ресурса у сарадничком решавању проблема. С обзиром на то да су дигиталне компетенције препознате као вештине од изузетне важности у будућности, наше интересовање је било усмерено на оснаживање ове вештине код средњошколаца. Тренинг је имао неколико циљева: а) подстаћи коришћење дигиталних ресурса за решавање проблема, пре свега у виду трагања за информацијама; б) упознати учеснике са могућностима које пружа интернет као метаизвор информација; ц) развити критички однос учесника према доступним информацијама, пре свега у погледу њихове поузданости. Тренинг је реализован током марта 2023. године у шест средњих школа из Београда (три гимназије и три средње стручне школе). Укупно 126 ученика другог разреда средње школе је завршило тренинг у целости (55% женског пола). Део тренинга усмерен ка дигиталним компетенцијама реализован је у оквиру једног дана, у трајању од три сата. У првом делу тренинга учесници су, кроз вођене групне активности, дошли до заједничког одређења појма ресурса и њихове улоге у сарадничком решавању проблема. Уз то, кроз обуку и заједнички рад упознати су са адекватним стратегијама претраживања информација на интернету. У другом делу, учесници су обучени за примену критеријума процене релеватности и тачности информација добијених путем заједничке интернет претраге. Потом, учеснике смо упознали са популарном алатком за интернет претрагу – ChatGPT, уз наглашавање његове предности у односу на уобичајене претраживаче, али и ограничења која се тичу праћења извора информација. Завршна активност тицала се примене наученог, кроз тимски рад, на друштвено и научно релевантном проблему. Резултати евалуације учесника о квалитету обуке о дигиталним ресурсима биће искоришћени као важан извор података за даље унапређење тренинга. Такође, ефекте тренинга проценићемо накнадним анализама квалитета сарадње и продуката групног рада ученика укључених у пројекат.",
publisher = "Друштво психолога Србије, Центар за примењену психологију",
journal = "Књига резимеа - Конгрес психолога Србије Нови хоризонти (сајбер)психологије, Палић",
title = "Интернет као ресурс у сарадничком решавању проблема: приказ тренинга",
pages = "91-90",
url = ""
Nikitović, T., Jošić, S., Mojović, K., Krstić, K.,& Pavlović-Babić, D.. (2023). Интернет као ресурс у сарадничком решавању проблема: приказ тренинга. in Књига резимеа - Конгрес психолога Србије Нови хоризонти (сајбер)психологије, Палић
Друштво психолога Србије., 90-91.
Nikitović T, Jošić S, Mojović K, Krstić K, Pavlović-Babić D. Интернет као ресурс у сарадничком решавању проблема: приказ тренинга. in Књига резимеа - Конгрес психолога Србије Нови хоризонти (сајбер)психологије, Палић. 2023;:90-91. .
Nikitović, Tijana, Jošić, Smiljana, Mojović, Kristina, Krstić, Ksenija, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, "Интернет као ресурс у сарадничком решавању проблема: приказ тренинга" in Књига резимеа - Конгрес психолога Србије Нови хоризонти (сајбер)психологије, Палић (2023):90-91, .

Learning collaboration in the school context in Serbia: Student perceptions

Pavlović-Babić, Dragica; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Mojović Zdravković, Kristina


AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Mojović Zdravković, Kristina
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The increasing interest in collaboration as an educational competence important for successful
schooling and a productive adult professional and civic life can be seen in the expanding
literature and research evidence (e.g. Rychen & Salganik, 2003; National Research Council,
2011). Collaboration is marked as one of the social and emotional skills on the 2030 education
development agenda, defined by the intergovernmental Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD, 2019).
Collaborative problem solving (CPS) is an umbrella term for a variety of pedagogical models
that enable students to learn by engaging in joint activities, relying on each other, integrating
individual knowledge, skills, and efforts (Lai, 2011). With appropriate support and scaffolding,
CPS could have a greater positive effect on student achievement, and peer social relationships
than competitive and individual learning (e.g. Gillies, 2016; Johnson & Johnson, 2002).
The focus of this study is on students experience with CPS as simetric peer interaction during the
regular school classes. These perceptions and experiences represented a base for examining how
CPS is applying in context of secondary schools in Serbia. The research suggests that a
productive collaboration requires both cognitive skills (e.g. Campbell, 2021; Shi et al, 2021), as
well as social and emotional skills (e.g. Newman, 2016; Rogat & Adams-Wiggins, 2015). That is
why we paid attention how students have reported about cognitive (e.g, argumentation,
consideration and evaluation of various perspectives...) and social and emotional aspects (group
cohesion, tolerance, atmosphere...) of collaborative work.

Analysing student responses to semi-structured interviews showed that, with certain
inconsistencies and overlaps, two models of cooperation are clearly differentiated, presented here
by key features.
Model 1 is oriented towards an efficient use of resources, including time, with a dominant
utilitarian goal - getting the job done. It is characterized by a strict division of responsibilities,
usually mechanical. The roles are defined, including the leader who can be self-proclaimed. The
product is a collection of individual works: either loosely bound or bound by one group member.
Solution/product quality is judged on the basis of external indicators. Cognitive aspect of CPS
includes prior knowledge seen as a key success factor. Social and emotional aspect: a strict
division of roles and the leader’s assumption of responsibility often excludes democratic patterns
of behaviour such as negotiation and agreement; the atmosphere in the group depends on the
degree of closeness of the members, any disagreement during group work can grow into a

This model can be termed parallel or utilitarian and quasi-cooperation, as the key cooperation
determinants cannot be easily identified, except for work arrangements. According to our
respondents’ experiences, this model dominates.
Model 2 is oriented primarily towards product quality; sometimes learning cooperation as a
competence is cited as an explicit cooperation goal. Cooperation primarily has a cognitive goal,
reflected in the usage of search strategies for task solving. There is a loose division of
responsibilities and roles, usually according to participant competencies and interests; deadlines
are on the back burner. The product is based on group consensus. Cognitive aspect includes
awareness of the importance of argumentation and discussion Social and emotional aspect: an
atmosphere of mutual trust and equality between team members remove barriers and allow
freedom in presenting and considering different solutions and/or ways of solving tasks. There is
mutual knowledge and respect. Cognitive and social and emotional aspects are interconnected,
manifesting itself as solidarity with others and connecting as a form of strengthening personal

This model can be called collaborative or constructive due to its orientation towards the joint
construction of knowledge. Unfortunately, according to student experiences, it is rarely
represented in school practice.


The study was conducted at the end of the 2021/2022 school year and included six secondary
schools in Belgrade (3 vocational and 3 general/gymnasium schools). The sample consisted of 31
second grade students (17 female), 15-17 years old. All students involved in research had a
formal parental consent and their assent. Students were examined with a semi-structured
interview which lasted approximately 60 minutes. The adolescent answered the questions related
to their perceptions of cooperation in everyday school work. The interview guide consists of five
indicators, i.e. thematic units. The first indicator referred to the general impression of
cooperation in the school context, whereupon the students were asked about the frequency and
quality of peer cooperation in and outside school. The second theme was peer cooperation in the
school context - what the organization of group work looks like in and outside class, and what
are the advantages and disadvantages of group work concerning individual school work. The
third indicator included questions related to the recognition of successful and unsuccessful peer
cooperation factors, where they discussed the roles of different actors in group work and
described the experiences of successful and unsuccessful group works in which they had
participated. The fourth topic was cooperation as a competence, where the accent was on how
competence is acquired and manifested, its importance, as well as whether and to what extent
young people possess it. Finally, the fifth topic covered personal perspective, i.e. an assessment
of personal competences for cooperation. Following the coding of interview transcripts, 612
coded segments were analyzed using MaxQDA according to thematic analysis.

Expected Outcomes
Several conclusions can be drawn from these findings, with significant implications for the
organization of regular classes in the Serbian educational system. During joint work at school,
important aspects of CPS (argument, sharing ideas...) are often missing. Research shows that the
successful development of collaborative skills requires the support of adults (eg,
Gonzalez-Howard & McNeill, 2019; Rojas-Drummond & Mercer, 2003). Our results indicate
that this support is often lacking. It is necessary to think about how to organize teaching that
would go in the direction of encouraging the development of these skills. The parallel model,
although more present in school practice, is a model that supports quasi-cooperation, as it only
has the form of cooperative work, but lacks the features of the processes that define cooperation.
Student learning of quasi-cooperation can have lasting implications for student competencies,
and thus it is recommended that the system recognize this organizational form of work as not
effective. Time, restricted on 45 minutes what is the duration of school hours, could be an
obstacle to organize the cooperation in the school context. We perceive time management as a
particularly sensitive point in collaborative learning and/or learning through collaboration. A
strategy that is often applied in these cases is to transfer a task to an extracurricular environment
(such as homework), which has both good and bad sides. Finally, the two models presented are
not developmental stages in the learning of cooperation in the school context but rather, two
qualitatively different approaches. In fact, practicing the first one will not enable a transition to
the second, constructive model.
C3  - European Conference on Educational Research 2023
T1  - Learning collaboration in the school context in Serbia: Student perceptions
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Mojović Zdravković, Kristina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The increasing interest in collaboration as an educational competence important for successful
schooling and a productive adult professional and civic life can be seen in the expanding
literature and research evidence (e.g. Rychen & Salganik, 2003; National Research Council,
2011). Collaboration is marked as one of the social and emotional skills on the 2030 education
development agenda, defined by the intergovernmental Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD, 2019).
Collaborative problem solving (CPS) is an umbrella term for a variety of pedagogical models
that enable students to learn by engaging in joint activities, relying on each other, integrating
individual knowledge, skills, and efforts (Lai, 2011). With appropriate support and scaffolding,
CPS could have a greater positive effect on student achievement, and peer social relationships
than competitive and individual learning (e.g. Gillies, 2016; Johnson & Johnson, 2002).
The focus of this study is on students experience with CPS as simetric peer interaction during the
regular school classes. These perceptions and experiences represented a base for examining how
CPS is applying in context of secondary schools in Serbia. The research suggests that a
productive collaboration requires both cognitive skills (e.g. Campbell, 2021; Shi et al, 2021), as
well as social and emotional skills (e.g. Newman, 2016; Rogat & Adams-Wiggins, 2015). That is
why we paid attention how students have reported about cognitive (e.g, argumentation,
consideration and evaluation of various perspectives...) and social and emotional aspects (group
cohesion, tolerance, atmosphere...) of collaborative work.

Analysing student responses to semi-structured interviews showed that, with certain
inconsistencies and overlaps, two models of cooperation are clearly differentiated, presented here
by key features.
Model 1 is oriented towards an efficient use of resources, including time, with a dominant
utilitarian goal - getting the job done. It is characterized by a strict division of responsibilities,
usually mechanical. The roles are defined, including the leader who can be self-proclaimed. The
product is a collection of individual works: either loosely bound or bound by one group member.
Solution/product quality is judged on the basis of external indicators. Cognitive aspect of CPS
includes prior knowledge seen as a key success factor. Social and emotional aspect: a strict
division of roles and the leader’s assumption of responsibility often excludes democratic patterns
of behaviour such as negotiation and agreement; the atmosphere in the group depends on the
degree of closeness of the members, any disagreement during group work can grow into a

This model can be termed parallel or utilitarian and quasi-cooperation, as the key cooperation
determinants cannot be easily identified, except for work arrangements. According to our
respondents’ experiences, this model dominates.
Model 2 is oriented primarily towards product quality; sometimes learning cooperation as a
competence is cited as an explicit cooperation goal. Cooperation primarily has a cognitive goal,
reflected in the usage of search strategies for task solving. There is a loose division of
responsibilities and roles, usually according to participant competencies and interests; deadlines
are on the back burner. The product is based on group consensus. Cognitive aspect includes
awareness of the importance of argumentation and discussion Social and emotional aspect: an
atmosphere of mutual trust and equality between team members remove barriers and allow
freedom in presenting and considering different solutions and/or ways of solving tasks. There is
mutual knowledge and respect. Cognitive and social and emotional aspects are interconnected,
manifesting itself as solidarity with others and connecting as a form of strengthening personal

This model can be called collaborative or constructive due to its orientation towards the joint
construction of knowledge. Unfortunately, according to student experiences, it is rarely
represented in school practice.


The study was conducted at the end of the 2021/2022 school year and included six secondary
schools in Belgrade (3 vocational and 3 general/gymnasium schools). The sample consisted of 31
second grade students (17 female), 15-17 years old. All students involved in research had a
formal parental consent and their assent. Students were examined with a semi-structured
interview which lasted approximately 60 minutes. The adolescent answered the questions related
to their perceptions of cooperation in everyday school work. The interview guide consists of five
indicators, i.e. thematic units. The first indicator referred to the general impression of
cooperation in the school context, whereupon the students were asked about the frequency and
quality of peer cooperation in and outside school. The second theme was peer cooperation in the
school context - what the organization of group work looks like in and outside class, and what
are the advantages and disadvantages of group work concerning individual school work. The
third indicator included questions related to the recognition of successful and unsuccessful peer
cooperation factors, where they discussed the roles of different actors in group work and
described the experiences of successful and unsuccessful group works in which they had
participated. The fourth topic was cooperation as a competence, where the accent was on how
competence is acquired and manifested, its importance, as well as whether and to what extent
young people possess it. Finally, the fifth topic covered personal perspective, i.e. an assessment
of personal competences for cooperation. Following the coding of interview transcripts, 612
coded segments were analyzed using MaxQDA according to thematic analysis.

Expected Outcomes
Several conclusions can be drawn from these findings, with significant implications for the
organization of regular classes in the Serbian educational system. During joint work at school,
important aspects of CPS (argument, sharing ideas...) are often missing. Research shows that the
successful development of collaborative skills requires the support of adults (eg,
Gonzalez-Howard & McNeill, 2019; Rojas-Drummond & Mercer, 2003). Our results indicate
that this support is often lacking. It is necessary to think about how to organize teaching that
would go in the direction of encouraging the development of these skills. The parallel model,
although more present in school practice, is a model that supports quasi-cooperation, as it only
has the form of cooperative work, but lacks the features of the processes that define cooperation.
Student learning of quasi-cooperation can have lasting implications for student competencies,
and thus it is recommended that the system recognize this organizational form of work as not
effective. Time, restricted on 45 minutes what is the duration of school hours, could be an
obstacle to organize the cooperation in the school context. We perceive time management as a
particularly sensitive point in collaborative learning and/or learning through collaboration. A
strategy that is often applied in these cases is to transfer a task to an extracurricular environment
(such as homework), which has both good and bad sides. Finally, the two models presented are
not developmental stages in the learning of cooperation in the school context but rather, two
qualitatively different approaches. In fact, practicing the first one will not enable a transition to
the second, constructive model.",
journal = "European Conference on Educational Research 2023",
title = "Learning collaboration in the school context in Serbia: Student perceptions",
url = ""
Pavlović-Babić, D., Videnović, M., Jošić, S.,& Mojović Zdravković, K.. (2023). Learning collaboration in the school context in Serbia: Student perceptions. in European Conference on Educational Research 2023.
Pavlović-Babić D, Videnović M, Jošić S, Mojović Zdravković K. Learning collaboration in the school context in Serbia: Student perceptions. in European Conference on Educational Research 2023. 2023;. .
Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, "Learning collaboration in the school context in Serbia: Student perceptions" in European Conference on Educational Research 2023 (2023), .

What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review

Baucal, Aleksandar; Jošić, Smiljana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Ivanović, Jovan; Krstić, Ksenija

(Elsevier BV, 2023)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Global demands for collaborative problem solving (CPS) have sparked investigations of peer
collaboration in the educational context. The aim of this systematic review was to identify and
systematize research fndings on (a) characteristics of productive and unproductive face-to-face
(f2f) or synchronous CPS via digital devices among adolescents in the educational context, (b)
training and scaffolding modalities enabling adolescents to engage in productive CPS, and (c)
ways of supporting productive CPS by using digital resources. We conducted a thematic analysis
of 160 selected papers from a larger corpus and identifed six main themes, that is, groups of
characteristics of CPS: socio-cognitive aspects; socio-emotional aspects; the quality of task/
problem-solving strategies; regulation of group activity oriented towards the task; regulation of
group activity oriented towards group members; and participant engagement in CPS. We found
that in efforts to contribute to successful CPS, adults (teachers/researchers) can moderate peer
interaction in three ways, by focusing on either cognitive processes, group discussions, or classroom management. Regarding the third goal, we identifed two major roles of digital resources in
adolescent CPS. The frst role pertained to ICT as a source of relevant knowledge or a tool for
problem solving and the other role was related to peer collaboration and ICT as a tool for scaffolding collaboration. All characteristics that emerged in this review are discussed and concluding
comments refer to educational implications.
PB  - Elsevier BV
T2  - Educational Research Review
T1  - What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review
SP  - 100567
VL  - 41
DO  - 10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100567
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Jošić, Smiljana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Ivanović, Jovan and Krstić, Ksenija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Global demands for collaborative problem solving (CPS) have sparked investigations of peer
collaboration in the educational context. The aim of this systematic review was to identify and
systematize research fndings on (a) characteristics of productive and unproductive face-to-face
(f2f) or synchronous CPS via digital devices among adolescents in the educational context, (b)
training and scaffolding modalities enabling adolescents to engage in productive CPS, and (c)
ways of supporting productive CPS by using digital resources. We conducted a thematic analysis
of 160 selected papers from a larger corpus and identifed six main themes, that is, groups of
characteristics of CPS: socio-cognitive aspects; socio-emotional aspects; the quality of task/
problem-solving strategies; regulation of group activity oriented towards the task; regulation of
group activity oriented towards group members; and participant engagement in CPS. We found
that in efforts to contribute to successful CPS, adults (teachers/researchers) can moderate peer
interaction in three ways, by focusing on either cognitive processes, group discussions, or classroom management. Regarding the third goal, we identifed two major roles of digital resources in
adolescent CPS. The frst role pertained to ICT as a source of relevant knowledge or a tool for
problem solving and the other role was related to peer collaboration and ICT as a tool for scaffolding collaboration. All characteristics that emerged in this review are discussed and concluding
comments refer to educational implications.",
publisher = "Elsevier BV",
journal = "Educational Research Review",
title = "What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review",
pages = "100567",
volume = "41",
doi = "10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100567"
Baucal, A., Jošić, S., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Ivanović, J.,& Krstić, K.. (2023). What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review. in Educational Research Review
Elsevier BV., 41, 100567.
Baucal A, Jošić S, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Ivanović J, Krstić K. What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review. in Educational Research Review. 2023;41:100567.
doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100567 .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Jošić, Smiljana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Ivanović, Jovan, Krstić, Ksenija, "What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review" in Educational Research Review, 41 (2023):100567, . .

What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review

Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Baucal, Aleksander; Jošić, Smiljana

(Finland : University of Turku, 2023)

AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Baucal, Aleksander
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Peer interaction is widely recognized as one of the important factors of cognitive development,especially in constructivists and sociocultural approach. Having in mind that global demands forcollaborative problem-solving (CPS) have sparked investigations of peer interaction in the educationalcontext, we have reviewed research findings within that setting. We chose adolescents considering theiradvancements in cognitive and socio-emotional prerequisites to embrace and consider different viewsregarding argument exchange, in comparison to younger children, and their higher potential to furtherdevelop those competencies compared to the older population. Our main goal was to make a qualitativesystematization of studies investigating face-to-face peer interaction within school context in order toextract characteristics which differentiate productive from unproductive groups of adolescents engaged in CPS. The literature inspection using research strings within the three databases (PsycInfo, WoS, ERIC)yielded 5,256 human studies published in English between 2012 and 2022, which are uploaded toCovidence. The systematic narrative literature review was conducted in the form of an inductivedeductivethematic analysis of 160 papers, selected from the mentioned sample aligned with the stepsin PRISMA guidelines. Interrater reliability was excellent (Cohen’s κ=.92; agreement percentage = 97%).We extracted six major themes differentiating productive from unproductive adolescent peer groupsdialogues during CPS. The first was named Socio-Cognitive Aspects of Collaboration, associated with thequality of idea exchange and its potential to be a solid base for joint construction ofmeaning/knowledge. The second, Socio-Emotional Aspects of Collaboration is related to social andemotional processes in a peer group during problem-solving. The third theme entitled The Quality ofTask/Problem-Solving Strategies is pertained to adequate reasoning and approaching the problem. Thefourth and fifth groups describe two types of regulation within a peer group, one oriented towards theproblem/task itself (The Regulation of Group Activity Oriented Towards the Task) and the other towardsparticipants in the process (The Regulation of Group Activity Oriented Towards Group Members). Thesixth one, Participant Engagement, reflected on the nature of adolescents’ involvement in CPS. Thenumber of identified themes describing peer dialogue during CPS has revealed the enormous complexityof social interaction and numerous factors influencing it. The obtained results are in accordance withsimilar literature reviews (Howe & Abedin, 2013; Asterhan & Schwarz, 2016; Gillies, 2016) but seem tohave a particular focus on the quality of peer interaction and cover a broader spectrum of its features.Besides theoretical, our findings have practical implications and serve as a guidebook for teachers eagerto contribute to productive collaboration between students in their classroom, but also for researcherswho seek deeper understanding of the nature of peer interaction in order to develop new interventionsfocusing on productive dialogue features and prevention of unproductive peer interaction.
PB  - Finland : University of Turku
C3  - European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP)
T1  - What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review
EP  - 21
SP  - 20
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Baucal, Aleksander and Jošić, Smiljana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Peer interaction is widely recognized as one of the important factors of cognitive development,especially in constructivists and sociocultural approach. Having in mind that global demands forcollaborative problem-solving (CPS) have sparked investigations of peer interaction in the educationalcontext, we have reviewed research findings within that setting. We chose adolescents considering theiradvancements in cognitive and socio-emotional prerequisites to embrace and consider different viewsregarding argument exchange, in comparison to younger children, and their higher potential to furtherdevelop those competencies compared to the older population. Our main goal was to make a qualitativesystematization of studies investigating face-to-face peer interaction within school context in order toextract characteristics which differentiate productive from unproductive groups of adolescents engaged in CPS. The literature inspection using research strings within the three databases (PsycInfo, WoS, ERIC)yielded 5,256 human studies published in English between 2012 and 2022, which are uploaded toCovidence. The systematic narrative literature review was conducted in the form of an inductivedeductivethematic analysis of 160 papers, selected from the mentioned sample aligned with the stepsin PRISMA guidelines. Interrater reliability was excellent (Cohen’s κ=.92; agreement percentage = 97%).We extracted six major themes differentiating productive from unproductive adolescent peer groupsdialogues during CPS. The first was named Socio-Cognitive Aspects of Collaboration, associated with thequality of idea exchange and its potential to be a solid base for joint construction ofmeaning/knowledge. The second, Socio-Emotional Aspects of Collaboration is related to social andemotional processes in a peer group during problem-solving. The third theme entitled The Quality ofTask/Problem-Solving Strategies is pertained to adequate reasoning and approaching the problem. Thefourth and fifth groups describe two types of regulation within a peer group, one oriented towards theproblem/task itself (The Regulation of Group Activity Oriented Towards the Task) and the other towardsparticipants in the process (The Regulation of Group Activity Oriented Towards Group Members). Thesixth one, Participant Engagement, reflected on the nature of adolescents’ involvement in CPS. Thenumber of identified themes describing peer dialogue during CPS has revealed the enormous complexityof social interaction and numerous factors influencing it. The obtained results are in accordance withsimilar literature reviews (Howe & Abedin, 2013; Asterhan & Schwarz, 2016; Gillies, 2016) but seem tohave a particular focus on the quality of peer interaction and cover a broader spectrum of its features.Besides theoretical, our findings have practical implications and serve as a guidebook for teachers eagerto contribute to productive collaboration between students in their classroom, but also for researcherswho seek deeper understanding of the nature of peer interaction in order to develop new interventionsfocusing on productive dialogue features and prevention of unproductive peer interaction.",
publisher = "Finland : University of Turku",
journal = "European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP)",
title = "What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review",
pages = "21-20",
url = ""
Stepanović Ilić, I., Baucal, A.,& Jošić, S.. (2023). What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review. in European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP)
Finland : University of Turku., 20-21.
Stepanović Ilić I, Baucal A, Jošić S. What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review. in European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP). 2023;:20-21. .
Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Baucal, Aleksander, Jošić, Smiljana, "What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review" in European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP) (2023):20-21, .

Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović-Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 2022)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will also be engaged in CPS but will not receive any training or scaffolding. The above described implementation of the PEER model should yield major insights into the possibility of developing adolescents’ capacities for CPS and using it to promote their individual competencies.
PB  - Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
PB  - Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
C3  - Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology
T1  - Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers
SP  - 25
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will also be engaged in CPS but will not receive any training or scaffolding. The above described implementation of the PEER model should yield major insights into the possibility of developing adolescents’ capacities for CPS and using it to promote their individual competencies.",
publisher = "Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade",
journal = "Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology",
title = "Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers",
pages = "25",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Pavlović-Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2022). Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers. in Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology
Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade., 25.
Baucal A, Pavlović-Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers. in Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology. 2022;:25. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers" in Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology (2022):25, .

From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović Zdravković, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Serbia : Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, 2022)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović Zdravković, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is to present a viable, psychologically based framework designed for systematical promotion of the adolescents’ capacities for collaborative problem solving and possibilities for their cultivation through everyday school practice. Specifically, a model for designing teacher-training programs is proposed, wherein several elements of effective collaborative problem solving are drawn together.
PB  - Serbia : Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak
C3  - Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022
T1  - From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice
EP  - 472
SP  - 470
DO  - 10.46793/TIE22.470B
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović Zdravković, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to present a viable, psychologically based framework designed for systematical promotion of the adolescents’ capacities for collaborative problem solving and possibilities for their cultivation through everyday school practice. Specifically, a model for designing teacher-training programs is proposed, wherein several elements of effective collaborative problem solving are drawn together.",
publisher = "Serbia : Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak",
journal = "Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022",
title = "From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice",
pages = "472-470",
doi = "10.46793/TIE22.470B"
Baucal, A., Pavlović Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović Zdravković, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2022). From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice. in Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022
Serbia : Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak., 470-472.
Baucal A, Pavlović Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović Zdravković K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice. in Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022. 2022;:470-472.
doi:10.46793/TIE22.470B .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice" in Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022 (2022):470-472, . .

The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović-Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu, 2022)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will also be engaged in CPS but will not receive any training or scaffolding. The above described implementation of the PEER model should yield major insights into the possibility of developing adolescents’ capacities for CPS and using it to promote their individual competencies.
PB  - Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu
PB  - Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu
T1  - The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people
EP  - 25
SP  - 25
VL  - 28
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will also be engaged in CPS but will not receive any training or scaffolding. The above described implementation of the PEER model should yield major insights into the possibility of developing adolescents’ capacities for CPS and using it to promote their individual competencies.",
publisher = "Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu, Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu",
journal = "BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE XXVIII SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Empirical Studies in Psychology",
title = "The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people",
pages = "25-25",
volume = "28",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Pavlović-Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2022). The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people. in BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE XXVIII SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Empirical Studies in Psychology
Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu., 28, 25-25.
Baucal A, Pavlović-Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people. in BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE XXVIII SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Empirical Studies in Psychology. 2022;28:25-25. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people" in BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE XXVIII SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Empirical Studies in Psychology, 28 (2022):25-25, .

Dialogical PISA: correct answers are all alike, every incorrect answer is incorrect in its own way

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović-Babić, Dragica; Jošić, Smiljana

(Springer, New York, 2018)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Why do students give incorrect answers in PISA? What are the reasons for giving incorrect answers? Do all incorrect answers reflect only the lack of competence or might even a competent child make a mistake? The aim of this article is to contribute to a better understanding of these issues. In the current investigation, we selected six students who responded incorrectly to one PISA question in mathematics or science when they solved it individually. Then, we analyzed their understanding of the PISA task and their reasoning about it through a dialogical problem solving in triads to identify why they made an incorrect answer. Moreover, we tried to determine how the shared peer interaction might change the understanding and reasoning of the child and enable her/him to solve the task. The results of this study illustrate the differences between incorrect answers reflecting lack of competence and those incorrect answers, which appear for some other reasons. Based on the dialogical problem solving approach, we analyzed these two types of incorrect answers and the reasoning trajectories behind them.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - European Journal of Psychology of Education
T1  - Dialogical PISA: correct answers are all alike, every incorrect answer is incorrect in its own way
EP  - 487
IS  - 3
SP  - 467
VL  - 33
DO  - 10.1007/s10212-018-0371-3
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Jošić, Smiljana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Why do students give incorrect answers in PISA? What are the reasons for giving incorrect answers? Do all incorrect answers reflect only the lack of competence or might even a competent child make a mistake? The aim of this article is to contribute to a better understanding of these issues. In the current investigation, we selected six students who responded incorrectly to one PISA question in mathematics or science when they solved it individually. Then, we analyzed their understanding of the PISA task and their reasoning about it through a dialogical problem solving in triads to identify why they made an incorrect answer. Moreover, we tried to determine how the shared peer interaction might change the understanding and reasoning of the child and enable her/him to solve the task. The results of this study illustrate the differences between incorrect answers reflecting lack of competence and those incorrect answers, which appear for some other reasons. Based on the dialogical problem solving approach, we analyzed these two types of incorrect answers and the reasoning trajectories behind them.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "European Journal of Psychology of Education",
title = "Dialogical PISA: correct answers are all alike, every incorrect answer is incorrect in its own way",
pages = "487-467",
number = "3",
volume = "33",
doi = "10.1007/s10212-018-0371-3"
Baucal, A., Pavlović-Babić, D.,& Jošić, S.. (2018). Dialogical PISA: correct answers are all alike, every incorrect answer is incorrect in its own way. in European Journal of Psychology of Education
Springer, New York., 33(3), 467-487.
Baucal A, Pavlović-Babić D, Jošić S. Dialogical PISA: correct answers are all alike, every incorrect answer is incorrect in its own way. in European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2018;33(3):467-487.
doi:10.1007/s10212-018-0371-3 .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Jošić, Smiljana, "Dialogical PISA: correct answers are all alike, every incorrect answer is incorrect in its own way" in European Journal of Psychology of Education, 33, no. 3 (2018):467-487, . .

Uloga asimetrične interakcije u proceni neverbalnih sposobnosti dece iz Svratišta

Nedić, Jelena; Jošić, Smiljana; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Učiteljski fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Nedić, Jelena
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Kognitivna procena dece iz marginalizovanih sredina često je otežana zbog kulturoloških razlika koje se javljaju između normiranog i ispitivanog uzorka, zatim zbog prepreka koje nosi nizak socioekonomski status ispitivane dece, njihova edukativna depriviranost, ali i jezičkih barijera koje se javljaju prilikom testiranja. Upravo radi potrebe da se poveća informativnost kognitivnih procena i kod dece iz marginalizovanih sredina, razvilo se dinamičko procenjivanje, koje podrazumeva dobijanje informacija o aktuelnom, ali i o potencijalnom postignuću deteta. U ovom istraživanju želeli smo da bolje razumemo intelektualne kapacitete i specifičnosti korisnika beogradskog Svratišta za decu koja žive ili rade na ulici. Konkretno, cilj istraživanja bio je usmeren ka traženju odgovora na sledeća pitanja: 1) Da li se postignuće dece iz Svratišta na neverbalnom testu inteligencije značajno povećava kada ga rešavaju u asimetričnoj interakciji sa ispitivačem; 2) Koja vrsta pomoći je najčešće bila potrebna deci da urade zadatke koje nisu mogli samostalno - afektivno-motivaciona pomoć, vizuelna ili verbalna varijanta kognitivne pomoći; 3) Na koji način su deca u okviru datih pomoći došla do rešenja za koja prethodno nisu imala neophodne kognitivne strukture ili nisu uspela da ih upotrebe da bi došla do rešenja? U istraživanju je učestvovalo tridesetoro dece, korisnika Svratišta za decu koji žive u neformalnim naseljima, potiču iz mnogočlanih, ekstremno siromašnih porodica i izjašnjavaju se kao pripadnici romske zajednice. Najveći broj njih odlikuje vaspitno-edukativna depriviranost. Neverbalne kognitivne sposobnosti dece merene su testom Kosove kocke - suptestom u REVISK testu. Zadatak svakog deteta bio je da prvo pokuša samostalno da sklopi kocke i tek u slučaju neuspeha ispitivač je pružao prvo afektivno-motivacionu pomoć - sugerisao je detetu da razmisli ponovo i hrabrio ga time da on veruje da dete sigurno može da reši taj zadatak. Ukoliko uz ovaj nivo pomoći dete ne bi uspelo da reši zadatak, ispitivač je prelazio na prvi korak kognitivnog nivoa pomoći (vizuelna kognitivna pomoć), u kom se detetu davao model sa iscrtanim granicama kocaka. Ako ni uz ovaj nivo pomoći dete ne bi uspelo da reši zadatak, ispitivač je prelazio na drugi korak kognitivnog nivoa pomoći, koji je obuhvatao verbalno predstavljanje strategije koja je prethodno vizuelno sugerisana. Nakon ovog nivoa pomoći ispitivač je prelazio na sledeći zadatak koji dete nije uspešno rešilo u samostalnom pokušaju. Sva ispitivanja su snimana video-kamerom, uz prethodno odobrenje svakog deteta i saglasnost roditelja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su u okviru samostalnog rešavanja deca postizala značajno niže skorove u odnosu na norme koje su nastale na osnovu standardizacije instrumenta u opštoj populaciji. Ovaj nalaz je očekivan, s obzirom na to da su postignuća dece procenjivana na osnovu normativne grupe koja nije referentna za ispitivanu populaciju. Međutim, ispitivana deca su u asimetričnoj interakciji pokazala značajno napredovanje. Na osnovu dobijenih kvantitativnih podataka nismo bili u mogućnosti da izdvojimo jednu pomoć koja je najviše doprinela napretku, ali nam je u tome pomogla kvalitativna analiza interakcija ispitivača i dece. Kao polazna osnova za kvalitativnu analizu poslužila nam je klaster analiza, kojom su izdvojene četiri grupe dece. Ova analiza je pokazala da je afektivno-motivaciona pomoć bila sastavni deo svake uspešne interakcije, s tim što su se klasteri razlikovali prema tome koju je funkciju imala afektivno-motivaciona pomoć pri rešavanju testa u asimetričnoj interakciji. Dobijeni rezultati sugerišu da je za dobijanje tačnije informacije o kognitivnim kapacitetima dece Svratišta neophodno napustiti okvire standardne testovne procedure kako bi im bila obezbeđena mogućnost za bolje razumevanje zahteva koji su pred njima, kao i motivacija i podrška neophodni za postizanje cilja interakcije.
AB  - The aim of this article is to show how a differently organized testing procedure can lead to a better understanding of intellectual capacity in children who live or work in the streets. The study presented in it tried to answer the following questions: 1) Does the achievement of children from the Drop-in center improve significantly on a nonverbal intelligence test when solved together with the experimenter? 2) Which type of scaffolding is most effective for children's task solving - affective-motivational, visual cognitive or verbal cognitive? 3) Which features of the asymmetric interactions enable children to find a solution to the tasks that they previously failed to solve? The sample consisted of 30 children from the Belgrade Drop-in center. Initially, the Kohs block design test was administered independently to children, and if they failed to solve it, the experimenter would provide scaffolding gradually, as listed above. The results showed that the children's achievement was very low when doing the test independently, but improved significantly when solving the tasks in interaction. According to cluster analysis four groups of children were identified which served as basis for the qualitative analysis. The conversational analysis between the children and the experimenter showed what proved to be the most significant difference between the groups, which is the function of affective-motivational help with task solving. It also demonstrated that the affective-motivational aid was a part of every successful interaction, but usually needed to be combined with its cognitive variants. As these results suggest, the standardized testing procedures need to be adapted so as to make sure that the children understand the demands of the tasks and that they are motivated and supported to reach the goal of the interaction. Only then can we obtain more valid information about the cognitive capacities of the children from the Drop-in center.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Učiteljski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Inovacije u nastavi
T1  - Uloga asimetrične interakcije u proceni neverbalnih sposobnosti dece iz Svratišta
T1  - The role of asymmetrical interaction in the assessment of nonverbal abilities of children from the Drop-in center
EP  - 206
IS  - 3
SP  - 189
VL  - 28
DO  - 10.5937/inovacije1503189N
ER  - 
author = "Nedić, Jelena and Jošić, Smiljana and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Kognitivna procena dece iz marginalizovanih sredina često je otežana zbog kulturoloških razlika koje se javljaju između normiranog i ispitivanog uzorka, zatim zbog prepreka koje nosi nizak socioekonomski status ispitivane dece, njihova edukativna depriviranost, ali i jezičkih barijera koje se javljaju prilikom testiranja. Upravo radi potrebe da se poveća informativnost kognitivnih procena i kod dece iz marginalizovanih sredina, razvilo se dinamičko procenjivanje, koje podrazumeva dobijanje informacija o aktuelnom, ali i o potencijalnom postignuću deteta. U ovom istraživanju želeli smo da bolje razumemo intelektualne kapacitete i specifičnosti korisnika beogradskog Svratišta za decu koja žive ili rade na ulici. Konkretno, cilj istraživanja bio je usmeren ka traženju odgovora na sledeća pitanja: 1) Da li se postignuće dece iz Svratišta na neverbalnom testu inteligencije značajno povećava kada ga rešavaju u asimetričnoj interakciji sa ispitivačem; 2) Koja vrsta pomoći je najčešće bila potrebna deci da urade zadatke koje nisu mogli samostalno - afektivno-motivaciona pomoć, vizuelna ili verbalna varijanta kognitivne pomoći; 3) Na koji način su deca u okviru datih pomoći došla do rešenja za koja prethodno nisu imala neophodne kognitivne strukture ili nisu uspela da ih upotrebe da bi došla do rešenja? U istraživanju je učestvovalo tridesetoro dece, korisnika Svratišta za decu koji žive u neformalnim naseljima, potiču iz mnogočlanih, ekstremno siromašnih porodica i izjašnjavaju se kao pripadnici romske zajednice. Najveći broj njih odlikuje vaspitno-edukativna depriviranost. Neverbalne kognitivne sposobnosti dece merene su testom Kosove kocke - suptestom u REVISK testu. Zadatak svakog deteta bio je da prvo pokuša samostalno da sklopi kocke i tek u slučaju neuspeha ispitivač je pružao prvo afektivno-motivacionu pomoć - sugerisao je detetu da razmisli ponovo i hrabrio ga time da on veruje da dete sigurno može da reši taj zadatak. Ukoliko uz ovaj nivo pomoći dete ne bi uspelo da reši zadatak, ispitivač je prelazio na prvi korak kognitivnog nivoa pomoći (vizuelna kognitivna pomoć), u kom se detetu davao model sa iscrtanim granicama kocaka. Ako ni uz ovaj nivo pomoći dete ne bi uspelo da reši zadatak, ispitivač je prelazio na drugi korak kognitivnog nivoa pomoći, koji je obuhvatao verbalno predstavljanje strategije koja je prethodno vizuelno sugerisana. Nakon ovog nivoa pomoći ispitivač je prelazio na sledeći zadatak koji dete nije uspešno rešilo u samostalnom pokušaju. Sva ispitivanja su snimana video-kamerom, uz prethodno odobrenje svakog deteta i saglasnost roditelja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su u okviru samostalnog rešavanja deca postizala značajno niže skorove u odnosu na norme koje su nastale na osnovu standardizacije instrumenta u opštoj populaciji. Ovaj nalaz je očekivan, s obzirom na to da su postignuća dece procenjivana na osnovu normativne grupe koja nije referentna za ispitivanu populaciju. Međutim, ispitivana deca su u asimetričnoj interakciji pokazala značajno napredovanje. Na osnovu dobijenih kvantitativnih podataka nismo bili u mogućnosti da izdvojimo jednu pomoć koja je najviše doprinela napretku, ali nam je u tome pomogla kvalitativna analiza interakcija ispitivača i dece. Kao polazna osnova za kvalitativnu analizu poslužila nam je klaster analiza, kojom su izdvojene četiri grupe dece. Ova analiza je pokazala da je afektivno-motivaciona pomoć bila sastavni deo svake uspešne interakcije, s tim što su se klasteri razlikovali prema tome koju je funkciju imala afektivno-motivaciona pomoć pri rešavanju testa u asimetričnoj interakciji. Dobijeni rezultati sugerišu da je za dobijanje tačnije informacije o kognitivnim kapacitetima dece Svratišta neophodno napustiti okvire standardne testovne procedure kako bi im bila obezbeđena mogućnost za bolje razumevanje zahteva koji su pred njima, kao i motivacija i podrška neophodni za postizanje cilja interakcije., The aim of this article is to show how a differently organized testing procedure can lead to a better understanding of intellectual capacity in children who live or work in the streets. The study presented in it tried to answer the following questions: 1) Does the achievement of children from the Drop-in center improve significantly on a nonverbal intelligence test when solved together with the experimenter? 2) Which type of scaffolding is most effective for children's task solving - affective-motivational, visual cognitive or verbal cognitive? 3) Which features of the asymmetric interactions enable children to find a solution to the tasks that they previously failed to solve? The sample consisted of 30 children from the Belgrade Drop-in center. Initially, the Kohs block design test was administered independently to children, and if they failed to solve it, the experimenter would provide scaffolding gradually, as listed above. The results showed that the children's achievement was very low when doing the test independently, but improved significantly when solving the tasks in interaction. According to cluster analysis four groups of children were identified which served as basis for the qualitative analysis. The conversational analysis between the children and the experimenter showed what proved to be the most significant difference between the groups, which is the function of affective-motivational help with task solving. It also demonstrated that the affective-motivational aid was a part of every successful interaction, but usually needed to be combined with its cognitive variants. As these results suggest, the standardized testing procedures need to be adapted so as to make sure that the children understand the demands of the tasks and that they are motivated and supported to reach the goal of the interaction. Only then can we obtain more valid information about the cognitive capacities of the children from the Drop-in center.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Učiteljski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Inovacije u nastavi",
title = "Uloga asimetrične interakcije u proceni neverbalnih sposobnosti dece iz Svratišta, The role of asymmetrical interaction in the assessment of nonverbal abilities of children from the Drop-in center",
pages = "206-189",
number = "3",
volume = "28",
doi = "10.5937/inovacije1503189N"
Nedić, J., Jošić, S.,& Baucal, A.. (2015). Uloga asimetrične interakcije u proceni neverbalnih sposobnosti dece iz Svratišta. in Inovacije u nastavi
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Učiteljski fakultet, Beograd., 28(3), 189-206.
Nedić J, Jošić S, Baucal A. Uloga asimetrične interakcije u proceni neverbalnih sposobnosti dece iz Svratišta. in Inovacije u nastavi. 2015;28(3):189-206.
doi:10.5937/inovacije1503189N .
Nedić, Jelena, Jošić, Smiljana, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Uloga asimetrične interakcije u proceni neverbalnih sposobnosti dece iz Svratišta" in Inovacije u nastavi, 28, no. 3 (2015):189-206, . .

How contact shapes implicit and explicit preferences: attitudes toward Roma children in inclusive and non-inclusive environment

Žeželj, Iris; Jaksić, Ivana; Jošić, Smiljana

(Wiley, Hoboken, 2015)

AU  - Žeželj, Iris
AU  - Jaksić, Ivana
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - In two studies, the authors examined the effects of intergroup contact in inclusive and non-inclusive environments on children's explicit and implicit prejudices. In both studies, supervised contact with Roma peers, instructed by inclusive program, led to a more positive explicit evaluation of Roma and less social distance, while it had no significant impact on implicit attitudes. In contrast, implicit attitudes were related to mere exposure to Roma (Study 2). Intergroup anxiety and self-disclosure mediated the effect of inclusiveness level on explicit, but not on implicit attitudes. The results indicate that two types of attitudes might be formed via different routes, and that mere exposure and supervised contact influence them differently. This information could help tailor future prejudice reduction programs.
PB  - Wiley, Hoboken
T2  - Journal of Applied Social Psychology
T1  - How contact shapes implicit and explicit preferences: attitudes toward Roma children in inclusive and non-inclusive environment
EP  - 273
IS  - 5
SP  - 263
VL  - 45
DO  - 10.1111/jasp.12293
ER  - 
author = "Žeželj, Iris and Jaksić, Ivana and Jošić, Smiljana",
year = "2015",
abstract = "In two studies, the authors examined the effects of intergroup contact in inclusive and non-inclusive environments on children's explicit and implicit prejudices. In both studies, supervised contact with Roma peers, instructed by inclusive program, led to a more positive explicit evaluation of Roma and less social distance, while it had no significant impact on implicit attitudes. In contrast, implicit attitudes were related to mere exposure to Roma (Study 2). Intergroup anxiety and self-disclosure mediated the effect of inclusiveness level on explicit, but not on implicit attitudes. The results indicate that two types of attitudes might be formed via different routes, and that mere exposure and supervised contact influence them differently. This information could help tailor future prejudice reduction programs.",
publisher = "Wiley, Hoboken",
journal = "Journal of Applied Social Psychology",
title = "How contact shapes implicit and explicit preferences: attitudes toward Roma children in inclusive and non-inclusive environment",
pages = "273-263",
number = "5",
volume = "45",
doi = "10.1111/jasp.12293"
Žeželj, I., Jaksić, I.,& Jošić, S.. (2015). How contact shapes implicit and explicit preferences: attitudes toward Roma children in inclusive and non-inclusive environment. in Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Wiley, Hoboken., 45(5), 263-273.
Žeželj I, Jaksić I, Jošić S. How contact shapes implicit and explicit preferences: attitudes toward Roma children in inclusive and non-inclusive environment. in Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 2015;45(5):263-273.
doi:10.1111/jasp.12293 .
Žeželj, Iris, Jaksić, Ivana, Jošić, Smiljana, "How contact shapes implicit and explicit preferences: attitudes toward Roma children in inclusive and non-inclusive environment" in Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45, no. 5 (2015):263-273, . .

Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u donošenju odluka desetogodišnjaka

Jošić, Smiljana; Buđevac, Nevena; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Buđevac, Nevena
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Ovo istraživanje bilo je usmereno na ispitivanje promena u procesu donošenja odluka koje pod uticajem vršnjačke interakcije donose desetogodišnjaci. Pokušali smo da utvrdimo da li deca u grupi donose odluke drugačije nego kada iste odluke donose samostalno. U prvoj fazi istraživanja, koja je podrazumevala individualno donošenje odluka, testirano je 139 učenika četvrtog razreda. Na osnovu njihovih odgovora formirano je 10 trijada za eksperimentalnu grupu. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 31 dete sa istom strukturom početnih odgovora kao u eksperimentalnoj grupi. U drugoj fazi su deca iz kontrolne grupe još jednom samostalno odlučivala, dok su deca u eksperimentalnoj grupi donosila grupne odluke. Nalazi su pokazali da su ispitanici iz kontrolne grupe zadržavali svoje prethodne odluke, dok su ih deca u eksperimentalnoj grupi menjala pod uticajem vršnjaka, tako da su u grupi donosili manje rizične odluke. Ovaj nalaz može biti posledica uticaja konteksta u kojem je vršeno istraživanje (škola), ali i sadržaja korišćenog zadatka. Kvalitativna analiza socijalne interakcije pomogla nam je da razumemo tok grupnog donošenja odluka. Pronašli smo nekoliko mehanizama koji govore o tome kako deca menjaju svoju prvobitnu odluku u trijadi (pozivanje na mišljenje autoriteta, konverzaciona pasivnost, pravilo većine itd.), kao i o tome kako uspevaju da zadrže svoju odluku (konverzaciona aktivnost i argumentacija).
AB  - The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in decision-making of ten-year old children under the influence of peer interaction. We tried to determine whether there were differences in the decision-making process when children made their decisions in a group, as opposed to the situation when they decided individually. In the first phase of the study (which included individual decision-making), 139 fourth-graders were tested. Based on their responses we formed 10 triads in the experimental group. The control group consisted of 31 children with the response structure equivalent to the initial response structure in the experimental group. In the second phase, children in the control group once again decided individually, while children in the experimental group made a group decision. We found that subjects in the control group retained their previous decisions, while children in the experimental group changed their initial decisions under the influence of peers, so that their decisions became less risky. This finding may be ascribed to the context in which the research was conducted (school), but also to the content of the task used. Qualitative analysis of social interaction enabled us to understand the dynamics of group decision-making. We found several mechanisms that explain how children change their initial decision in the triad (reference to the opinion of the authority, conversational passivity, majority rule, etc.), and how they retain their decision (conversational activity and argumentation).
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju, Beograd
T2  - Psihološka istraživanja
T1  - Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u donošenju odluka desetogodišnjaka
T1  - Peer interaction influence on decision-making in ten-year-old children
EP  - 207
IS  - 2
SP  - 185
VL  - 15
DO  - 10.5937/PsIstra1202185J
ER  - 
author = "Jošić, Smiljana and Buđevac, Nevena and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Ovo istraživanje bilo je usmereno na ispitivanje promena u procesu donošenja odluka koje pod uticajem vršnjačke interakcije donose desetogodišnjaci. Pokušali smo da utvrdimo da li deca u grupi donose odluke drugačije nego kada iste odluke donose samostalno. U prvoj fazi istraživanja, koja je podrazumevala individualno donošenje odluka, testirano je 139 učenika četvrtog razreda. Na osnovu njihovih odgovora formirano je 10 trijada za eksperimentalnu grupu. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 31 dete sa istom strukturom početnih odgovora kao u eksperimentalnoj grupi. U drugoj fazi su deca iz kontrolne grupe još jednom samostalno odlučivala, dok su deca u eksperimentalnoj grupi donosila grupne odluke. Nalazi su pokazali da su ispitanici iz kontrolne grupe zadržavali svoje prethodne odluke, dok su ih deca u eksperimentalnoj grupi menjala pod uticajem vršnjaka, tako da su u grupi donosili manje rizične odluke. Ovaj nalaz može biti posledica uticaja konteksta u kojem je vršeno istraživanje (škola), ali i sadržaja korišćenog zadatka. Kvalitativna analiza socijalne interakcije pomogla nam je da razumemo tok grupnog donošenja odluka. Pronašli smo nekoliko mehanizama koji govore o tome kako deca menjaju svoju prvobitnu odluku u trijadi (pozivanje na mišljenje autoriteta, konverzaciona pasivnost, pravilo većine itd.), kao i o tome kako uspevaju da zadrže svoju odluku (konverzaciona aktivnost i argumentacija)., The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in decision-making of ten-year old children under the influence of peer interaction. We tried to determine whether there were differences in the decision-making process when children made their decisions in a group, as opposed to the situation when they decided individually. In the first phase of the study (which included individual decision-making), 139 fourth-graders were tested. Based on their responses we formed 10 triads in the experimental group. The control group consisted of 31 children with the response structure equivalent to the initial response structure in the experimental group. In the second phase, children in the control group once again decided individually, while children in the experimental group made a group decision. We found that subjects in the control group retained their previous decisions, while children in the experimental group changed their initial decisions under the influence of peers, so that their decisions became less risky. This finding may be ascribed to the context in which the research was conducted (school), but also to the content of the task used. Qualitative analysis of social interaction enabled us to understand the dynamics of group decision-making. We found several mechanisms that explain how children change their initial decision in the triad (reference to the opinion of the authority, conversational passivity, majority rule, etc.), and how they retain their decision (conversational activity and argumentation).",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju, Beograd",
journal = "Psihološka istraživanja",
title = "Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u donošenju odluka desetogodišnjaka, Peer interaction influence on decision-making in ten-year-old children",
pages = "207-185",
number = "2",
volume = "15",
doi = "10.5937/PsIstra1202185J"
Jošić, S., Buđevac, N.,& Baucal, A.. (2012). Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u donošenju odluka desetogodišnjaka. in Psihološka istraživanja
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju, Beograd., 15(2), 185-207.
Jošić S, Buđevac N, Baucal A. Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u donošenju odluka desetogodišnjaka. in Psihološka istraživanja. 2012;15(2):185-207.
doi:10.5937/PsIstra1202185J .
Jošić, Smiljana, Buđevac, Nevena, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Uloga vršnjačke interakcije u donošenju odluka desetogodišnjaka" in Psihološka istraživanja, 15, no. 2 (2012):185-207, . .