Bioarchaeology of Ancient Europe: People, Animals and Plants in the Prehistory of Serbia

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Bioarchaeology of Ancient Europe: People, Animals and Plants in the Prehistory of Serbia (en)
Биоархеологија древне Европе: људи, животиње и биљке у праисторији Србије (sr)
Bioarheologija drevne Evrope: ljudi, životinje i biljke u praistoriji Srbije (sr_RS)


Uticaj stresa preživljenog u detinjstvu na dužinu životnog veka: nekropole Mokrin i Ostojićevo

Krečković Gavrilović, Marija

(Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Krečković Gavrilović, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Prema hipotezi DOHaD – Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
preživljene epizode stresa u detinjstvu – infekcije, neuhranjenost – imaće
trajne posledice na razvijanje organizma i imuniteta, pa tako i na dužinu životnog veka. Iz ove hipoteze sledi da će one osobe koje su u detinjstvu preživele epizode stresa dokumentovane hipoplastičnim defektima gleđi imati
lošije zdravstvene ishode u daljem životu i kraći životni vek od prosečnog
za tu zajednicu.
Za potrebnu ovog istraživanja analizirana su 123 skeleta odraslih individua sa bronzanodopskih nekropola Mokrin i Ostojićevo. Praćen je broj ispoljenih defekata gleđi i vreme njihovog nastanka i starost u trenutku smrti.
Prilikom statističkih analiza, zbog velikih raspona starosti korišćena je simulirana varijabla starosti formirana mnogostrukim nasumičnim uzorkovanjem
vrednosti iz raspona starosti dobijenih antropološkom. Analiza je pokazala da postoje naznake da je postojala značajna veza između prisustva hipoplazije
gleđi i starosti prema kojoj najstarije osobe u ukupnom uzorku imaju značajno manje šanse da imaju zabeležen defekat gleđi u poređenju sa mlađim
osobama iz uzorka. Kada je rezultat podeljen po polu, kod muškaraca je zabeležen isti trend, dok je kod žena on izostao – potencijalno zbog uticaja još
jednog važnog mehanizma na njihov mortalitet – fertiliteta.
Budući da su urađenom analizom za sada zabeležene samo indikacije postojanja veze između životnog veka i defekata gleđi, za njenu jasniju potvrdu
potrebno je preciznije odrediti starost u trenutku smrti, te tako izbeći simulaciju ove varijable.
PB  - Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
PB  - Narodni muzej Toplice
C3  - XLV Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva
T1  - Uticaj stresa preživljenog u detinjstvu na dužinu životnog veka: nekropole  Mokrin i Ostojićevo
EP  - 99
SP  - 98
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krečković Gavrilović, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Prema hipotezi DOHaD – Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
preživljene epizode stresa u detinjstvu – infekcije, neuhranjenost – imaće
trajne posledice na razvijanje organizma i imuniteta, pa tako i na dužinu životnog veka. Iz ove hipoteze sledi da će one osobe koje su u detinjstvu preživele epizode stresa dokumentovane hipoplastičnim defektima gleđi imati
lošije zdravstvene ishode u daljem životu i kraći životni vek od prosečnog
za tu zajednicu.
Za potrebnu ovog istraživanja analizirana su 123 skeleta odraslih individua sa bronzanodopskih nekropola Mokrin i Ostojićevo. Praćen je broj ispoljenih defekata gleđi i vreme njihovog nastanka i starost u trenutku smrti.
Prilikom statističkih analiza, zbog velikih raspona starosti korišćena je simulirana varijabla starosti formirana mnogostrukim nasumičnim uzorkovanjem
vrednosti iz raspona starosti dobijenih antropološkom. Analiza je pokazala da postoje naznake da je postojala značajna veza između prisustva hipoplazije
gleđi i starosti prema kojoj najstarije osobe u ukupnom uzorku imaju značajno manje šanse da imaju zabeležen defekat gleđi u poređenju sa mlađim
osobama iz uzorka. Kada je rezultat podeljen po polu, kod muškaraca je zabeležen isti trend, dok je kod žena on izostao – potencijalno zbog uticaja još
jednog važnog mehanizma na njihov mortalitet – fertiliteta.
Budući da su urađenom analizom za sada zabeležene samo indikacije postojanja veze između životnog veka i defekata gleđi, za njenu jasniju potvrdu
potrebno je preciznije odrediti starost u trenutku smrti, te tako izbeći simulaciju ove varijable.",
publisher = "Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd, Narodni muzej Toplice",
journal = "XLV Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva",
title = "Uticaj stresa preživljenog u detinjstvu na dužinu životnog veka: nekropole  Mokrin i Ostojićevo",
pages = "99-98",
url = ""
Krečković Gavrilović, M.. (2022). Uticaj stresa preživljenog u detinjstvu na dužinu životnog veka: nekropole  Mokrin i Ostojićevo. in XLV Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva
Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd., 98-99.
Krečković Gavrilović M. Uticaj stresa preživljenog u detinjstvu na dužinu životnog veka: nekropole  Mokrin i Ostojićevo. in XLV Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva. 2022;:98-99. .
Krečković Gavrilović, Marija, "Uticaj stresa preživljenog u detinjstvu na dužinu životnog veka: nekropole  Mokrin i Ostojićevo" in XLV Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (2022):98-99, .

Arheozoologija. Uvod u studije zajedničke istorije životinja i ljudi

Dimitrijević, Vesna

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Dimitrijević, Vesna
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - iz recenzije prof.dr Sofije Stefanović:
Рукопис монографије садржи осам поглавља. У првом, Археозоологија: основни појмови, историјат, теме и методе приказан је историјат саме дисциплине али на врло илустративан начин објашњењен је и процес који је довео до тога да поједине значајне археолошке теме утичу на развој дисциплине. У овом поглављу аутрока на брилијантан начин сагледава различите теме еволуције човека или неолитске револуције и разјашњава улогу ових тема за специфичан развојни пут археозоологије. Истовремено и археолошке теме којима се бави нису овде дате само као оквир за објашњење развоја дисцпилине већ се студиозно приказује и сама археолошка проблематика. Друго поглавље, Тафономија: историја похрањивања. Тафономски стадијуми, трагови, актери и процеси омогућује да разумемо колико су тафономски процеси важни за очување материјала и на које све начине могу да утичу и на археозоолошка истраживања. На одређени начин, ово поглавље, осим што омогућује разумевање утицаја тафономских процеса на археозоолошки материјал, упозорава истраживаче да морају обратити значајну пажњу на могућност утицаја ових процеса приликом својих анализа. Треће поглавље, Класификација органског света и правила номенклатуре. Таксономска одређивање: која је ово животиња? сажима драгоцено теоријско и практично искуство професорке Димитријевић будући да је њен рад са младим колегама у великој мери усмерен управо на таксономска одређивања. Стога ће ово поглавље бити значајано за све истраживаче који се баве археозоологијом не само кад је у питању таксономија већ и методологија утврђивања пола и индивидуалне старости којима се у овом поглављу ауторка такође бави. Од изузетног методолошког значаја је и четврто поглавље, Анализа археофауналних скупова који поново сажима све искуство професорке Димитријевић не само у обради материјала већ и у раду са млађим колегама, те су теме представљене у овом поглављу од изузетног значаја за исправни методолошки приступ приликом археозоолошких истраживања. Ово поглавље пружа сагледавање различитих методолошких аспеката и подучава како се врше метричке анализе, како се утврђује нјмањи број јединки, како се утврђује крива морталитета и сл. У наредном, петом поглављу  Реконструкција животне средине (на основу остатака животиња са археолошких налазишта) ауторка нам омогућује да разумемо изузетан значај животињских костију за реконструкцију животне средине. Објашњавајући са лакоћом и неке веома комплексне теме, засигурно ће ово поглавље бити од значаја за оне истраживаче које можда не интересују директно животињски остаци али ће им ово омогућити да разумеју њихов изузетан шири значај. Истовремено, ово поглавље док се чита отвара многа питања о томе колико је нпр. сезоналност важна за наше разумевање древних друштава. Кроз ово поглавље професорка Димитријевић, отвара пред нама нове светове могућности истраживања прошлости и на један, суптилан али истовремено и снажан начин указује на то колико су заправо животињске кости важне за разумевање не само човекове прошлости већ и историје нашег животног окружења. У преостала три поглавља, шесто,  Лов и риболов, седмо, Припитомљавање животиња и осмо, Доместикација постаје сложенија: ширење спектра врста и циљева гајења монографија нам омогућује да добијемо не само јасну слику о мултидисциплинарности археозоологије већ и да разумемо читав спектар могућности које нам животињске кости пружају да би се разумели специфични периоди људске прошлости али и сама суштина односа људи и животиња као и промена тих односа кроз време. Поново професорка Димитријевић у овим поглављима успева да на брилијантан начин прикаже веома комплексне теме али да нам истовремено са лакоћом укаже на то колико значајних питања се може поставити када су у питању древна друштва и њихово разумевање уколико им се посветимо из археозоолошке перспективе.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
T2  - Univerzitet U Beogradu, Filozofski Fakultet
T1  - Arheozoologija. Uvod u studije zajedničke istorije životinja i ljudi
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dimitrijević, Vesna",
year = "2021",
abstract = "iz recenzije prof.dr Sofije Stefanović:
Рукопис монографије садржи осам поглавља. У првом, Археозоологија: основни појмови, историјат, теме и методе приказан је историјат саме дисциплине али на врло илустративан начин објашњењен је и процес који је довео до тога да поједине значајне археолошке теме утичу на развој дисциплине. У овом поглављу аутрока на брилијантан начин сагледава различите теме еволуције човека или неолитске револуције и разјашњава улогу ових тема за специфичан развојни пут археозоологије. Истовремено и археолошке теме којима се бави нису овде дате само као оквир за објашњење развоја дисцпилине већ се студиозно приказује и сама археолошка проблематика. Друго поглавље, Тафономија: историја похрањивања. Тафономски стадијуми, трагови, актери и процеси омогућује да разумемо колико су тафономски процеси важни за очување материјала и на које све начине могу да утичу и на археозоолошка истраживања. На одређени начин, ово поглавље, осим што омогућује разумевање утицаја тафономских процеса на археозоолошки материјал, упозорава истраживаче да морају обратити значајну пажњу на могућност утицаја ових процеса приликом својих анализа. Треће поглавље, Класификација органског света и правила номенклатуре. Таксономска одређивање: која је ово животиња? сажима драгоцено теоријско и практично искуство професорке Димитријевић будући да је њен рад са младим колегама у великој мери усмерен управо на таксономска одређивања. Стога ће ово поглавље бити значајано за све истраживаче који се баве археозоологијом не само кад је у питању таксономија већ и методологија утврђивања пола и индивидуалне старости којима се у овом поглављу ауторка такође бави. Од изузетног методолошког значаја је и четврто поглавље, Анализа археофауналних скупова који поново сажима све искуство професорке Димитријевић не само у обради материјала већ и у раду са млађим колегама, те су теме представљене у овом поглављу од изузетног значаја за исправни методолошки приступ приликом археозоолошких истраживања. Ово поглавље пружа сагледавање различитих методолошких аспеката и подучава како се врше метричке анализе, како се утврђује нјмањи број јединки, како се утврђује крива морталитета и сл. У наредном, петом поглављу  Реконструкција животне средине (на основу остатака животиња са археолошких налазишта) ауторка нам омогућује да разумемо изузетан значај животињских костију за реконструкцију животне средине. Објашњавајући са лакоћом и неке веома комплексне теме, засигурно ће ово поглавље бити од значаја за оне истраживаче које можда не интересују директно животињски остаци али ће им ово омогућити да разумеју њихов изузетан шири значај. Истовремено, ово поглавље док се чита отвара многа питања о томе колико је нпр. сезоналност важна за наше разумевање древних друштава. Кроз ово поглавље професорка Димитријевић, отвара пред нама нове светове могућности истраживања прошлости и на један, суптилан али истовремено и снажан начин указује на то колико су заправо животињске кости важне за разумевање не само човекове прошлости већ и историје нашег животног окружења. У преостала три поглавља, шесто,  Лов и риболов, седмо, Припитомљавање животиња и осмо, Доместикација постаје сложенија: ширење спектра врста и циљева гајења монографија нам омогућује да добијемо не само јасну слику о мултидисциплинарности археозоологије већ и да разумемо читав спектар могућности које нам животињске кости пружају да би се разумели специфични периоди људске прошлости али и сама суштина односа људи и животиња као и промена тих односа кроз време. Поново професорка Димитријевић у овим поглављима успева да на брилијантан начин прикаже веома комплексне теме али да нам истовремено са лакоћом укаже на то колико значајних питања се може поставити када су у питању древна друштва и њихово разумевање уколико им се посветимо из археозоолошке перспективе.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet",
journal = "Univerzitet U Beogradu, Filozofski Fakultet",
title = "Arheozoologija. Uvod u studije zajedničke istorije životinja i ljudi",
url = ""
Dimitrijević, V.. (2021). Arheozoologija. Uvod u studije zajedničke istorije životinja i ljudi. in Univerzitet U Beogradu, Filozofski Fakultet
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet..
Dimitrijević V. Arheozoologija. Uvod u studije zajedničke istorije životinja i ljudi. in Univerzitet U Beogradu, Filozofski Fakultet. 2021;. .
Dimitrijević, Vesna, "Arheozoologija. Uvod u studije zajedničke istorije životinja i ljudi" in Univerzitet U Beogradu, Filozofski Fakultet (2021), .

Sacrificing dogs in the late Roman World? A case study of a multiple dog burial from Viminacium amphitheatre

Vuković, Sonja; Jovičić, Mladen; Marković, Dimitrije; Bogdanović, Ivan

(Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden, 2021)

AU  - Vuković, Sonja
AU  - Jovičić, Mladen
AU  - Marković, Dimitrije
AU  - Bogdanović, Ivan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - In the course of excavations at the arena of the abandoned Viminacium amphitheatre (Serbia), within the
broader area of the late Roman graveyard, a deposit has
been discovered of a multiple dog burial that dates back
to the 2nd half of the 4th century AD. Archaeozoological
and taphonomic studies of dog remains have revealed
that at least 13 partial dog carcasses of both puppies and
adult dogs of different phenotypes had been jointly buried, after possible roasting and carcass processing. By
corroborating archaeological, archaeozoological, ancient text data, as well as similar instances of dog burials
from the Roman world, a number of potential interpretations of the deposit have been arrived at, from ritual
sacrifices to chthonic deities, all the way to the functional slaughter, or some kind of combination of the two.
AB  - Bei Ausgrabungen im Amphitheater von Viminacium
(Serbien), im weiteren Bereich des spätrömischen Friedhofs, wurde ein Depot mit mehreren Hundebestattungen aus der 2. Hälfte des 4.Jahrhunderts n.Chr. aufgedeckt. Archäozoologische und taphonomische Untersuchungen an den Überresten der Hunde haben ergeben,
dass mindestens 13 Teilkadaver von Welpen und erwachsenen Hunden unterschiedlichen Phänotyps nach
möglicher Röstung und Kadaverbearbeitung gemein sam niedergelegt wurden. Durch die Bestätigung archäologischer, archäozoologischer, antiker Textdaten
sowie ähnlicher Fälle von Hundebestattungen aus der
römischen Welt erscheinen verschiedene Deutungen
möglich. Es könnte sich um Reste ritueller Opfer für
chthonische Gottheiten, um die Hinterlassenschaften
einer Schlachtung oder um eine Kombination beider
Praktiken handeln.
AB  - Lors de fouilles menées dans l’arène de l’amphithéâtre
abandonné de Viminacium (Serbie), dans le périmètre
plus large de la nécropole romaine tardive, fut découverte une sépulture multiple de chiens datée de la 2e
moitié du 4e siècle ap.J.-C. Les études archéozoologiques
et taphonomiques des restes ont révélé qu’au moins
13 carcasses partielles de chiots et de chiens adultes appartenant à différents phénotypes furent enterrées au même moment après avoir peut-être été rôties et traitées. En comparant les données archéologiques, archéozoologiques et les sources écrites, ainsi que des cas
similaires de sépultures de chiens dans le monde romain, on peut proposer plusieurs interprétations pour
ce dépôt, allant de sacrifices rituels à des divinités chthoniennes jusqu’à l’abattage fonctionnel, ou une combinaison des deux.
PB  - Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden
T2  - Roman Animals in ritual and funerary contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel, 1st-4th February, 2018
T1  - Sacrificing dogs in the late Roman World? A case study of a multiple dog burial from Viminacium amphitheatre
T1  - Hundeopfer in der spätrömischen Welt? Eine Fallstudie einer Mehrfach-Hundebestattung aus dem Amphitheater von Viminacium
T1  - Sacrifices de chiens dans l’Antiquité tardive ? Etude de cas de sépultures multiples de chiens dans l’amphithéâtre de Viminacium
SP  - 237
VL  - 256
DO  - 10.34780/a6bc9cpojz
DO  -
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Sonja and Jovičić, Mladen and Marković, Dimitrije and Bogdanović, Ivan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In the course of excavations at the arena of the abandoned Viminacium amphitheatre (Serbia), within the
broader area of the late Roman graveyard, a deposit has
been discovered of a multiple dog burial that dates back
to the 2nd half of the 4th century AD. Archaeozoological
and taphonomic studies of dog remains have revealed
that at least 13 partial dog carcasses of both puppies and
adult dogs of different phenotypes had been jointly buried, after possible roasting and carcass processing. By
corroborating archaeological, archaeozoological, ancient text data, as well as similar instances of dog burials
from the Roman world, a number of potential interpretations of the deposit have been arrived at, from ritual
sacrifices to chthonic deities, all the way to the functional slaughter, or some kind of combination of the two., Bei Ausgrabungen im Amphitheater von Viminacium
(Serbien), im weiteren Bereich des spätrömischen Friedhofs, wurde ein Depot mit mehreren Hundebestattungen aus der 2. Hälfte des 4.Jahrhunderts n.Chr. aufgedeckt. Archäozoologische und taphonomische Untersuchungen an den Überresten der Hunde haben ergeben,
dass mindestens 13 Teilkadaver von Welpen und erwachsenen Hunden unterschiedlichen Phänotyps nach
möglicher Röstung und Kadaverbearbeitung gemein sam niedergelegt wurden. Durch die Bestätigung archäologischer, archäozoologischer, antiker Textdaten
sowie ähnlicher Fälle von Hundebestattungen aus der
römischen Welt erscheinen verschiedene Deutungen
möglich. Es könnte sich um Reste ritueller Opfer für
chthonische Gottheiten, um die Hinterlassenschaften
einer Schlachtung oder um eine Kombination beider
Praktiken handeln., Lors de fouilles menées dans l’arène de l’amphithéâtre
abandonné de Viminacium (Serbie), dans le périmètre
plus large de la nécropole romaine tardive, fut découverte une sépulture multiple de chiens datée de la 2e
moitié du 4e siècle ap.J.-C. Les études archéozoologiques
et taphonomiques des restes ont révélé qu’au moins
13 carcasses partielles de chiots et de chiens adultes appartenant à différents phénotypes furent enterrées au même moment après avoir peut-être été rôties et traitées. En comparant les données archéologiques, archéozoologiques et les sources écrites, ainsi que des cas
similaires de sépultures de chiens dans le monde romain, on peut proposer plusieurs interprétations pour
ce dépôt, allant de sacrifices rituels à des divinités chthoniennes jusqu’à l’abattage fonctionnel, ou une combinaison des deux.",
publisher = "Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden",
journal = "Roman Animals in ritual and funerary contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel, 1st-4th February, 2018",
booktitle = "Sacrificing dogs in the late Roman World? A case study of a multiple dog burial from Viminacium amphitheatre, Hundeopfer in der spätrömischen Welt? Eine Fallstudie einer Mehrfach-Hundebestattung aus dem Amphitheater von Viminacium, Sacrifices de chiens dans l’Antiquité tardive ? Etude de cas de sépultures multiples de chiens dans l’amphithéâtre de Viminacium",
pages = "237",
volume = "256",
doi = "10.34780/a6bc9cpojz,"
Vuković, S., Jovičić, M., Marković, D.,& Bogdanović, I.. (2021). Sacrificing dogs in the late Roman World? A case study of a multiple dog burial from Viminacium amphitheatre. in Roman Animals in ritual and funerary contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel, 1st-4th February, 2018
Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden., 256, 237.
Vuković S, Jovičić M, Marković D, Bogdanović I. Sacrificing dogs in the late Roman World? A case study of a multiple dog burial from Viminacium amphitheatre. in Roman Animals in ritual and funerary contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel, 1st-4th February, 2018. 2021;256:237.
doi:10.34780/a6bc9cpojz .
Vuković, Sonja, Jovičić, Mladen, Marković, Dimitrije, Bogdanović, Ivan, "Sacrificing dogs in the late Roman World? A case study of a multiple dog burial from Viminacium amphitheatre" in Roman Animals in ritual and funerary contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel, 1st-4th February, 2018, 256 (2021):237, . .

Uzajamna evolucija čoveka i mikroorganizama – savremene metode u arheologiji

Krečković Gavrilović, Marija; Žegarac, Aleksandra

(Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu, 2021)

AU  - Krečković Gavrilović, Marija
AU  - Žegarac, Aleksandra
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Uticaj čoveka na okolinu, posebno u 20. veku, postao je toliko sveobuhvatan da istraživači smatraju da je Zemlja, zajedno sa čovečanstvom, ušla u novo geološko doba – antropocen. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje koliko dugo naše ponašanje, pogotovo ono koja ne podrazumeva direktan uticaj na prirodu, oblikuje svet oko nas? Arheologija je prepoznata kao nauka koja koristi izuzetno važan izvor informacija za razumevanje uticaja čoveka na naše okruženje, kao i njegovu
interakciju sa drugim organizmima. Jedna od disciplina u povoju, a čije su mikroskopske promene imale ponekad i globalne odjeke, jeste istraživanje drevnog ljudskog mikrobioma. Ljudski mikrobiom predstavlja kompleksne zajednice simbiotskih i patogenih mikroorganizama koje nastanjuju spoljašnjost i unutrašnjost našeg organizma, a formira se odmah nakon rođenja i održava u organizmu domaćina tokom celog života. Istraživanje drevnog mikrobioma nam omogućava ne samo precizniju dijagnozu neke bolesti na osnovu pronađenih patogena, već i priliku da razmatramo obrasce promena ljudskog zdravlja, bolesti, načina ishrane i koevolucije ljudi i patogena. Metode koje se primenjuju u studijama drevne DNК (posebno paleo-
mikrobiologije) i drevnih proteina veoma brzo napreduju i otvaraju nam nove mogućnosti za istraživanja. Budući da se inovativni pristupi istraživanju drevnih patogena najčešće objavljuju u časopisima namenjenim stručnjacima iz oblasti genetike i biologije, cilj ovog rada je predstavljanje mogućnosti, prednosti i ograničenja ove linije istraživanja. Na koja pitanja možemo očekivati odgovore, koje metode su najpodesnije za određene kontekste i tipove materijala, kao i koje mere predostrožnosti možemo preduzeti prilikom iskopavanja, čišćenja, pakovanja i čuvanja materijala za najbolje rezultate?
PB  - Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu
PB  - Centar za teorijsku arheologiju
C3  - Srpska arheologija između teorije i činjenica VIII: Arheologija i antropocen
T1  - Uzajamna evolucija čoveka i mikroorganizama – savremene metode u arheologiji
EP  - 29
SP  - 27
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krečković Gavrilović, Marija and Žegarac, Aleksandra",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Uticaj čoveka na okolinu, posebno u 20. veku, postao je toliko sveobuhvatan da istraživači smatraju da je Zemlja, zajedno sa čovečanstvom, ušla u novo geološko doba – antropocen. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje koliko dugo naše ponašanje, pogotovo ono koja ne podrazumeva direktan uticaj na prirodu, oblikuje svet oko nas? Arheologija je prepoznata kao nauka koja koristi izuzetno važan izvor informacija za razumevanje uticaja čoveka na naše okruženje, kao i njegovu
interakciju sa drugim organizmima. Jedna od disciplina u povoju, a čije su mikroskopske promene imale ponekad i globalne odjeke, jeste istraživanje drevnog ljudskog mikrobioma. Ljudski mikrobiom predstavlja kompleksne zajednice simbiotskih i patogenih mikroorganizama koje nastanjuju spoljašnjost i unutrašnjost našeg organizma, a formira se odmah nakon rođenja i održava u organizmu domaćina tokom celog života. Istraživanje drevnog mikrobioma nam omogućava ne samo precizniju dijagnozu neke bolesti na osnovu pronađenih patogena, već i priliku da razmatramo obrasce promena ljudskog zdravlja, bolesti, načina ishrane i koevolucije ljudi i patogena. Metode koje se primenjuju u studijama drevne DNК (posebno paleo-
mikrobiologije) i drevnih proteina veoma brzo napreduju i otvaraju nam nove mogućnosti za istraživanja. Budući da se inovativni pristupi istraživanju drevnih patogena najčešće objavljuju u časopisima namenjenim stručnjacima iz oblasti genetike i biologije, cilj ovog rada je predstavljanje mogućnosti, prednosti i ograničenja ove linije istraživanja. Na koja pitanja možemo očekivati odgovore, koje metode su najpodesnije za određene kontekste i tipove materijala, kao i koje mere predostrožnosti možemo preduzeti prilikom iskopavanja, čišćenja, pakovanja i čuvanja materijala za najbolje rezultate?",
publisher = "Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu, Centar za teorijsku arheologiju",
journal = "Srpska arheologija između teorije i činjenica VIII: Arheologija i antropocen",
title = "Uzajamna evolucija čoveka i mikroorganizama – savremene metode u arheologiji",
pages = "29-27",
url = ""
Krečković Gavrilović, M.,& Žegarac, A.. (2021). Uzajamna evolucija čoveka i mikroorganizama – savremene metode u arheologiji. in Srpska arheologija između teorije i činjenica VIII: Arheologija i antropocen
Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu., 27-29.
Krečković Gavrilović M, Žegarac A. Uzajamna evolucija čoveka i mikroorganizama – savremene metode u arheologiji. in Srpska arheologija između teorije i činjenica VIII: Arheologija i antropocen. 2021;:27-29. .
Krečković Gavrilović, Marija, Žegarac, Aleksandra, "Uzajamna evolucija čoveka i mikroorganizama – savremene metode u arheologiji" in Srpska arheologija između teorije i činjenica VIII: Arheologija i antropocen (2021):27-29, .

Using Histological Staining Techniques to Improve Visualization and Interpretability of Tooth Cementum Annulation Analysis

Petrović, Bojan; Pantelinac, Jelena; Capo, Ivan; Miljković, Dejan; Popović, Milan; Penezić, Kristina; Stefanović, Sofija

(Universidad de la Frontera, 2021)

AU  - Petrović, Bojan
AU  - Pantelinac, Jelena
AU  - Capo, Ivan
AU  - Miljković, Dejan
AU  - Popović, Milan
AU  - Penezić, Kristina
AU  - Stefanović, Sofija
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different staining techniques on applicability and accuracy of tooth cement tun annulation (TCA) method. Nine decalcination techniques, 8 dehydration protocols and 8 different techniques were applied in 3 teeth from the persons of a known age. Black and white, and color images of histological sections were captured. An x-ray was taken of each tooth and they were photographed. Researchers were asked to observe both black/white and color images of histological sections. Researchers were divided into two groups. The first group analyzed histological images only, and the second group had photos of teeth and X-rays. In the first group of observers (without X ray) the differences in age estimation between real and observed age were significant for 2 younger patients, but not for the oldest patient, where the observed and real values matched. Of the 6 raters, the assesments of the last 3 (that used x-ray images together with histological sections) did not differ significantly from the real values. Extensive analysis and multiple repetitions performed in the present investigation revealed that the most optimal method of decalcification for TCA method was EDTA II for a period longer than 14 days at a section thickness of 2-3nun, while the most optimal protocol for dehydration was number IV. When it comes to staining, the most optimal staining protocol used for the cemental lines visualization and counting was Crocein Scarlet/Acid Fuchsin staining and Toluidine blue staining used at semithin section. Additional use of preexperimental evaluation employing x-ray of analyzed teeth decreased the errors of age estimation.
PB  - Universidad de la Frontera
T2  - International Journal of Morphology
T1  - Using Histological Staining Techniques to Improve Visualization and Interpretability of Tooth Cementum Annulation Analysis
EP  - 221
IS  - 1
SP  - 216
VL  - 39
DO  - 10.4067/S0717-95022021000100216
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Bojan and Pantelinac, Jelena and Capo, Ivan and Miljković, Dejan and Popović, Milan and Penezić, Kristina and Stefanović, Sofija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different staining techniques on applicability and accuracy of tooth cement tun annulation (TCA) method. Nine decalcination techniques, 8 dehydration protocols and 8 different techniques were applied in 3 teeth from the persons of a known age. Black and white, and color images of histological sections were captured. An x-ray was taken of each tooth and they were photographed. Researchers were asked to observe both black/white and color images of histological sections. Researchers were divided into two groups. The first group analyzed histological images only, and the second group had photos of teeth and X-rays. In the first group of observers (without X ray) the differences in age estimation between real and observed age were significant for 2 younger patients, but not for the oldest patient, where the observed and real values matched. Of the 6 raters, the assesments of the last 3 (that used x-ray images together with histological sections) did not differ significantly from the real values. Extensive analysis and multiple repetitions performed in the present investigation revealed that the most optimal method of decalcification for TCA method was EDTA II for a period longer than 14 days at a section thickness of 2-3nun, while the most optimal protocol for dehydration was number IV. When it comes to staining, the most optimal staining protocol used for the cemental lines visualization and counting was Crocein Scarlet/Acid Fuchsin staining and Toluidine blue staining used at semithin section. Additional use of preexperimental evaluation employing x-ray of analyzed teeth decreased the errors of age estimation.",
publisher = "Universidad de la Frontera",
journal = "International Journal of Morphology",
title = "Using Histological Staining Techniques to Improve Visualization and Interpretability of Tooth Cementum Annulation Analysis",
pages = "221-216",
number = "1",
volume = "39",
doi = "10.4067/S0717-95022021000100216"
Petrović, B., Pantelinac, J., Capo, I., Miljković, D., Popović, M., Penezić, K.,& Stefanović, S.. (2021). Using Histological Staining Techniques to Improve Visualization and Interpretability of Tooth Cementum Annulation Analysis. in International Journal of Morphology
Universidad de la Frontera., 39(1), 216-221.
Petrović B, Pantelinac J, Capo I, Miljković D, Popović M, Penezić K, Stefanović S. Using Histological Staining Techniques to Improve Visualization and Interpretability of Tooth Cementum Annulation Analysis. in International Journal of Morphology. 2021;39(1):216-221.
doi:10.4067/S0717-95022021000100216 .
Petrović, Bojan, Pantelinac, Jelena, Capo, Ivan, Miljković, Dejan, Popović, Milan, Penezić, Kristina, Stefanović, Sofija, "Using Histological Staining Techniques to Improve Visualization and Interpretability of Tooth Cementum Annulation Analysis" in International Journal of Morphology, 39, no. 1 (2021):216-221, . .

Crown Formation Times of Deciduous Teeth and Age at Death in Neolithic Newborns

Šipovac, Milica; Petrović, Bojan; Kojić, Sanja; Pantelinac, Jelena; Penezić, Kristina; Capo, Ivan; Stefanović, Sofija

(Universidad de la Frontera, 2021)

AU  - Šipovac, Milica
AU  - Petrović, Bojan
AU  - Kojić, Sanja
AU  - Pantelinac, Jelena
AU  - Penezić, Kristina
AU  - Capo, Ivan
AU  - Stefanović, Sofija
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of estimating crown formation times of immature deciduous teeth and age at death in Neolithic newborns. In the Neolithic-Mesolithic transition, the health of the population deteriorated. Leaving the intrauterine environment for the newborn is the first obstacle in the process of adaptation and survival in the outside world. The fetus is protected by the mother's immune system and receives the necessary nutrients through the umbilical cord, but external factors indirectly affect its development. At birth deciduous teeth are not fully formed and are only partially mineralized. Variations in the rhythmic activity of ameloblasts and the secretion of the enamel matrix lead to the formation of incremental lines in the enamel. The sample consisted of unerupted deciduous teeth removed from the baby jaws from Neolithic archaeological graves, LepenskiVir Serbia. The skeletal age of the babies was from 38 to 40 gestational weeks. The daily enamel apposition rate was obtained for each tooth. The age of individuals was estimated using crown formation time. The average value of daily secretion rates for the primary teeth from the Neolithic age was 3.78 mm. There was no statistically significant difference in age at death determined by skeletal age assessment and crown formation time. Three babies were born preterm. The results of the present study show that the calculation of the time required for the formation of deciduous tooth enamel is applicable to archaeological samples of newborns. The age estimation using crown formation time together with the analysis of other anthropological parameters, can contribute to a more accurate determination of neonatal death in anthropological, archaeological and forensic contexts.
PB  - Universidad de la Frontera
T2  - International Journal of Morphology
T1  - Crown Formation Times of Deciduous Teeth and Age at Death in Neolithic Newborns
EP  - 784
IS  - 3
SP  - 780
VL  - 39
DO  - 10.4067/S0717-95022021000300780
ER  - 
author = "Šipovac, Milica and Petrović, Bojan and Kojić, Sanja and Pantelinac, Jelena and Penezić, Kristina and Capo, Ivan and Stefanović, Sofija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of estimating crown formation times of immature deciduous teeth and age at death in Neolithic newborns. In the Neolithic-Mesolithic transition, the health of the population deteriorated. Leaving the intrauterine environment for the newborn is the first obstacle in the process of adaptation and survival in the outside world. The fetus is protected by the mother's immune system and receives the necessary nutrients through the umbilical cord, but external factors indirectly affect its development. At birth deciduous teeth are not fully formed and are only partially mineralized. Variations in the rhythmic activity of ameloblasts and the secretion of the enamel matrix lead to the formation of incremental lines in the enamel. The sample consisted of unerupted deciduous teeth removed from the baby jaws from Neolithic archaeological graves, LepenskiVir Serbia. The skeletal age of the babies was from 38 to 40 gestational weeks. The daily enamel apposition rate was obtained for each tooth. The age of individuals was estimated using crown formation time. The average value of daily secretion rates for the primary teeth from the Neolithic age was 3.78 mm. There was no statistically significant difference in age at death determined by skeletal age assessment and crown formation time. Three babies were born preterm. The results of the present study show that the calculation of the time required for the formation of deciduous tooth enamel is applicable to archaeological samples of newborns. The age estimation using crown formation time together with the analysis of other anthropological parameters, can contribute to a more accurate determination of neonatal death in anthropological, archaeological and forensic contexts.",
publisher = "Universidad de la Frontera",
journal = "International Journal of Morphology",
title = "Crown Formation Times of Deciduous Teeth and Age at Death in Neolithic Newborns",
pages = "784-780",
number = "3",
volume = "39",
doi = "10.4067/S0717-95022021000300780"
Šipovac, M., Petrović, B., Kojić, S., Pantelinac, J., Penezić, K., Capo, I.,& Stefanović, S.. (2021). Crown Formation Times of Deciduous Teeth and Age at Death in Neolithic Newborns. in International Journal of Morphology
Universidad de la Frontera., 39(3), 780-784.
Šipovac M, Petrović B, Kojić S, Pantelinac J, Penezić K, Capo I, Stefanović S. Crown Formation Times of Deciduous Teeth and Age at Death in Neolithic Newborns. in International Journal of Morphology. 2021;39(3):780-784.
doi:10.4067/S0717-95022021000300780 .
Šipovac, Milica, Petrović, Bojan, Kojić, Sanja, Pantelinac, Jelena, Penezić, Kristina, Capo, Ivan, Stefanović, Sofija, "Crown Formation Times of Deciduous Teeth and Age at Death in Neolithic Newborns" in International Journal of Morphology, 39, no. 3 (2021):780-784, . .

Ancient genomes provide insights into family structure and the heredity of social status in the early Bronze Age of southeastern Europe

Žegarac, Aleksandra; Winkelbach, L.; Bloecher, J.; Diekmann, Yoan; Krečković Gavrilović, Marija; Porčić, Marko; Stojković, B.; Milašinović, Lidija; Schreiber, M.; Wegmann, D.; Veeramah, Krishna R.; Stefanović, Sofija; Burger, Joachim

(Nature Research, Berlin, 2021)

AU  - Žegarac, Aleksandra
AU  - Winkelbach, L.
AU  - Bloecher, J.
AU  - Diekmann, Yoan
AU  - Krečković Gavrilović, Marija
AU  - Porčić, Marko
AU  - Stojković, B.
AU  - Milašinović, Lidija
AU  - Schreiber, M.
AU  - Wegmann, D.
AU  - Veeramah, Krishna R.
AU  - Stefanović, Sofija
AU  - Burger, Joachim
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Twenty-four palaeogenomes from Mokrin, a major Early Bronze Age necropolis in southeastern Europe, were sequenced to analyse kinship between individuals and to better understand prehistoric social organization. 15 investigated individuals were involved in genetic relationships of varying degrees. The Mokrin sample resembles a genetically unstructured population, suggesting that the community's social hierarchies were not accompanied by strict marriage barriers. We find evidence for female exogamy but no indications for strict patrilocality. Individual status differences at Mokrin, as indicated by grave goods, support the inference that females could inherit status, but could not transmit status to all their sons. We further show that sons had the possibility to acquire status during their lifetimes, but not necessarily to inherit it. Taken together, these findings suggest that Southeastern Europe in the Early Bronze Age had a significantly different family and social structure than Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age societies of Central Europe.
PB  - Nature Research, Berlin
T2  - Scientific Reports
T1  - Ancient genomes provide insights into family structure and the heredity of social status in the early Bronze Age of southeastern Europe
IS  - 1
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.1038/s41598-021-89090-x
ER  - 
author = "Žegarac, Aleksandra and Winkelbach, L. and Bloecher, J. and Diekmann, Yoan and Krečković Gavrilović, Marija and Porčić, Marko and Stojković, B. and Milašinović, Lidija and Schreiber, M. and Wegmann, D. and Veeramah, Krishna R. and Stefanović, Sofija and Burger, Joachim",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Twenty-four palaeogenomes from Mokrin, a major Early Bronze Age necropolis in southeastern Europe, were sequenced to analyse kinship between individuals and to better understand prehistoric social organization. 15 investigated individuals were involved in genetic relationships of varying degrees. The Mokrin sample resembles a genetically unstructured population, suggesting that the community's social hierarchies were not accompanied by strict marriage barriers. We find evidence for female exogamy but no indications for strict patrilocality. Individual status differences at Mokrin, as indicated by grave goods, support the inference that females could inherit status, but could not transmit status to all their sons. We further show that sons had the possibility to acquire status during their lifetimes, but not necessarily to inherit it. Taken together, these findings suggest that Southeastern Europe in the Early Bronze Age had a significantly different family and social structure than Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age societies of Central Europe.",
publisher = "Nature Research, Berlin",
journal = "Scientific Reports",
title = "Ancient genomes provide insights into family structure and the heredity of social status in the early Bronze Age of southeastern Europe",
number = "1",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.1038/s41598-021-89090-x"
Žegarac, A., Winkelbach, L., Bloecher, J., Diekmann, Y., Krečković Gavrilović, M., Porčić, M., Stojković, B., Milašinović, L., Schreiber, M., Wegmann, D., Veeramah, K. R., Stefanović, S.,& Burger, J.. (2021). Ancient genomes provide insights into family structure and the heredity of social status in the early Bronze Age of southeastern Europe. in Scientific Reports
Nature Research, Berlin., 11(1).
Žegarac A, Winkelbach L, Bloecher J, Diekmann Y, Krečković Gavrilović M, Porčić M, Stojković B, Milašinović L, Schreiber M, Wegmann D, Veeramah KR, Stefanović S, Burger J. Ancient genomes provide insights into family structure and the heredity of social status in the early Bronze Age of southeastern Europe. in Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1).
doi:10.1038/s41598-021-89090-x .
Žegarac, Aleksandra, Winkelbach, L., Bloecher, J., Diekmann, Yoan, Krečković Gavrilović, Marija, Porčić, Marko, Stojković, B., Milašinović, Lidija, Schreiber, M., Wegmann, D., Veeramah, Krishna R., Stefanović, Sofija, Burger, Joachim, "Ancient genomes provide insights into family structure and the heredity of social status in the early Bronze Age of southeastern Europe" in Scientific Reports, 11, no. 1 (2021), . .

Ranosrednjovekovna sahrana žene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u istočnoj Srbiji

Petković, Sofija; Gojković, Dragica; Bulatović, Jelena

(Arheološki institut, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Petković, Sofija
AU  - Gojković, Dragica
AU  - Bulatović, Jelena
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Na istočnim padinama brda Slog u Ravni, oko 400 m zapadno od rimskog utvrđenja Timacum Minus, u periodu između 1994. i 1996. i između 2013. i 2015. godine, na višeslojnoj nekropoli sprovedena su arheološka istraživanja. Dva glavna horizonta korišćenja nekropole hronološki su opredeljena u kasnorimski i ranosrednjovekovni period. Kasnorimska nekropola sa tri faze datovana je u period od sredine 4. do sredine 5. veka, dok je za ranosrednjovekovnu nekropolu, na osnovu novih arheoloških iskopavanja, utvrđeno da je imala dve faze: raniju - datovanu u period 8-9. veka, i kasniju - od kraja 9. do početka 11. veka. Tokom iskopavanja 2014. godine, u starijem ranosrednjovekovnom horizontu nekropole otkriven je jedan zanimljiv grob (G 159), koji predstavlja jedinstven nalaz na čitavoj nekropoli. Žena u ovom grobu (G 159) bila je sahranjena u jednostavnoj ovalnoj raki, na leđima i s rukama ispruženim pored tela. Grob je bio orijentisan u pravcu zapad-istok, sa devijacijom manjom od 5º ka jugu. Ceo skelet žene bio je slabo očuvan - neke kosti su bile dislocirane, a neke su nedostajale. Posebno zanimljiv nalaz jeste skelet životinje koji je pronađen zapadno od ženine glave, u savijenom položaju, tako što je glava životinje bila naslonjena na levu stranu glave žene. Žena je bila sahranjena sa brojnim grobnim prilozima, na osnovu kojih je TA sahrana opredeljena u period 8-9. veka. Antropološka analiza je pokazala da je žena u trenutku smrti imala između 40 i 45 godina. Uočene patološke promene na njenim kostima svedoče da je patila od osteoartritisa. Te osteoartričine lezije, zajedno sa naglašenim pripojima mišića, upućuju na to da se tokom života bavila teškim fizičkim aktivnostima. Ante-mortem gubitak svih zuba iz njene donje vilice predstavlja veoma zanimljivu i još uvek nerazjašnjenu pojavu. S jedne strane, moguće je da je to stanje posledica nekog dentalnog oboljenja, dok je, s druge, možda i rezultat mutilacije - namernog sakaćenja pokojnice. Međutim, ovo tumačenje treba uzeti sa dozom rezerve budući da adekvatne analogije takve prakse još nisu pronađene. Arheozoološka analiza je pokazala da skelet životinje sahranjene u grobu sa ženom pripada odrasloj lisici, staroj između dve i četiri godine. Budući da se izračunata visina grebena ove jedinke od 41,3 cm nalazi u gornjem opsegu visina grebena lisica, može se pretpostaviti da skelet pripada mužjaku lisice, a nepostojanje tragova glodanja i raspadanja na skeletnim ostacima ukazuje na to da je životinja pohranjena brzo posle smrti. Ako se ima u vidu položaj lisice i njeno mesto u grobu u odnosu na sahranjenu ženu, može se zaključiti da se radi o istovremenom događaju, to jest sahrani. Na osnovu svih podataka kao i detaljne arheološke, antropološke i arheozoološke analize groba 159 (G 159) na nekropoli Slog u Ravni, može se zaključiti sledeće: da je ova sredovečna žena bila istaknutog društvenog statusa u ranosrednjovekovnom naselju u Ravni, da je imala antemortem gubitak svih zuba iz donje vilice (mutilacija ?), da je bila sahranjena sa odraslim mužjakom lisice, s kojim je verovatno imala neku posebnu vrstu veze, i da se ova pogrebna praksa možda može povezati sa šamanizmom. Jedina analogija za takvu pogrebnu praksu kod nas do sada je zabeležena na avarskoj nekropoli Pionirska ulica - Bečej (grob 16) u Vojvodini i datuje se u ranoavarski period. Sahrana u grobu 159 sa nekropole Slog mlađa je jedno stoleće i ukazuje na moguće uticaje stepsko-nomadskih zajednica, pre svega Bugara.
AB  - On the Eastern slope of Slog Hill in Ravna, some 400 m to the West of the Roman fortification of Timacum Minus, a multilayered necropolis was investigated from 1994 to 1996 and from 2013 to 2015. There are two main horizons of the necropolis - Late Roman and Early Medieval. The late Roman necropolis has three phases dated from the middle of the 4th to the middle of the 5th century. The early medieval necropolis, according to the new excavations, has two phases, the earlier dated to the 8th - 9th centuries and the later from the end of the 9th to the beginning of the 11th century. An interesting grave (G 159), belonging to the earlier medieval phase of necropolis, was discovered in 2014. It is a unique burial of a woman and a fox, which has its only analogy in a disturbed woman and fox grave (grave 16) at the early Avar necropolis in Bečej. The burial with a fox could be interpreted in two ways - that the animal has a cult - ritual - magic meaning or that the fox was a pet of the deceased.
PB  - Arheološki institut, Beograd
T2  - Starinar
T1  - Ranosrednjovekovna sahrana žene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u istočnoj Srbiji
T1  - Early medieval burial of woman and fox at the Slog necropolis in Ravna (Timacum Minus) in Eastern Serbia
EP  - 255
IS  - 70
SP  - 239
DO  - 10.2298/STA2070239P
ER  - 
author = "Petković, Sofija and Gojković, Dragica and Bulatović, Jelena",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Na istočnim padinama brda Slog u Ravni, oko 400 m zapadno od rimskog utvrđenja Timacum Minus, u periodu između 1994. i 1996. i između 2013. i 2015. godine, na višeslojnoj nekropoli sprovedena su arheološka istraživanja. Dva glavna horizonta korišćenja nekropole hronološki su opredeljena u kasnorimski i ranosrednjovekovni period. Kasnorimska nekropola sa tri faze datovana je u period od sredine 4. do sredine 5. veka, dok je za ranosrednjovekovnu nekropolu, na osnovu novih arheoloških iskopavanja, utvrđeno da je imala dve faze: raniju - datovanu u period 8-9. veka, i kasniju - od kraja 9. do početka 11. veka. Tokom iskopavanja 2014. godine, u starijem ranosrednjovekovnom horizontu nekropole otkriven je jedan zanimljiv grob (G 159), koji predstavlja jedinstven nalaz na čitavoj nekropoli. Žena u ovom grobu (G 159) bila je sahranjena u jednostavnoj ovalnoj raki, na leđima i s rukama ispruženim pored tela. Grob je bio orijentisan u pravcu zapad-istok, sa devijacijom manjom od 5º ka jugu. Ceo skelet žene bio je slabo očuvan - neke kosti su bile dislocirane, a neke su nedostajale. Posebno zanimljiv nalaz jeste skelet životinje koji je pronađen zapadno od ženine glave, u savijenom položaju, tako što je glava životinje bila naslonjena na levu stranu glave žene. Žena je bila sahranjena sa brojnim grobnim prilozima, na osnovu kojih je TA sahrana opredeljena u period 8-9. veka. Antropološka analiza je pokazala da je žena u trenutku smrti imala između 40 i 45 godina. Uočene patološke promene na njenim kostima svedoče da je patila od osteoartritisa. Te osteoartričine lezije, zajedno sa naglašenim pripojima mišića, upućuju na to da se tokom života bavila teškim fizičkim aktivnostima. Ante-mortem gubitak svih zuba iz njene donje vilice predstavlja veoma zanimljivu i još uvek nerazjašnjenu pojavu. S jedne strane, moguće je da je to stanje posledica nekog dentalnog oboljenja, dok je, s druge, možda i rezultat mutilacije - namernog sakaćenja pokojnice. Međutim, ovo tumačenje treba uzeti sa dozom rezerve budući da adekvatne analogije takve prakse još nisu pronađene. Arheozoološka analiza je pokazala da skelet životinje sahranjene u grobu sa ženom pripada odrasloj lisici, staroj između dve i četiri godine. Budući da se izračunata visina grebena ove jedinke od 41,3 cm nalazi u gornjem opsegu visina grebena lisica, može se pretpostaviti da skelet pripada mužjaku lisice, a nepostojanje tragova glodanja i raspadanja na skeletnim ostacima ukazuje na to da je životinja pohranjena brzo posle smrti. Ako se ima u vidu položaj lisice i njeno mesto u grobu u odnosu na sahranjenu ženu, može se zaključiti da se radi o istovremenom događaju, to jest sahrani. Na osnovu svih podataka kao i detaljne arheološke, antropološke i arheozoološke analize groba 159 (G 159) na nekropoli Slog u Ravni, može se zaključiti sledeće: da je ova sredovečna žena bila istaknutog društvenog statusa u ranosrednjovekovnom naselju u Ravni, da je imala antemortem gubitak svih zuba iz donje vilice (mutilacija ?), da je bila sahranjena sa odraslim mužjakom lisice, s kojim je verovatno imala neku posebnu vrstu veze, i da se ova pogrebna praksa možda može povezati sa šamanizmom. Jedina analogija za takvu pogrebnu praksu kod nas do sada je zabeležena na avarskoj nekropoli Pionirska ulica - Bečej (grob 16) u Vojvodini i datuje se u ranoavarski period. Sahrana u grobu 159 sa nekropole Slog mlađa je jedno stoleće i ukazuje na moguće uticaje stepsko-nomadskih zajednica, pre svega Bugara., On the Eastern slope of Slog Hill in Ravna, some 400 m to the West of the Roman fortification of Timacum Minus, a multilayered necropolis was investigated from 1994 to 1996 and from 2013 to 2015. There are two main horizons of the necropolis - Late Roman and Early Medieval. The late Roman necropolis has three phases dated from the middle of the 4th to the middle of the 5th century. The early medieval necropolis, according to the new excavations, has two phases, the earlier dated to the 8th - 9th centuries and the later from the end of the 9th to the beginning of the 11th century. An interesting grave (G 159), belonging to the earlier medieval phase of necropolis, was discovered in 2014. It is a unique burial of a woman and a fox, which has its only analogy in a disturbed woman and fox grave (grave 16) at the early Avar necropolis in Bečej. The burial with a fox could be interpreted in two ways - that the animal has a cult - ritual - magic meaning or that the fox was a pet of the deceased.",
publisher = "Arheološki institut, Beograd",
journal = "Starinar",
title = "Ranosrednjovekovna sahrana žene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u istočnoj Srbiji, Early medieval burial of woman and fox at the Slog necropolis in Ravna (Timacum Minus) in Eastern Serbia",
pages = "255-239",
number = "70",
doi = "10.2298/STA2070239P"
Petković, S., Gojković, D.,& Bulatović, J.. (2020). Ranosrednjovekovna sahrana žene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u istočnoj Srbiji. in Starinar
Arheološki institut, Beograd.(70), 239-255.
Petković S, Gojković D, Bulatović J. Ranosrednjovekovna sahrana žene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u istočnoj Srbiji. in Starinar. 2020;(70):239-255.
doi:10.2298/STA2070239P .
Petković, Sofija, Gojković, Dragica, Bulatović, Jelena, "Ranosrednjovekovna sahrana žene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u istočnoj Srbiji" in Starinar, no. 70 (2020):239-255, . .

"Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe (vol 116, pg17231, 2019)

Frantz, Laurent A. F.; Haile, James; Lin, Audrey T.; Scheu, Amelie; Geoerg, Christina; Benecke, Norbert; Alexander, Michelle; Linderholm, Anna; Mullin, Victoria E.; Daly, Kevin G.; Battista, Vincent M.; Price, Max; Gron, Kurt J.; Alexandri, Panoraia; Arbogast, Rose-Marie; Arbuckle, Benjamin; Balasescu, Adrian; Barnett, Ross; Bartosiewicz, Laszlo; Baryshnikov, Gennady; Bonsall, Clive; Borić, Dušan; Boroneant, Adina; Bulatović, Jelena; Cakirlar, Canan; Carreterow, Jose-Miguel; Chapman, John; Church, Mike; Crooijmans, Richard; De Cupere, Bea; Detry, Cleia; Dimitrijević, Vesna; Dumitrascu, Valentin; du Plessis, Louis; Edwards, Ceiridwen J.; Erek, Cevdet Merih; Erim-Ozdogan, Ash; Ervynck, Anton; Fulgione, Domenico; Gligor, Mihai; Gotherstrom, Anders; Gourichon, Lionel; Groenen, Martien A. M.; Helmer, Daniel; Hongo, Hitomi; Horwitz, Liora K.; Irving-Pease, Evan K.; Lebrasseur, Ophelie; Lesur, Josephine; Malone, Caroline; Manaseryan, Ninna; Marciniak, Arkadiusz; Martlew, Holley; Mashkour, Marjan; Matthews, Roger; Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite; Maziar, Sepideh; Meijaard, Erik; McGovern, Tom; Megens, Hendrik-Jan; Miller, Rebecca; Mohaseb, Azadeh Fatemeh; Orschiedt, Jorg; Orton, David; Papathanasiou, Anastasia; Pearson, Mike Parker; Pinhasi, Ron; Radmanović, Darko; Ricaut, Francois-Xavier; Richards, Mike; Sabin, Richard; Sarti, Lucia; Schier, Wolfram; Sheikhi, Shiva; Stephan, Elisabeth; Stewart, John R.; Stoddart, Simon; Tagliacozzo, Antonio; Tasić, Nenad; Trantalidou, Katerina; Tresset, Anne; Valdiosera, Cristina; van den Hurk, Youri; Van Poucke, Sophie; Vigne, Jean-Denis; Yanevich, Alexander; Zeeb-Lanz, Andrea; Triantafyllidis, Alexandros; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.; Schibler, Jorg; Rowley-Conwy, Peter; Zeder, Melinda; Peters, Joris; Cucchi, Thomas; Bradley, Daniel G.; Dobney, Keith; Burger, Joachim; Evin, Allowen; Girdland-Flink, Linus; Larson, Greger

(National Academy of Sciences, 2020)

AU  - Frantz, Laurent A. F.
AU  - Haile, James
AU  - Lin, Audrey T.
AU  - Scheu, Amelie
AU  - Geoerg, Christina
AU  - Benecke, Norbert
AU  - Alexander, Michelle
AU  - Linderholm, Anna
AU  - Mullin, Victoria E.
AU  - Daly, Kevin G.
AU  - Battista, Vincent M.
AU  - Price, Max
AU  - Gron, Kurt J.
AU  - Alexandri, Panoraia
AU  - Arbogast, Rose-Marie
AU  - Arbuckle, Benjamin
AU  - Balasescu, Adrian
AU  - Barnett, Ross
AU  - Bartosiewicz, Laszlo
AU  - Baryshnikov, Gennady
AU  - Bonsall, Clive
AU  - Borić, Dušan
AU  - Boroneant, Adina
AU  - Bulatović, Jelena
AU  - Cakirlar, Canan
AU  - Carreterow, Jose-Miguel
AU  - Chapman, John
AU  - Church, Mike
AU  - Crooijmans, Richard
AU  - De Cupere, Bea
AU  - Detry, Cleia
AU  - Dimitrijević, Vesna
AU  - Dumitrascu, Valentin
AU  - du Plessis, Louis
AU  - Edwards, Ceiridwen J.
AU  - Erek, Cevdet Merih
AU  - Erim-Ozdogan, Ash
AU  - Ervynck, Anton
AU  - Fulgione, Domenico
AU  - Gligor, Mihai
AU  - Gotherstrom, Anders
AU  - Gourichon, Lionel
AU  - Groenen, Martien A. M.
AU  - Helmer, Daniel
AU  - Hongo, Hitomi
AU  - Horwitz, Liora K.
AU  - Irving-Pease, Evan K.
AU  - Lebrasseur, Ophelie
AU  - Lesur, Josephine
AU  - Malone, Caroline
AU  - Manaseryan, Ninna
AU  - Marciniak, Arkadiusz
AU  - Martlew, Holley
AU  - Mashkour, Marjan
AU  - Matthews, Roger
AU  - Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite
AU  - Maziar, Sepideh
AU  - Meijaard, Erik
AU  - McGovern, Tom
AU  - Megens, Hendrik-Jan
AU  - Miller, Rebecca
AU  - Mohaseb, Azadeh Fatemeh
AU  - Orschiedt, Jorg
AU  - Orton, David
AU  - Papathanasiou, Anastasia
AU  - Pearson, Mike Parker
AU  - Pinhasi, Ron
AU  - Radmanović, Darko
AU  - Ricaut, Francois-Xavier
AU  - Richards, Mike
AU  - Sabin, Richard
AU  - Sarti, Lucia
AU  - Schier, Wolfram
AU  - Sheikhi, Shiva
AU  - Stephan, Elisabeth
AU  - Stewart, John R.
AU  - Stoddart, Simon
AU  - Tagliacozzo, Antonio
AU  - Tasić, Nenad
AU  - Trantalidou, Katerina
AU  - Tresset, Anne
AU  - Valdiosera, Cristina
AU  - van den Hurk, Youri
AU  - Van Poucke, Sophie
AU  - Vigne, Jean-Denis
AU  - Yanevich, Alexander
AU  - Zeeb-Lanz, Andrea
AU  - Triantafyllidis, Alexandros
AU  - Gilbert, M. Thomas P.
AU  - Schibler, Jorg
AU  - Rowley-Conwy, Peter
AU  - Zeder, Melinda
AU  - Peters, Joris
AU  - Cucchi, Thomas
AU  - Bradley, Daniel G.
AU  - Dobney, Keith
AU  - Burger, Joachim
AU  - Evin, Allowen
AU  - Girdland-Flink, Linus
AU  - Larson, Greger
PY  - 2020
UR  -
PB  - National Academy of Sciences
T2  - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
T1  - "Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe (vol 116, pg17231, 2019)
EP  - 14611
IS  - 25
SP  - 14610
VL  - 117
DO  - 10.1073/pnas.2008793117
ER  - 
author = "Frantz, Laurent A. F. and Haile, James and Lin, Audrey T. and Scheu, Amelie and Geoerg, Christina and Benecke, Norbert and Alexander, Michelle and Linderholm, Anna and Mullin, Victoria E. and Daly, Kevin G. and Battista, Vincent M. and Price, Max and Gron, Kurt J. and Alexandri, Panoraia and Arbogast, Rose-Marie and Arbuckle, Benjamin and Balasescu, Adrian and Barnett, Ross and Bartosiewicz, Laszlo and Baryshnikov, Gennady and Bonsall, Clive and Borić, Dušan and Boroneant, Adina and Bulatović, Jelena and Cakirlar, Canan and Carreterow, Jose-Miguel and Chapman, John and Church, Mike and Crooijmans, Richard and De Cupere, Bea and Detry, Cleia and Dimitrijević, Vesna and Dumitrascu, Valentin and du Plessis, Louis and Edwards, Ceiridwen J. and Erek, Cevdet Merih and Erim-Ozdogan, Ash and Ervynck, Anton and Fulgione, Domenico and Gligor, Mihai and Gotherstrom, Anders and Gourichon, Lionel and Groenen, Martien A. M. and Helmer, Daniel and Hongo, Hitomi and Horwitz, Liora K. and Irving-Pease, Evan K. and Lebrasseur, Ophelie and Lesur, Josephine and Malone, Caroline and Manaseryan, Ninna and Marciniak, Arkadiusz and Martlew, Holley and Mashkour, Marjan and Matthews, Roger and Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite and Maziar, Sepideh and Meijaard, Erik and McGovern, Tom and Megens, Hendrik-Jan and Miller, Rebecca and Mohaseb, Azadeh Fatemeh and Orschiedt, Jorg and Orton, David and Papathanasiou, Anastasia and Pearson, Mike Parker and Pinhasi, Ron and Radmanović, Darko and Ricaut, Francois-Xavier and Richards, Mike and Sabin, Richard and Sarti, Lucia and Schier, Wolfram and Sheikhi, Shiva and Stephan, Elisabeth and Stewart, John R. and Stoddart, Simon and Tagliacozzo, Antonio and Tasić, Nenad and Trantalidou, Katerina and Tresset, Anne and Valdiosera, Cristina and van den Hurk, Youri and Van Poucke, Sophie and Vigne, Jean-Denis and Yanevich, Alexander and Zeeb-Lanz, Andrea and Triantafyllidis, Alexandros and Gilbert, M. Thomas P. and Schibler, Jorg and Rowley-Conwy, Peter and Zeder, Melinda and Peters, Joris and Cucchi, Thomas and Bradley, Daniel G. and Dobney, Keith and Burger, Joachim and Evin, Allowen and Girdland-Flink, Linus and Larson, Greger",
year = "2020",
publisher = "National Academy of Sciences",
journal = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",
title = ""Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe (vol 116, pg17231, 2019)",
pages = "14611-14610",
number = "25",
volume = "117",
doi = "10.1073/pnas.2008793117"
Frantz, L. A. F., Haile, J., Lin, A. T., Scheu, A., Geoerg, C., Benecke, N., Alexander, M., Linderholm, A., Mullin, V. E., Daly, K. G., Battista, V. M., Price, M., Gron, K. J., Alexandri, P., Arbogast, R., Arbuckle, B., Balasescu, A., Barnett, R., Bartosiewicz, L., Baryshnikov, G., Bonsall, C., Borić, D., Boroneant, A., Bulatović, J., Cakirlar, C., Carreterow, J., Chapman, J., Church, M., Crooijmans, R., De Cupere, B., Detry, C., Dimitrijević, V., Dumitrascu, V., du Plessis, L., Edwards, C. J., Erek, C. M., Erim-Ozdogan, A., Ervynck, A., Fulgione, D., Gligor, M., Gotherstrom, A., Gourichon, L., Groenen, M. A. M., Helmer, D., Hongo, H., Horwitz, L. K., Irving-Pease, E. K., Lebrasseur, O., Lesur, J., Malone, C., Manaseryan, N., Marciniak, A., Martlew, H., Mashkour, M., Matthews, R., Matuzeviciute, G. M., Maziar, S., Meijaard, E., McGovern, T., Megens, H., Miller, R., Mohaseb, A. F., Orschiedt, J., Orton, D., Papathanasiou, A., Pearson, M. P., Pinhasi, R., Radmanović, D., Ricaut, F., Richards, M., Sabin, R., Sarti, L., Schier, W., Sheikhi, S., Stephan, E., Stewart, J. R., Stoddart, S., Tagliacozzo, A., Tasić, N., Trantalidou, K., Tresset, A., Valdiosera, C., van den Hurk, Y., Van Poucke, S., Vigne, J., Yanevich, A., Zeeb-Lanz, A., Triantafyllidis, A., Gilbert, M. T. P., Schibler, J., Rowley-Conwy, P., Zeder, M., Peters, J., Cucchi, T., Bradley, D. G., Dobney, K., Burger, J., Evin, A., Girdland-Flink, L.,& Larson, G.. (2020). "Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe (vol 116, pg17231, 2019). in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
National Academy of Sciences., 117(25), 14610-14611.
Frantz LAF, Haile J, Lin AT, Scheu A, Geoerg C, Benecke N, Alexander M, Linderholm A, Mullin VE, Daly KG, Battista VM, Price M, Gron KJ, Alexandri P, Arbogast R, Arbuckle B, Balasescu A, Barnett R, Bartosiewicz L, Baryshnikov G, Bonsall C, Borić D, Boroneant A, Bulatović J, Cakirlar C, Carreterow J, Chapman J, Church M, Crooijmans R, De Cupere B, Detry C, Dimitrijević V, Dumitrascu V, du Plessis L, Edwards CJ, Erek CM, Erim-Ozdogan A, Ervynck A, Fulgione D, Gligor M, Gotherstrom A, Gourichon L, Groenen MAM, Helmer D, Hongo H, Horwitz LK, Irving-Pease EK, Lebrasseur O, Lesur J, Malone C, Manaseryan N, Marciniak A, Martlew H, Mashkour M, Matthews R, Matuzeviciute GM, Maziar S, Meijaard E, McGovern T, Megens H, Miller R, Mohaseb AF, Orschiedt J, Orton D, Papathanasiou A, Pearson MP, Pinhasi R, Radmanović D, Ricaut F, Richards M, Sabin R, Sarti L, Schier W, Sheikhi S, Stephan E, Stewart JR, Stoddart S, Tagliacozzo A, Tasić N, Trantalidou K, Tresset A, Valdiosera C, van den Hurk Y, Van Poucke S, Vigne J, Yanevich A, Zeeb-Lanz A, Triantafyllidis A, Gilbert MTP, Schibler J, Rowley-Conwy P, Zeder M, Peters J, Cucchi T, Bradley DG, Dobney K, Burger J, Evin A, Girdland-Flink L, Larson G. "Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe (vol 116, pg17231, 2019). in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020;117(25):14610-14611.
doi:10.1073/pnas.2008793117 .
Frantz, Laurent A. F., Haile, James, Lin, Audrey T., Scheu, Amelie, Geoerg, Christina, Benecke, Norbert, Alexander, Michelle, Linderholm, Anna, Mullin, Victoria E., Daly, Kevin G., Battista, Vincent M., Price, Max, Gron, Kurt J., Alexandri, Panoraia, Arbogast, Rose-Marie, Arbuckle, Benjamin, Balasescu, Adrian, Barnett, Ross, Bartosiewicz, Laszlo, Baryshnikov, Gennady, Bonsall, Clive, Borić, Dušan, Boroneant, Adina, Bulatović, Jelena, Cakirlar, Canan, Carreterow, Jose-Miguel, Chapman, John, Church, Mike, Crooijmans, Richard, De Cupere, Bea, Detry, Cleia, Dimitrijević, Vesna, Dumitrascu, Valentin, du Plessis, Louis, Edwards, Ceiridwen J., Erek, Cevdet Merih, Erim-Ozdogan, Ash, Ervynck, Anton, Fulgione, Domenico, Gligor, Mihai, Gotherstrom, Anders, Gourichon, Lionel, Groenen, Martien A. M., Helmer, Daniel, Hongo, Hitomi, Horwitz, Liora K., Irving-Pease, Evan K., Lebrasseur, Ophelie, Lesur, Josephine, Malone, Caroline, Manaseryan, Ninna, Marciniak, Arkadiusz, Martlew, Holley, Mashkour, Marjan, Matthews, Roger, Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite, Maziar, Sepideh, Meijaard, Erik, McGovern, Tom, Megens, Hendrik-Jan, Miller, Rebecca, Mohaseb, Azadeh Fatemeh, Orschiedt, Jorg, Orton, David, Papathanasiou, Anastasia, Pearson, Mike Parker, Pinhasi, Ron, Radmanović, Darko, Ricaut, Francois-Xavier, Richards, Mike, Sabin, Richard, Sarti, Lucia, Schier, Wolfram, Sheikhi, Shiva, Stephan, Elisabeth, Stewart, John R., Stoddart, Simon, Tagliacozzo, Antonio, Tasić, Nenad, Trantalidou, Katerina, Tresset, Anne, Valdiosera, Cristina, van den Hurk, Youri, Van Poucke, Sophie, Vigne, Jean-Denis, Yanevich, Alexander, Zeeb-Lanz, Andrea, Triantafyllidis, Alexandros, Gilbert, M. Thomas P., Schibler, Jorg, Rowley-Conwy, Peter, Zeder, Melinda, Peters, Joris, Cucchi, Thomas, Bradley, Daniel G., Dobney, Keith, Burger, Joachim, Evin, Allowen, Girdland-Flink, Linus, Larson, Greger, ""Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe (vol 116, pg17231, 2019)" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, no. 25 (2020):14610-14611, . .

Poređenje metodologija za procenjivanje srodničkih veza na ranobronzanodopskoj nekropoli u Mokrinu

Krečković Gavrilović, Marija; Žegarac, Aleksandra

(Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Krečković Gavrilović, Marija
AU  - Žegarac, Aleksandra
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Istraživanje srodstva u pređašnjim populacijama veoma je značajno s obzirom da organizacija porodice utiče na ponašanje ljudi, formiranje socijalnih grupa i izbor partnera, a posledično i na nasleđivanje, društvenu nejednakost, kao i na sociopolitičku organizaciju društva. Srodstvo kao osnovni mehanizam održavanja društvene nejednakosti od izuzetne je važnosti prilikom istraživanja ranog bronzanog doba, perioda za koji se vezuje početak ispoljavanja ovog fenomena.
Prilikom analiza za identifikaciju srodnih grupa na nekropolama od naročite su koristi kvalitativne tj. nemetričke fenotipske karakteristike. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da su odontološke nemetričke osobine izuzetno pouzadne u ovim analizama, pre sve ga zbog očuvanosti i dostupnosti dentalnog materijala, smanjeni uticaj životne sredine i evolucione konzerviranosti. Nasuprot posmatranju fenotipske varijabilnosti, analize drevne DNK bazirane su direktno na genotipu, te su preciznije i efikasnije u determinaciji pola i veza među članovima porodice u praistorijskim populacijama. U ovoj studiji analize srodstva rađene su na 24 individue sa ranobronzanodopske nekropole u Mokrinu radi utvrđivanja u kojoj meri su fenotipske karakteristike korisne za procenjivanje biološkog srodstva u odsustvu genetičkih podataka. Posmatrano je 79 nemetričkih karakteristika denticije stalnih i mlečnih zuba prema protokolima i referentim sistemima Univerziteta u Arizoni (ASUDAS) radi utvđivanja srodnosti nezavisno od rezultata dobijenih analizom drevne DNK, kojom je prethodno potvrđeno da je 15 individua u različitom stepenu srodstva.
Preliminarni rezultati pokazali su da nemetričke osobine mogu sugerisati srodnike i predstavljaju laku, brzu, nedestruktivnu i jeftinu metodu, nasuprot veoma skupim analizama drevne DNK. Međutim, efikasnost i specifičnost u broju detektovanih porodičnih veza jeste manja u poređenju sa genetičkim markerima, s obzirom na plastičnost fenotipskih karakteristika, te studije srodstva zahtevaju kompleksan multidisciplinarni pristup.
PB  - Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
PB  - Međuopštinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Subotica
C3  - XLIII Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva
T1  - Poređenje  metodologija za procenjivanje srodničkih veza na ranobronzanodopskoj nekropoli u Mokrinu
EP  - 82
SP  - 81
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krečković Gavrilović, Marija and Žegarac, Aleksandra",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Istraživanje srodstva u pređašnjim populacijama veoma je značajno s obzirom da organizacija porodice utiče na ponašanje ljudi, formiranje socijalnih grupa i izbor partnera, a posledično i na nasleđivanje, društvenu nejednakost, kao i na sociopolitičku organizaciju društva. Srodstvo kao osnovni mehanizam održavanja društvene nejednakosti od izuzetne je važnosti prilikom istraživanja ranog bronzanog doba, perioda za koji se vezuje početak ispoljavanja ovog fenomena.
Prilikom analiza za identifikaciju srodnih grupa na nekropolama od naročite su koristi kvalitativne tj. nemetričke fenotipske karakteristike. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da su odontološke nemetričke osobine izuzetno pouzadne u ovim analizama, pre sve ga zbog očuvanosti i dostupnosti dentalnog materijala, smanjeni uticaj životne sredine i evolucione konzerviranosti. Nasuprot posmatranju fenotipske varijabilnosti, analize drevne DNK bazirane su direktno na genotipu, te su preciznije i efikasnije u determinaciji pola i veza među članovima porodice u praistorijskim populacijama. U ovoj studiji analize srodstva rađene su na 24 individue sa ranobronzanodopske nekropole u Mokrinu radi utvrđivanja u kojoj meri su fenotipske karakteristike korisne za procenjivanje biološkog srodstva u odsustvu genetičkih podataka. Posmatrano je 79 nemetričkih karakteristika denticije stalnih i mlečnih zuba prema protokolima i referentim sistemima Univerziteta u Arizoni (ASUDAS) radi utvđivanja srodnosti nezavisno od rezultata dobijenih analizom drevne DNK, kojom je prethodno potvrđeno da je 15 individua u različitom stepenu srodstva.
Preliminarni rezultati pokazali su da nemetričke osobine mogu sugerisati srodnike i predstavljaju laku, brzu, nedestruktivnu i jeftinu metodu, nasuprot veoma skupim analizama drevne DNK. Međutim, efikasnost i specifičnost u broju detektovanih porodičnih veza jeste manja u poređenju sa genetičkim markerima, s obzirom na plastičnost fenotipskih karakteristika, te studije srodstva zahtevaju kompleksan multidisciplinarni pristup.",
publisher = "Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd, Međuopštinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Subotica",
journal = "XLIII Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva",
title = "Poređenje  metodologija za procenjivanje srodničkih veza na ranobronzanodopskoj nekropoli u Mokrinu",
pages = "82-81",
url = ""
Krečković Gavrilović, M.,& Žegarac, A.. (2020). Poređenje  metodologija za procenjivanje srodničkih veza na ranobronzanodopskoj nekropoli u Mokrinu. in XLIII Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva
Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd., 81-82.
Krečković Gavrilović M, Žegarac A. Poređenje  metodologija za procenjivanje srodničkih veza na ranobronzanodopskoj nekropoli u Mokrinu. in XLIII Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva. 2020;:81-82. .
Krečković Gavrilović, Marija, Žegarac, Aleksandra, "Poređenje  metodologija za procenjivanje srodničkih veza na ranobronzanodopskoj nekropoli u Mokrinu" in XLIII Skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva (2020):81-82, .

Ognjišta i peći u neolitu centralnog Balkana - tehnike izrade i upotreba

Đuričić, Ana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Đuričić, Ana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Predmet istraživanja disertacije je utvrđivanje načina izrade i funkcije peći i ognjišta u neolitu centralnog Balkana, zanemarenih u dosadašnjim istraživanjima. Cilj istraživanja, pored definisanja tehnika korišćenih za izradu ognjišta i peći i njihove funkcije u ranom i kasnom neolitu ovih prostora, jeste i sistematizacija tipova termalnih struktura. Tehnike izrade predstavljaju društveno uslovljene kategorije i nemoguće je odvojiti ih od ostalih kulturnih aspekata, te su u ovoj disertaciji ponuđeni potencijalni društveni razlozi odabira konkretnih tehnika izrade. Na osnovu podataka iz publikovane literature i nepublikovane terenske dokumentacije, određeni su tipovi ognjišta i peći. U određivanju tehnika izrade, ključnu ulogu ima pravilno detektovanje materijala od kojeg su izrađene strukture. Kod ognjišta, u funkcionalnom smislu, odabir materijala ne predstavlja značajan podatak, dok je kod peći krucijalan, pošto određuje njene akumulativne sposobnosti i način pripreme hrane. Pretpostavlja se da su peći, između ostalog, služile za pripremu hleba. Pretpostavljene tehnike izrade i upotreba, testirane su eksperimentalnom izradom i upotrebom ognjišta i peći. Pored utvrđivanja tehnika izrade, rezultati eksperimenata su ukazali na mogućnost pripreme dva različita tipa hleba – lepinja u ranom i hleba od kiselog testa u kasnom neoltu. Predložena je i nova metodologija iskopavanja peći, putem koje je moguće odrediti tačne tehnike njene izrade. Primenom ove metodologije tokom iskopavanja peći sa lokaliteta Vinča, utvrđeno je da je peć izrađena u tehnici pločica, tehnici koja do sada nije razmatrana prilikom rekonstrukcija načina izrade vinčanskih peći. Upoređivanje karakteristika termalnih struktura sa ostalim kulturnim aspektima, pokazalo je da su na izbor tehnika izrade ognjišta i peći značajnu ulogu mogli imati stepen mobilnosti u ranom i sedentarnosti u kasnom neolitu. Obradom ranoneolitskih peći sa Lepenskog vira, utvrđen je jedinstven tip peći na Balkanu i šire, koji je mogao biti posledica kulturnog kontakta između dve populacije
AB  - The aim of this research, besides defining building techniques and usage of hearths and ovens in the Early and Late Neolithic of this territory, is the systematization of thermal structure types. Building techniques are social constructs and one cannot separate them from other cultural aspects. With that in mind, this dissertation explores potential social phenomena which influenced these technical choices. Hearth and oven types were determined based on the data collected both from published literature and unpublished field documentation. Accurate detection of thermal structure building material plays the key role in the determination of building techniques. Material type does not pay a significant role in hearth function, while it is crucial when ovens are concerned. Oven material determines its ability to store heat, which affects its performance in food preparation. It is supposed that ovens, inter alia, were used for bread baking. Experimental hearths and ovens were made in order to test their assumed building techniques and usage. Besides determining construction techniques and usage, experiment results showed that during the Neolithic, two different bread types could have been prepared – flatbread during the Early, and sourdough bread during the Late Neolithic. New oven excavation methodology was proposed. This methodology allows the archaeologists to determine exact building techniques used for oven construction. By applying this methodology during the excavation of an oven from the site of Vinča, we were able to detect its building technique. The oven was built in the slab technique, which, up until now,was not considered as a Vinča culture oven construction method. After comparing thermal structure characteristics with other cultural aspects, certain social elements for hearth and oven technical choices emerged. These technical choices could have been influenced by the higher mobility rate in the Early and the pronounced sedentism in the Late Neolithic. At the site of Lepenski Vir, a unique oven type was detected. This unique technical choice could have been a result of cultural contact between two different populations
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
T1  - Ognjišta i peći u neolitu centralnog Balkana - tehnike izrade i upotreba
T1  - Hearts and ovens in the Neolithic of the Central Balkans - building techniques and usage
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đuričić, Ana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Predmet istraživanja disertacije je utvrđivanje načina izrade i funkcije peći i ognjišta u neolitu centralnog Balkana, zanemarenih u dosadašnjim istraživanjima. Cilj istraživanja, pored definisanja tehnika korišćenih za izradu ognjišta i peći i njihove funkcije u ranom i kasnom neolitu ovih prostora, jeste i sistematizacija tipova termalnih struktura. Tehnike izrade predstavljaju društveno uslovljene kategorije i nemoguće je odvojiti ih od ostalih kulturnih aspekata, te su u ovoj disertaciji ponuđeni potencijalni društveni razlozi odabira konkretnih tehnika izrade. Na osnovu podataka iz publikovane literature i nepublikovane terenske dokumentacije, određeni su tipovi ognjišta i peći. U određivanju tehnika izrade, ključnu ulogu ima pravilno detektovanje materijala od kojeg su izrađene strukture. Kod ognjišta, u funkcionalnom smislu, odabir materijala ne predstavlja značajan podatak, dok je kod peći krucijalan, pošto određuje njene akumulativne sposobnosti i način pripreme hrane. Pretpostavlja se da su peći, između ostalog, služile za pripremu hleba. Pretpostavljene tehnike izrade i upotreba, testirane su eksperimentalnom izradom i upotrebom ognjišta i peći. Pored utvrđivanja tehnika izrade, rezultati eksperimenata su ukazali na mogućnost pripreme dva različita tipa hleba – lepinja u ranom i hleba od kiselog testa u kasnom neoltu. Predložena je i nova metodologija iskopavanja peći, putem koje je moguće odrediti tačne tehnike njene izrade. Primenom ove metodologije tokom iskopavanja peći sa lokaliteta Vinča, utvrđeno je da je peć izrađena u tehnici pločica, tehnici koja do sada nije razmatrana prilikom rekonstrukcija načina izrade vinčanskih peći. Upoređivanje karakteristika termalnih struktura sa ostalim kulturnim aspektima, pokazalo je da su na izbor tehnika izrade ognjišta i peći značajnu ulogu mogli imati stepen mobilnosti u ranom i sedentarnosti u kasnom neolitu. Obradom ranoneolitskih peći sa Lepenskog vira, utvrđen je jedinstven tip peći na Balkanu i šire, koji je mogao biti posledica kulturnog kontakta između dve populacije, The aim of this research, besides defining building techniques and usage of hearths and ovens in the Early and Late Neolithic of this territory, is the systematization of thermal structure types. Building techniques are social constructs and one cannot separate them from other cultural aspects. With that in mind, this dissertation explores potential social phenomena which influenced these technical choices. Hearth and oven types were determined based on the data collected both from published literature and unpublished field documentation. Accurate detection of thermal structure building material plays the key role in the determination of building techniques. Material type does not pay a significant role in hearth function, while it is crucial when ovens are concerned. Oven material determines its ability to store heat, which affects its performance in food preparation. It is supposed that ovens, inter alia, were used for bread baking. Experimental hearths and ovens were made in order to test their assumed building techniques and usage. Besides determining construction techniques and usage, experiment results showed that during the Neolithic, two different bread types could have been prepared – flatbread during the Early, and sourdough bread during the Late Neolithic. New oven excavation methodology was proposed. This methodology allows the archaeologists to determine exact building techniques used for oven construction. By applying this methodology during the excavation of an oven from the site of Vinča, we were able to detect its building technique. The oven was built in the slab technique, which, up until now,was not considered as a Vinča culture oven construction method. After comparing thermal structure characteristics with other cultural aspects, certain social elements for hearth and oven technical choices emerged. These technical choices could have been influenced by the higher mobility rate in the Early and the pronounced sedentism in the Late Neolithic. At the site of Lepenski Vir, a unique oven type was detected. This unique technical choice could have been a result of cultural contact between two different populations",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet",
title = "Ognjišta i peći u neolitu centralnog Balkana - tehnike izrade i upotreba, Hearts and ovens in the Neolithic of the Central Balkans - building techniques and usage",
url = ""
Đuričić, A.. (2019). Ognjišta i peći u neolitu centralnog Balkana - tehnike izrade i upotreba. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet..
Đuričić A. Ognjišta i peći u neolitu centralnog Balkana - tehnike izrade i upotreba. 2019;. .
Đuričić, Ana, "Ognjišta i peći u neolitu centralnog Balkana - tehnike izrade i upotreba" (2019), .

Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe

Frantz, Laurent A. F.; Haile, James; Lin, Audrey T.; Scheu, Amelie; Geoerg, Christina; Benecke, Norbert; Alexander, Michelle; Linderholm, Anna; Mullin, Victoria E.; Daly, Kevin G.; Battista, Vincent M.; Price, Max; Gron, Kurt J.; Alexandri, Panoraia; Arbogast, Rose-Marie; Arbuckle, Benjamin; Balasescu, Adrian; Barnett, Ross; Bartosiewicz, Laszlo; Baryshnikov, Gennady; Bonsall, Clive; Borić, Dušan; Boroneant, Adina; Bulatović, Jelena; Cakirlar, Canan; Carretero, Jose-Miguel; Chapman, John; Church, Mike; Crooijmans, Richard; De Cupere, Bea; Detry, Cleia; Dimitrijević, Vesna; Dumitrascu, Valentin; du Plessis, Louis; Edwards, Ceiridwen J.; Erek, Cevdet Merih; Erim-Ozdogan, Asli; Ervynck, Anton; Fulgione, Domenico; Gligor, Mihai; Gotherstrom, Anders; Gourichon, Lionel; Groenen, Martien A. M.; Helmer, Daniel; Hongo, Hitomi; Horwitz, Liora K.; Irving-Pease, Evan K.; Lebrasseur, Ophelie; Lesur, Josephine; Malone, Caroline; Manaseryan, Ninna; Marciniak, Arkadiusz; Martlew, Holley; Mashkour, Marjan; Matthews, Roger; Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite; Maziar, Sepideh; Meijaard, Erik; McGovern, Tom; Megens, Hendrik-Jan; Miller, Rebecca; Mohaseb, Azadeh Fatemeh; Orschiedt, Joerg; Orton, David; Papathanasiou, Anastasia; Pearson, Mike Parker; Pinhasi, Ron; Radmanović, Darko; Ricaut, Francois-Xavier; Richards, Mike; Sabin, Richard; Sarti, Lucia; Schier, Wolfram; Sheikhi, Shiva; Stephan, Elisabeth; Stewart, John R.; Stoddart, Simon; Tagliacozzo, Antonio; Tasić, Nenad; Trantalidou, Katerina; Tresset, Anne; Valdiosera, Cristina; van den Hurk, Youri; Van Poucke, Sophie; Vigne, Jean-Denis; Yanevich, Alexander; Zeeb-Lanz, Andrea; Triantafyllidis, Alexandros; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.; Schibler, Jorg; Rowley-Conwy, Peter; Zeder, Melinda; Peters, Joris; Cucchi, Thomas; Bradley, Daniel G.; Dobney, Keith; Burger, Joachim; Evin, Allowen; Girdland-Flink, Linus; Larson, Greger

(Natl Acad Sciences, Washington, 2019)

AU  - Frantz, Laurent A. F.
AU  - Haile, James
AU  - Lin, Audrey T.
AU  - Scheu, Amelie
AU  - Geoerg, Christina
AU  - Benecke, Norbert
AU  - Alexander, Michelle
AU  - Linderholm, Anna
AU  - Mullin, Victoria E.
AU  - Daly, Kevin G.
AU  - Battista, Vincent M.
AU  - Price, Max
AU  - Gron, Kurt J.
AU  - Alexandri, Panoraia
AU  - Arbogast, Rose-Marie
AU  - Arbuckle, Benjamin
AU  - Balasescu, Adrian
AU  - Barnett, Ross
AU  - Bartosiewicz, Laszlo
AU  - Baryshnikov, Gennady
AU  - Bonsall, Clive
AU  - Borić, Dušan
AU  - Boroneant, Adina
AU  - Bulatović, Jelena
AU  - Cakirlar, Canan
AU  - Carretero, Jose-Miguel
AU  - Chapman, John
AU  - Church, Mike
AU  - Crooijmans, Richard
AU  - De Cupere, Bea
AU  - Detry, Cleia
AU  - Dimitrijević, Vesna
AU  - Dumitrascu, Valentin
AU  - du Plessis, Louis
AU  - Edwards, Ceiridwen J.
AU  - Erek, Cevdet Merih
AU  - Erim-Ozdogan, Asli
AU  - Ervynck, Anton
AU  - Fulgione, Domenico
AU  - Gligor, Mihai
AU  - Gotherstrom, Anders
AU  - Gourichon, Lionel
AU  - Groenen, Martien A. M.
AU  - Helmer, Daniel
AU  - Hongo, Hitomi
AU  - Horwitz, Liora K.
AU  - Irving-Pease, Evan K.
AU  - Lebrasseur, Ophelie
AU  - Lesur, Josephine
AU  - Malone, Caroline
AU  - Manaseryan, Ninna
AU  - Marciniak, Arkadiusz
AU  - Martlew, Holley
AU  - Mashkour, Marjan
AU  - Matthews, Roger
AU  - Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite
AU  - Maziar, Sepideh
AU  - Meijaard, Erik
AU  - McGovern, Tom
AU  - Megens, Hendrik-Jan
AU  - Miller, Rebecca
AU  - Mohaseb, Azadeh Fatemeh
AU  - Orschiedt, Joerg
AU  - Orton, David
AU  - Papathanasiou, Anastasia
AU  - Pearson, Mike Parker
AU  - Pinhasi, Ron
AU  - Radmanović, Darko
AU  - Ricaut, Francois-Xavier
AU  - Richards, Mike
AU  - Sabin, Richard
AU  - Sarti, Lucia
AU  - Schier, Wolfram
AU  - Sheikhi, Shiva
AU  - Stephan, Elisabeth
AU  - Stewart, John R.
AU  - Stoddart, Simon
AU  - Tagliacozzo, Antonio
AU  - Tasić, Nenad
AU  - Trantalidou, Katerina
AU  - Tresset, Anne
AU  - Valdiosera, Cristina
AU  - van den Hurk, Youri
AU  - Van Poucke, Sophie
AU  - Vigne, Jean-Denis
AU  - Yanevich, Alexander
AU  - Zeeb-Lanz, Andrea
AU  - Triantafyllidis, Alexandros
AU  - Gilbert, M. Thomas P.
AU  - Schibler, Jorg
AU  - Rowley-Conwy, Peter
AU  - Zeder, Melinda
AU  - Peters, Joris
AU  - Cucchi, Thomas
AU  - Bradley, Daniel G.
AU  - Dobney, Keith
AU  - Burger, Joachim
AU  - Evin, Allowen
AU  - Girdland-Flink, Linus
AU  - Larson, Greger
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Archaeological evidence indicates that pig domestication had begun by similar to 10,500 y before the present ( BP) in the Near East, and mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA) suggests that pigs arrived in Europe alongside farmers similar to 8,500 y BP. A few thousand years after the introduction of Near Eastern pigs into Europe, however, their characteristic mtDNA signature disappeared and was replaced by haplotypes associated with European wild boars. This turnover could be accounted for by substantial gene flow from local European wild boars, although it is also possible that European wild boars were domesticated independently without any genetic contribution from the Near East. To test these hypotheses, we obtained mtDNA sequences from 2,099 modern and ancient pig samples and 63 nuclear ancient genomes from Near Eastern and European pigs. Our analyses revealed that European domestic pigs dating from 7,100 to 6,000 y BP possessed both Near Eastern and European nuclear ancestry, while later pigs possessed no more than 4% Near Eastern ancestry, indicating that gene flow from European wild boars resulted in a near-complete disappearance of Near East ancestry. In addition, we demonstrate that a variant at a locus encoding black coat color likely originated in the Near East and persisted in European pigs. Altogether, our results indicate that while pigs were not independently domesticated in Europe, the vast majority of human-mediated selection over the past 5,000 y focused on the genomic fraction derived from the European wild boars, and not on the fraction that was selected by early Neolithic farmers over the first 2,500 y of the domestication process.
PB  - Natl Acad Sciences, Washington
T2  - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
T1  - Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe
EP  - 17238
IS  - 35
SP  - 17231
VL  - 116
DO  - 10.1073/pnas.1901169116
ER  - 
author = "Frantz, Laurent A. F. and Haile, James and Lin, Audrey T. and Scheu, Amelie and Geoerg, Christina and Benecke, Norbert and Alexander, Michelle and Linderholm, Anna and Mullin, Victoria E. and Daly, Kevin G. and Battista, Vincent M. and Price, Max and Gron, Kurt J. and Alexandri, Panoraia and Arbogast, Rose-Marie and Arbuckle, Benjamin and Balasescu, Adrian and Barnett, Ross and Bartosiewicz, Laszlo and Baryshnikov, Gennady and Bonsall, Clive and Borić, Dušan and Boroneant, Adina and Bulatović, Jelena and Cakirlar, Canan and Carretero, Jose-Miguel and Chapman, John and Church, Mike and Crooijmans, Richard and De Cupere, Bea and Detry, Cleia and Dimitrijević, Vesna and Dumitrascu, Valentin and du Plessis, Louis and Edwards, Ceiridwen J. and Erek, Cevdet Merih and Erim-Ozdogan, Asli and Ervynck, Anton and Fulgione, Domenico and Gligor, Mihai and Gotherstrom, Anders and Gourichon, Lionel and Groenen, Martien A. M. and Helmer, Daniel and Hongo, Hitomi and Horwitz, Liora K. and Irving-Pease, Evan K. and Lebrasseur, Ophelie and Lesur, Josephine and Malone, Caroline and Manaseryan, Ninna and Marciniak, Arkadiusz and Martlew, Holley and Mashkour, Marjan and Matthews, Roger and Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite and Maziar, Sepideh and Meijaard, Erik and McGovern, Tom and Megens, Hendrik-Jan and Miller, Rebecca and Mohaseb, Azadeh Fatemeh and Orschiedt, Joerg and Orton, David and Papathanasiou, Anastasia and Pearson, Mike Parker and Pinhasi, Ron and Radmanović, Darko and Ricaut, Francois-Xavier and Richards, Mike and Sabin, Richard and Sarti, Lucia and Schier, Wolfram and Sheikhi, Shiva and Stephan, Elisabeth and Stewart, John R. and Stoddart, Simon and Tagliacozzo, Antonio and Tasić, Nenad and Trantalidou, Katerina and Tresset, Anne and Valdiosera, Cristina and van den Hurk, Youri and Van Poucke, Sophie and Vigne, Jean-Denis and Yanevich, Alexander and Zeeb-Lanz, Andrea and Triantafyllidis, Alexandros and Gilbert, M. Thomas P. and Schibler, Jorg and Rowley-Conwy, Peter and Zeder, Melinda and Peters, Joris and Cucchi, Thomas and Bradley, Daniel G. and Dobney, Keith and Burger, Joachim and Evin, Allowen and Girdland-Flink, Linus and Larson, Greger",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Archaeological evidence indicates that pig domestication had begun by similar to 10,500 y before the present ( BP) in the Near East, and mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA) suggests that pigs arrived in Europe alongside farmers similar to 8,500 y BP. A few thousand years after the introduction of Near Eastern pigs into Europe, however, their characteristic mtDNA signature disappeared and was replaced by haplotypes associated with European wild boars. This turnover could be accounted for by substantial gene flow from local European wild boars, although it is also possible that European wild boars were domesticated independently without any genetic contribution from the Near East. To test these hypotheses, we obtained mtDNA sequences from 2,099 modern and ancient pig samples and 63 nuclear ancient genomes from Near Eastern and European pigs. Our analyses revealed that European domestic pigs dating from 7,100 to 6,000 y BP possessed both Near Eastern and European nuclear ancestry, while later pigs possessed no more than 4% Near Eastern ancestry, indicating that gene flow from European wild boars resulted in a near-complete disappearance of Near East ancestry. In addition, we demonstrate that a variant at a locus encoding black coat color likely originated in the Near East and persisted in European pigs. Altogether, our results indicate that while pigs were not independently domesticated in Europe, the vast majority of human-mediated selection over the past 5,000 y focused on the genomic fraction derived from the European wild boars, and not on the fraction that was selected by early Neolithic farmers over the first 2,500 y of the domestication process.",
publisher = "Natl Acad Sciences, Washington",
journal = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",
title = "Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe",
pages = "17238-17231",
number = "35",
volume = "116",
doi = "10.1073/pnas.1901169116"
Frantz, L. A. F., Haile, J., Lin, A. T., Scheu, A., Geoerg, C., Benecke, N., Alexander, M., Linderholm, A., Mullin, V. E., Daly, K. G., Battista, V. M., Price, M., Gron, K. J., Alexandri, P., Arbogast, R., Arbuckle, B., Balasescu, A., Barnett, R., Bartosiewicz, L., Baryshnikov, G., Bonsall, C., Borić, D., Boroneant, A., Bulatović, J., Cakirlar, C., Carretero, J., Chapman, J., Church, M., Crooijmans, R., De Cupere, B., Detry, C., Dimitrijević, V., Dumitrascu, V., du Plessis, L., Edwards, C. J., Erek, C. M., Erim-Ozdogan, A., Ervynck, A., Fulgione, D., Gligor, M., Gotherstrom, A., Gourichon, L., Groenen, M. A. M., Helmer, D., Hongo, H., Horwitz, L. K., Irving-Pease, E. K., Lebrasseur, O., Lesur, J., Malone, C., Manaseryan, N., Marciniak, A., Martlew, H., Mashkour, M., Matthews, R., Matuzeviciute, G. M., Maziar, S., Meijaard, E., McGovern, T., Megens, H., Miller, R., Mohaseb, A. F., Orschiedt, J., Orton, D., Papathanasiou, A., Pearson, M. P., Pinhasi, R., Radmanović, D., Ricaut, F., Richards, M., Sabin, R., Sarti, L., Schier, W., Sheikhi, S., Stephan, E., Stewart, J. R., Stoddart, S., Tagliacozzo, A., Tasić, N., Trantalidou, K., Tresset, A., Valdiosera, C., van den Hurk, Y., Van Poucke, S., Vigne, J., Yanevich, A., Zeeb-Lanz, A., Triantafyllidis, A., Gilbert, M. T. P., Schibler, J., Rowley-Conwy, P., Zeder, M., Peters, J., Cucchi, T., Bradley, D. G., Dobney, K., Burger, J., Evin, A., Girdland-Flink, L.,& Larson, G.. (2019). Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Natl Acad Sciences, Washington., 116(35), 17231-17238.
Frantz LAF, Haile J, Lin AT, Scheu A, Geoerg C, Benecke N, Alexander M, Linderholm A, Mullin VE, Daly KG, Battista VM, Price M, Gron KJ, Alexandri P, Arbogast R, Arbuckle B, Balasescu A, Barnett R, Bartosiewicz L, Baryshnikov G, Bonsall C, Borić D, Boroneant A, Bulatović J, Cakirlar C, Carretero J, Chapman J, Church M, Crooijmans R, De Cupere B, Detry C, Dimitrijević V, Dumitrascu V, du Plessis L, Edwards CJ, Erek CM, Erim-Ozdogan A, Ervynck A, Fulgione D, Gligor M, Gotherstrom A, Gourichon L, Groenen MAM, Helmer D, Hongo H, Horwitz LK, Irving-Pease EK, Lebrasseur O, Lesur J, Malone C, Manaseryan N, Marciniak A, Martlew H, Mashkour M, Matthews R, Matuzeviciute GM, Maziar S, Meijaard E, McGovern T, Megens H, Miller R, Mohaseb AF, Orschiedt J, Orton D, Papathanasiou A, Pearson MP, Pinhasi R, Radmanović D, Ricaut F, Richards M, Sabin R, Sarti L, Schier W, Sheikhi S, Stephan E, Stewart JR, Stoddart S, Tagliacozzo A, Tasić N, Trantalidou K, Tresset A, Valdiosera C, van den Hurk Y, Van Poucke S, Vigne J, Yanevich A, Zeeb-Lanz A, Triantafyllidis A, Gilbert MTP, Schibler J, Rowley-Conwy P, Zeder M, Peters J, Cucchi T, Bradley DG, Dobney K, Burger J, Evin A, Girdland-Flink L, Larson G. Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019;116(35):17231-17238.
doi:10.1073/pnas.1901169116 .
Frantz, Laurent A. F., Haile, James, Lin, Audrey T., Scheu, Amelie, Geoerg, Christina, Benecke, Norbert, Alexander, Michelle, Linderholm, Anna, Mullin, Victoria E., Daly, Kevin G., Battista, Vincent M., Price, Max, Gron, Kurt J., Alexandri, Panoraia, Arbogast, Rose-Marie, Arbuckle, Benjamin, Balasescu, Adrian, Barnett, Ross, Bartosiewicz, Laszlo, Baryshnikov, Gennady, Bonsall, Clive, Borić, Dušan, Boroneant, Adina, Bulatović, Jelena, Cakirlar, Canan, Carretero, Jose-Miguel, Chapman, John, Church, Mike, Crooijmans, Richard, De Cupere, Bea, Detry, Cleia, Dimitrijević, Vesna, Dumitrascu, Valentin, du Plessis, Louis, Edwards, Ceiridwen J., Erek, Cevdet Merih, Erim-Ozdogan, Asli, Ervynck, Anton, Fulgione, Domenico, Gligor, Mihai, Gotherstrom, Anders, Gourichon, Lionel, Groenen, Martien A. M., Helmer, Daniel, Hongo, Hitomi, Horwitz, Liora K., Irving-Pease, Evan K., Lebrasseur, Ophelie, Lesur, Josephine, Malone, Caroline, Manaseryan, Ninna, Marciniak, Arkadiusz, Martlew, Holley, Mashkour, Marjan, Matthews, Roger, Matuzeviciute, Giedre Motuzaite, Maziar, Sepideh, Meijaard, Erik, McGovern, Tom, Megens, Hendrik-Jan, Miller, Rebecca, Mohaseb, Azadeh Fatemeh, Orschiedt, Joerg, Orton, David, Papathanasiou, Anastasia, Pearson, Mike Parker, Pinhasi, Ron, Radmanović, Darko, Ricaut, Francois-Xavier, Richards, Mike, Sabin, Richard, Sarti, Lucia, Schier, Wolfram, Sheikhi, Shiva, Stephan, Elisabeth, Stewart, John R., Stoddart, Simon, Tagliacozzo, Antonio, Tasić, Nenad, Trantalidou, Katerina, Tresset, Anne, Valdiosera, Cristina, van den Hurk, Youri, Van Poucke, Sophie, Vigne, Jean-Denis, Yanevich, Alexander, Zeeb-Lanz, Andrea, Triantafyllidis, Alexandros, Gilbert, M. Thomas P., Schibler, Jorg, Rowley-Conwy, Peter, Zeder, Melinda, Peters, Joris, Cucchi, Thomas, Bradley, Daniel G., Dobney, Keith, Burger, Joachim, Evin, Allowen, Girdland-Flink, Linus, Larson, Greger, "Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116, no. 35 (2019):17231-17238, . .

Ostaci životinja iz horizonata mlađe praistorije sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom i Rit

Vuković, Sonja; Marković, Dimitrije

(Arheološki institut, 2019)

AU  - Vuković, Sonja
AU  - Marković, Dimitrije
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Tokom zaštitnih arheoloških istraživanja na lokalitetima Nad Klepečkom i Rit, uneposrednom okruženju antičkog Viminacijuma, iz celina, koje su datovane u period mlađe praistorije, ručno je sakupljan faunistički materijal. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati arheozoološkihistraživanja iz onih celina, koje su se mogle sa sigurnošću opredeliti u odgovarajuće epohemlađe praistorije, odnosno, materijal, koji ne potiče iz celina sa mešovitim materijalom.Iako je faunistički skup, koji je prikazan u radu izuzetno mali za razumevanje načina ekspolatacije životinja i njihovog značaja u naseljima iz epoha mlađe praistorije na pomenutim nalazištima, značajan je zbog činjenice da predstavlja do sada jedini poznat faunističkiuzorak iz perioda mlađe praistorije u Braničevskom okrugu i svakako je jedan od malobrojnih poznatih faunističkih zbirki iz perioda mlađe praistorije na prostoru današnje Srbije.
AB  - In the course of salvage archaeological excavations at the sites of Nad Klepečkom
and Rit, in the immediate vicinity of ancient Viminacium, animal remains from Late Prehistory deposits were collected by hand.
 A Late Eneolithic/Early Bronze Age settlement
was discovered at the site of Rit, whereas the site of Nad Klepečkom showed signs of continuity from the Eneolithic to the Late Iron Age.
 Roman period settlements and necropolis
were discovered at both sites, while a Late Medieval settlement was confirmed at the Nad
Klepečkom site.
 Since these are multilayered sites where prehistoric layers have been
largely disturbed by foundation digging of residential and other later period occupational
deposits, and also bearing in mind that these deposits were often just partially researched
due to the fact that these were salvage excavations, mixed period material was found together in a considerable number of features. Therefore, the results of the zooarchaeological analysis presented in this paper come only from those features which could be positively dated back to a certain prehistoric period, that is, mixed features were not taken into
consideration. Although this faunal assemblage is of a modest volume and is insufficient
for a more complete understanding of animal exploitation strategies and significance of
animals in these late prehistoric settlements, it is significant since it is the only known
faunal assemblage from the Late Prehistory in the Braničevo District, and is certainly one
of the few known animal bone assemblages from the said period in today’s Serbia.
PB  - Arheološki institut
T2  - Viminacijum u praistoriji: iskopavanja 2005 - 2015 • Viminacium in prehistory: excavations 2005 - 2015
T1  - Ostaci životinja iz horizonata mlađe praistorije sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom i Rit
T1  - Animal remains from the late prehistoric horizons from the sites of Nad Klepečkom and Rit
EP  - 248
SP  - 223
VL  - 6
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vuković, Sonja and Marković, Dimitrije",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Tokom zaštitnih arheoloških istraživanja na lokalitetima Nad Klepečkom i Rit, uneposrednom okruženju antičkog Viminacijuma, iz celina, koje su datovane u period mlađe praistorije, ručno je sakupljan faunistički materijal. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati arheozoološkihistraživanja iz onih celina, koje su se mogle sa sigurnošću opredeliti u odgovarajuće epohemlađe praistorije, odnosno, materijal, koji ne potiče iz celina sa mešovitim materijalom.Iako je faunistički skup, koji je prikazan u radu izuzetno mali za razumevanje načina ekspolatacije životinja i njihovog značaja u naseljima iz epoha mlađe praistorije na pomenutim nalazištima, značajan je zbog činjenice da predstavlja do sada jedini poznat faunističkiuzorak iz perioda mlađe praistorije u Braničevskom okrugu i svakako je jedan od malobrojnih poznatih faunističkih zbirki iz perioda mlađe praistorije na prostoru današnje Srbije., In the course of salvage archaeological excavations at the sites of Nad Klepečkom
and Rit, in the immediate vicinity of ancient Viminacium, animal remains from Late Prehistory deposits were collected by hand.
 A Late Eneolithic/Early Bronze Age settlement
was discovered at the site of Rit, whereas the site of Nad Klepečkom showed signs of continuity from the Eneolithic to the Late Iron Age.
 Roman period settlements and necropolis
were discovered at both sites, while a Late Medieval settlement was confirmed at the Nad
Klepečkom site.
 Since these are multilayered sites where prehistoric layers have been
largely disturbed by foundation digging of residential and other later period occupational
deposits, and also bearing in mind that these deposits were often just partially researched
due to the fact that these were salvage excavations, mixed period material was found together in a considerable number of features. Therefore, the results of the zooarchaeological analysis presented in this paper come only from those features which could be positively dated back to a certain prehistoric period, that is, mixed features were not taken into
consideration. Although this faunal assemblage is of a modest volume and is insufficient
for a more complete understanding of animal exploitation strategies and significance of
animals in these late prehistoric settlements, it is significant since it is the only known
faunal assemblage from the Late Prehistory in the Braničevo District, and is certainly one
of the few known animal bone assemblages from the said period in today’s Serbia.",
publisher = "Arheološki institut",
journal = "Viminacijum u praistoriji: iskopavanja 2005 - 2015 • Viminacium in prehistory: excavations 2005 - 2015",
booktitle = "Ostaci životinja iz horizonata mlađe praistorije sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom i Rit, Animal remains from the late prehistoric horizons from the sites of Nad Klepečkom and Rit",
pages = "248-223",
volume = "6",
url = ""
Vuković, S.,& Marković, D.. (2019). Ostaci životinja iz horizonata mlađe praistorije sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom i Rit. in Viminacijum u praistoriji: iskopavanja 2005 - 2015 • Viminacium in prehistory: excavations 2005 - 2015
Arheološki institut., 6, 223-248.
Vuković S, Marković D. Ostaci životinja iz horizonata mlađe praistorije sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom i Rit. in Viminacijum u praistoriji: iskopavanja 2005 - 2015 • Viminacium in prehistory: excavations 2005 - 2015. 2019;6:223-248. .
Vuković, Sonja, Marković, Dimitrije, "Ostaci životinja iz horizonata mlađe praistorije sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom i Rit" in Viminacijum u praistoriji: iskopavanja 2005 - 2015 • Viminacium in prehistory: excavations 2005 - 2015, 6 (2019):223-248, .

Здравствени статус и исхрана индивидуа сахрањених на средњовековној некрополи Винча-Бело брдо

Марковић, Јелена; Јовановић, Јелена

(Српско археолошко друштво, 2019)

AU  - Марковић, Јелена
AU  - Јовановић, Јелена
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Aнтрoпoлoшкa aнaлизa 50 људских лoбaњa сa лoкaлитeтa Винчa – Бeлo брдo (11–15. вeк) пoкaзaлa je изузeтнo лoш здрaвствeни стaтус индивидуa сaхрaњeних нa oвoj нeкрoпoли. У рaду су прикaзaни рeзултaти aнaлизe здрaвствeнoг стaтусa и нaчинa исхрaнe 31 жeнe, 18 мушкaрaцa и jeднe индивидуe нeутврђeнoг пoлa. Рeзултaти пoкaзуjу висoкe стoпe присуствa cribrae orbitaliae (кoд 85,10% ин дивдуa), пoрoзнe хипeрoстoзe (61,22%), хипoплaзиje зубнe глeђи (кoд 70% индивидуa oднoснo нa 22,12% зубa), кaриjeсa (кoд 86% индивидуa, oднoснo нa 23,10% зубa), кao и зaживoтнo изгубљeних зубa (кoд 88% индивидуa). Taкoђe, пoкaзaнo je дa знaчajнo лoшиjи здрaвствeни стaтус издвaja индивидуе сахрањене на овом локалитету oд oстaлих истoврeмeних пoпулaциja из рeгиoнa.
AB  - This paper presents the results of a bioarchaeological analysis of human
skeletal remains from the medieval necropolis of Vinča – Belo Brdo (11th–15th
century). In order to determine the health status and dietary habits of the individuals buried at this site, non-specific stress markers (cribra orbitalia, porotic
hyperostosis, enamel hypoplasia) and dietary indicators (dental caries, antemortem tooth loss) were observed. The total analysed sample was 50 individuals (31
females, 18 males and one whose sex could not be determined).
The results showed very high frequencies of cribra orbitalia (85,10%),
porotic hyperostosis (61,22%), enamel hypoplasia (70%), dental caries (86%)
and antemortem tooth loss (88%).
Poor living conditions, insufficient diet and low level of hygiene could
have been the cause for high frequencies of cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. The same circumstances could have resulted in high rates of enamel hypoplasia, which indicates that most of the inhabitants had suffered some sort of
metabolic stress in their childhood. Dental caries is also observed in high frequencies, which was most probably caused by nutrition based on carbohydrates
and low level of oral hygiene. Furthermore, this is also reflected in high rates of
antemortem tooth loss. Overall results indicate that the individuals studied in this
paper had a very poor health status and inadequate nutrition. Results from other
sites in the region show that the populations buried on these sites had somewhat
similar health status, although the individuals analysed in this study had much
higher frequencies of diseases.
The health status differences in individuals buried at the necropolis of
Vinča – Belo Brdo and in those buried on other sites in the region from the 11th to the 15th century could have been caused by a number of different factors. One
of the explanations could be linked to historical events that took place in this period. This was a time of frequent wars, especially at the border, which was on the
Danube River. Many rural settlements suffered during the enemy attacks for centuries, which may have also been the fate that befell the individuals analysed in
this paper. Besides that, one should take into account poor sanitary conditions and
hygiene, overpopulation and inadequate diet, which all contributed to an easier
spread of diseases. However, considering the fact that the skulls analysed in this
paper have been dated in a wide time frame (11th–15th century), future publications of archaeological material from this necropolis will considerably improve
the understanding of these results.
PB  - Српско археолошко друштво
T2  - Гласник Српског археолошког друштва
T1  - Здравствени статус и исхрана индивидуа сахрањених на средњовековној некрополи Винча-Бело брдо
T1  - The health status and diet of individuals buried at the Medieval Necropolis of Vinča – Belo brdo
EP  - 151
IS  - 35
SP  - 123
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Марковић, Јелена and Јовановић, Јелена",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Aнтрoпoлoшкa aнaлизa 50 људских лoбaњa сa лoкaлитeтa Винчa – Бeлo брдo (11–15. вeк) пoкaзaлa je изузeтнo лoш здрaвствeни стaтус индивидуa сaхрaњeних нa oвoj нeкрoпoли. У рaду су прикaзaни рeзултaти aнaлизe здрaвствeнoг стaтусa и нaчинa исхрaнe 31 жeнe, 18 мушкaрaцa и jeднe индивидуe нeутврђeнoг пoлa. Рeзултaти пoкaзуjу висoкe стoпe присуствa cribrae orbitaliae (кoд 85,10% ин дивдуa), пoрoзнe хипeрoстoзe (61,22%), хипoплaзиje зубнe глeђи (кoд 70% индивидуa oднoснo нa 22,12% зубa), кaриjeсa (кoд 86% индивидуa, oднoснo нa 23,10% зубa), кao и зaживoтнo изгубљeних зубa (кoд 88% индивидуa). Taкoђe, пoкaзaнo je дa знaчajнo лoшиjи здрaвствeни стaтус издвaja индивидуе сахрањене на овом локалитету oд oстaлих истoврeмeних пoпулaциja из рeгиoнa., This paper presents the results of a bioarchaeological analysis of human
skeletal remains from the medieval necropolis of Vinča – Belo Brdo (11th–15th
century). In order to determine the health status and dietary habits of the individuals buried at this site, non-specific stress markers (cribra orbitalia, porotic
hyperostosis, enamel hypoplasia) and dietary indicators (dental caries, antemortem tooth loss) were observed. The total analysed sample was 50 individuals (31
females, 18 males and one whose sex could not be determined).
The results showed very high frequencies of cribra orbitalia (85,10%),
porotic hyperostosis (61,22%), enamel hypoplasia (70%), dental caries (86%)
and antemortem tooth loss (88%).
Poor living conditions, insufficient diet and low level of hygiene could
have been the cause for high frequencies of cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. The same circumstances could have resulted in high rates of enamel hypoplasia, which indicates that most of the inhabitants had suffered some sort of
metabolic stress in their childhood. Dental caries is also observed in high frequencies, which was most probably caused by nutrition based on carbohydrates
and low level of oral hygiene. Furthermore, this is also reflected in high rates of
antemortem tooth loss. Overall results indicate that the individuals studied in this
paper had a very poor health status and inadequate nutrition. Results from other
sites in the region show that the populations buried on these sites had somewhat
similar health status, although the individuals analysed in this study had much
higher frequencies of diseases.
The health status differences in individuals buried at the necropolis of
Vinča – Belo Brdo and in those buried on other sites in the region from the 11th to the 15th century could have been caused by a number of different factors. One
of the explanations could be linked to historical events that took place in this period. This was a time of frequent wars, especially at the border, which was on the
Danube River. Many rural settlements suffered during the enemy attacks for centuries, which may have also been the fate that befell the individuals analysed in
this paper. Besides that, one should take into account poor sanitary conditions and
hygiene, overpopulation and inadequate diet, which all contributed to an easier
spread of diseases. However, considering the fact that the skulls analysed in this
paper have been dated in a wide time frame (11th–15th century), future publications of archaeological material from this necropolis will considerably improve
the understanding of these results.",
publisher = "Српско археолошко друштво",
journal = "Гласник Српског археолошког друштва",
title = "Здравствени статус и исхрана индивидуа сахрањених на средњовековној некрополи Винча-Бело брдо, The health status and diet of individuals buried at the Medieval Necropolis of Vinča – Belo brdo",
pages = "151-123",
number = "35",
url = ""
Марковић, Ј.,& Јовановић, Ј.. (2019). Здравствени статус и исхрана индивидуа сахрањених на средњовековној некрополи Винча-Бело брдо. in Гласник Српског археолошког друштва
Српско археолошко друштво.(35), 123-151.
Марковић Ј, Јовановић Ј. Здравствени статус и исхрана индивидуа сахрањених на средњовековној некрополи Винча-Бело брдо. in Гласник Српског археолошког друштва. 2019;(35):123-151. .
Марковић, Јелена, Јовановић, Јелена, "Здравствени статус и исхрана индивидуа сахрањених на средњовековној некрополи Винча-Бело брдо" in Гласник Српског археолошког друштва, no. 35 (2019):123-151, .

Last hunters-first farmers: new insight into subsistence strategies in the Central Balkans through multi-isotopic analysis

Jovanović, Jelena; de Becdelievre, Camille; Stefanović, Sofija; Živaljević, Ivana; Dimitrijević, Vesna; Goude, Gwenaelle

(Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 2019)

AU  - Jovanović, Jelena
AU  - de Becdelievre, Camille
AU  - Stefanović, Sofija
AU  - Živaljević, Ivana
AU  - Dimitrijević, Vesna
AU  - Goude, Gwenaelle
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents new results of stable isotope analysis made on human and animal bones from Mesolithic-Neolithic sites (9500-5200calBC) in the Central Balkans. It reconstructs dietary practices in the Mesolithic and documents the development of new subsistence strategies and regional differences during the process of Neolithisation. We achieved these insights into dietary changes by analysing bone collagen C-13 (n=75), N-15 (n=75) and S-34 (n=96) and comparing stable isotope data of Mesolithic-Neolithic communities from the Danube Gorges with the data of the first farmers who lived outside of the Gorges in the Central Balkans. The Bayesian model was employed to evaluate the relative importance of different animal proteins in human diet. Results bring a new overview and highlight important chronological and regional differences. They suggest that Late Mesolithic humans included more anadromous and potamodromous fish in their diet, which is consistent with archaeozoological evidence. On the other hand, differing from archaeozoological data, the model also points to a greater reliance on terrestrial carnivores (dogs) in the Late Mesolithic diet, a pattern that can be also explained by other dietary and environmental factors. In the Transitional and Neolithic period in the Gorges, some individuals have consumed fewer aquatic resources and favoured more terrestrial products. However, one site in the Gorges represents an exceptionAjmana, where we have the earliest farmers in this region since their subsistence economy was mainly oriented toward terrestrial products. Furthermore, results shows that Neolithic individuals inhumated at sites outside of the Danube Gorges in the Balkans had dietary patterns that vary in both terrestrial and freshwater resources, indicating that early farming communities had a diversified diet linked to a local natural environment. Comparative data finally indicates regional differentiations associated with locally available resources but also related to the traditions of prehistoric communities and to specific economic innovations.
PB  - Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg
T2  - Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
T1  - Last hunters-first farmers: new insight into subsistence strategies in the Central Balkans through multi-isotopic analysis
EP  - 3298
IS  - 7
SP  - 3279
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.1007/s12520-018-0744-1
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Jelena and de Becdelievre, Camille and Stefanović, Sofija and Živaljević, Ivana and Dimitrijević, Vesna and Goude, Gwenaelle",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This paper presents new results of stable isotope analysis made on human and animal bones from Mesolithic-Neolithic sites (9500-5200calBC) in the Central Balkans. It reconstructs dietary practices in the Mesolithic and documents the development of new subsistence strategies and regional differences during the process of Neolithisation. We achieved these insights into dietary changes by analysing bone collagen C-13 (n=75), N-15 (n=75) and S-34 (n=96) and comparing stable isotope data of Mesolithic-Neolithic communities from the Danube Gorges with the data of the first farmers who lived outside of the Gorges in the Central Balkans. The Bayesian model was employed to evaluate the relative importance of different animal proteins in human diet. Results bring a new overview and highlight important chronological and regional differences. They suggest that Late Mesolithic humans included more anadromous and potamodromous fish in their diet, which is consistent with archaeozoological evidence. On the other hand, differing from archaeozoological data, the model also points to a greater reliance on terrestrial carnivores (dogs) in the Late Mesolithic diet, a pattern that can be also explained by other dietary and environmental factors. In the Transitional and Neolithic period in the Gorges, some individuals have consumed fewer aquatic resources and favoured more terrestrial products. However, one site in the Gorges represents an exceptionAjmana, where we have the earliest farmers in this region since their subsistence economy was mainly oriented toward terrestrial products. Furthermore, results shows that Neolithic individuals inhumated at sites outside of the Danube Gorges in the Balkans had dietary patterns that vary in both terrestrial and freshwater resources, indicating that early farming communities had a diversified diet linked to a local natural environment. Comparative data finally indicates regional differentiations associated with locally available resources but also related to the traditions of prehistoric communities and to specific economic innovations.",
publisher = "Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg",
journal = "Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences",
title = "Last hunters-first farmers: new insight into subsistence strategies in the Central Balkans through multi-isotopic analysis",
pages = "3298-3279",
number = "7",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.1007/s12520-018-0744-1"
Jovanović, J., de Becdelievre, C., Stefanović, S., Živaljević, I., Dimitrijević, V.,& Goude, G.. (2019). Last hunters-first farmers: new insight into subsistence strategies in the Central Balkans through multi-isotopic analysis. in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg., 11(7), 3279-3298.
Jovanović J, de Becdelievre C, Stefanović S, Živaljević I, Dimitrijević V, Goude G. Last hunters-first farmers: new insight into subsistence strategies in the Central Balkans through multi-isotopic analysis. in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 2019;11(7):3279-3298.
doi:10.1007/s12520-018-0744-1 .
Jovanović, Jelena, de Becdelievre, Camille, Stefanović, Sofija, Živaljević, Ivana, Dimitrijević, Vesna, Goude, Gwenaelle, "Last hunters-first farmers: new insight into subsistence strategies in the Central Balkans through multi-isotopic analysis" in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11, no. 7 (2019):3279-3298, . .

Ad palatinas acipensem mittite mensas - ostaci riba sa Viminacijuma

Živaljević, Ivana; Vuković-Bogdanović, Sonja; Bogdanović, Ivan S.

(Arheološki institut, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Živaljević, Ivana
AU  - Vuković-Bogdanović, Sonja
AU  - Bogdanović, Ivan S.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Položaj Viminacijuma, rimskog grada i legijskog logora smeštenog u blizini ušća Mlave u Dunav (sl. 1), ukazuje da su njegovi stanovnici imali direktan pristup rečnim izvorima hrane, te je riba najverovatnije činila deo njihove ishrane. Međutim, relativno se malo zna o ribolovu u rimskom periodu u ovom delu Podunavlja, a ribolovačke aktivnosti često ostaju arheološki manje vidljive ili nedovoljno proučene. Ova okolnost se može objasniti slabijim mogućnostima očuvanja ribljih kostiju, njihovom poroznošću i generalno malim dimenzijama, što dovodi do toga da se po pravilu previde (posebno u slučaju sitnijih vrsta) prilikom ručnog sakupljanja materijala. Tako su u velikoj faunističkoj zbirci sa Viminacijuma riblje kosti zastupljene sa svega nekoliko desetina primeraka, za razliku od kostiju sisara čiji broj iznosi više od 20.000. Međutim, iako malobrojni, riblji ostaci sa Viminacijuma predstavljaju važan izvor podataka o ishrani i snabdevanju ribom, ribolovačkim praksama, odabiru vrsta i veličini ulova, kao i o potencijalnim razlikama u prehrambenim navikama i pristupu kvalitetnijoj ribi u gradu i u njegovoj okolini. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati arheozoološke analize ribljih ostataka koji su do sada konstatovani na tri različite lokacije na Viminacijumu: na području amfiteatra, koji se nalazi u užem gradskom jezgru, u otpadnom prostoru, koji se nalazio u okviru istočne nekropole, udaljene oko 450 m od legijskog utvrđenja (lokalitet Pirivoj), i u naselju, koje je predstavljalo ekonomsko-industrijski centar, udaljen oko 2,5 km od legijskog utvrđenja (lokalitet Nad Klepečkom) (sl. 2). Osim arheozooloških podataka, u radu su prikazani i nalazi ribolovačke opreme sa Viminacijuma, koji pružaju širu sliku o ribarskim tehnikama, kao i relevantni istorijski izvori u cilju boljeg sagledavanja mogućih značenja koja su pridavana različitim vrstama riba. Riblji faunistički uzorak sa Viminacijuma čine 74 primerka kostiju, a od toga 48 potiče sa prostora amfiteatra, 22 sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom i 4 sa Pirivoja (tabela 1; sl. 3). U uzorku su zastupljene slatkovodne ribe, koje su po svoj prilici lovljene u Mlavi i Dunavu: vrste iz porodice šaranki (šaran Cyprinus carpio i bucov Aspius aspius, sl. 4), štuka (Esox lucius, sl. 5), smuđ (Sander lucioperca, sl. 6) i som (Silurus glanis, sl. 7). Od toga se jedino kosti šaranki i soma javljaju i izvan gradskog jezgra, što bi moglo ukazivati na to da su se tim ribama hranili stanovnici grada i okoline, ali i da su se one mogle koristiti u okviru pogrebnih rituala na prostoru istočne nekropole Viminacijuma. U slučaju uzorka sa amfiteatra, kosti šarana, štuke, smuđa i soma bile su očuvane u dovoljnoj meri, te je bilo moguće izmeriti ih i rekonstruisati veličinu primeraka (tabela 2). Većinom su u pitanju bile krupne jedinke, što se moglo i očekivati budući da ostaci sitnijih riba verovatno nisu sakupljeni. Pored toga, može se pretpostaviti da je najbolji ulov iz obližnjih reka verovatno stizao na trpezu stanovnika grada i legijskog logora. Pored slatkovodnih vrsta, u uzorku sa amfiteatra identifikovani su i ostaci krupnih riba iz porodice jesetrovki, koje su sve do izgradnje đerdapskih brana migrirale u Dunav iz Crnog mora. U pitanju su ostaci ruske jesetre (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), pastruge (Acipenser stellatus), kečige (Acipenser ruthenus) (jedine slatkovodne jesetrovke) (sl. 8) i posebno brojni ostaci morune (Huso huso, sl. 9), najvećeg predstavnika ove porodice. Prilično veliki broj kostiju jesetrovki u uzorku, njihove impresivne dimenzije (tabela 2), kao i kontekst nalaza (isključivo prostor amfiteatra) ukazuju na to da su te ribe bile posebno cenjene i verovatno namenjene određenim slojevima gradskog stanovništva. Najimpresivniji ulov predstavljale su svakako morune, budući da je većina izmerenih kostiju poticala od primeraka koji su bili dugi između 3 m i 3,5 m, ali su lovljeni i krupniji primerci, dugi i preko 5 m (sl. 10). Poseban kuriozitet je to što su te ogromne ribe dopremane u komadu, budući da veći broj tragova kasapljenja na kostima (sl. 9) ukazuje da su pripremane za konzumaciju u samom gradu. Ovaj podatak postaje još značajniji ako se uzme u obzir i to da su se od praistorije do izgradnje brana najbolja mesta za ribolov na jesetrovke nalazila na području Đerdapa (sl. 11), nizvodno oko 100 km od Viminacijuma. Iako Elijanovo delo De Natura Animalium ne predstavlja izvor iz prve ruke, u njemu opisani ribolov na dunavske jesetrovke, u okviru pejzaža koji podseća na Đerdap, navodi na pretpostavku da je ovo ribarsko područje bilo u upotrebi i tokom rimskog perioda. Moglo bi se stoga pretpostaviti da su i jesetrovke koje su se konzumirale u Viminacijumu stizale iz ove oblasti, moguće sušene, usoljene ili čak i žive. Određeni pisani izvori dodatno ukazuju na status koje su jesetrovke uživale u rimskom periodu - i kao poslastice na gozbama, ali i kao statusni simboli. Marcijal u Epigramima (Epigrammata) navodi da su ove ribe dostojne carske trpeze, a Makrobije ih u svom delu Saturnalia (navodeći reči različitih antičkih autora) opisuje kao retke poslastice, previše vredne da bi se delile s drugima, pa čak i kao božanstva čije su iznošenje na trpezu pratile sluge i zvuci frule. Iako se Marcijal i Makrobije ne osvrću konkretno na jesetrovke iz Dunava, može se pretpostaviti da su ove krupne ribe i doživljavane na sličan način i u Viminacijumu, kao i u drugim podunavskim gradovima. Pored ribljih ostataka, određen uvid u ribolovne tehnike pružaju i sporadični nalazi ribolovačke opreme sa Viminacijuma - tegovi za mreže i udice (sl. 12). Osim na Viminacijumu, takvi predmeti poznati su i sa drugih lokaliteta na dunavskom limesu. Pored lokalno dostupne i migratorne ribe, koja je verovatno dopremana sa Đerdapa, određeni stanovnici Viminacijuma su se po svoj prilici snabdevali i morskom hranom nabavljenom iz udaljenih oblasti. Direktna svedočanstva o trgovini iz mediteranskih oblasti predstavljaju ljušture mekušaca, a ona indirektna jesu određeni tipovi amfora koje su verovatno sadržale proizvode od prerađene morske ribe i riblje soseve. Iako malobrojni, ostaci riba sa Viminacijuma, kao i nalazi ribolovačke opreme i amfora korišćenih verovatno za transport ribljih proizvoda pružaju važne podatke o ishrani i snabdevanju ribom na prostoru glavnog grada provincije i njegove okoline. Lokalno dostupne slatkovodne vrste, poput šarana i soma, konzumirale su se po svoj prilici i u gradu i u njegovoj okolini, a moguće je i da su korišćene u okviru pogrebnih rituala. Međutim, kvalitetnija riba (poput jesetrovki) verovatno je konzumirana u određenim prilikama i/ili krugovima, predstavljajući važan deo društvenog života u gradu i način za isticanje statusa. Ne treba isključiti ni mogućnost da su se sitnije, lokalno dostupne ribe, čiji se ostaci generalno previde prilikom ručnog sakupljanja, konzumirale mnogo češće i među svim slojevima društva.
AB  - The paper presents the results of archaezoological analysis of fish remains from three locations at Viminacium (the Amphitheatre, Nad Klepečkom and Pirivoj), discussed jointly with finds of fishing equipment and relevant written sources on the subject. Albeit small and biased due to the hand-collection of animal bones, the fish faunal assemblage from Vimincium provides valuable data on the choice of exploited species, fishing and fish transportation practices, and patterns of consumption and deposition in the city and its surroundings. In addition to remains of locally available freshwater fish, occurring at all three sites, the Amphitheatre sample contained the remains of large anadromous sturgeons, possibly obtained from the downstream, Iron Gates area. Their size, contextual provenance, as well as their exceptional status according to written sources, indicates that there had been notable differences in access to high-quality fish among the different social classes at Viminacium.
PB  - Arheološki institut, Beograd
T2  - Starinar
T1  - Ad palatinas acipensem mittite mensas - ostaci riba sa Viminacijuma
T1  - Ad palatinas acipensem mittite mensas: Fish remains from Viminacium
EP  - 202
IS  - 69
SP  - 183
DO  - 10.2298/STa1969183Z
ER  - 
author = "Živaljević, Ivana and Vuković-Bogdanović, Sonja and Bogdanović, Ivan S.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Položaj Viminacijuma, rimskog grada i legijskog logora smeštenog u blizini ušća Mlave u Dunav (sl. 1), ukazuje da su njegovi stanovnici imali direktan pristup rečnim izvorima hrane, te je riba najverovatnije činila deo njihove ishrane. Međutim, relativno se malo zna o ribolovu u rimskom periodu u ovom delu Podunavlja, a ribolovačke aktivnosti često ostaju arheološki manje vidljive ili nedovoljno proučene. Ova okolnost se može objasniti slabijim mogućnostima očuvanja ribljih kostiju, njihovom poroznošću i generalno malim dimenzijama, što dovodi do toga da se po pravilu previde (posebno u slučaju sitnijih vrsta) prilikom ručnog sakupljanja materijala. Tako su u velikoj faunističkoj zbirci sa Viminacijuma riblje kosti zastupljene sa svega nekoliko desetina primeraka, za razliku od kostiju sisara čiji broj iznosi više od 20.000. Međutim, iako malobrojni, riblji ostaci sa Viminacijuma predstavljaju važan izvor podataka o ishrani i snabdevanju ribom, ribolovačkim praksama, odabiru vrsta i veličini ulova, kao i o potencijalnim razlikama u prehrambenim navikama i pristupu kvalitetnijoj ribi u gradu i u njegovoj okolini. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati arheozoološke analize ribljih ostataka koji su do sada konstatovani na tri različite lokacije na Viminacijumu: na području amfiteatra, koji se nalazi u užem gradskom jezgru, u otpadnom prostoru, koji se nalazio u okviru istočne nekropole, udaljene oko 450 m od legijskog utvrđenja (lokalitet Pirivoj), i u naselju, koje je predstavljalo ekonomsko-industrijski centar, udaljen oko 2,5 km od legijskog utvrđenja (lokalitet Nad Klepečkom) (sl. 2). Osim arheozooloških podataka, u radu su prikazani i nalazi ribolovačke opreme sa Viminacijuma, koji pružaju širu sliku o ribarskim tehnikama, kao i relevantni istorijski izvori u cilju boljeg sagledavanja mogućih značenja koja su pridavana različitim vrstama riba. Riblji faunistički uzorak sa Viminacijuma čine 74 primerka kostiju, a od toga 48 potiče sa prostora amfiteatra, 22 sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom i 4 sa Pirivoja (tabela 1; sl. 3). U uzorku su zastupljene slatkovodne ribe, koje su po svoj prilici lovljene u Mlavi i Dunavu: vrste iz porodice šaranki (šaran Cyprinus carpio i bucov Aspius aspius, sl. 4), štuka (Esox lucius, sl. 5), smuđ (Sander lucioperca, sl. 6) i som (Silurus glanis, sl. 7). Od toga se jedino kosti šaranki i soma javljaju i izvan gradskog jezgra, što bi moglo ukazivati na to da su se tim ribama hranili stanovnici grada i okoline, ali i da su se one mogle koristiti u okviru pogrebnih rituala na prostoru istočne nekropole Viminacijuma. U slučaju uzorka sa amfiteatra, kosti šarana, štuke, smuđa i soma bile su očuvane u dovoljnoj meri, te je bilo moguće izmeriti ih i rekonstruisati veličinu primeraka (tabela 2). Većinom su u pitanju bile krupne jedinke, što se moglo i očekivati budući da ostaci sitnijih riba verovatno nisu sakupljeni. Pored toga, može se pretpostaviti da je najbolji ulov iz obližnjih reka verovatno stizao na trpezu stanovnika grada i legijskog logora. Pored slatkovodnih vrsta, u uzorku sa amfiteatra identifikovani su i ostaci krupnih riba iz porodice jesetrovki, koje su sve do izgradnje đerdapskih brana migrirale u Dunav iz Crnog mora. U pitanju su ostaci ruske jesetre (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), pastruge (Acipenser stellatus), kečige (Acipenser ruthenus) (jedine slatkovodne jesetrovke) (sl. 8) i posebno brojni ostaci morune (Huso huso, sl. 9), najvećeg predstavnika ove porodice. Prilično veliki broj kostiju jesetrovki u uzorku, njihove impresivne dimenzije (tabela 2), kao i kontekst nalaza (isključivo prostor amfiteatra) ukazuju na to da su te ribe bile posebno cenjene i verovatno namenjene određenim slojevima gradskog stanovništva. Najimpresivniji ulov predstavljale su svakako morune, budući da je većina izmerenih kostiju poticala od primeraka koji su bili dugi između 3 m i 3,5 m, ali su lovljeni i krupniji primerci, dugi i preko 5 m (sl. 10). Poseban kuriozitet je to što su te ogromne ribe dopremane u komadu, budući da veći broj tragova kasapljenja na kostima (sl. 9) ukazuje da su pripremane za konzumaciju u samom gradu. Ovaj podatak postaje još značajniji ako se uzme u obzir i to da su se od praistorije do izgradnje brana najbolja mesta za ribolov na jesetrovke nalazila na području Đerdapa (sl. 11), nizvodno oko 100 km od Viminacijuma. Iako Elijanovo delo De Natura Animalium ne predstavlja izvor iz prve ruke, u njemu opisani ribolov na dunavske jesetrovke, u okviru pejzaža koji podseća na Đerdap, navodi na pretpostavku da je ovo ribarsko područje bilo u upotrebi i tokom rimskog perioda. Moglo bi se stoga pretpostaviti da su i jesetrovke koje su se konzumirale u Viminacijumu stizale iz ove oblasti, moguće sušene, usoljene ili čak i žive. Određeni pisani izvori dodatno ukazuju na status koje su jesetrovke uživale u rimskom periodu - i kao poslastice na gozbama, ali i kao statusni simboli. Marcijal u Epigramima (Epigrammata) navodi da su ove ribe dostojne carske trpeze, a Makrobije ih u svom delu Saturnalia (navodeći reči različitih antičkih autora) opisuje kao retke poslastice, previše vredne da bi se delile s drugima, pa čak i kao božanstva čije su iznošenje na trpezu pratile sluge i zvuci frule. Iako se Marcijal i Makrobije ne osvrću konkretno na jesetrovke iz Dunava, može se pretpostaviti da su ove krupne ribe i doživljavane na sličan način i u Viminacijumu, kao i u drugim podunavskim gradovima. Pored ribljih ostataka, određen uvid u ribolovne tehnike pružaju i sporadični nalazi ribolovačke opreme sa Viminacijuma - tegovi za mreže i udice (sl. 12). Osim na Viminacijumu, takvi predmeti poznati su i sa drugih lokaliteta na dunavskom limesu. Pored lokalno dostupne i migratorne ribe, koja je verovatno dopremana sa Đerdapa, određeni stanovnici Viminacijuma su se po svoj prilici snabdevali i morskom hranom nabavljenom iz udaljenih oblasti. Direktna svedočanstva o trgovini iz mediteranskih oblasti predstavljaju ljušture mekušaca, a ona indirektna jesu određeni tipovi amfora koje su verovatno sadržale proizvode od prerađene morske ribe i riblje soseve. Iako malobrojni, ostaci riba sa Viminacijuma, kao i nalazi ribolovačke opreme i amfora korišćenih verovatno za transport ribljih proizvoda pružaju važne podatke o ishrani i snabdevanju ribom na prostoru glavnog grada provincije i njegove okoline. Lokalno dostupne slatkovodne vrste, poput šarana i soma, konzumirale su se po svoj prilici i u gradu i u njegovoj okolini, a moguće je i da su korišćene u okviru pogrebnih rituala. Međutim, kvalitetnija riba (poput jesetrovki) verovatno je konzumirana u određenim prilikama i/ili krugovima, predstavljajući važan deo društvenog života u gradu i način za isticanje statusa. Ne treba isključiti ni mogućnost da su se sitnije, lokalno dostupne ribe, čiji se ostaci generalno previde prilikom ručnog sakupljanja, konzumirale mnogo češće i među svim slojevima društva., The paper presents the results of archaezoological analysis of fish remains from three locations at Viminacium (the Amphitheatre, Nad Klepečkom and Pirivoj), discussed jointly with finds of fishing equipment and relevant written sources on the subject. Albeit small and biased due to the hand-collection of animal bones, the fish faunal assemblage from Vimincium provides valuable data on the choice of exploited species, fishing and fish transportation practices, and patterns of consumption and deposition in the city and its surroundings. In addition to remains of locally available freshwater fish, occurring at all three sites, the Amphitheatre sample contained the remains of large anadromous sturgeons, possibly obtained from the downstream, Iron Gates area. Their size, contextual provenance, as well as their exceptional status according to written sources, indicates that there had been notable differences in access to high-quality fish among the different social classes at Viminacium.",
publisher = "Arheološki institut, Beograd",
journal = "Starinar",
title = "Ad palatinas acipensem mittite mensas - ostaci riba sa Viminacijuma, Ad palatinas acipensem mittite mensas: Fish remains from Viminacium",
pages = "202-183",
number = "69",
doi = "10.2298/STa1969183Z"
Živaljević, I., Vuković-Bogdanović, S.,& Bogdanović, I. S.. (2019). Ad palatinas acipensem mittite mensas - ostaci riba sa Viminacijuma. in Starinar
Arheološki institut, Beograd.(69), 183-202.
Živaljević I, Vuković-Bogdanović S, Bogdanović IS. Ad palatinas acipensem mittite mensas - ostaci riba sa Viminacijuma. in Starinar. 2019;(69):183-202.
doi:10.2298/STa1969183Z .
Živaljević, Ivana, Vuković-Bogdanović, Sonja, Bogdanović, Ivan S., "Ad palatinas acipensem mittite mensas - ostaci riba sa Viminacijuma" in Starinar, no. 69 (2019):183-202, . .

Paleolitski artefakti ili geofakti - analiza površinskih kolekcija prikupljenih u blizini ležišta mineralnih sirovina na području Vrnjačke Banje

Radinović, Mihailo; Jovanović, Milica

(Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Radinović, Mihailo
AU  - Jovanović, Milica
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Rekognosciranje paleolitskih lokaliteta na otvorenom prostoru u poslednjih desetak godina sprovedeno je na više lokacija na teritoriji Srbije. Na većini lokacija antropogeni karakter prikupljenih nalaza, koje najvećim delom čine okresani kameni artefakti, nije se dovodio u pitanje. Međutim, u blizini ležišta mineralnih sirovina javila se sumnja da su kameni artefakti pomešani sa geofaktima - prirodno nastalim odlomcima stena koji mogu nalikovati na artefakte. Da bismo ispitali ovu pretpostavku, upotrebili smo Pikokov test za analizu generalnih karakteristika odbitaka. Ovaj metod prilagodili smo našem istraživačkom kontekstu i mogućnostima, i primenili na tri problematične kolekcije iz okoline Vrnjačke Banje: Dublje-Nišan, Ruđinci-Crnobarac i Štulac - Slatinski potok. Statistička analiza dobijenih rezultata pokazala je da u svim istraživanim kolekcijama preovlađuju geofakti. Rezultati ukazuju na oprez koji je potreban pri interpretaciji površinskih kolekcija, naročito onih prikupljenih u blizini ležišta sirovina pogodnih za okresivanje.
AB  - During the last decade, systematic surveys for Palaeolithic open-air sites in different regions of Serbia revealed a large number of finds, predominantly lithics. Analyses of collected materials greatly contributed to the study of the Palaeolithic in the area. Finds tentatively attributed to the Lower Palaeolithic could be of great importance considering the scarcity of finds from this period in the Balkans. However, the anthropogenic character of finds was uncertain for the material collected in the vicinity of primary and secondary raw material sources. It was suspected that artefacts and geofacts could be mixed in these localities. The issue of attribution of finds and collections to artefacts or geofacts can be traced back to the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and the Eolithic controversy. Since then, various approaches have been put forward for distinguishing naturally and culturally produced material. In order to test the hypothesis that artefacts and geofacts are mixed in the vicinity of raw material sources, we used Peacock's test for general attributes of flakes, and applied it to the material gathered on three sites in the vicinity of Vrnjačka Banja: Crnobarac-Ruđinci, Dublje-Nišan, Štulac-Slatinski Potok. Our analysis included only chert finds, as the question of attribution was studied primarily on this raw material. Eight attributes were analyzed on possible flakes from these locations and, based on them, composite scores were calculated for each find. Results indicate that most finds in the studied collections have low scores, similar to other published geofact collections (e.g. Kirminghton and eoliths from Peacock 1991). We compared our results with known collections of artefacts and geofacts from Peacock's study, using descriptive statistics, One-Way ANOVA test, line diagram, and box-plot. Our results indicate that geofacts predominate in all the studied collections. Therefore, we argue that caution is needed when interpreting surface collections, especially those collected in the vicinity of raw material sources.
PB  - Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
T1  - Paleolitski artefakti ili geofakti - analiza površinskih kolekcija prikupljenih u blizini ležišta mineralnih sirovina na području Vrnjačke Banje
T1  - Paleolithic artefacts or geofacts: Analysis of surface collections gathered in the vicinity of raw material sources near Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia)
EP  - 25
IS  - 35
SP  - 7
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radinović, Mihailo and Jovanović, Milica",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Rekognosciranje paleolitskih lokaliteta na otvorenom prostoru u poslednjih desetak godina sprovedeno je na više lokacija na teritoriji Srbije. Na većini lokacija antropogeni karakter prikupljenih nalaza, koje najvećim delom čine okresani kameni artefakti, nije se dovodio u pitanje. Međutim, u blizini ležišta mineralnih sirovina javila se sumnja da su kameni artefakti pomešani sa geofaktima - prirodno nastalim odlomcima stena koji mogu nalikovati na artefakte. Da bismo ispitali ovu pretpostavku, upotrebili smo Pikokov test za analizu generalnih karakteristika odbitaka. Ovaj metod prilagodili smo našem istraživačkom kontekstu i mogućnostima, i primenili na tri problematične kolekcije iz okoline Vrnjačke Banje: Dublje-Nišan, Ruđinci-Crnobarac i Štulac - Slatinski potok. Statistička analiza dobijenih rezultata pokazala je da u svim istraživanim kolekcijama preovlađuju geofakti. Rezultati ukazuju na oprez koji je potreban pri interpretaciji površinskih kolekcija, naročito onih prikupljenih u blizini ležišta sirovina pogodnih za okresivanje., During the last decade, systematic surveys for Palaeolithic open-air sites in different regions of Serbia revealed a large number of finds, predominantly lithics. Analyses of collected materials greatly contributed to the study of the Palaeolithic in the area. Finds tentatively attributed to the Lower Palaeolithic could be of great importance considering the scarcity of finds from this period in the Balkans. However, the anthropogenic character of finds was uncertain for the material collected in the vicinity of primary and secondary raw material sources. It was suspected that artefacts and geofacts could be mixed in these localities. The issue of attribution of finds and collections to artefacts or geofacts can be traced back to the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and the Eolithic controversy. Since then, various approaches have been put forward for distinguishing naturally and culturally produced material. In order to test the hypothesis that artefacts and geofacts are mixed in the vicinity of raw material sources, we used Peacock's test for general attributes of flakes, and applied it to the material gathered on three sites in the vicinity of Vrnjačka Banja: Crnobarac-Ruđinci, Dublje-Nišan, Štulac-Slatinski Potok. Our analysis included only chert finds, as the question of attribution was studied primarily on this raw material. Eight attributes were analyzed on possible flakes from these locations and, based on them, composite scores were calculated for each find. Results indicate that most finds in the studied collections have low scores, similar to other published geofact collections (e.g. Kirminghton and eoliths from Peacock 1991). We compared our results with known collections of artefacts and geofacts from Peacock's study, using descriptive statistics, One-Way ANOVA test, line diagram, and box-plot. Our results indicate that geofacts predominate in all the studied collections. Therefore, we argue that caution is needed when interpreting surface collections, especially those collected in the vicinity of raw material sources.",
publisher = "Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva",
title = "Paleolitski artefakti ili geofakti - analiza površinskih kolekcija prikupljenih u blizini ležišta mineralnih sirovina na području Vrnjačke Banje, Paleolithic artefacts or geofacts: Analysis of surface collections gathered in the vicinity of raw material sources near Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia)",
pages = "25-7",
number = "35",
url = ""
Radinović, M.,& Jovanović, M.. (2019). Paleolitski artefakti ili geofakti - analiza površinskih kolekcija prikupljenih u blizini ležišta mineralnih sirovina na području Vrnjačke Banje. in Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd.(35), 7-25.
Radinović M, Jovanović M. Paleolitski artefakti ili geofakti - analiza površinskih kolekcija prikupljenih u blizini ležišta mineralnih sirovina na području Vrnjačke Banje. in Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva. 2019;(35):7-25. .
Radinović, Mihailo, Jovanović, Milica, "Paleolitski artefakti ili geofakti - analiza površinskih kolekcija prikupljenih u blizini ležišta mineralnih sirovina na području Vrnjačke Banje" in Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva, no. 35 (2019):7-25, .

Natural environment and resources, and the long life of the Neolithic settlement at Vina, southeast Europe

Filipović, Dragana; Marić, Miroslav; Challinor, Dana; Bulatović, Jelena; Tasić, Nenad

(Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 2019)

AU  - Filipović, Dragana
AU  - Marić, Miroslav
AU  - Challinor, Dana
AU  - Bulatović, Jelena
AU  - Tasić, Nenad
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The Neolithic settlement in Vina near Belgrade, Serbia, was occupied for more than a millennium (c. 5600-4500calBC); from about 5200calBC the occupation, associated with the regional Vina culture phenomenon, was uninterrupted. After gradual horizontal expansion in the beginning, the Vina culture settlement grew vertically. A number of successive occupation levels composed of large, dense agglomerations of buildings formed an artificial mound of more than 10ha in extent. The long and continuous life in a fixed location was likely facilitated by favourable natural environment offering a range of subsistence options and pathways. This paper reviews previous, and presents more recent, archaeological (i.e. artefactual) and palaeoenvironmental (geological, hydrological, palaeobotanical, faunal) evidence for the Vina site and uses it to identify natural resources available in the settlement's surroundings as well as those found in more distant areas. Using the on-and off-site data, it indirectly evaluates economic potential of the different environmental zones around Neolithic Vina. The impression is that the resources available locally were remarkably diverse, offered a wide spectrum of food and raw materials, and were exploitable throughout the duration of the settlement. In addition to the apparently marked profusion and variety of opportunities in the vicinity of the site, the subsistence behaviour and the nature of landscape use were likely such that they did not have a great impact on the natural environment.
PB  - Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg
T2  - Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
T1  - Natural environment and resources, and the long life of the Neolithic settlement at Vina, southeast Europe
EP  - 1960
IS  - 5
SP  - 1939
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.1007/s12520-018-0643-5
ER  - 
author = "Filipović, Dragana and Marić, Miroslav and Challinor, Dana and Bulatović, Jelena and Tasić, Nenad",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The Neolithic settlement in Vina near Belgrade, Serbia, was occupied for more than a millennium (c. 5600-4500calBC); from about 5200calBC the occupation, associated with the regional Vina culture phenomenon, was uninterrupted. After gradual horizontal expansion in the beginning, the Vina culture settlement grew vertically. A number of successive occupation levels composed of large, dense agglomerations of buildings formed an artificial mound of more than 10ha in extent. The long and continuous life in a fixed location was likely facilitated by favourable natural environment offering a range of subsistence options and pathways. This paper reviews previous, and presents more recent, archaeological (i.e. artefactual) and palaeoenvironmental (geological, hydrological, palaeobotanical, faunal) evidence for the Vina site and uses it to identify natural resources available in the settlement's surroundings as well as those found in more distant areas. Using the on-and off-site data, it indirectly evaluates economic potential of the different environmental zones around Neolithic Vina. The impression is that the resources available locally were remarkably diverse, offered a wide spectrum of food and raw materials, and were exploitable throughout the duration of the settlement. In addition to the apparently marked profusion and variety of opportunities in the vicinity of the site, the subsistence behaviour and the nature of landscape use were likely such that they did not have a great impact on the natural environment.",
publisher = "Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg",
journal = "Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences",
title = "Natural environment and resources, and the long life of the Neolithic settlement at Vina, southeast Europe",
pages = "1960-1939",
number = "5",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.1007/s12520-018-0643-5"
Filipović, D., Marić, M., Challinor, D., Bulatović, J.,& Tasić, N.. (2019). Natural environment and resources, and the long life of the Neolithic settlement at Vina, southeast Europe. in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Springer Heidelberg, Heidelberg., 11(5), 1939-1960.
Filipović D, Marić M, Challinor D, Bulatović J, Tasić N. Natural environment and resources, and the long life of the Neolithic settlement at Vina, southeast Europe. in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 2019;11(5):1939-1960.
doi:10.1007/s12520-018-0643-5 .
Filipović, Dragana, Marić, Miroslav, Challinor, Dana, Bulatović, Jelena, Tasić, Nenad, "Natural environment and resources, and the long life of the Neolithic settlement at Vina, southeast Europe" in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11, no. 5 (2019):1939-1960, . .

Drevna DNK u arheologiji - od arheoloških iskopavanja do laboratorijskih analiza

Žegarac, Aleksandra

(Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Žegarac, Aleksandra
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Sa razvojem tehnologije, analize drevne DNK postale su sastavni deo istraživanja u arheologiji, doprinoseći saznanjima vezanim za istoriju populacija. Međutim, analize drevne DNK predstavljaju izazov iz nekoliko razloga. Destruktivne su i skupe, a osim toga, u arheološkom uzorku je prisutna veoma mala količina degradovane i hemijski izmenjene endogene DNK. Nepovoljni sredinski uslovi u kojima je materijal pronađen i skladišten (poput visokih temperatura i vlage) podstiču dalju degradaciju organskog materijala. Dodatni problem je i moguća kontaminacija savremenom DNK, do koje može doći u bilo kom koraku analiza. Optimalno i pažljivije rukovanje uzorcima prilikom iskopavanja i skladištenja istog, dovodi do povećanja količine endogene DNK u uzorku i smanjivanja cene sekvenciranja. Pokazano je da se najveći prinos drevne DNK postiže izdvajanjem iz kalcifikovanog materijala, a posebno unutrašnjeg dela petrozne kosti. Pretvaranje kostiju u prah obavlja se u laboratorijama specijalno posvećenim ovim analizama, u kojima su preduzete određene mere i protokoli kako bi se kontaminacija sprečila. U zavisnosti od istraživačkog pitanja i nakon provere očuvanosti DNK, donosi se odluka da li će se sekvencirati ceo genom i na kojoj dubini ili samo delovi genoma od interesa. U slučaju nedostupnosti jedarne DNK, mitohondrijalna DNK kao i polimorfni genetički markeri na Y hromozomu mogu biti informativni pri određivanju materalnih, tj. pateralnih linija, ali za razliku od jedarne DNK ne mogu pružiti potpunu informaciju o demografskim promenama i populacionoj dinamici. Međutim, kako bismo stvarno razumeli prošlost, neophodna je dobra komunikacija i razmena informacija između arheologa, antropologa, genetičara i lingvista.
AB  - With the development of molecular methods, especially Next Generation Sequencing platforms, ancient DNA analyses have been integrated into archaeological analyses so as to help answer the questions about past populations. However, the extraction of ancient DNA (aDNA) from archaeological samples is a very challenging process as the amount of endogenous DNA is often very low due to several reasons. Firstly, aDNA is very badly preserved in samples, especially in warm and humid climates. Even in optimal conditions, such as caves and cold and dry environments, DNA is degraded to shorter fragments and chemically modified. Secondly, besides the DNA of interest, there is a huge amount of exogenous and microbial DNA in samples. And finally, contamination with modern DNA represents a constant threat to the authenticity of the analysis and could be introduced at any step of the analyses, either during excavation, museum storage or laboratory work. Since these methods are destructive and expensive, it is a duty of archaeologists, museum curators as well as biologists, to take certain steps to prevent further degradation of the material and possible contamination. One of the most essential steps is the use of gloves while handling samples. Moreover, samples should not be washed or chemically treated and they should be properly stored in a dry place, without fluctuations in temperature and moisture. The optimal storage and handling could greatly affect the amount of endogenous DNA in samples, which dictates further possibilities of analyses as well as the cost. Researches so far have showed that the inner part of petrous bones yields the highest amount of endogenous DNA, as it is the densest bone in mammals and therefore more resistant to contamination. In the absence of petrous bones, other material such as teeth or hard, but not porous bones could be used as well. Conversion of bones into powder for DNA extraction has to be carried out in special facilities dedicated only to aDNA analysis to prevent contamination. With the development of NGS, it became possible to successfully determine very short and degraded sequences (characteristic for aDNA) even from very small amounts of old and badly preserved samples and to significantly reduce the time of sequencing, as well as its cost. Whether the research includes sequencing of the whole genome at different sequencing depth or capturing specific sequences of the genome depends greatly on DNA preservation, research question and the cost. In addition, mitochondrial DNA and genetic markers on Y chromosome could be very informative of maternal and paternal genetic ancestry, respectively. However, regardless of the research question, it is of the outermost importance that genetic data is observed in context, together with anthropological and archaeological data. It is only in this way that we can obtain reliable information about the past.
PB  - Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
T1  - Drevna DNK u arheologiji - od arheoloških iskopavanja do laboratorijskih analiza
T1  - Ancient DNA in archaeology: From archaeological excavation to laboratory analyses
EP  - 335
IS  - 35
SP  - 319
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Žegarac, Aleksandra",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Sa razvojem tehnologije, analize drevne DNK postale su sastavni deo istraživanja u arheologiji, doprinoseći saznanjima vezanim za istoriju populacija. Međutim, analize drevne DNK predstavljaju izazov iz nekoliko razloga. Destruktivne su i skupe, a osim toga, u arheološkom uzorku je prisutna veoma mala količina degradovane i hemijski izmenjene endogene DNK. Nepovoljni sredinski uslovi u kojima je materijal pronađen i skladišten (poput visokih temperatura i vlage) podstiču dalju degradaciju organskog materijala. Dodatni problem je i moguća kontaminacija savremenom DNK, do koje može doći u bilo kom koraku analiza. Optimalno i pažljivije rukovanje uzorcima prilikom iskopavanja i skladištenja istog, dovodi do povećanja količine endogene DNK u uzorku i smanjivanja cene sekvenciranja. Pokazano je da se najveći prinos drevne DNK postiže izdvajanjem iz kalcifikovanog materijala, a posebno unutrašnjeg dela petrozne kosti. Pretvaranje kostiju u prah obavlja se u laboratorijama specijalno posvećenim ovim analizama, u kojima su preduzete određene mere i protokoli kako bi se kontaminacija sprečila. U zavisnosti od istraživačkog pitanja i nakon provere očuvanosti DNK, donosi se odluka da li će se sekvencirati ceo genom i na kojoj dubini ili samo delovi genoma od interesa. U slučaju nedostupnosti jedarne DNK, mitohondrijalna DNK kao i polimorfni genetički markeri na Y hromozomu mogu biti informativni pri određivanju materalnih, tj. pateralnih linija, ali za razliku od jedarne DNK ne mogu pružiti potpunu informaciju o demografskim promenama i populacionoj dinamici. Međutim, kako bismo stvarno razumeli prošlost, neophodna je dobra komunikacija i razmena informacija između arheologa, antropologa, genetičara i lingvista., With the development of molecular methods, especially Next Generation Sequencing platforms, ancient DNA analyses have been integrated into archaeological analyses so as to help answer the questions about past populations. However, the extraction of ancient DNA (aDNA) from archaeological samples is a very challenging process as the amount of endogenous DNA is often very low due to several reasons. Firstly, aDNA is very badly preserved in samples, especially in warm and humid climates. Even in optimal conditions, such as caves and cold and dry environments, DNA is degraded to shorter fragments and chemically modified. Secondly, besides the DNA of interest, there is a huge amount of exogenous and microbial DNA in samples. And finally, contamination with modern DNA represents a constant threat to the authenticity of the analysis and could be introduced at any step of the analyses, either during excavation, museum storage or laboratory work. Since these methods are destructive and expensive, it is a duty of archaeologists, museum curators as well as biologists, to take certain steps to prevent further degradation of the material and possible contamination. One of the most essential steps is the use of gloves while handling samples. Moreover, samples should not be washed or chemically treated and they should be properly stored in a dry place, without fluctuations in temperature and moisture. The optimal storage and handling could greatly affect the amount of endogenous DNA in samples, which dictates further possibilities of analyses as well as the cost. Researches so far have showed that the inner part of petrous bones yields the highest amount of endogenous DNA, as it is the densest bone in mammals and therefore more resistant to contamination. In the absence of petrous bones, other material such as teeth or hard, but not porous bones could be used as well. Conversion of bones into powder for DNA extraction has to be carried out in special facilities dedicated only to aDNA analysis to prevent contamination. With the development of NGS, it became possible to successfully determine very short and degraded sequences (characteristic for aDNA) even from very small amounts of old and badly preserved samples and to significantly reduce the time of sequencing, as well as its cost. Whether the research includes sequencing of the whole genome at different sequencing depth or capturing specific sequences of the genome depends greatly on DNA preservation, research question and the cost. In addition, mitochondrial DNA and genetic markers on Y chromosome could be very informative of maternal and paternal genetic ancestry, respectively. However, regardless of the research question, it is of the outermost importance that genetic data is observed in context, together with anthropological and archaeological data. It is only in this way that we can obtain reliable information about the past.",
publisher = "Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva",
title = "Drevna DNK u arheologiji - od arheoloških iskopavanja do laboratorijskih analiza, Ancient DNA in archaeology: From archaeological excavation to laboratory analyses",
pages = "335-319",
number = "35",
url = ""
Žegarac, A.. (2019). Drevna DNK u arheologiji - od arheoloških iskopavanja do laboratorijskih analiza. in Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd.(35), 319-335.
Žegarac A. Drevna DNK u arheologiji - od arheoloških iskopavanja do laboratorijskih analiza. in Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva. 2019;(35):319-335. .
Žegarac, Aleksandra, "Drevna DNK u arheologiji - od arheoloških iskopavanja do laboratorijskih analiza" in Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva, no. 35 (2019):319-335, .

Arheozoološki aspekti društvenih i kulturnih promena na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu pre nove ere

Bulatović, Jelena

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, 2018)

AU  - Bulatović, Jelena
PY  - 2018
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Predmet proučavanja ovog istraživanja su arheozoološki aspekti društvenih i kulturnih promena na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu p.n.e. U tu svrhu detaljno je analiziran faunalni materijal sa tri eponimna arheološka nalazišta – Vinča-Belo Brdo, Pločnik i Bubanj. Kako bi se uočilo u kojoj meri se novi podaci uklapaju u postojeća saznanja o ekonomskim strategijama na centralnom Balkanu u ovom periodu, dobijeni rezultati upoređeni su i sa dostupnim podacima iz literature. Cilj istraživanja bio je definisanje ekonomskih strategija eksploatacije domaćih i divljih životinja koje su praktikovane u naseljima Vinča-Belo Brdo, Pločnik i Bubanj; potom, da se istraži da li postoje razlike u ekonomskim strategijama i ulogama najznačajnijih domaćih životinja između ovih naselja, i na kraju, da li se mogu uočiti izvesni dijahroni trendovi i razlike na regionalnom nivou. Istraživanje je ukazalo da se generalno mogu izdvojiti dva tipa strategija u stočarstvu na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu p.n.e. Prvi tip, – koji se zasnivao na uzgajanju govečeta, uočen je samo u velikim kasnovinčanskim naseljima iz prve polovine petog milenijuma p.n.e. (npr. Pločnik, Divostin II, Stubline), dok je drugi tip stočarstva praktikovan u naseljima iz druge polovine petog milenijuma p.n.e. (Bubanj, Velika humska čuka), i kasnije. On se uglavnom zasnivao na uzgajanju ovikaprina, i u značajnoj meri domaćeg govečeta i domaće svinje. Ovakav tip stočarstva verovatno je bio više prilagođen manjim zajednicama iz druge polovine petog milenijuma p.n.e., čiji su proizvodni potencijali bili manji, usmereni ka zadovoljavanju sopstvenih potreba, smanjenju rizika i povećanju bezbednosti uzgajanih stada. S druge strane, stočarstvo u velikim komunalno orijentisanim zajednicama iz prve polovine petog milenijuma p.n.e., bilo je usmereno isključivo ka uzgajanju velikih stada goveda, koje je podrazumevalo drugačiji vid organizacije, veće proizvodne kapacitete i društvene pobude.
AB  - This thesis addresses archaeozoological aspects of social and cultural changes in the Central Balkans during the fifth millennium BC. For this purpose, detailed analysis of the faunal material from three archaeological type-sites – Vinča-Belo Brdo, Pločnik i Bubanj, was conducted. The obtained results were compared with the available published data, in order to recognize the extent to which these new data fit into the existing knowledge of the economic strategies in the central Balkans during this period. The aim of this research was to define economic strategies for the exploitation of domestic and wild animals that were practiced in the settlements of Vinča-Belo Brdo, Pločnik and Bubanj; then, to detect whether there were changes in the economic strategies and roles of the most important domestic animals among these settlements, and finally, whether certain diachronic trends and differences can be noticed on the regional level. The research has shown that in general, two types of animal husbandry strategies can be distinguished in the central Balkans during the fifth millennium BC. The first type, based on the cattle herding, was only observed in the large late Vinča culture settlements dated to the first half of the fifth millennium BC (f.e. Pločnik, Divostin II, Stubline), while the second type of animal husbandry was practiced in the settlements from the second half of the fifth millennium BC (Bubanj, Velika humska čuka), and onward. It was oriented towards caprines herding, while domestic cattle and domestic pig were also significant. This type of animal husbandry was probably more adapted by smaller communities from the second half of the fifth millennium BC, whose production potentials were smaller, oriented to meet their own needs, to risk reduction and to increase the herd stability. On the other hand, animal husbandry in large communal-oriented settlements from the first half of the fifth millennium BC was oriented to the large cattle herding, which implies a different form of organization, larger production capacities and social incentives.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
T1  - Arheozoološki aspekti društvenih i kulturnih promena na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu pre nove ere
T1  - Archaeozoological aspects of social and cultural changes in the Central Balkans during the fifth millenium BC
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Jelena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Predmet proučavanja ovog istraživanja su arheozoološki aspekti društvenih i kulturnih promena na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu p.n.e. U tu svrhu detaljno je analiziran faunalni materijal sa tri eponimna arheološka nalazišta – Vinča-Belo Brdo, Pločnik i Bubanj. Kako bi se uočilo u kojoj meri se novi podaci uklapaju u postojeća saznanja o ekonomskim strategijama na centralnom Balkanu u ovom periodu, dobijeni rezultati upoređeni su i sa dostupnim podacima iz literature. Cilj istraživanja bio je definisanje ekonomskih strategija eksploatacije domaćih i divljih životinja koje su praktikovane u naseljima Vinča-Belo Brdo, Pločnik i Bubanj; potom, da se istraži da li postoje razlike u ekonomskim strategijama i ulogama najznačajnijih domaćih životinja između ovih naselja, i na kraju, da li se mogu uočiti izvesni dijahroni trendovi i razlike na regionalnom nivou. Istraživanje je ukazalo da se generalno mogu izdvojiti dva tipa strategija u stočarstvu na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu p.n.e. Prvi tip, – koji se zasnivao na uzgajanju govečeta, uočen je samo u velikim kasnovinčanskim naseljima iz prve polovine petog milenijuma p.n.e. (npr. Pločnik, Divostin II, Stubline), dok je drugi tip stočarstva praktikovan u naseljima iz druge polovine petog milenijuma p.n.e. (Bubanj, Velika humska čuka), i kasnije. On se uglavnom zasnivao na uzgajanju ovikaprina, i u značajnoj meri domaćeg govečeta i domaće svinje. Ovakav tip stočarstva verovatno je bio više prilagođen manjim zajednicama iz druge polovine petog milenijuma p.n.e., čiji su proizvodni potencijali bili manji, usmereni ka zadovoljavanju sopstvenih potreba, smanjenju rizika i povećanju bezbednosti uzgajanih stada. S druge strane, stočarstvo u velikim komunalno orijentisanim zajednicama iz prve polovine petog milenijuma p.n.e., bilo je usmereno isključivo ka uzgajanju velikih stada goveda, koje je podrazumevalo drugačiji vid organizacije, veće proizvodne kapacitete i društvene pobude., This thesis addresses archaeozoological aspects of social and cultural changes in the Central Balkans during the fifth millennium BC. For this purpose, detailed analysis of the faunal material from three archaeological type-sites – Vinča-Belo Brdo, Pločnik i Bubanj, was conducted. The obtained results were compared with the available published data, in order to recognize the extent to which these new data fit into the existing knowledge of the economic strategies in the central Balkans during this period. The aim of this research was to define economic strategies for the exploitation of domestic and wild animals that were practiced in the settlements of Vinča-Belo Brdo, Pločnik and Bubanj; then, to detect whether there were changes in the economic strategies and roles of the most important domestic animals among these settlements, and finally, whether certain diachronic trends and differences can be noticed on the regional level. The research has shown that in general, two types of animal husbandry strategies can be distinguished in the central Balkans during the fifth millennium BC. The first type, based on the cattle herding, was only observed in the large late Vinča culture settlements dated to the first half of the fifth millennium BC (f.e. Pločnik, Divostin II, Stubline), while the second type of animal husbandry was practiced in the settlements from the second half of the fifth millennium BC (Bubanj, Velika humska čuka), and onward. It was oriented towards caprines herding, while domestic cattle and domestic pig were also significant. This type of animal husbandry was probably more adapted by smaller communities from the second half of the fifth millennium BC, whose production potentials were smaller, oriented to meet their own needs, to risk reduction and to increase the herd stability. On the other hand, animal husbandry in large communal-oriented settlements from the first half of the fifth millennium BC was oriented to the large cattle herding, which implies a different form of organization, larger production capacities and social incentives.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet",
title = "Arheozoološki aspekti društvenih i kulturnih promena na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu pre nove ere, Archaeozoological aspects of social and cultural changes in the Central Balkans during the fifth millenium BC",
url = ""
Bulatović, J.. (2018). Arheozoološki aspekti društvenih i kulturnih promena na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu pre nove ere. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet..
Bulatović J. Arheozoološki aspekti društvenih i kulturnih promena na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu pre nove ere. 2018;. .
Bulatović, Jelena, "Arheozoološki aspekti društvenih i kulturnih promena na centralnom Balkanu u petom milenijumu pre nove ere" (2018), .

Sequential Incisions on a Cave Bear Bone from the Middle Paleolithic of Peturina Cave, Serbia

Majkić, Ana; d'Errico, Francesco; Milošević, Stefan; Mihailović, Dušan; Dimitrijević, Vesna

(Springer, New York, 2018)

AU  - Majkić, Ana
AU  - d'Errico, Francesco
AU  - Milošević, Stefan
AU  - Mihailović, Dušan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Vesna
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - We present the detailed analysis of a cervical vertebra from a cave bear, found at Peturina cave, Serbia, in a Mousterian archaeological level dated by radiocarbon at 43.5-44.6 kyr cal BP, and by ESR to between 93.5 and 102.5 kyr BP. Identified as a portion of the cranial articular facet, the fragment displays ten subparallel grooves. The microscopic study of these grooves and other surface modification present on the bone fragment, conducted with multifocus optical and confocal microscopes and complemented by a taphonomic analysis of the associated faunal assemblage, supports the hypothesis that the incisions were made by humans. Results are used to critically examine ambiguities implicit in the analysis and interpretation of early engravings, a category of material culture that has been playing a key role in the identification of early instances of symbolically mediated behavior.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
T1  - Sequential Incisions on a Cave Bear Bone from the Middle Paleolithic of Peturina Cave, Serbia
EP  - 116
IS  - 1
SP  - 69
VL  - 25
DO  - 10.1007/s10816-017-9331-5
ER  - 
author = "Majkić, Ana and d'Errico, Francesco and Milošević, Stefan and Mihailović, Dušan and Dimitrijević, Vesna",
year = "2018",
abstract = "We present the detailed analysis of a cervical vertebra from a cave bear, found at Peturina cave, Serbia, in a Mousterian archaeological level dated by radiocarbon at 43.5-44.6 kyr cal BP, and by ESR to between 93.5 and 102.5 kyr BP. Identified as a portion of the cranial articular facet, the fragment displays ten subparallel grooves. The microscopic study of these grooves and other surface modification present on the bone fragment, conducted with multifocus optical and confocal microscopes and complemented by a taphonomic analysis of the associated faunal assemblage, supports the hypothesis that the incisions were made by humans. Results are used to critically examine ambiguities implicit in the analysis and interpretation of early engravings, a category of material culture that has been playing a key role in the identification of early instances of symbolically mediated behavior.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory",
title = "Sequential Incisions on a Cave Bear Bone from the Middle Paleolithic of Peturina Cave, Serbia",
pages = "116-69",
number = "1",
volume = "25",
doi = "10.1007/s10816-017-9331-5"
Majkić, A., d'Errico, F., Milošević, S., Mihailović, D.,& Dimitrijević, V.. (2018). Sequential Incisions on a Cave Bear Bone from the Middle Paleolithic of Peturina Cave, Serbia. in Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
Springer, New York., 25(1), 69-116.
Majkić A, d'Errico F, Milošević S, Mihailović D, Dimitrijević V. Sequential Incisions on a Cave Bear Bone from the Middle Paleolithic of Peturina Cave, Serbia. in Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. 2018;25(1):69-116.
doi:10.1007/s10816-017-9331-5 .
Majkić, Ana, d'Errico, Francesco, Milošević, Stefan, Mihailović, Dušan, Dimitrijević, Vesna, "Sequential Incisions on a Cave Bear Bone from the Middle Paleolithic of Peturina Cave, Serbia" in Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 25, no. 1 (2018):69-116, . .

Neolithic Settlement and Public: The case of Donja Branjevina by Odzaci

Tripković, Ana; Tripković, Boban

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Tripković, Ana
AU  - Tripković, Boban
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Donja Branjevina has been known to the professional public from the mid-1960s, as an archaeological site dated in to the Early Neolithic period. In the decades after its discovery, extensive research into the site has been conducted, as well as may activities concerning its preservation and presentation, making this one of the most famous and important praehistoric sites in Serbia. The paper presents the context and circumstances of the development of prehistoric archaeology in Serbia leading in our opinion to professional recognition of Donja Branjevina and in particular the anthropomorphic figurine known as Red-Haired Goddess, and the subsequent public interest for the site. Our aim is: 1) to point that the importance of Donja Branjevina and the Red-Haired Goddess was initiated and shaped even before the actual discovery, through the previous process of disciplinary development, where the specific traits of the site and the finds were an unexpected, but welcome discovery; 2) to remind that the usage of the archaeological knowledge in the modern society, although outside the scope of disciplinary practice, is still primarily founded upon the discipline itself, i.e. upon the information presented to the public. Conclusively, instead of critical appraisal of the modern society and the unexpected results, we are more inclined to stress the importance of a thorough reconsideration of the discipline and the modes in which we collect, valorise and present the data.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd
T2  - Etnoantropološki problemi
T1  - Neolithic Settlement and Public: The case of Donja Branjevina by Odzaci
EP  - 675
IS  - 3
SP  - 651
VL  - 13
DO  - 10.21301/eap.v13i3.5
ER  - 
author = "Tripković, Ana and Tripković, Boban",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Donja Branjevina has been known to the professional public from the mid-1960s, as an archaeological site dated in to the Early Neolithic period. In the decades after its discovery, extensive research into the site has been conducted, as well as may activities concerning its preservation and presentation, making this one of the most famous and important praehistoric sites in Serbia. The paper presents the context and circumstances of the development of prehistoric archaeology in Serbia leading in our opinion to professional recognition of Donja Branjevina and in particular the anthropomorphic figurine known as Red-Haired Goddess, and the subsequent public interest for the site. Our aim is: 1) to point that the importance of Donja Branjevina and the Red-Haired Goddess was initiated and shaped even before the actual discovery, through the previous process of disciplinary development, where the specific traits of the site and the finds were an unexpected, but welcome discovery; 2) to remind that the usage of the archaeological knowledge in the modern society, although outside the scope of disciplinary practice, is still primarily founded upon the discipline itself, i.e. upon the information presented to the public. Conclusively, instead of critical appraisal of the modern society and the unexpected results, we are more inclined to stress the importance of a thorough reconsideration of the discipline and the modes in which we collect, valorise and present the data.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd",
journal = "Etnoantropološki problemi",
title = "Neolithic Settlement and Public: The case of Donja Branjevina by Odzaci",
pages = "675-651",
number = "3",
volume = "13",
doi = "10.21301/eap.v13i3.5"
Tripković, A.,& Tripković, B.. (2018). Neolithic Settlement and Public: The case of Donja Branjevina by Odzaci. in Etnoantropološki problemi
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd., 13(3), 651-675.
Tripković A, Tripković B. Neolithic Settlement and Public: The case of Donja Branjevina by Odzaci. in Etnoantropološki problemi. 2018;13(3):651-675.
doi:10.21301/eap.v13i3.5 .
Tripković, Ana, Tripković, Boban, "Neolithic Settlement and Public: The case of Donja Branjevina by Odzaci" in Etnoantropološki problemi, 13, no. 3 (2018):651-675, . .

Landscape Archaeology of the Late La Tene in South Pannonia: Perspectives and Possibilities of Stable Isotope Analyses

Radišić, Teodora

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Radišić, Teodora
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - In the long tradition of research into the La Tene period in the region of South Pannonia many questions have been raised, but economic activity, especially agriculture and cattle-breeding, have not received due attention. The existing archaeological data permit the hypothesis that both settlement and agriculture intensified during this period, and these activities may have induced changes in the landscape. However, apart from sporadic comments, this topic has not been the subject of previous studies. The development of landscape archaeology and stable isotope analyses have made possible a better understanding of the ways people moved through landscape, used and changed it. It should be borne in mind that landscapes are not only spaces out of which humans derive resources in the most rational way, but also a product, medium, and a reflexion of various individual and collective experiences on social, symbolic and historical levels. The paper discusses the possibilities and perspectives of application of stable isotope analyses of carbon and strontium in animal bones retrieved from the late La Tene settlements in South Pannonia, with the aim of verifying the existing hypotheses and formulating new ones concerning economic practices and socio-political circumstances.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd
T2  - Etnoantropološki problemi
T1  - Landscape Archaeology of the Late La Tene in South Pannonia: Perspectives and Possibilities of Stable Isotope Analyses
EP  - 765
IS  - 3
SP  - 749
VL  - 12
DO  - 10.21301/EAP.V12I3.4
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Teodora",
year = "2017",
abstract = "In the long tradition of research into the La Tene period in the region of South Pannonia many questions have been raised, but economic activity, especially agriculture and cattle-breeding, have not received due attention. The existing archaeological data permit the hypothesis that both settlement and agriculture intensified during this period, and these activities may have induced changes in the landscape. However, apart from sporadic comments, this topic has not been the subject of previous studies. The development of landscape archaeology and stable isotope analyses have made possible a better understanding of the ways people moved through landscape, used and changed it. It should be borne in mind that landscapes are not only spaces out of which humans derive resources in the most rational way, but also a product, medium, and a reflexion of various individual and collective experiences on social, symbolic and historical levels. The paper discusses the possibilities and perspectives of application of stable isotope analyses of carbon and strontium in animal bones retrieved from the late La Tene settlements in South Pannonia, with the aim of verifying the existing hypotheses and formulating new ones concerning economic practices and socio-political circumstances.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd",
journal = "Etnoantropološki problemi",
title = "Landscape Archaeology of the Late La Tene in South Pannonia: Perspectives and Possibilities of Stable Isotope Analyses",
pages = "765-749",
number = "3",
volume = "12",
doi = "10.21301/EAP.V12I3.4"
Radišić, T.. (2017). Landscape Archaeology of the Late La Tene in South Pannonia: Perspectives and Possibilities of Stable Isotope Analyses. in Etnoantropološki problemi
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd., 12(3), 749-765.
Radišić T. Landscape Archaeology of the Late La Tene in South Pannonia: Perspectives and Possibilities of Stable Isotope Analyses. in Etnoantropološki problemi. 2017;12(3):749-765.
doi:10.21301/EAP.V12I3.4 .
Radišić, Teodora, "Landscape Archaeology of the Late La Tene in South Pannonia: Perspectives and Possibilities of Stable Isotope Analyses" in Etnoantropološki problemi, 12, no. 3 (2017):749-765, . .

On-site and off-site inwestern Serbia: A geoarchaeological perspective of Obrovac-type settlements

Tripković, Boban; Penezić, Kristina

(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, 2017)

AU  - Tripković, Boban
AU  - Penezić, Kristina
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The end of Neolithic is in western Serbia marked with a specific type of sites not known in other parts of the central Balkan area. These are small tell-like mounds, usually up to 50 m in diameter, called Obrovactype settlements (meaning - surrounded by a ditch) according to the toponyms of some of them. The main argument in previous interpretations concerning the origin and function of the mounds was the necessity for local inhabitants to adapt to marshy and floodplain environment of the Macva region (western Serbia). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to use the results of the recently conducted geoarchaeological coring in carefully selected locations on-and off-the sites to obtain a preliminary picture of the palaeoenvironment of western and north-western Serbia as well as to explore the implications for the formation of these enigmatic settlements. We first provide an overview of the geographical and pedological history of the region; this is followed by a detailed description of the research aims and methods. Finally, we present and discuss the results of geoarchaeological coring at six selected Obrovactype sites.
PB  - Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford
C3  - Quaternary International
T1  - On-site and off-site inwestern Serbia: A geoarchaeological perspective of Obrovac-type settlements
EP  - 44
SP  - 35
VL  - 429
DO  - 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.12.004
ER  - 
author = "Tripković, Boban and Penezić, Kristina",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The end of Neolithic is in western Serbia marked with a specific type of sites not known in other parts of the central Balkan area. These are small tell-like mounds, usually up to 50 m in diameter, called Obrovactype settlements (meaning - surrounded by a ditch) according to the toponyms of some of them. The main argument in previous interpretations concerning the origin and function of the mounds was the necessity for local inhabitants to adapt to marshy and floodplain environment of the Macva region (western Serbia). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to use the results of the recently conducted geoarchaeological coring in carefully selected locations on-and off-the sites to obtain a preliminary picture of the palaeoenvironment of western and north-western Serbia as well as to explore the implications for the formation of these enigmatic settlements. We first provide an overview of the geographical and pedological history of the region; this is followed by a detailed description of the research aims and methods. Finally, we present and discuss the results of geoarchaeological coring at six selected Obrovactype sites.",
publisher = "Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford",
journal = "Quaternary International",
title = "On-site and off-site inwestern Serbia: A geoarchaeological perspective of Obrovac-type settlements",
pages = "44-35",
volume = "429",
doi = "10.1016/j.quaint.2015.12.004"
Tripković, B.,& Penezić, K.. (2017). On-site and off-site inwestern Serbia: A geoarchaeological perspective of Obrovac-type settlements. in Quaternary International
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford., 429, 35-44.
Tripković B, Penezić K. On-site and off-site inwestern Serbia: A geoarchaeological perspective of Obrovac-type settlements. in Quaternary International. 2017;429:35-44.
doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.12.004 .
Tripković, Boban, Penezić, Kristina, "On-site and off-site inwestern Serbia: A geoarchaeological perspective of Obrovac-type settlements" in Quaternary International, 429 (2017):35-44, . .

Spavin in red deer: A case study from the Early Neolithic Blagotin, Serbia

Bulatović, Jelena; Marković, Nemanja; Stevanović, Oliver; Marinković, Darko; Stojanović, Ivana; Krstić, Nikola

(Elsevier Science Inc, New York, 2016)

AU  - Bulatović, Jelena
AU  - Marković, Nemanja
AU  - Stevanović, Oliver
AU  - Marinković, Darko
AU  - Stojanović, Ivana
AU  - Krstić, Nikola
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Pathological modifications are rarely observed in the remains of wild animals from archaeological sites. We present one such specific, pathological change a case of spavin in a red deer specimen from the Early Neolithic site of Blagotin, in central Serbia. The left tarsal joint presented proliferative new bone formation, which was analyzed macroscopically, then subjected to X-ray and computed tomography (CT) imaging. We assume that the initial degenerative changes in this red deer tarsal joint were probably caused by ageing, although the environment may have likely contributed to the progression of the disorder. Spavin usually results in stiffness of the joints and in lameness, perhaps contributing in the animal's capture by Neolithic hunters. This case is important in that it demonstrates that spavin is not necessarily a consequence of riding or traction work.
PB  - Elsevier Science Inc, New York
T2  - International Journal of Paleopathology
T1  - Spavin in red deer: A case study from the Early Neolithic Blagotin, Serbia
EP  - 35
SP  - 31
VL  - 14
DO  - 10.1016/j.ijpp.2016.04.006
ER  - 
author = "Bulatović, Jelena and Marković, Nemanja and Stevanović, Oliver and Marinković, Darko and Stojanović, Ivana and Krstić, Nikola",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Pathological modifications are rarely observed in the remains of wild animals from archaeological sites. We present one such specific, pathological change a case of spavin in a red deer specimen from the Early Neolithic site of Blagotin, in central Serbia. The left tarsal joint presented proliferative new bone formation, which was analyzed macroscopically, then subjected to X-ray and computed tomography (CT) imaging. We assume that the initial degenerative changes in this red deer tarsal joint were probably caused by ageing, although the environment may have likely contributed to the progression of the disorder. Spavin usually results in stiffness of the joints and in lameness, perhaps contributing in the animal's capture by Neolithic hunters. This case is important in that it demonstrates that spavin is not necessarily a consequence of riding or traction work.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Inc, New York",
journal = "International Journal of Paleopathology",
title = "Spavin in red deer: A case study from the Early Neolithic Blagotin, Serbia",
pages = "35-31",
volume = "14",
doi = "10.1016/j.ijpp.2016.04.006"
Bulatović, J., Marković, N., Stevanović, O., Marinković, D., Stojanović, I.,& Krstić, N.. (2016). Spavin in red deer: A case study from the Early Neolithic Blagotin, Serbia. in International Journal of Paleopathology
Elsevier Science Inc, New York., 14, 31-35.
Bulatović J, Marković N, Stevanović O, Marinković D, Stojanović I, Krstić N. Spavin in red deer: A case study from the Early Neolithic Blagotin, Serbia. in International Journal of Paleopathology. 2016;14:31-35.
doi:10.1016/j.ijpp.2016.04.006 .
Bulatović, Jelena, Marković, Nemanja, Stevanović, Oliver, Marinković, Darko, Stojanović, Ivana, Krstić, Nikola, "Spavin in red deer: A case study from the Early Neolithic Blagotin, Serbia" in International Journal of Paleopathology, 14 (2016):31-35, . .