Baucal, Aleksandar

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Baucal, Aleksandar (59)
  • Baucal, Aleksander (1)
  • Бауцал, Александар (1)
Identification, measurement and development of the cognitive and emotional competences important for a Europe-oriented society Psychological problems in the context of social changes
Fundamental cognitive processes and functions From encouraging initiative, cooperation and creativity in education to new roles and identities in society
PEERSolvers - The PEER model of collaborative problem solving: Developing young people’s capacities for constructive interaction and teamwork Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200163 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy)
Estonian Ministry of Education and ResearchMinistry of Education and Research, Estonia Estonian Research CouncilEstonian Research Council [IUT34-6]
European Association for Research on Learning European Social Fund (ESF)
Indicators and models of family and work roles harmonization Improving the quality and accessibility of education in modernization processes in Serbia
MathMot PEERSolvers - The PEER model of collaborative problem solving: Developing young people’s capacities for constructive interaction and teamwork
Projekat "Evaluacija efekata predmeta Građansko vaspitanje - 10 godina posle". Naručilac projekta - Građanske inicijative, 2018-2019. Projekat Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvioja br. 197018
The AGILE project (2013–2016) was supported by the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) in the context of the launching of Centres for Innovative Research (E-CIR). This research was supported bz the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (Grant No. 7744729, The PEER model of collaborative problem solving: Developing young people’s capacities for constructive interaction and teamwork – PEERSolvers)
Истраживање спроведено уз подршку Фонда за наауку Републике Србије, број пројекта #7744729, The PEER model of collaborative problem solving: Developing young people’s capacities for constructive interaction and teamwork - PEERSolvers

Author's Bibliography

Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: PEER тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији

Бауцал, Александар; Павловић Бабић, Драгица; Алтарас Димитријевић, Ана; Крстић, Ксенија; Јолић Марјановић, Зорана; Степановић Илић, Ивана; Виденовић, Марина; Јошић, Смиљана; Никитовић, Тијана; Мојовић Здравковић, Кристина; Рајић, Милана; Ивановић, Јован

(Београд : Друштво психолога Србије, 2023)

AU  - Бауцал, Александар
AU  - Павловић Бабић, Драгица
AU  - Алтарас Димитријевић, Ана
AU  - Крстић, Ксенија
AU  - Јолић Марјановић, Зорана
AU  - Степановић Илић, Ивана
AU  - Виденовић, Марина
AU  - Јошић, Смиљана
AU  - Никитовић, Тијана
AU  - Мојовић Здравковић, Кристина
AU  - Рајић, Милана
AU  - Ивановић, Јован
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Овај рад представља први приказ садржаја и резултата евалуације једног програма за подстицање вештинасарадње и тимског решавања проблема код младих. Реч је о тренингу који је осмишљен у оквиру пројектаPEERSolvers (, а заснован на PEER моделу успешне сарадње, који је већпредстављен нашој научној и стручној јавности. Сходно поставкама тог модела, истоимени (PEER) тренингима четири основна сегмента. Први сегмент посвећен је формулисању и утврђивању правилаконструктивног дијалога и размене идеје; други подразумева рад на препознавању и уважавању особиналичности односно индивидуалних разлика у тимском раду; трећи сегмент тиче се вештина из областиемоционалне интелигенције и подстиче правилно уочавање, разумевање и регулисање емоција токомсарадње; најзад, четврти део тренинга бави се умешношћу чланова тима да користе спољне ресурсе –превасходно дигиталне изворе података – који су од помоћи у решавању проблема с којим се тим суочава.Сваком сегменту посвећен је по један трочасовни блок, с тим што првом сегменту претходи и кратка уводнасесија (која служи узајамном упознавању и упознавању учесника са програмом рада), док се последњиулива у завршну рекапитулацију и евалуацију тренинга. Целокупан тренинг одвија се у четири дана исастоји од низа групних вежби и интерактивних задатака. Тренинг је први пут реализован у марту текућегодине, а полазници су били ученици другог разреда из шест београдских средњих школа (три гимназије,три средње стручне школе), при чему је у свакој школи тренингом обухваћена по једна група величине N= 21. Искуства тренера потврђују да тренинг може успешно да се изведе према предвиђеном сценарију;истовремено, евалуације учесника указују на то да је садржај тренинга за њих релевантан (просечне оценерелевантности четирију сегмената износе 3,39–3,58, на скали од 1 до 4) и да су њиме стекли одговарајућевештине (просечне оцене самоопажене компетентности су у распону 3,61–3,80). Ипак, уочен је и просторза даље унапређивање тренинга, пре свега у смислу диференцијације материјала и начина рада с обзиромна образовни профил, те на ниво зрелости и заинтересованости ученика.
AB  - Ovaj rad predstavlja prvi prikaz sadržaja i rezultata evaluacije jednog programa za podsticanje veštinasaradnje i timskog rešavanja problema kod mladih. Reč je o treningu koji je osmišljen u okviru projektaPEERSolvers (, a zasnovan na PEER modelu uspešne saradnje, koji je većpredstavljen našoj naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti. Shodno postavkama tog modela, istoimeni (PEER) treningima četiri osnovna segmenta. Prvi segment posvećen je formulisanju i utvrđivanju pravilakonstruktivnog dijaloga i razmene ideje; drugi podrazumeva rad na prepoznavanju i uvažavanju osobinaličnosti odnosno individualnih razlika u timskom radu; treći segment tiče se veština iz oblastiemocionalne inteligencije i podstiče pravilno uočavanje, razumevanje i regulisanje emocija tokomsaradnje; najzad, četvrti deo treninga bavi se umešnošću članova tima da koriste spoljne resurse –prevashodno digitalne izvore podataka – koji su od pomoći u rešavanju problema s kojim se tim suočava.Svakom segmentu posvećen je po jedan tročasovni blok, s tim što prvom segmentu prethodi i kratka uvodnasesija (koja služi uzajamnom upoznavanju i upoznavanju učesnika sa programom rada), dok se poslednjiuliva u završnu rekapitulaciju i evaluaciju treninga. Celokupan trening odvija se u četiri dana isastoji od niza grupnih vežbi i interaktivnih zadataka. Trening je prvi put realizovan u martu tekućegodine, a polaznici su bili učenici drugog razreda iz šest beogradskih srednjih škola (tri gimnazije,tri srednje stručne škole), pri čemu je u svakoj školi treningom obuhvaćena po jedna grupa veličine N= 21. Iskustva trenera potvrđuju da trening može uspešno da se izvede prema predviđenom scenariju;istovremeno, evaluacije učesnika ukazuju na to da je sadržaj treninga za njih relevantan (prosečne ocenerelevantnosti četiriju segmenata iznose 3,39–3,58, na skali od 1 do 4) i da su njime stekli odgovarajućeveštine (prosečne ocene samoopažene kompetentnosti su u rasponu 3,61–3,80). Ipak, uočen je i prostorza dalje unapređivanje treninga, pre svega u smislu diferencijacije materijala i načina rada s obziromna obrazovni profil, te na nivo zrelosti i zainteresovanosti učenika.
PB  - Београд : Друштво психолога Србије
C3  - 71. Конгрес психолога Србије - Нови хоризонти (сајбер) психологије
T1  - Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: PEER тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији
T1  - Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji
EP  - 92
SP  - 92
VL  - 71
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Бауцал, Александар and Павловић Бабић, Драгица and Алтарас Димитријевић, Ана and Крстић, Ксенија and Јолић Марјановић, Зорана and Степановић Илић, Ивана and Виденовић, Марина and Јошић, Смиљана and Никитовић, Тијана and Мојовић Здравковић, Кристина and Рајић, Милана and Ивановић, Јован",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Овај рад представља први приказ садржаја и резултата евалуације једног програма за подстицање вештинасарадње и тимског решавања проблема код младих. Реч је о тренингу који је осмишљен у оквиру пројектаPEERSolvers (, а заснован на PEER моделу успешне сарадње, који је већпредстављен нашој научној и стручној јавности. Сходно поставкама тог модела, истоимени (PEER) тренингима четири основна сегмента. Први сегмент посвећен је формулисању и утврђивању правилаконструктивног дијалога и размене идеје; други подразумева рад на препознавању и уважавању особиналичности односно индивидуалних разлика у тимском раду; трећи сегмент тиче се вештина из областиемоционалне интелигенције и подстиче правилно уочавање, разумевање и регулисање емоција токомсарадње; најзад, четврти део тренинга бави се умешношћу чланова тима да користе спољне ресурсе –превасходно дигиталне изворе података – који су од помоћи у решавању проблема с којим се тим суочава.Сваком сегменту посвећен је по један трочасовни блок, с тим што првом сегменту претходи и кратка уводнасесија (која служи узајамном упознавању и упознавању учесника са програмом рада), док се последњиулива у завршну рекапитулацију и евалуацију тренинга. Целокупан тренинг одвија се у четири дана исастоји од низа групних вежби и интерактивних задатака. Тренинг је први пут реализован у марту текућегодине, а полазници су били ученици другог разреда из шест београдских средњих школа (три гимназије,три средње стручне школе), при чему је у свакој школи тренингом обухваћена по једна група величине N= 21. Искуства тренера потврђују да тренинг може успешно да се изведе према предвиђеном сценарију;истовремено, евалуације учесника указују на то да је садржај тренинга за њих релевантан (просечне оценерелевантности четирију сегмената износе 3,39–3,58, на скали од 1 до 4) и да су њиме стекли одговарајућевештине (просечне оцене самоопажене компетентности су у распону 3,61–3,80). Ипак, уочен је и просторза даље унапређивање тренинга, пре свега у смислу диференцијације материјала и начина рада с обзиромна образовни профил, те на ниво зрелости и заинтересованости ученика., Ovaj rad predstavlja prvi prikaz sadržaja i rezultata evaluacije jednog programa za podsticanje veštinasaradnje i timskog rešavanja problema kod mladih. Reč je o treningu koji je osmišljen u okviru projektaPEERSolvers (, a zasnovan na PEER modelu uspešne saradnje, koji je većpredstavljen našoj naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti. Shodno postavkama tog modela, istoimeni (PEER) treningima četiri osnovna segmenta. Prvi segment posvećen je formulisanju i utvrđivanju pravilakonstruktivnog dijaloga i razmene ideje; drugi podrazumeva rad na prepoznavanju i uvažavanju osobinaličnosti odnosno individualnih razlika u timskom radu; treći segment tiče se veština iz oblastiemocionalne inteligencije i podstiče pravilno uočavanje, razumevanje i regulisanje emocija tokomsaradnje; najzad, četvrti deo treninga bavi se umešnošću članova tima da koriste spoljne resurse –prevashodno digitalne izvore podataka – koji su od pomoći u rešavanju problema s kojim se tim suočava.Svakom segmentu posvećen je po jedan tročasovni blok, s tim što prvom segmentu prethodi i kratka uvodnasesija (koja služi uzajamnom upoznavanju i upoznavanju učesnika sa programom rada), dok se poslednjiuliva u završnu rekapitulaciju i evaluaciju treninga. Celokupan trening odvija se u četiri dana isastoji od niza grupnih vežbi i interaktivnih zadataka. Trening je prvi put realizovan u martu tekućegodine, a polaznici su bili učenici drugog razreda iz šest beogradskih srednjih škola (tri gimnazije,tri srednje stručne škole), pri čemu je u svakoj školi treningom obuhvaćena po jedna grupa veličine N= 21. Iskustva trenera potvrđuju da trening može uspešno da se izvede prema predviđenom scenariju;istovremeno, evaluacije učesnika ukazuju na to da je sadržaj treninga za njih relevantan (prosečne ocenerelevantnosti četiriju segmenata iznose 3,39–3,58, na skali od 1 do 4) i da su njime stekli odgovarajućeveštine (prosečne ocene samoopažene kompetentnosti su u rasponu 3,61–3,80). Ipak, uočen je i prostorza dalje unapređivanje treninga, pre svega u smislu diferencijacije materijala i načina rada s obziromna obrazovni profil, te na nivo zrelosti i zainteresovanosti učenika.",
publisher = "Београд : Друштво психолога Србије",
journal = "71. Конгрес психолога Србије - Нови хоризонти (сајбер) психологије",
title = "Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: PEER тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији, Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji",
pages = "92-92",
volume = "71",
url = ""
Бауцал, А., Павловић Бабић, Д., Алтарас Димитријевић, А., Крстић, К., Јолић Марјановић, З., Степановић Илић, И., Виденовић, М., Јошић, С., Никитовић, Т., Мојовић Здравковић, К., Рајић, М.,& Ивановић, Ј.. (2023). Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: PEER тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији. in 71. Конгрес психолога Србије - Нови хоризонти (сајбер) психологије
Београд : Друштво психолога Србије., 71, 92-92.
Бауцал А, Павловић Бабић Д, Алтарас Димитријевић А, Крстић К, Јолић Марјановић З, Степановић Илић И, Виденовић М, Јошић С, Никитовић Т, Мојовић Здравковић К, Рајић М, Ивановић Ј. Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: PEER тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији. in 71. Конгрес психолога Србије - Нови хоризонти (сајбер) психологије. 2023;71:92-92. .
Бауцал, Александар, Павловић Бабић, Драгица, Алтарас Димитријевић, Ана, Крстић, Ксенија, Јолић Марјановић, Зорана, Степановић Илић, Ивана, Виденовић, Марина, Јошић, Смиљана, Никитовић, Тијана, Мојовић Здравковић, Кристина, Рајић, Милана, Ивановић, Јован, "Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: PEER тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији" in 71. Конгрес психолога Србије - Нови хоризонти (сајбер) психологије, 71 (2023):92-92, .

Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji.

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smilja; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović Zdravković, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Друштво психолога Србије, 2023)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smilja
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović Zdravković, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Овај рад представља први приказ садржаја и резултата евалуације једног програма за подстицање
вештина сарадње и тимског решавања проблема код младих. Реч је о тренингу који је осмишљен у оквиру
пројекта PEERSolvers (, а заснован на PEER моделу успешне сарадње, који је
већ представљен нашој научној и стручној јавности. Сходно поставкама тог модела, истоимени (PEER)
тренинг има четири основна сегмента. Први сегмент посвећен је формулисању и утврђивању правила
конструктивног дијалога и размене идеје; други подразумева рад на препознавању и уважавању особина
личности односно индивидуалних разлика у тимском раду; трећи сегмент тиче се вештина из области
емоционалне интелигенције и подстиче правилно уочавање, разумевање и регулисање емоција током
сарадње; најзад, четврти део тренинга бави се умешношћу чланова тима да користе спољне ресурсе –
превасходно дигиталне изворе података – који су од помоћи у решавању проблема с којим се тим суочава.
Сваком сегменту посвећен је по један трочасовни блок, с тим што првом сегменту претходи и кратка
уводна сесија (која служи узајамном упознавању и упознавању учесника са програмом рада), док се
последњи улива у завршну рекапитулацију и евалуацију тренинга. Целокупан тренинг одвија се у четири
дана и састоји од низа групних вежби и интерактивних задатака. Тренинг је први пут реализован у марту
текуће године, а полазници су били ученици другог разреда из шест београдских средњих школа (три
гимназије, три средње стручне школе), при чему је у свакој школи тренингом обухваћена по једна група
величине N = 21. Искуства тренера потврђују да тренинг може успешно да се изведе према предвиђеном
сценарију; истовремено, евалуације учесника указују на то да је садржај тренинга за њих релевантан
(просечне оцене релевантности четирију сегмената износе 3,39–3,58, на скали од 1 до 4) и да су њиме
стекли одговарајуће вештине (просечне оцене самоопажене компетентности су у распону 3,61–3,80).
Ипак, уочен је и простор за даље унапређивање тренинга, пре свега у смислу диференцијације материјала
и начина рада с обзиром на образовни профил, те на ниво зрелости и заинтересованости ученика.
PB  - Друштво психолога Србије
C3  - Knjiga rezimea, 71. Kongres psihologa Srbije: novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije
T1  - Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji.
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smilja and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović Zdravković, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Овај рад представља први приказ садржаја и резултата евалуације једног програма за подстицање
вештина сарадње и тимског решавања проблема код младих. Реч је о тренингу који је осмишљен у оквиру
пројекта PEERSolvers (, а заснован на PEER моделу успешне сарадње, који је
већ представљен нашој научној и стручној јавности. Сходно поставкама тог модела, истоимени (PEER)
тренинг има четири основна сегмента. Први сегмент посвећен је формулисању и утврђивању правила
конструктивног дијалога и размене идеје; други подразумева рад на препознавању и уважавању особина
личности односно индивидуалних разлика у тимском раду; трећи сегмент тиче се вештина из области
емоционалне интелигенције и подстиче правилно уочавање, разумевање и регулисање емоција током
сарадње; најзад, четврти део тренинга бави се умешношћу чланова тима да користе спољне ресурсе –
превасходно дигиталне изворе података – који су од помоћи у решавању проблема с којим се тим суочава.
Сваком сегменту посвећен је по један трочасовни блок, с тим што првом сегменту претходи и кратка
уводна сесија (која служи узајамном упознавању и упознавању учесника са програмом рада), док се
последњи улива у завршну рекапитулацију и евалуацију тренинга. Целокупан тренинг одвија се у четири
дана и састоји од низа групних вежби и интерактивних задатака. Тренинг је први пут реализован у марту
текуће године, а полазници су били ученици другог разреда из шест београдских средњих школа (три
гимназије, три средње стручне школе), при чему је у свакој школи тренингом обухваћена по једна група
величине N = 21. Искуства тренера потврђују да тренинг може успешно да се изведе према предвиђеном
сценарију; истовремено, евалуације учесника указују на то да је садржај тренинга за њих релевантан
(просечне оцене релевантности четирију сегмената износе 3,39–3,58, на скали од 1 до 4) и да су њиме
стекли одговарајуће вештине (просечне оцене самоопажене компетентности су у распону 3,61–3,80).
Ипак, уочен је и простор за даље унапређивање тренинга, пре свега у смислу диференцијације материјала
и начина рада с обзиром на образовни профил, те на ниво зрелости и заинтересованости ученика.",
publisher = "Друштво психолога Србије",
journal = "Knjiga rezimea, 71. Kongres psihologa Srbije: novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije",
title = "Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji.",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Pavlović Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović Zdravković, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2023). Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji.. in Knjiga rezimea, 71. Kongres psihologa Srbije: novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije
Друштво психолога Србије..
Baucal A, Pavlović Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović Zdravković K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji.. in Knjiga rezimea, 71. Kongres psihologa Srbije: novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije. 2023;. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smilja, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji." in Knjiga rezimea, 71. Kongres psihologa Srbije: novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije (2023), .

Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović-Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Друштво психолога Србије, 2023)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Овај рад представља први приказ садржаја и резултата евалуације једног програма за подстицање вештина сарадње и тимског решавања проблема код младих. Реч је о тренингу који је осмишљен у оквиру пројекта PEERSolvers (, а заснован на PEER моделу успешне сарадње, који је већ представљен нашој научној и стручној јавности. Сходно поставкама тог модела, истоимени (PEER) тренинг има четири основна сегмента. Први сегмент посвећен је формулисању и утврђивању правила конструктивног дијалога и размене идеје; други подразумева рад на препознавању и уважавању особина личности односно индивидуалних разлика у тимском раду; трећи сегмент тиче се вештина из области емоционалне интелигенције и подстиче правилно уочавање, разумевање и регулисање емоција током сарадње; најзад, четврти део тренинга бави се умешношћу чланова тима да користе спољне ресурсе – превасходно дигиталне изворе података – који су од помоћи у решавању проблема с којим се тим суочава. Сваком сегменту посвећен је по један трочасовни блок, с тим што првом сегменту претходи и кратка уводна сесија (која служи узајамном упознавању и упознавању учесника са програмом рада), док се последњи улива у завршну рекапитулацију и евалуацију тренинга. Целокупан тренинг одвија се у четири дана и састоји од низа групних вежби и интерактивних задатака. Тренинг је први пут реализован у марту текуће године, а полазници су били ученици другог разреда из шест београдских средњих школа (три гимназије, три средње стручне школе), при чему је у свакој школи тренингом обухваћена по једна група величине N = 21. Искуства тренера потврђују да тренинг може успешно да се изведе према предвиђеном сценарију; истовремено, евалуације учесника указују на то да је садржај тренинга за њих релевантан (просечне оцене релевантности четирију сегмената износе 3,39–3,58, на скали од 1 до 4) и да су њиме стекли одговарајуће вештине (просечне оцене самоопажене компетентности су у распону 3,61–3,80). Ипак, уочен је и простор за даље унапређивање тренинга, пре свега у смислу диференцијације материјала и начина рада с обзиром на образовни профил, те на ниво зрелости и заинтересованости ученика.
PB  - Друштво психолога Србије
PB  - Центар за примењену психологију
C3  - Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić
T1  - Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији
SP  - 92
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Овај рад представља први приказ садржаја и резултата евалуације једног програма за подстицање вештина сарадње и тимског решавања проблема код младих. Реч је о тренингу који је осмишљен у оквиру пројекта PEERSolvers (, а заснован на PEER моделу успешне сарадње, који је већ представљен нашој научној и стручној јавности. Сходно поставкама тог модела, истоимени (PEER) тренинг има четири основна сегмента. Први сегмент посвећен је формулисању и утврђивању правила конструктивног дијалога и размене идеје; други подразумева рад на препознавању и уважавању особина личности односно индивидуалних разлика у тимском раду; трећи сегмент тиче се вештина из области емоционалне интелигенције и подстиче правилно уочавање, разумевање и регулисање емоција током сарадње; најзад, четврти део тренинга бави се умешношћу чланова тима да користе спољне ресурсе – превасходно дигиталне изворе података – који су од помоћи у решавању проблема с којим се тим суочава. Сваком сегменту посвећен је по један трочасовни блок, с тим што првом сегменту претходи и кратка уводна сесија (која служи узајамном упознавању и упознавању учесника са програмом рада), док се последњи улива у завршну рекапитулацију и евалуацију тренинга. Целокупан тренинг одвија се у четири дана и састоји од низа групних вежби и интерактивних задатака. Тренинг је први пут реализован у марту текуће године, а полазници су били ученици другог разреда из шест београдских средњих школа (три гимназије, три средње стручне школе), при чему је у свакој школи тренингом обухваћена по једна група величине N = 21. Искуства тренера потврђују да тренинг може успешно да се изведе према предвиђеном сценарију; истовремено, евалуације учесника указују на то да је садржај тренинга за њих релевантан (просечне оцене релевантности четирију сегмената износе 3,39–3,58, на скали од 1 до 4) и да су њиме стекли одговарајуће вештине (просечне оцене самоопажене компетентности су у распону 3,61–3,80). Ипак, уочен је и простор за даље унапређивање тренинга, пре свега у смислу диференцијације материјала и начина рада с обзиром на образовни профил, те на ниво зрелости и заинтересованости ученика.",
publisher = "Друштво психолога Србије, Центар за примењену психологију",
journal = "Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić",
title = "Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији",
pages = "92",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Pavlović-Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2023). Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији. in Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić
Друштво психолога Србије., 92.
Baucal A, Pavlović-Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији. in Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić. 2023;:92. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "Сарадњом до бољег решења, а вежбом до успешне сарадње: ПЕЕР тренинг за подстицање вештина колаборативног решавања проблема у средњошколској популацији" in Knjiga rezimea - Kongres psihologa Srbije Novi horizonti (sajber)psihologije, Palić (2023):92, .

What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review

Baucal, Aleksandar; Jošić, Smiljana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Ivanović, Jovan; Krstić, Ksenija

(Elsevier BV, 2023)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Global demands for collaborative problem solving (CPS) have sparked investigations of peer
collaboration in the educational context. The aim of this systematic review was to identify and
systematize research fndings on (a) characteristics of productive and unproductive face-to-face
(f2f) or synchronous CPS via digital devices among adolescents in the educational context, (b)
training and scaffolding modalities enabling adolescents to engage in productive CPS, and (c)
ways of supporting productive CPS by using digital resources. We conducted a thematic analysis
of 160 selected papers from a larger corpus and identifed six main themes, that is, groups of
characteristics of CPS: socio-cognitive aspects; socio-emotional aspects; the quality of task/
problem-solving strategies; regulation of group activity oriented towards the task; regulation of
group activity oriented towards group members; and participant engagement in CPS. We found
that in efforts to contribute to successful CPS, adults (teachers/researchers) can moderate peer
interaction in three ways, by focusing on either cognitive processes, group discussions, or classroom management. Regarding the third goal, we identifed two major roles of digital resources in
adolescent CPS. The frst role pertained to ICT as a source of relevant knowledge or a tool for
problem solving and the other role was related to peer collaboration and ICT as a tool for scaffolding collaboration. All characteristics that emerged in this review are discussed and concluding
comments refer to educational implications.
PB  - Elsevier BV
T2  - Educational Research Review
T1  - What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review
SP  - 100567
VL  - 41
DO  - 10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100567
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Jošić, Smiljana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Ivanović, Jovan and Krstić, Ksenija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Global demands for collaborative problem solving (CPS) have sparked investigations of peer
collaboration in the educational context. The aim of this systematic review was to identify and
systematize research fndings on (a) characteristics of productive and unproductive face-to-face
(f2f) or synchronous CPS via digital devices among adolescents in the educational context, (b)
training and scaffolding modalities enabling adolescents to engage in productive CPS, and (c)
ways of supporting productive CPS by using digital resources. We conducted a thematic analysis
of 160 selected papers from a larger corpus and identifed six main themes, that is, groups of
characteristics of CPS: socio-cognitive aspects; socio-emotional aspects; the quality of task/
problem-solving strategies; regulation of group activity oriented towards the task; regulation of
group activity oriented towards group members; and participant engagement in CPS. We found
that in efforts to contribute to successful CPS, adults (teachers/researchers) can moderate peer
interaction in three ways, by focusing on either cognitive processes, group discussions, or classroom management. Regarding the third goal, we identifed two major roles of digital resources in
adolescent CPS. The frst role pertained to ICT as a source of relevant knowledge or a tool for
problem solving and the other role was related to peer collaboration and ICT as a tool for scaffolding collaboration. All characteristics that emerged in this review are discussed and concluding
comments refer to educational implications.",
publisher = "Elsevier BV",
journal = "Educational Research Review",
title = "What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review",
pages = "100567",
volume = "41",
doi = "10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100567"
Baucal, A., Jošić, S., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Ivanović, J.,& Krstić, K.. (2023). What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review. in Educational Research Review
Elsevier BV., 41, 100567.
Baucal A, Jošić S, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Ivanović J, Krstić K. What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review. in Educational Research Review. 2023;41:100567.
doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100567 .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Jošić, Smiljana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Ivanović, Jovan, Krstić, Ksenija, "What makes peer collaborative problem solving productive or unproductive: A qualitative systematic review" in Educational Research Review, 41 (2023):100567, . .

What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review

Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Baucal, Aleksander; Jošić, Smiljana

(Finland : University of Turku, 2023)

AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Baucal, Aleksander
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Peer interaction is widely recognized as one of the important factors of cognitive development,especially in constructivists and sociocultural approach. Having in mind that global demands forcollaborative problem-solving (CPS) have sparked investigations of peer interaction in the educationalcontext, we have reviewed research findings within that setting. We chose adolescents considering theiradvancements in cognitive and socio-emotional prerequisites to embrace and consider different viewsregarding argument exchange, in comparison to younger children, and their higher potential to furtherdevelop those competencies compared to the older population. Our main goal was to make a qualitativesystematization of studies investigating face-to-face peer interaction within school context in order toextract characteristics which differentiate productive from unproductive groups of adolescents engaged in CPS. The literature inspection using research strings within the three databases (PsycInfo, WoS, ERIC)yielded 5,256 human studies published in English between 2012 and 2022, which are uploaded toCovidence. The systematic narrative literature review was conducted in the form of an inductivedeductivethematic analysis of 160 papers, selected from the mentioned sample aligned with the stepsin PRISMA guidelines. Interrater reliability was excellent (Cohen’s κ=.92; agreement percentage = 97%).We extracted six major themes differentiating productive from unproductive adolescent peer groupsdialogues during CPS. The first was named Socio-Cognitive Aspects of Collaboration, associated with thequality of idea exchange and its potential to be a solid base for joint construction ofmeaning/knowledge. The second, Socio-Emotional Aspects of Collaboration is related to social andemotional processes in a peer group during problem-solving. The third theme entitled The Quality ofTask/Problem-Solving Strategies is pertained to adequate reasoning and approaching the problem. Thefourth and fifth groups describe two types of regulation within a peer group, one oriented towards theproblem/task itself (The Regulation of Group Activity Oriented Towards the Task) and the other towardsparticipants in the process (The Regulation of Group Activity Oriented Towards Group Members). Thesixth one, Participant Engagement, reflected on the nature of adolescents’ involvement in CPS. Thenumber of identified themes describing peer dialogue during CPS has revealed the enormous complexityof social interaction and numerous factors influencing it. The obtained results are in accordance withsimilar literature reviews (Howe & Abedin, 2013; Asterhan & Schwarz, 2016; Gillies, 2016) but seem tohave a particular focus on the quality of peer interaction and cover a broader spectrum of its features.Besides theoretical, our findings have practical implications and serve as a guidebook for teachers eagerto contribute to productive collaboration between students in their classroom, but also for researcherswho seek deeper understanding of the nature of peer interaction in order to develop new interventionsfocusing on productive dialogue features and prevention of unproductive peer interaction.
PB  - Finland : University of Turku
C3  - European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP)
T1  - What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review
EP  - 21
SP  - 20
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Baucal, Aleksander and Jošić, Smiljana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Peer interaction is widely recognized as one of the important factors of cognitive development,especially in constructivists and sociocultural approach. Having in mind that global demands forcollaborative problem-solving (CPS) have sparked investigations of peer interaction in the educationalcontext, we have reviewed research findings within that setting. We chose adolescents considering theiradvancements in cognitive and socio-emotional prerequisites to embrace and consider different viewsregarding argument exchange, in comparison to younger children, and their higher potential to furtherdevelop those competencies compared to the older population. Our main goal was to make a qualitativesystematization of studies investigating face-to-face peer interaction within school context in order toextract characteristics which differentiate productive from unproductive groups of adolescents engaged in CPS. The literature inspection using research strings within the three databases (PsycInfo, WoS, ERIC)yielded 5,256 human studies published in English between 2012 and 2022, which are uploaded toCovidence. The systematic narrative literature review was conducted in the form of an inductivedeductivethematic analysis of 160 papers, selected from the mentioned sample aligned with the stepsin PRISMA guidelines. Interrater reliability was excellent (Cohen’s κ=.92; agreement percentage = 97%).We extracted six major themes differentiating productive from unproductive adolescent peer groupsdialogues during CPS. The first was named Socio-Cognitive Aspects of Collaboration, associated with thequality of idea exchange and its potential to be a solid base for joint construction ofmeaning/knowledge. The second, Socio-Emotional Aspects of Collaboration is related to social andemotional processes in a peer group during problem-solving. The third theme entitled The Quality ofTask/Problem-Solving Strategies is pertained to adequate reasoning and approaching the problem. Thefourth and fifth groups describe two types of regulation within a peer group, one oriented towards theproblem/task itself (The Regulation of Group Activity Oriented Towards the Task) and the other towardsparticipants in the process (The Regulation of Group Activity Oriented Towards Group Members). Thesixth one, Participant Engagement, reflected on the nature of adolescents’ involvement in CPS. Thenumber of identified themes describing peer dialogue during CPS has revealed the enormous complexityof social interaction and numerous factors influencing it. The obtained results are in accordance withsimilar literature reviews (Howe & Abedin, 2013; Asterhan & Schwarz, 2016; Gillies, 2016) but seem tohave a particular focus on the quality of peer interaction and cover a broader spectrum of its features.Besides theoretical, our findings have practical implications and serve as a guidebook for teachers eagerto contribute to productive collaboration between students in their classroom, but also for researcherswho seek deeper understanding of the nature of peer interaction in order to develop new interventionsfocusing on productive dialogue features and prevention of unproductive peer interaction.",
publisher = "Finland : University of Turku",
journal = "European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP)",
title = "What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review",
pages = "21-20",
url = ""
Stepanović Ilić, I., Baucal, A.,& Jošić, S.. (2023). What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review. in European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP)
Finland : University of Turku., 20-21.
Stepanović Ilić I, Baucal A, Jošić S. What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review. in European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP). 2023;:20-21. .
Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Baucal, Aleksander, Jošić, Smiljana, "What differentiates productive from unproductive adolescent groups engaged in collaborative problem-solving: A qualitative systematic review" in European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP) (2023):20-21, .

Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović-Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 2022)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will also be engaged in CPS but will not receive any training or scaffolding. The above described implementation of the PEER model should yield major insights into the possibility of developing adolescents’ capacities for CPS and using it to promote their individual competencies.
PB  - Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
PB  - Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
C3  - Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology
T1  - Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers
SP  - 25
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will also be engaged in CPS but will not receive any training or scaffolding. The above described implementation of the PEER model should yield major insights into the possibility of developing adolescents’ capacities for CPS and using it to promote their individual competencies.",
publisher = "Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade",
journal = "Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology",
title = "Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers",
pages = "25",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Pavlović-Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2022). Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers. in Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology
Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade., 25.
Baucal A, Pavlović-Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers. in Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology. 2022;:25. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers" in Book of Apstacts of the XXVIII Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology (2022):25, .

Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija

Baucal, Aleksandar; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Petrović, Danijela; Janković, Dragan; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Krstić, Ksenija; Videnović, Marina; Rajić, Milana; Simić, Nataša; Jovanović Milanović, Olja; Krnjaić, Zora; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana

(Beograd: Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet., 2022)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Petrović, Danijela
AU  - Janković, Dragan
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Simić, Nataša
AU  - Jovanović Milanović, Olja
AU  - Krnjaić, Zora
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Studiju „Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija“ realizovao je Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, uz finansijsku podršku UNICEF kancelarije u Beogradu, i podršku Ministarstva prosvete Republike Srbije. Radi se o kvalitativnoj studiji o obrazovnim iskustvima tokom pandemije koja je obuhvatila fokus grupne diskusije sa preko 400 učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola u Srbiji, kao i intervjue sa 90 učenika iz osetljivih grupa, njihovim roditeljima i nastavnicima. Stoga, ova studija pruža jedinstven uvid u kvalitet i pravednost nastavnog procesa, kvalitet vršnjačkih odnosa, kao i ulogu porodice u obrazovanju tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji. Nalazi ovog sveobuhvatnog istraživanja predstavljaju oslonac za planiranje mera za kompenzovanje negativnih posledica obrazovanja tokom pandemije u Srbiji, ali i mera kojima se pozitivni efekti pandemije mogu učiniti održivim. Istovremeno, nalazi istraživanja pružaju uvid u protektivne i riziko faktore za učenje i razvoj učenika tokom pandemije, što je polazište za aktivnosti usmerene na unapređivanje otpornosti obrazovnog sistema Republike Srbije u nekim narednim kriznim situacijama. Imajući u vidu da je istraživanje sprovedeno kao deo regionalne inicijative koju je pokrenuo Institut za društvena istraživanja iz Zagreba, uz učešće istraživačkih timova Instituta za psihologiju, Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu i Pedagoškog fakulteta iz Ljubljane –studija će omogućiti komparativno sagledavanje rezultata i iskustava.
PB  - Beograd: Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet.
T1  - Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Petrović, Danijela and Janković, Dragan and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Krstić, Ksenija and Videnović, Marina and Rajić, Milana and Simić, Nataša and Jovanović Milanović, Olja and Krnjaić, Zora and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Studiju „Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija“ realizovao je Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, uz finansijsku podršku UNICEF kancelarije u Beogradu, i podršku Ministarstva prosvete Republike Srbije. Radi se o kvalitativnoj studiji o obrazovnim iskustvima tokom pandemije koja je obuhvatila fokus grupne diskusije sa preko 400 učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola u Srbiji, kao i intervjue sa 90 učenika iz osetljivih grupa, njihovim roditeljima i nastavnicima. Stoga, ova studija pruža jedinstven uvid u kvalitet i pravednost nastavnog procesa, kvalitet vršnjačkih odnosa, kao i ulogu porodice u obrazovanju tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji. Nalazi ovog sveobuhvatnog istraživanja predstavljaju oslonac za planiranje mera za kompenzovanje negativnih posledica obrazovanja tokom pandemije u Srbiji, ali i mera kojima se pozitivni efekti pandemije mogu učiniti održivim. Istovremeno, nalazi istraživanja pružaju uvid u protektivne i riziko faktore za učenje i razvoj učenika tokom pandemije, što je polazište za aktivnosti usmerene na unapređivanje otpornosti obrazovnog sistema Republike Srbije u nekim narednim kriznim situacijama. Imajući u vidu da je istraživanje sprovedeno kao deo regionalne inicijative koju je pokrenuo Institut za društvena istraživanja iz Zagreba, uz učešće istraživačkih timova Instituta za psihologiju, Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu i Pedagoškog fakulteta iz Ljubljane –studija će omogućiti komparativno sagledavanje rezultata i iskustava.",
publisher = "Beograd: Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet.",
title = "Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Petrović, D., Janković, D., Stepanović Ilić, I., Krstić, K., Videnović, M., Rajić, M., Simić, N., Jovanović Milanović, O., Krnjaić, Z.,& Jolić Marjanović, Z.. (2022). Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija. 
Beograd: Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet...
Baucal A, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Petrović D, Janković D, Stepanović Ilić I, Krstić K, Videnović M, Rajić M, Simić N, Jovanović Milanović O, Krnjaić Z, Jolić Marjanović Z. Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija. 2022;. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Petrović, Danijela, Janković, Dragan, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Krstić, Ksenija, Videnović, Marina, Rajić, Milana, Simić, Nataša, Jovanović Milanović, Olja, Krnjaić, Zora, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, "Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija" (2022), .

Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students

Peixoto, Francisco; Radišić, Jelena; Krstić, Ksenija; Hansen, Kajsa Yang; Laine, Anu; Baucal, Aleksandar; Sõrmus, Maarja; Mata, Lourdes


AU  - Peixoto, Francisco
AU  - Radišić, Jelena
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Hansen, Kajsa Yang
AU  - Laine, Anu
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Sõrmus, Maarja
AU  - Mata, Lourdes
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Grounded in ‘expectancy-value’ theory, this paper reports on the psychometric properties of an instrument intended to measure students’ motivation in mathematics. The participants were 2045 third-, fourth- and fifth-grade students from Estonia, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Serbia and Sweden. The Expectancy-Value Scale (EVS) was found to be suitable for early grades of primary education in measuring competence self-perceptions and subjective task values relative to the mathematics field. The results indicate a good model fit aligned with the expectancy-value theory. The EVS dimensions showed good reliability, and scalar invariance was established. However, findings also indicated high correlations between some of the EVS dimensions, which is well documented for students at this age. The findings are discussed relative to the ‘expectancy-value’ theory framework and students’ age.
T2  - Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
T1  - Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students
EP  - 350
IS  - 3
SP  - 343
VL  - 41
DO  -
ER  - 
author = "Peixoto, Francisco and Radišić, Jelena and Krstić, Ksenija and Hansen, Kajsa Yang and Laine, Anu and Baucal, Aleksandar and Sõrmus, Maarja and Mata, Lourdes",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Grounded in ‘expectancy-value’ theory, this paper reports on the psychometric properties of an instrument intended to measure students’ motivation in mathematics. The participants were 2045 third-, fourth- and fifth-grade students from Estonia, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Serbia and Sweden. The Expectancy-Value Scale (EVS) was found to be suitable for early grades of primary education in measuring competence self-perceptions and subjective task values relative to the mathematics field. The results indicate a good model fit aligned with the expectancy-value theory. The EVS dimensions showed good reliability, and scalar invariance was established. However, findings also indicated high correlations between some of the EVS dimensions, which is well documented for students at this age. The findings are discussed relative to the ‘expectancy-value’ theory framework and students’ age.",
journal = "Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment",
title = "Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students",
pages = "350-343",
number = "3",
volume = "41",
doi = ""
Peixoto, F., Radišić, J., Krstić, K., Hansen, K. Y., Laine, A., Baucal, A., Sõrmus, M.,& Mata, L.. (2022). Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students. in Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 41(3), 343-350.
Peixoto F, Radišić J, Krstić K, Hansen KY, Laine A, Baucal A, Sõrmus M, Mata L. Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students. in Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 2022;41(3):343-350.
doi: .
Peixoto, Francisco, Radišić, Jelena, Krstić, Ksenija, Hansen, Kajsa Yang, Laine, Anu, Baucal, Aleksandar, Sõrmus, Maarja, Mata, Lourdes, "Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students" in Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 41, no. 3 (2022):343-350, . .

Selfish genes or selfish memes: The effect of genetic relatedness versus value similarity on altruism

Baucal, Aleksandar; Lazić, Aleksandra


AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Lazić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Two preregistered quasi-experiments disentangled the effects of selfish genes and selfish memes on participants’ self-reported willingness to help in hypothetical everyday-favor and life-or-death situations. Memes were operationalized as the perceived level of similarity in important attitudes and values between the person participating in the study and a selected target person, assessed and reported by the participant. In Study 1 (N = 761), altruism was highest for siblings, and then for cousins and nonkin; greater memetic similarity was also associated with greater altruism; and the interaction between the factors was not significant. In Study 2 (N = 841), conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, altruism was highest for siblings, but the same for cousins and nonkin; the effect of memetic similarity was replicated; and the interaction term remained insignificant. Both studies controlled for a range of demographic and social relationship characteristics, suggesting a potentially relevant role of future contact probability and emotional closeness. We propose that, similarly to gene selfishness, meme selfishness can also bring about altruism: individuals would rather make a personal sacrifice to help memetically similar than dissimilar others because similar others have a higher chance of spreading the helper’s memes.
T2  - Psihologija
T1  - Selfish genes or selfish memes: The effect of genetic relatedness versus value similarity on altruism
EP  - 395
IS  - 4
SP  - 379
VL  - 55
DO  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Lazić, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Two preregistered quasi-experiments disentangled the effects of selfish genes and selfish memes on participants’ self-reported willingness to help in hypothetical everyday-favor and life-or-death situations. Memes were operationalized as the perceived level of similarity in important attitudes and values between the person participating in the study and a selected target person, assessed and reported by the participant. In Study 1 (N = 761), altruism was highest for siblings, and then for cousins and nonkin; greater memetic similarity was also associated with greater altruism; and the interaction between the factors was not significant. In Study 2 (N = 841), conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, altruism was highest for siblings, but the same for cousins and nonkin; the effect of memetic similarity was replicated; and the interaction term remained insignificant. Both studies controlled for a range of demographic and social relationship characteristics, suggesting a potentially relevant role of future contact probability and emotional closeness. We propose that, similarly to gene selfishness, meme selfishness can also bring about altruism: individuals would rather make a personal sacrifice to help memetically similar than dissimilar others because similar others have a higher chance of spreading the helper’s memes.",
journal = "Psihologija",
title = "Selfish genes or selfish memes: The effect of genetic relatedness versus value similarity on altruism",
pages = "395-379",
number = "4",
volume = "55",
doi = ""
Baucal, A.,& Lazić, A.. (2022). Selfish genes or selfish memes: The effect of genetic relatedness versus value similarity on altruism. in Psihologija, 55(4), 379-395.
Baucal A, Lazić A. Selfish genes or selfish memes: The effect of genetic relatedness versus value similarity on altruism. in Psihologija. 2022;55(4):379-395.
doi: .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Lazić, Aleksandra, "Selfish genes or selfish memes: The effect of genetic relatedness versus value similarity on altruism" in Psihologija, 55, no. 4 (2022):379-395, . .

From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović Zdravković, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Serbia : Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, 2022)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović Zdravković, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is to present a viable, psychologically based framework designed for systematical promotion of the adolescents’ capacities for collaborative problem solving and possibilities for their cultivation through everyday school practice. Specifically, a model for designing teacher-training programs is proposed, wherein several elements of effective collaborative problem solving are drawn together.
PB  - Serbia : Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak
C3  - Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022
T1  - From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice
EP  - 472
SP  - 470
DO  - 10.46793/TIE22.470B
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović Zdravković, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to present a viable, psychologically based framework designed for systematical promotion of the adolescents’ capacities for collaborative problem solving and possibilities for their cultivation through everyday school practice. Specifically, a model for designing teacher-training programs is proposed, wherein several elements of effective collaborative problem solving are drawn together.",
publisher = "Serbia : Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak",
journal = "Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022",
title = "From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice",
pages = "472-470",
doi = "10.46793/TIE22.470B"
Baucal, A., Pavlović Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović Zdravković, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2022). From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice. in Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022
Serbia : Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak., 470-472.
Baucal A, Pavlović Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović Zdravković K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice. in Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022. 2022;:470-472.
doi:10.46793/TIE22.470B .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "From collaboration to solutions: Encouraging collaborative problem solving through school practice" in Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022 (2022):470-472, . .

The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people

Baucal, Aleksandar; Pavlović-Babić, Dragica; Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana; Krstić, Ksenija; Jolić Marjanović, Zorana; Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Videnović, Marina; Jošić, Smiljana; Nikitović, Tijana; Mojović, Kristina; Rajić, Milana; Ivanović, Jovan

(Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu, 2022)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
AU  - Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Jolić Marjanović, Zorana
AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Jošić, Smiljana
AU  - Nikitović, Tijana
AU  - Mojović, Kristina
AU  - Rajić, Milana
AU  - Ivanović, Jovan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will also be engaged in CPS but will not receive any training or scaffolding. The above described implementation of the PEER model should yield major insights into the possibility of developing adolescents’ capacities for CPS and using it to promote their individual competencies.
PB  - Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu
PB  - Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu
T1  - The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people
EP  - 25
SP  - 25
VL  - 28
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija and Jolić Marjanović, Zorana and Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Videnović, Marina and Jošić, Smiljana and Nikitović, Tijana and Mojović, Kristina and Rajić, Milana and Ivanović, Jovan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will also be engaged in CPS but will not receive any training or scaffolding. The above described implementation of the PEER model should yield major insights into the possibility of developing adolescents’ capacities for CPS and using it to promote their individual competencies.",
publisher = "Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu, Laboratorija za eksperimentalnu psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu",
journal = "BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE XXVIII SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Empirical Studies in Psychology",
title = "The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people",
pages = "25-25",
volume = "28",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Pavlović-Babić, D., Altaras Dimitrijević, A., Krstić, K., Jolić Marjanović, Z., Stepanović Ilić, I., Videnović, M., Jošić, S., Nikitović, T., Mojović, K., Rajić, M.,& Ivanović, J.. (2022). The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people. in BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE XXVIII SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Empirical Studies in Psychology
Institut za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu., 28, 25-25.
Baucal A, Pavlović-Babić D, Altaras Dimitrijević A, Krstić K, Jolić Marjanović Z, Stepanović Ilić I, Videnović M, Jošić S, Nikitović T, Mojović K, Rajić M, Ivanović J. The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people. in BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE XXVIII SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Empirical Studies in Psychology. 2022;28:25-25. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, "The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people" in BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE XXVIII SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Empirical Studies in Psychology, 28 (2022):25-25, .

Why more competent adolescents progress or regress after asymmetrical peer interaction

Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu, 2022)

AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This research follows adolescents who participated in joint problem solving of tasks
examining early forms of formal-operational thinking, with their less competent
classmates. Although original research shows that asymmetrical peer interaction did
not influence formal-operational development in the majority of more competent
(MC) adolescents, we decided to examine those who progressed and regressed most
after the interaction, considering rare research interest for MC students. Thus, conversations
of 10 dyads, of MC adolescents and their less competent (LC) peers, were
investigated. Each dyad solved 5 tasks together, which MC students had successfully
solved on the pre-test, unlike their LC partners. Ten dialogue characteristics, derived
from the referent literature, were traced in the 50 dyads’ conversations. Two dialogue
patterns related to different post-test outcomes of MC adolescents were identified by
cluster analysis. In the first type of dialogue, MC students justified correct answers
but frequently behaved inconsistently with their higher competences. The second
type of dialogue characterizes domination-submissiveness pattern and MC students’
unwillingness to justify opinion. All regressing MC adolescents participated in dialogues
of the first type, while half of progressing MC adolescents had dialogue from
the second. Qualitative analysis implies that although ready to give arguments to their
peers when they can, regressing MC students were uncertain in their own reasoning
and that is way interaction led to their regression. Progressing MC students apparently
tried to protect themselves from possible disturbances coming from their LC
partners by dominant attitude towards them and withdrawing from communication.
PB  - Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu
C3  - Book of abstracts of Dialogue, diversity and interdisciplinarity in the field of learning and instruction
T1  - Why more competent adolescents progress or regress after asymmetrical peer interaction
EP  - 58
SP  - 58
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This research follows adolescents who participated in joint problem solving of tasks
examining early forms of formal-operational thinking, with their less competent
classmates. Although original research shows that asymmetrical peer interaction did
not influence formal-operational development in the majority of more competent
(MC) adolescents, we decided to examine those who progressed and regressed most
after the interaction, considering rare research interest for MC students. Thus, conversations
of 10 dyads, of MC adolescents and their less competent (LC) peers, were
investigated. Each dyad solved 5 tasks together, which MC students had successfully
solved on the pre-test, unlike their LC partners. Ten dialogue characteristics, derived
from the referent literature, were traced in the 50 dyads’ conversations. Two dialogue
patterns related to different post-test outcomes of MC adolescents were identified by
cluster analysis. In the first type of dialogue, MC students justified correct answers
but frequently behaved inconsistently with their higher competences. The second
type of dialogue characterizes domination-submissiveness pattern and MC students’
unwillingness to justify opinion. All regressing MC adolescents participated in dialogues
of the first type, while half of progressing MC adolescents had dialogue from
the second. Qualitative analysis implies that although ready to give arguments to their
peers when they can, regressing MC students were uncertain in their own reasoning
and that is way interaction led to their regression. Progressing MC students apparently
tried to protect themselves from possible disturbances coming from their LC
partners by dominant attitude towards them and withdrawing from communication.",
publisher = "Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu",
journal = "Book of abstracts of Dialogue, diversity and interdisciplinarity in the field of learning and instruction",
title = "Why more competent adolescents progress or regress after asymmetrical peer interaction",
pages = "58-58",
url = ""
Stepanović Ilić, I.,& Baucal, A.. (2022). Why more competent adolescents progress or regress after asymmetrical peer interaction. in Book of abstracts of Dialogue, diversity and interdisciplinarity in the field of learning and instruction
Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu., 58-58.
Stepanović Ilić I, Baucal A. Why more competent adolescents progress or regress after asymmetrical peer interaction. in Book of abstracts of Dialogue, diversity and interdisciplinarity in the field of learning and instruction. 2022;:58-58. .
Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Why more competent adolescents progress or regress after asymmetrical peer interaction" in Book of abstracts of Dialogue, diversity and interdisciplinarity in the field of learning and instruction (2022):58-58, .

Why more competent adolescents advance or regress after assymetrical peer interaction: Studying dialogue characteristics that make a difference

Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Baucal, Aleksandar

(DPS, 2022)

AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This study explores differences between more and less competent peers in joint
problem-solving dialogues, related to opposite interaction outcomes of more competent
students (progression/regression). Ten asymmetrical peer dyads were selected from 47
dyads participating in the previous study: five in which more competent (MC) student
progressed the most, and five in which MC students regressed the most after a post-test.
Ten dialogue characteristics were established in 50 conversations of these dyads. Cluster
analysis revealed two dialogue types associated with different interaction outcomes of MC
students. In the first one, MC students justified correct answers but behaved inconsistently
with their higher competences. The second cluster characterizes domination-submissiveness
pattern and MC students’ unwillingness to justify opinion. All regressing MC students
participated in the first dialogue type and 56% of progressing MC students in the second.
Qualitative analysis of the conversations typical for extracted clusters implies that although
ready to provide arguments to their peers when they can, regressing MC students exhibit
uncertainty, thereby losing from interaction. Progressing MC students seem to protect
themselves against possible interaction disturbances by dominant attitude and withdrawal
from communication.
T2  - Psihologija
T1  - Why more competent adolescents advance or regress after assymetrical peer interaction: Studying dialogue characteristics that make a difference
EP  - 465
IS  - 4
SP  - 443
VL  - 55
DO  - 10.2298/PSI200511004S
ER  - 
author = "Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This study explores differences between more and less competent peers in joint
problem-solving dialogues, related to opposite interaction outcomes of more competent
students (progression/regression). Ten asymmetrical peer dyads were selected from 47
dyads participating in the previous study: five in which more competent (MC) student
progressed the most, and five in which MC students regressed the most after a post-test.
Ten dialogue characteristics were established in 50 conversations of these dyads. Cluster
analysis revealed two dialogue types associated with different interaction outcomes of MC
students. In the first one, MC students justified correct answers but behaved inconsistently
with their higher competences. The second cluster characterizes domination-submissiveness
pattern and MC students’ unwillingness to justify opinion. All regressing MC students
participated in the first dialogue type and 56% of progressing MC students in the second.
Qualitative analysis of the conversations typical for extracted clusters implies that although
ready to provide arguments to their peers when they can, regressing MC students exhibit
uncertainty, thereby losing from interaction. Progressing MC students seem to protect
themselves against possible interaction disturbances by dominant attitude and withdrawal
from communication.",
publisher = "DPS",
journal = "Psihologija",
title = "Why more competent adolescents advance or regress after assymetrical peer interaction: Studying dialogue characteristics that make a difference",
pages = "465-443",
number = "4",
volume = "55",
doi = "10.2298/PSI200511004S"
Stepanović Ilić, I.,& Baucal, A.. (2022). Why more competent adolescents advance or regress after assymetrical peer interaction: Studying dialogue characteristics that make a difference. in Psihologija
DPS., 55(4), 443-465.
Stepanović Ilić I, Baucal A. Why more competent adolescents advance or regress after assymetrical peer interaction: Studying dialogue characteristics that make a difference. in Psihologija. 2022;55(4):443-465.
doi:10.2298/PSI200511004S .
Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Why more competent adolescents advance or regress after assymetrical peer interaction: Studying dialogue characteristics that make a difference" in Psihologija, 55, no. 4 (2022):443-465, . .

Why more Competent Adolescents Advance or Regress after Assymetrical Peer Interaction: Studying Dialogue Characteristics that Make a Difference

Stepanović Ilić, Ivana; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Društvo psihologa Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Stepanović Ilić, Ivana
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This study explores differences between more and less competent peers in joint
problem-solving dialogues, related to opposite interaction outcomes of more competent
students (progression/regression). Ten asymmetrical peer dyads were selected from 47
dyads participating in the previous study: five in which more competent (MC) student
progressed the most, and five in which MC students regressed the most after a post-test.
Ten dialogue characteristics were established in 50 conversations of these dyads. Cluster
analysis revealed two dialogue types associated with different interaction outcomes of MC
students. In the first one, MC students justified correct answers but behaved inconsistently
with their higher competences. The second cluster characterizes domination-submissiveness
pattern and MC students’ unwillingness to justify opinion. All regressing MC students
participated in the first dialogue type and 56% of progressing MC students in the second.
Qualitative analysis of the conversations typical for extracted clusters implies that although
ready to provide arguments to their peers when they can, regressing MC students exhibit
uncertainty, thereby losing from interaction. Progressing MC students seem to protect
themselves against possible interaction disturbances by dominant attitude and withdrawal
from communication.
AB  - U ovom istraživanju se ispituju razlike između manje i više kompetentnih vršnjaka (više
kompetentnih u smislu da su uspešniji u rešavanju problemskih zadataka koji su korišćeni
u istraživanju, prim. prev) u dijalozima koji se odnose na rešavanje problema, a u vezi sa
suprotnim ishodima interkacije kod kompetentnijih adolescenata (napredak/nazadovanje).
Od 47 asimetričnih dijada, koje su učestvovale u prethodnom istraživanju, izabrano je 10:
pet u kojima su kompetentiji učenici najviše napredovali nakon posttesta i pet u kojima su
kompetentniji učenici najviše nazadovali. Iz 50 razgovora ovih dijada izvedeno je deset
karakteristika dijaloga. Klaster analiza je ukazala na dve vrste dijaloga koji su povezani sa
različitim ishodima interakcije za kompetentnije učenike. U prvoj vrsti dijaloga, kompetentniji
učenici su opravdavali tačne odogovore, ali im je ponašanje bilo u neskladu sa višim
kompetencijama koje su imali. Drugi klaster karakteriše obrazac dominacije-potčinjavanja i
nespremnost kompetentnijih učenika da opravdaju svoje odgovore. Svi učenici iz grupe viših
kompetencija koji su nazadovali pripadaju prvom tipu dijaloga, a 56% onih koji su napredovali
drugom. Kvalitativna anliza konverzacija tipična za ekstrahovane klastere ukazuje da, iako
spremni da ponude argumente svojim vršnjacima, kada to mogu, učenici koji su nazadovali su
pokazivali nesigurnost, gubeći tako od interakcije (sa svojim vršnjakom nižih kompetencija,
prim. prev.). Čini se da su učenici koji su napredovali štitili sebe od mogućih narušavanja
interakcije dominantnim stavom i povlačenjem iz komunikacije.
PB  - Društvo psihologa Srbije
T2  - Psihologija
T1  - Why more Competent Adolescents Advance or Regress after Assymetrical Peer Interaction: Studying Dialogue Characteristics that Make a Difference
T1  - Zašto kompetentniji adolescenti napreduju ili nazaduju nakon asimetrične vršnjačke interakcije: ispitivanje karakteristika dijaloga koje prave tu razliku
EP  - 465
IS  - 4
SP  - 443
VL  - 55
DO  - 10.2298/PSI200511004S
ER  - 
author = "Stepanović Ilić, Ivana and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This study explores differences between more and less competent peers in joint
problem-solving dialogues, related to opposite interaction outcomes of more competent
students (progression/regression). Ten asymmetrical peer dyads were selected from 47
dyads participating in the previous study: five in which more competent (MC) student
progressed the most, and five in which MC students regressed the most after a post-test.
Ten dialogue characteristics were established in 50 conversations of these dyads. Cluster
analysis revealed two dialogue types associated with different interaction outcomes of MC
students. In the first one, MC students justified correct answers but behaved inconsistently
with their higher competences. The second cluster characterizes domination-submissiveness
pattern and MC students’ unwillingness to justify opinion. All regressing MC students
participated in the first dialogue type and 56% of progressing MC students in the second.
Qualitative analysis of the conversations typical for extracted clusters implies that although
ready to provide arguments to their peers when they can, regressing MC students exhibit
uncertainty, thereby losing from interaction. Progressing MC students seem to protect
themselves against possible interaction disturbances by dominant attitude and withdrawal
from communication., U ovom istraživanju se ispituju razlike između manje i više kompetentnih vršnjaka (više
kompetentnih u smislu da su uspešniji u rešavanju problemskih zadataka koji su korišćeni
u istraživanju, prim. prev) u dijalozima koji se odnose na rešavanje problema, a u vezi sa
suprotnim ishodima interkacije kod kompetentnijih adolescenata (napredak/nazadovanje).
Od 47 asimetričnih dijada, koje su učestvovale u prethodnom istraživanju, izabrano je 10:
pet u kojima su kompetentiji učenici najviše napredovali nakon posttesta i pet u kojima su
kompetentniji učenici najviše nazadovali. Iz 50 razgovora ovih dijada izvedeno je deset
karakteristika dijaloga. Klaster analiza je ukazala na dve vrste dijaloga koji su povezani sa
različitim ishodima interakcije za kompetentnije učenike. U prvoj vrsti dijaloga, kompetentniji
učenici su opravdavali tačne odogovore, ali im je ponašanje bilo u neskladu sa višim
kompetencijama koje su imali. Drugi klaster karakteriše obrazac dominacije-potčinjavanja i
nespremnost kompetentnijih učenika da opravdaju svoje odgovore. Svi učenici iz grupe viših
kompetencija koji su nazadovali pripadaju prvom tipu dijaloga, a 56% onih koji su napredovali
drugom. Kvalitativna anliza konverzacija tipična za ekstrahovane klastere ukazuje da, iako
spremni da ponude argumente svojim vršnjacima, kada to mogu, učenici koji su nazadovali su
pokazivali nesigurnost, gubeći tako od interakcije (sa svojim vršnjakom nižih kompetencija,
prim. prev.). Čini se da su učenici koji su napredovali štitili sebe od mogućih narušavanja
interakcije dominantnim stavom i povlačenjem iz komunikacije.",
publisher = "Društvo psihologa Srbije",
journal = "Psihologija",
title = "Why more Competent Adolescents Advance or Regress after Assymetrical Peer Interaction: Studying Dialogue Characteristics that Make a Difference, Zašto kompetentniji adolescenti napreduju ili nazaduju nakon asimetrične vršnjačke interakcije: ispitivanje karakteristika dijaloga koje prave tu razliku",
pages = "465-443",
number = "4",
volume = "55",
doi = "10.2298/PSI200511004S"
Stepanović Ilić, I.,& Baucal, A.. (2022). Why more Competent Adolescents Advance or Regress after Assymetrical Peer Interaction: Studying Dialogue Characteristics that Make a Difference. in Psihologija
Društvo psihologa Srbije., 55(4), 443-465.
Stepanović Ilić I, Baucal A. Why more Competent Adolescents Advance or Regress after Assymetrical Peer Interaction: Studying Dialogue Characteristics that Make a Difference. in Psihologija. 2022;55(4):443-465.
doi:10.2298/PSI200511004S .
Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Why more Competent Adolescents Advance or Regress after Assymetrical Peer Interaction: Studying Dialogue Characteristics that Make a Difference" in Psihologija, 55, no. 4 (2022):443-465, . .

Are students in Italy really disinterested in science? A person-centered approach using the PISA 2015 data

Radišić, Jelena; Selleri, Patrizia; Carugati, Felice; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Wiley, Hoboken, 2021)

AU  - Radišić, Jelena
AU  - Selleri, Patrizia
AU  - Carugati, Felice
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Seen as one of the essential domains for active citizenship, examining how students relate to science has become crucial. Based on a person-centered approach, this article investigates self-related dispositions and motivation in science using the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data set. By employing a latent profile analysis, student profiles were investigated among 11,583 15-year-old-students in Italy. Five distinct student groups were identified. The index of economic, social, and cultural status (ESCS), immigrant background, gender, study programs, and the accompanying learning environment were also inspected. Each group was observed against particular subdomains in science competence in line with the PISA framework and environmental awareness. The results indicate the profiles differed on the examined covariates and showed distinct patterns relative to achievement and environmental awareness. However, differences in achievement between the profiles could not be explained by students' variability in immigrant background or ESCS across the examined groups.
PB  - Wiley, Hoboken
T2  - Science Education
T1  - Are students in Italy really disinterested in science? A person-centered approach using the PISA 2015 data
EP  - 468
IS  - 2
SP  - 438
VL  - 105
DO  - 10.1002/sce.21611
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Jelena and Selleri, Patrizia and Carugati, Felice and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Seen as one of the essential domains for active citizenship, examining how students relate to science has become crucial. Based on a person-centered approach, this article investigates self-related dispositions and motivation in science using the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data set. By employing a latent profile analysis, student profiles were investigated among 11,583 15-year-old-students in Italy. Five distinct student groups were identified. The index of economic, social, and cultural status (ESCS), immigrant background, gender, study programs, and the accompanying learning environment were also inspected. Each group was observed against particular subdomains in science competence in line with the PISA framework and environmental awareness. The results indicate the profiles differed on the examined covariates and showed distinct patterns relative to achievement and environmental awareness. However, differences in achievement between the profiles could not be explained by students' variability in immigrant background or ESCS across the examined groups.",
publisher = "Wiley, Hoboken",
journal = "Science Education",
title = "Are students in Italy really disinterested in science? A person-centered approach using the PISA 2015 data",
pages = "468-438",
number = "2",
volume = "105",
doi = "10.1002/sce.21611"
Radišić, J., Selleri, P., Carugati, F.,& Baucal, A.. (2021). Are students in Italy really disinterested in science? A person-centered approach using the PISA 2015 data. in Science Education
Wiley, Hoboken., 105(2), 438-468.
Radišić J, Selleri P, Carugati F, Baucal A. Are students in Italy really disinterested in science? A person-centered approach using the PISA 2015 data. in Science Education. 2021;105(2):438-468.
doi:10.1002/sce.21611 .
Radišić, Jelena, Selleri, Patrizia, Carugati, Felice, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Are students in Italy really disinterested in science? A person-centered approach using the PISA 2015 data" in Science Education, 105, no. 2 (2021):438-468, . .

Towards a science inquiry test in primary education: development of items and scales

Pedaste, Margus; Baucal, Aleksandar; Reisenbuk, Elle

(Springer, New York, 2021)

AU  - Pedaste, Margus
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Reisenbuk, Elle
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Background Inquiry-based learning is widely applied in science education; however, so far, the outcomes of learning process have been systematically assessed mainly at the secondary school level. For primary school students, there is no valid instrument for assessing the outcomes of their science inquiry. The aim of the current study was to develop a test for assessing science learning outcomes (analytical skills, planning skills, interpretation skills, and science knowledge) related to the five phases of inquiry-based learning (Orientation, Conceptualization, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion) at primary education level (ISCED 1). Results A set of contextualized science tasks was created to assess each of the learning outcomes at three levels. The Science Inquiry Test for Primary Education (SIT-PE test) was developed through several phases, including pilot studies with large groups of fourth-grade students (10 to 11 years of age). The 1 PL Item Response Theory model was used to analyze the quality of the test and items based on the test's reliability score, item difficulty measure, infit and outfit indices, estimation of item discrimination, item-scale correlation, and the quality of the scoring key. The final test, consisting of 24 items, was used with a sample of 1868 students. The analysis showed the SIT-PE test to be of good quality on test level and item level and to also have good predictive validity. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the correlated factors model and second-order factor model of the science learning outcomes both had a good fit to data collected with the SIT-PE test. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the multidimensionality of science learning outcomes and validated four dimensions of the model: analytical skills, planning skills, interpretation skills, and science knowledge. Conclusions In conclusion, the SIT-PE test could be further used for assessing students' inquiry competence in primary education. However, it could be even further improved in several ways and this study provides guidelines on how to do that. In addition, the SIT-PE provides test developers with information on how to design derivations of the SIT-PE test for assessing particular science inquiry outcomes or the same outcomes in older age groups as well.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - International Journal of Stem Education
T1  - Towards a science inquiry test in primary education: development of items and scales
IS  - 1
VL  - 8
DO  - 10.1186/s40594-021-00278-z
ER  - 
author = "Pedaste, Margus and Baucal, Aleksandar and Reisenbuk, Elle",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Background Inquiry-based learning is widely applied in science education; however, so far, the outcomes of learning process have been systematically assessed mainly at the secondary school level. For primary school students, there is no valid instrument for assessing the outcomes of their science inquiry. The aim of the current study was to develop a test for assessing science learning outcomes (analytical skills, planning skills, interpretation skills, and science knowledge) related to the five phases of inquiry-based learning (Orientation, Conceptualization, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion) at primary education level (ISCED 1). Results A set of contextualized science tasks was created to assess each of the learning outcomes at three levels. The Science Inquiry Test for Primary Education (SIT-PE test) was developed through several phases, including pilot studies with large groups of fourth-grade students (10 to 11 years of age). The 1 PL Item Response Theory model was used to analyze the quality of the test and items based on the test's reliability score, item difficulty measure, infit and outfit indices, estimation of item discrimination, item-scale correlation, and the quality of the scoring key. The final test, consisting of 24 items, was used with a sample of 1868 students. The analysis showed the SIT-PE test to be of good quality on test level and item level and to also have good predictive validity. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the correlated factors model and second-order factor model of the science learning outcomes both had a good fit to data collected with the SIT-PE test. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the multidimensionality of science learning outcomes and validated four dimensions of the model: analytical skills, planning skills, interpretation skills, and science knowledge. Conclusions In conclusion, the SIT-PE test could be further used for assessing students' inquiry competence in primary education. However, it could be even further improved in several ways and this study provides guidelines on how to do that. In addition, the SIT-PE provides test developers with information on how to design derivations of the SIT-PE test for assessing particular science inquiry outcomes or the same outcomes in older age groups as well.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "International Journal of Stem Education",
title = "Towards a science inquiry test in primary education: development of items and scales",
number = "1",
volume = "8",
doi = "10.1186/s40594-021-00278-z"
Pedaste, M., Baucal, A.,& Reisenbuk, E.. (2021). Towards a science inquiry test in primary education: development of items and scales. in International Journal of Stem Education
Springer, New York., 8(1).
Pedaste M, Baucal A, Reisenbuk E. Towards a science inquiry test in primary education: development of items and scales. in International Journal of Stem Education. 2021;8(1).
doi:10.1186/s40594-021-00278-z .
Pedaste, Margus, Baucal, Aleksandar, Reisenbuk, Elle, "Towards a science inquiry test in primary education: development of items and scales" in International Journal of Stem Education, 8, no. 1 (2021), . .

Learning and developing over the life-course: A sociocultural approach

Grossen, M.; Zittoun, Tania; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)

AU  - Grossen, M.
AU  - Zittoun, Tania
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This article introduces the special issue “Learning and Developing over the Life-Course: A Sociocultural Approach”, which collects six papers stemming from the project “Ages for Learning and Growth: Sociocultural Perspectives” (AGILE), supported by the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Considering that sociocultural psychology has mainly focused on development and learning in children, adolescents or (young) adults, AGILE aims at exploring learning and development in older people's lives. To do so, theoretical concepts and methodological tools used in research on other developmental periods had to be reconfigured and enlarged. The article first presents the main theoretical and methodological assumptions underlying sociocultural psychology, and shows the challenges of applying them to older people. Each of the six papers (by Aleksander Baucal, Michèle Grossen, Pernille Hviid, Kyoko Murakami, Roger Säljö, Fabienne Tarrago Salamin, Isabelle Tournier and Tania Zittoun) is then briefly introduced. In conclusion, the article emphasises the importance of accounting for the situatedness of older persons' activities, the meaning they give to these, and their experience of ageing. Methodologies that recognise the expertise of the persons participating in a study, and include them as active participants, are also called for.
PB  - Elsevier Ltd
T2  - Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
T1  - Learning and developing over the life-course: A sociocultural approach
DO  - 10.1016/j.lcsi.2020.100478
ER  - 
author = "Grossen, M. and Zittoun, Tania and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This article introduces the special issue “Learning and Developing over the Life-Course: A Sociocultural Approach”, which collects six papers stemming from the project “Ages for Learning and Growth: Sociocultural Perspectives” (AGILE), supported by the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Considering that sociocultural psychology has mainly focused on development and learning in children, adolescents or (young) adults, AGILE aims at exploring learning and development in older people's lives. To do so, theoretical concepts and methodological tools used in research on other developmental periods had to be reconfigured and enlarged. The article first presents the main theoretical and methodological assumptions underlying sociocultural psychology, and shows the challenges of applying them to older people. Each of the six papers (by Aleksander Baucal, Michèle Grossen, Pernille Hviid, Kyoko Murakami, Roger Säljö, Fabienne Tarrago Salamin, Isabelle Tournier and Tania Zittoun) is then briefly introduced. In conclusion, the article emphasises the importance of accounting for the situatedness of older persons' activities, the meaning they give to these, and their experience of ageing. Methodologies that recognise the expertise of the persons participating in a study, and include them as active participants, are also called for.",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
journal = "Learning, Culture and Social Interaction",
title = "Learning and developing over the life-course: A sociocultural approach",
doi = "10.1016/j.lcsi.2020.100478"
Grossen, M., Zittoun, T.,& Baucal, A.. (2020). Learning and developing over the life-course: A sociocultural approach. in Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Elsevier Ltd..
Grossen M, Zittoun T, Baucal A. Learning and developing over the life-course: A sociocultural approach. in Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 2020;.
doi:10.1016/j.lcsi.2020.100478 .
Grossen, M., Zittoun, Tania, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Learning and developing over the life-course: A sociocultural approach" in Learning, Culture and Social Interaction (2020), . .

Civic education and the acceptance of democratic values: The role of participatory class climate

Pavlović, Zoran; Baucal, Aleksandar; Damnjanović, Kaja; Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara


AU  - Pavlović, Zoran
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Damnjanović, Kaja
AU  - Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is to analyse the relevance of
participatory class climate for the acceptance of democratic
values among Serbian students who attend the civic
education courses and to analyse the moderating role of
students’ socio-economic status. The data collected in the
CE evaluation study (N = 1073, 42% of boys) were used.
Multiple regression analysis has shown that democratic
values are more embraced by the students of higher SES
and those from the classes with a more prominent
participatory climate. The relationship between PCC and
the importance of democratic values is moderated by SES:
the students with the lowest SES gained most from class
participation in terms of accepting democratic values
C3  - Proceedings of the XXVI scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology
T1  - Civic education and the acceptance of democratic values: The role of participatory class climate
EP  - 131
SP  - 129
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Zoran and Baucal, Aleksandar and Damnjanović, Kaja and Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to analyse the relevance of
participatory class climate for the acceptance of democratic
values among Serbian students who attend the civic
education courses and to analyse the moderating role of
students’ socio-economic status. The data collected in the
CE evaluation study (N = 1073, 42% of boys) were used.
Multiple regression analysis has shown that democratic
values are more embraced by the students of higher SES
and those from the classes with a more prominent
participatory climate. The relationship between PCC and
the importance of democratic values is moderated by SES:
the students with the lowest SES gained most from class
participation in terms of accepting democratic values",
journal = "Proceedings of the XXVI scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology",
title = "Civic education and the acceptance of democratic values: The role of participatory class climate",
pages = "131-129",
url = ""
Pavlović, Z., Baucal, A., Damnjanović, K.,& Džamonja Ignjatović, T.. (2020). Civic education and the acceptance of democratic values: The role of participatory class climate. in Proceedings of the XXVI scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology, 129-131.
Pavlović Z, Baucal A, Damnjanović K, Džamonja Ignjatović T. Civic education and the acceptance of democratic values: The role of participatory class climate. in Proceedings of the XXVI scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology. 2020;:129-131. .
Pavlović, Zoran, Baucal, Aleksandar, Damnjanović, Kaja, Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara, "Civic education and the acceptance of democratic values: The role of participatory class climate" in Proceedings of the XXVI scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology (2020):129-131, .

Građansko vaspitanje i verska nastava – podjednako (ne)važni?

Pavlović, Zoran; Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara; Baucal, Aleksandar; Damnjanović, Kaja

(Građanske inicijative, 2020)

AU  - Pavlović, Zoran
AU  - Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Damnjanović, Kaja
PY  - 2020
UR  -
PB  - Građanske inicijative
T1  - Građansko vaspitanje i verska nastava – podjednako (ne)važni?
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Zoran and Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara and Baucal, Aleksandar and Damnjanović, Kaja",
year = "2020",
publisher = "Građanske inicijative",
title = "Građansko vaspitanje i verska nastava – podjednako (ne)važni?",
url = ""
Pavlović, Z., Džamonja Ignjatović, T., Baucal, A.,& Damnjanović, K.. (2020). Građansko vaspitanje i verska nastava – podjednako (ne)važni?. 
Građanske inicijative..
Pavlović Z, Džamonja Ignjatović T, Baucal A, Damnjanović K. Građansko vaspitanje i verska nastava – podjednako (ne)važni?. 2020;. .
Pavlović, Zoran, Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara, Baucal, Aleksandar, Damnjanović, Kaja, "Građansko vaspitanje i verska nastava – podjednako (ne)važni?" (2020), .

Reproducibility in Psychology: Theoretical Distinction of Different Types of Replications

Baucal, Aleksandar; Gillespie, Alex; Krstić, Ksenija; Zittoun, Tania

(Springer, New York, 2020)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Gillespie, Alex
AU  - Krstić, Ksenija
AU  - Zittoun, Tania
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Debates about replication in psychology have focused on methodological issues and how to strengthen the replication culture. In most cases, these discussions have tended to assume that the phenomena being investigated are universal. In this paper, we are going to propose a theoretical distinction of different types of replication. The distinction is based on the assumption that besides of universal psychological phenomena there are also phenomena, especially in social and cultural psychology, that are expected to vary between socio-cultural contexts and across history. Taking this insight to its logical conclusion it implies that the main purpose of a replication and interpretation of its results depends on the phenomenon being studied. In the case of the universal phenomena, the replication serves to validation purpose, while in the case of the socio-cultural phenomenon it serves to advance our theoretical understanding of how the given phenomenon is formatted by the socio-cultural-historical context.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
T1  - Reproducibility in Psychology: Theoretical Distinction of Different Types of Replications
EP  - 157
IS  - 1
SP  - 152
VL  - 54
DO  - 10.1007/s12124-019-09499-y
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Gillespie, Alex and Krstić, Ksenija and Zittoun, Tania",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Debates about replication in psychology have focused on methodological issues and how to strengthen the replication culture. In most cases, these discussions have tended to assume that the phenomena being investigated are universal. In this paper, we are going to propose a theoretical distinction of different types of replication. The distinction is based on the assumption that besides of universal psychological phenomena there are also phenomena, especially in social and cultural psychology, that are expected to vary between socio-cultural contexts and across history. Taking this insight to its logical conclusion it implies that the main purpose of a replication and interpretation of its results depends on the phenomenon being studied. In the case of the universal phenomena, the replication serves to validation purpose, while in the case of the socio-cultural phenomenon it serves to advance our theoretical understanding of how the given phenomenon is formatted by the socio-cultural-historical context.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science",
title = "Reproducibility in Psychology: Theoretical Distinction of Different Types of Replications",
pages = "157-152",
number = "1",
volume = "54",
doi = "10.1007/s12124-019-09499-y"
Baucal, A., Gillespie, A., Krstić, K.,& Zittoun, T.. (2020). Reproducibility in Psychology: Theoretical Distinction of Different Types of Replications. in Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
Springer, New York., 54(1), 152-157.
Baucal A, Gillespie A, Krstić K, Zittoun T. Reproducibility in Psychology: Theoretical Distinction of Different Types of Replications. in Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 2020;54(1):152-157.
doi:10.1007/s12124-019-09499-y .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Gillespie, Alex, Krstić, Ksenija, Zittoun, Tania, "Reproducibility in Psychology: Theoretical Distinction of Different Types of Replications" in Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 54, no. 1 (2020):152-157, . .

Towards measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge - A mixed method investigation of a pilot test

Malva, Liina; Leijen, Ali; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020)

AU  - Malva, Liina
AU  - Leijen, Ali
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This paper aims to investigate a test instrument measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge. Pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and teacher educators from Estonia participated in a pilot study (N = 393). Item response theory analysis showed that the items fit to a unidimensional instrument assumption. Three levels of difficulty were identified: questions based on a situation description (easiest), questions connecting situations with theoretical concepts (moderate), and questions requiring theoretical knowledge (difficult). When comparing the sample groups, pre-service teachers struggled with topics that had not been part of their curriculum yet. Interestingly, in-service teachers had more difficulty with questions requiring specific theoretical knowledge while teacher educators struggled more with practical situations in a school context. An overall suggestion for future research is to review the conceptual framework in terms of linking theory and practice to connect rather than to distinguish these characteristics of teachers' general pedagogical knowledge. The results of the study also contribute to further improvement of the instrument.
PB  - Elsevier, Amsterdam
T2  - Studies in Educational Evaluation
T1  - Towards measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge - A mixed method investigation of a pilot test
VL  - 64
DO  - 10.1016/j.stueduc.2019.100815
ER  - 
author = "Malva, Liina and Leijen, Ali and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This paper aims to investigate a test instrument measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge. Pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and teacher educators from Estonia participated in a pilot study (N = 393). Item response theory analysis showed that the items fit to a unidimensional instrument assumption. Three levels of difficulty were identified: questions based on a situation description (easiest), questions connecting situations with theoretical concepts (moderate), and questions requiring theoretical knowledge (difficult). When comparing the sample groups, pre-service teachers struggled with topics that had not been part of their curriculum yet. Interestingly, in-service teachers had more difficulty with questions requiring specific theoretical knowledge while teacher educators struggled more with practical situations in a school context. An overall suggestion for future research is to review the conceptual framework in terms of linking theory and practice to connect rather than to distinguish these characteristics of teachers' general pedagogical knowledge. The results of the study also contribute to further improvement of the instrument.",
publisher = "Elsevier, Amsterdam",
journal = "Studies in Educational Evaluation",
title = "Towards measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge - A mixed method investigation of a pilot test",
volume = "64",
doi = "10.1016/j.stueduc.2019.100815"
Malva, L., Leijen, A.,& Baucal, A.. (2020). Towards measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge - A mixed method investigation of a pilot test. in Studies in Educational Evaluation
Elsevier, Amsterdam., 64.
Malva L, Leijen A, Baucal A. Towards measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge - A mixed method investigation of a pilot test. in Studies in Educational Evaluation. 2020;64.
doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2019.100815 .
Malva, Liina, Leijen, Ali, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Towards measuring teachers' general pedagogical knowledge - A mixed method investigation of a pilot test" in Studies in Educational Evaluation, 64 (2020), . .

Punoletstvo i zrelost građanskog vaspitanja: evaluacija efekata

Baucal, Aleksandar; Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara; Pavlović, Zoran; Damnjanović, Kaja

(Građanske inicijative, 2019)

AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
AU  - Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara
AU  - Pavlović, Zoran
AU  - Damnjanović, Kaja
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Građanske inicijative
T1  - Punoletstvo i zrelost građanskog vaspitanja: evaluacija efekata
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Baucal, Aleksandar and Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara and Pavlović, Zoran and Damnjanović, Kaja",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Građanske inicijative",
title = "Punoletstvo i zrelost građanskog vaspitanja: evaluacija efekata",
url = ""
Baucal, A., Džamonja Ignjatović, T., Pavlović, Z.,& Damnjanović, K.. (2019). Punoletstvo i zrelost građanskog vaspitanja: evaluacija efekata. 
Građanske inicijative..
Baucal A, Džamonja Ignjatović T, Pavlović Z, Damnjanović K. Punoletstvo i zrelost građanskog vaspitanja: evaluacija efekata. 2019;. .
Baucal, Aleksandar, Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara, Pavlović, Zoran, Damnjanović, Kaja, "Punoletstvo i zrelost građanskog vaspitanja: evaluacija efekata" (2019), .

Evaluacija Građanskog vaspitanja u srednjim školama u Srbiji

Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara; Pavlović, Zoran; Damnjanović, Kaja; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara
AU  - Pavlović, Zoran
AU  - Damnjanović, Kaja
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Predmet ovog istraživanja je evaluacija statusa predmeta Građansko vaspitanje (gV) i sticanje uvida u eventualne promene statusa kroz poređenje sa rezultatima slične studije sprovedene deset godina ranije (2009. godine). U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1073 učenika/ca, 36 nastavnika/ca i 20 direktora/ki iz 20 srednjih škola sa cele teritorije Srbije. Takođe, ispitani su i stavovi opšte populacije prema Građanskom vaspitanju na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1076 punoletnih građana Srbije. Podaci su prikupljeni upitnicima konstruisanim u svrhe ove evaluacije. Ispitivani su stavovi prema građanskom vaspitanju i relevantni društveni stavovi i vrednosti učenika, predmetnih nastavnika, direktora škola i ispitanika iz opšte populacije, a kod učenika i stepen poznavanja tema koje su sadržaj gV. Rezultati ukazuju na relativno nizak nivo poznavanja tema koje su sadržaj gV među učenicima/ama, na preovlađujuće pozitivan odnos učenika/ca prema nastavi ovog predmeta, ali i na distanciranost mladih od sveta politike i nisku spremnost za aktivizam. U zaključku se ukazuje na moguće pravce poboljšanja nastave GV u cilju podizanja njene efikasnosti.
AB  - The paper deals with the evaluation of the status of the Civic Education course. it is aimed at obtaining insight into possible changes in these effects by comparing the present results with those of a similar study conducted ten years ago, in 2009. The research included 1073 students, 36 teachers and 20 principals from twenty secondary schools from the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia. in addition, the attitudes towards civic education held by the general public were investigated on a representative sample of 1076 adult citizens of Serbia. data were collected via questionnaires designed for the purposes of the research. The attitudes towards civic education and rel-evant social attitudes and values were investigated in students, their teachers and principals, and participants from the general population. additionally, the level of knowledge of the topics that form the civic education curricu-lum was explored in the sample of students. The results point to a relatively low level of knowledge about the topics related to civic education among students. it is shown that students have a predominantly positive attitude towards this course, but also that there is the distance of young people from the world of politics and low readiness for activism. The concluding part of the paper discusses the possible directions for improving the civic education instruction with the aim of raising its efficiency.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd
T2  - Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka
T1  - Evaluacija Građanskog vaspitanja u srednjim školama u Srbiji
T1  - An evaluation study of the civic education course in secondary schools in Serbia
EP  - 32
IS  - 22
SP  - 9
VL  - 13
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara and Pavlović, Zoran and Damnjanović, Kaja and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Predmet ovog istraživanja je evaluacija statusa predmeta Građansko vaspitanje (gV) i sticanje uvida u eventualne promene statusa kroz poređenje sa rezultatima slične studije sprovedene deset godina ranije (2009. godine). U istraživanju je učestvovalo 1073 učenika/ca, 36 nastavnika/ca i 20 direktora/ki iz 20 srednjih škola sa cele teritorije Srbije. Takođe, ispitani su i stavovi opšte populacije prema Građanskom vaspitanju na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1076 punoletnih građana Srbije. Podaci su prikupljeni upitnicima konstruisanim u svrhe ove evaluacije. Ispitivani su stavovi prema građanskom vaspitanju i relevantni društveni stavovi i vrednosti učenika, predmetnih nastavnika, direktora škola i ispitanika iz opšte populacije, a kod učenika i stepen poznavanja tema koje su sadržaj gV. Rezultati ukazuju na relativno nizak nivo poznavanja tema koje su sadržaj gV među učenicima/ama, na preovlađujuće pozitivan odnos učenika/ca prema nastavi ovog predmeta, ali i na distanciranost mladih od sveta politike i nisku spremnost za aktivizam. U zaključku se ukazuje na moguće pravce poboljšanja nastave GV u cilju podizanja njene efikasnosti., The paper deals with the evaluation of the status of the Civic Education course. it is aimed at obtaining insight into possible changes in these effects by comparing the present results with those of a similar study conducted ten years ago, in 2009. The research included 1073 students, 36 teachers and 20 principals from twenty secondary schools from the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia. in addition, the attitudes towards civic education held by the general public were investigated on a representative sample of 1076 adult citizens of Serbia. data were collected via questionnaires designed for the purposes of the research. The attitudes towards civic education and rel-evant social attitudes and values were investigated in students, their teachers and principals, and participants from the general population. additionally, the level of knowledge of the topics that form the civic education curricu-lum was explored in the sample of students. The results point to a relatively low level of knowledge about the topics related to civic education among students. it is shown that students have a predominantly positive attitude towards this course, but also that there is the distance of young people from the world of politics and low readiness for activism. The concluding part of the paper discusses the possible directions for improving the civic education instruction with the aim of raising its efficiency.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd",
journal = "Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka",
title = "Evaluacija Građanskog vaspitanja u srednjim školama u Srbiji, An evaluation study of the civic education course in secondary schools in Serbia",
pages = "32-9",
number = "22",
volume = "13",
url = ""
Džamonja Ignjatović, T., Pavlović, Z., Damnjanović, K.,& Baucal, A.. (2019). Evaluacija Građanskog vaspitanja u srednjim školama u Srbiji. in Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd., 13(22), 9-32.
Džamonja Ignjatović T, Pavlović Z, Damnjanović K, Baucal A. Evaluacija Građanskog vaspitanja u srednjim školama u Srbiji. in Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka. 2019;13(22):9-32. .
Džamonja Ignjatović, Tamara, Pavlović, Zoran, Damnjanović, Kaja, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Evaluacija Građanskog vaspitanja u srednjim školama u Srbiji" in Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka, 13, no. 22 (2019):9-32, .

Izdvajanje studenata uspešnih u matematici - poređenje između evropskih zemalja

Radišić, Jelena; Videnović, Marina; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Radišić, Jelena
AU  - Videnović, Marina
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - U ovoj studiji istraživani su faktori koji izdvajaju učenike sa optimalnom šemom visokog postignuća u matematici i pozitivna verovanja ovih učenika o matematici u 17 evropskih regiona koristeći podatke iz PISA-e 2012. U ovu svrhu primenjena je hijerarhijska klaster analiza varijabli matematičke anksioznosti, postignuća učenika i percepcije matematičke efikasnosti učenika, matematičkog self-koncepta i intrinzičke motivacije. Na ovaj način dobijene su četiri različite grupe učenika. Među njima je bio i profil učenika uspešnih u matematici (niska matematička anksioznost, visoka motivacija i visoki opažena matematička efikasnost, self-koncept i intrinzička motivacija). Rezultati pokazuju razlike u faktorima koji su bitni za uspeh učenika u matematici u zavisnosti od toga da li su skorovi matematičke pismenosti i matematičke anksioznosti iznad ili ispod proseka OEBSa. Socioekonomsko i kulturno poreklo učenika, kao i iskustvo sa čistim matematičkim zadacima su faktori koji su bitni u svim ispitivanim zemljama.
AB  - This study explores factors distinguishing students with the optimal pattern of high mathematics achievement and their positive self-related mathematics beliefs across 17 European regions using PISA 2012 data. Hierarchical cluster analysis with variables mathematics anxiety, students' achievement and students' perception of mathematics efficacy, mathematics self-concept and intrinsic motivation was used for this purpose. This yielded 4 different student groups. The profile of successful mathematics students (low mathematics anxiety, high achievement and highly perceived mathematics efficacy, self-concept and intrinsic motivation) was among them. The results indicate differences in the factors relevant to students' success in mathematics depending on whether their country mathematics literacy and mathematics anxiety scores are above or below the OECD average. Students' socioeconomic and cultural background and experience with pure mathematics tasks are factors relevant across all examined countries.
PB  - Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Psihologija
T1  - Izdvajanje studenata uspešnih u matematici - poređenje između evropskih zemalja
T1  - Distinguishing successful students in mathematics: A comparison across European countries
EP  - 89
IS  - 1
SP  - 69
VL  - 51
DO  - 10.2298/psi170522019r
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Jelena and Videnović, Marina and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "U ovoj studiji istraživani su faktori koji izdvajaju učenike sa optimalnom šemom visokog postignuća u matematici i pozitivna verovanja ovih učenika o matematici u 17 evropskih regiona koristeći podatke iz PISA-e 2012. U ovu svrhu primenjena je hijerarhijska klaster analiza varijabli matematičke anksioznosti, postignuća učenika i percepcije matematičke efikasnosti učenika, matematičkog self-koncepta i intrinzičke motivacije. Na ovaj način dobijene su četiri različite grupe učenika. Među njima je bio i profil učenika uspešnih u matematici (niska matematička anksioznost, visoka motivacija i visoki opažena matematička efikasnost, self-koncept i intrinzička motivacija). Rezultati pokazuju razlike u faktorima koji su bitni za uspeh učenika u matematici u zavisnosti od toga da li su skorovi matematičke pismenosti i matematičke anksioznosti iznad ili ispod proseka OEBSa. Socioekonomsko i kulturno poreklo učenika, kao i iskustvo sa čistim matematičkim zadacima su faktori koji su bitni u svim ispitivanim zemljama., This study explores factors distinguishing students with the optimal pattern of high mathematics achievement and their positive self-related mathematics beliefs across 17 European regions using PISA 2012 data. Hierarchical cluster analysis with variables mathematics anxiety, students' achievement and students' perception of mathematics efficacy, mathematics self-concept and intrinsic motivation was used for this purpose. This yielded 4 different student groups. The profile of successful mathematics students (low mathematics anxiety, high achievement and highly perceived mathematics efficacy, self-concept and intrinsic motivation) was among them. The results indicate differences in the factors relevant to students' success in mathematics depending on whether their country mathematics literacy and mathematics anxiety scores are above or below the OECD average. Students' socioeconomic and cultural background and experience with pure mathematics tasks are factors relevant across all examined countries.",
publisher = "Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Psihologija",
title = "Izdvajanje studenata uspešnih u matematici - poređenje između evropskih zemalja, Distinguishing successful students in mathematics: A comparison across European countries",
pages = "89-69",
number = "1",
volume = "51",
doi = "10.2298/psi170522019r"
Radišić, J., Videnović, M.,& Baucal, A.. (2018). Izdvajanje studenata uspešnih u matematici - poređenje između evropskih zemalja. in Psihologija
Društvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd., 51(1), 69-89.
Radišić J, Videnović M, Baucal A. Izdvajanje studenata uspešnih u matematici - poređenje između evropskih zemalja. in Psihologija. 2018;51(1):69-89.
doi:10.2298/psi170522019r .
Radišić, Jelena, Videnović, Marina, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Izdvajanje studenata uspešnih u matematici - poređenje između evropskih zemalja" in Psihologija, 51, no. 1 (2018):69-89, . .

Teachers' reflection on PISA items and why they are so hard for students in Serbia

Radišić, Jelena; Baucal, Aleksandar

(Springer, New York, 2018)

AU  - Radišić, Jelena
AU  - Baucal, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The study explores how teachers perceive and go about students' thinking in connection to particular mathematical content and how they frame the notion of applied mathematics in their own classrooms. Teachers' narratives are built around two released PISA 2012 mathematics items, the 'Drip rate' and 'Climbing Mount Fuji' (will be referred to as the Fuji item). Teachers show concordance as to the reasons that could make either of the items difficult for students and are able to provide more examples justifying their reasoning for the 'Fuji' item. Suggestions linked to making the items more familiar to the students mostly relate to de-contextualization of the items' content towards a more formal mathematical record. The teachers agree that students need only basic mathematical knowledge, at a level learned during elementary school, in order to solve these problems. Yet, at the same time, many teachers have difficulty clearly verbalising which procedures students are expected to follow to be able to solve the tasks. Disagreement among the teachers is noticeable when labelling the most difficult part(s) of each of the selected items. Mathematics teachers show openness for learning on how to create math problems we examined in this study, but question the purpose and meaning in incorporating more such problems in their own teaching.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - European Journal of Psychology of Education
T1  - Teachers' reflection on PISA items and why they are so hard for students in Serbia
EP  - 466
IS  - 3
SP  - 445
VL  - 33
DO  - 10.1007/s10212-018-0366-0
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Jelena and Baucal, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The study explores how teachers perceive and go about students' thinking in connection to particular mathematical content and how they frame the notion of applied mathematics in their own classrooms. Teachers' narratives are built around two released PISA 2012 mathematics items, the 'Drip rate' and 'Climbing Mount Fuji' (will be referred to as the Fuji item). Teachers show concordance as to the reasons that could make either of the items difficult for students and are able to provide more examples justifying their reasoning for the 'Fuji' item. Suggestions linked to making the items more familiar to the students mostly relate to de-contextualization of the items' content towards a more formal mathematical record. The teachers agree that students need only basic mathematical knowledge, at a level learned during elementary school, in order to solve these problems. Yet, at the same time, many teachers have difficulty clearly verbalising which procedures students are expected to follow to be able to solve the tasks. Disagreement among the teachers is noticeable when labelling the most difficult part(s) of each of the selected items. Mathematics teachers show openness for learning on how to create math problems we examined in this study, but question the purpose and meaning in incorporating more such problems in their own teaching.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "European Journal of Psychology of Education",
title = "Teachers' reflection on PISA items and why they are so hard for students in Serbia",
pages = "466-445",
number = "3",
volume = "33",
doi = "10.1007/s10212-018-0366-0"
Radišić, J.,& Baucal, A.. (2018). Teachers' reflection on PISA items and why they are so hard for students in Serbia. in European Journal of Psychology of Education
Springer, New York., 33(3), 445-466.
Radišić J, Baucal A. Teachers' reflection on PISA items and why they are so hard for students in Serbia. in European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2018;33(3):445-466.
doi:10.1007/s10212-018-0366-0 .
Radišić, Jelena, Baucal, Aleksandar, "Teachers' reflection on PISA items and why they are so hard for students in Serbia" in European Journal of Psychology of Education, 33, no. 3 (2018):445-466, . .